The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-11-21, Page 2422 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednew Ly,, November 21, 1904—fie 23 WOW they d "to r the only ation ;ar is Which s fif- only '.even the ?anis ation ilten- :evin a.1-0 For - within. Mike vic- ingle rrYC ;two erby ndy e's ped lenn utout utout off a oran cond sch's fthe and ssist and one con- Bain- irls. 1 two roes art, ected eriod th 12 t the ored r the ing a two icked. g de r. an r the the ter's and to a2 Ingle i. know o the pion- nt. ow. eine, !ounty Lo �e elects officers The County L.O.L. of West Bruce held All the Brothers spoke and wished the their annualmeeting on Saturday, Nevem- county all the best, ber 10 with a large turnout from Chesley, It was decided. to hold the . Semi -County Atwood, Southampton, Paisley, Kinear- j meeting at Amberley in June. dine, Amberley, Kinloss and Tata. The, County Lodge gave $1200 to the Guest speaker at the; meeting was Right Walkerton' Hospital in memory of little Worshipful Brother David Worden of N.- Allen Ferris, who was killed last year on his Atwood, Grand Secretary of the ;Grand father's farm. Kincardine L.O.L. has been Orange of Ontario West, who ` gave a awarded a cup: Thiscup goes to the lodge wonderful talk. with the most increase in membership. Brother Worden conducted the election The County Lodge received $100.00 from of, officers which are the following the estate of the late Brother William Brothers; Immediate Past County Master, Houston. Brother Houston was County Keith Kerslake; Worship County Master, Master 1966 - 1968. Lorne Emmerton; Deputy Master, Angus The County is 100,years old this year and MacLennan; Junior Deputy Master, Gerald a committee has beenset up to make. plans ,Schuler; Chaplain, David MacLennan;, for something next year. Treasurer, Chester Emmerton; First Lect-. Brother Emmerton then closedthe urer, Wilmer Griffith; Second , Lecturer, meeting. Keith Kerslake; Marshall, Ron Stanley. Lunch was. served by the Kinloss Brother Worden installed the officers., Brothers. and a social time enjoyed. Sign meclical centre agreement The reiular meeting of Kinldss Council was held on November 5. Reeve Barry Johnston. and all council members were present. The minutes of the . meeting of October 2 and 18 were adopted as read by motion of councillors Gibb and McBride.. A motion by councillors Haldenby and Eadie authorizes the reeve and clerk to sign the cost sharing agreement between Kinloss, Lucknow, West Wawanosh and Ashfield for the Lucknow Community Health Centre. Advertisements are to be placedin the Lucknow Sentinel, for . snowblowing - .on Washington and George Streets and for the township waste disposal site: The road superintendent was authorized to widen an existing driveway at lot 15, Range 3, SDR. Third and final reang was given to by-law 26-1984 for the mainten- ance of, the. Ross Municipal drajn as amended to final cost being $679.90. Three readings were given to by-law 31-1984 imposing special annual drainage, rates on lot : 5. concession 10. . General accounts for $39,987.77 and. roadways accounts for $54,454.72 were approved. On October 18 councilaccepted applica- tion for a tile drain loan for Robert Cummings lot 5, concession 10 for $1,600. Building permit applications were accepted for Jim Young for a steel grain storage and for Weir Eckenswiller to construct a mach- inery shed. George Davis engineer was instructed to prepare a plan, ;profile and report for the section of the Black Creektrain :between Silver and Clam Lakes: Kairshea institute- disctss drugs The November meeting of the Kinloss Kairshea Women's. Institute on Family and Consumer Affairs was held at the home of Mrs. Roy Finlayson. The president, Mrs. Leonard Clarke welcomed everyone and reada poem, Not Alone. Mrs. John Forster read the scripture. Mrs. Brian boelnian and Mrs. Harry Lavis each read an excellent article on 'depression for their roll call. A special thank you was expressed to the directors of the Institute At Home, for a most enjoyable and well planned evening. Elmer Umbach was the guest speaker. He gave a speech filled with good 'sense and humour on the topic, Lets Tafk About Drugs. Mr. Umbach stressed that there is nota pillfor every sicknesswe feel, and sometimes we. must help ourselves. Vera Schmidt gave a well prepared and interesting report on the area, convention, she attended as , delegate. Mrs. Donald Matthews ..read a poem, When Paw Is Sick, that contained both truth and. humour. Mrs. Donald Matthews than' gave the. courtesy remarks. The •directors, Mrs. Donald MacIntyre and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie, served a delicious lunch at the close of the meeting. shfield WMS fashion .African dresses The .November meeting of Ashfield W.M.S. was held at the home. of Mrs. Warren Wylds .on November 15: Mrs. Gordon Finlayson brought lengths of material for the ladies to fashion into African dresses and with rhythmic hand lapping the ladies greeted . one another ith a proverb. Two African songs were ung in English led by Mrs. Hugh Nugent. Mrs, Richard West; gave the devotions lid closed it with prayer. Mrs. Gordon Finlayson introduced the final chapter of the study book on Central frica, Christian in the Community.. uestions were asked about the problems F6VV E RS FOR TODAY GIFTS FOREVER 166THE SO,UARE,GODERICH Evenings And Sundays ' hone 529.725 3. the. African people have and how they can set an example with their enthusiasm and the -work done by the youth and laymen. The number of Christians in Africa is growing by the hundreds arid, thousands. The offering was received and followed by prayer in unison. A poster was made about life in Central Africa and, will be placed in the Church. The president, Mrs. Henry MacKenzie conducted the business. Roll; call was answered with a verse on peace. Mrs. Nugent closed with prayer and lunch was served. MACLYN CAR OILING • Ptie» 395-3352 11/4 mils nOXib of Ambiri.y. woof off Hirhw.y No. 21 LOOK FOR SIGNS PRICES: Cars $14. Pickups or Vans $1$. Tax includ.d Open 8 a.m. • 6 p.m. Weather Permitting fr WINGHAM. MEMOI . IAS GUARANTEED GRANITES to- CEMETERY CEM RY iETIERLN REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Business • Residence 357-1910 357-1O R 1 Mr. John P. Carroll, President of Carroll Pontiac Buick Ltd., in Listowel. Car City is proud to announce the appointment of Mr. John Davidson to our Sales Staff. Johncomes to us with many years of ex- perience in the Automobile , industry and invites his many friends in the area to comeand see him. at CARROLL COUN- TRY. ' 1 i Pre. c CLEARANCE Coop Jean BOYS SIZES 8 10 12 14 16 18 MEN'S 30/32 32/30 32/32 34/30 36/34 . • . 36/36 CMOrance14 99 Priced MANY STOCKING STUFFERS AVAILABLE AT YOUR CO.OP Lucknow Co-op Loicluiow 529-1953 Dalton Auctions' PRESENTS ' Christmas Auction Exfravaganza SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24TH 3:00 Ilam. , �► After Santa Claus Parade GODERICH �-� CONSIGMENTS NEEDED • Direct Auction Phone Line 5244414 [Compliments Of Country Balk] We have a Kubota Tractor and More Listed. DaIt�n Auctions 529-7420 NoiIc� of M�tiig concerning Tr��tiioi#PacIlfW�s Of The Proposed Lucknow Sewage Works ...., • c TAKE NOTICE: that an information meeting shall be held Thur.day, November 22,1984 7:30 P.M. IN THE UPSTAIRS AUDITORIUM, LUCKNOW TOWN HALL, to discuss the Treatment FacIIl#ioa For the proposed Lucknow Sewage Works, which are to be located In The Township of West Wawanosh, County of Huron, at Part Lot 13, Concession XIV. The Village Engineer and a Representative from the Ministry of Environment will be in attendance to p'rovlde, information and to answer. questions. CONTRARY TO THE NOTICE IN LAST WEEK'S PAPER, ONLY THE TREATMENT FACILITIES IN WESTWAWANOSH WILL BE DISCUSSED. B. M. W HI TCROI T, Clerk, Village of Lucknow.