The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-11-21, Page 16Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 21, 1984---Pa$e 15 by est use ;m- ++ are L1th me the ing ►nd me gin of es- Ily en ed ch ty y: nd s. nd School trustee is guest reader in Mrs. Worsell's class By Sherry Hodges' and. Shannon Kerr On Wednesday, November 14, Mr. Tony McQuail, Brookside trustee On the board of education, was a guest stor�yr,„reader in Mrs. Worsell's grade three class. Friday was also Food Day in that clss. The prizes went to Wayne Hunter for widest. shoe, Danny Hayden for longest shoe, Jeff Brindley, Richard Sinclair and. Robbie Ohm for shortest shoes; Kerry Bakker, Tammy Roberts, Tanya Maclnnis ,and Michael NcNee for most colourful shoes; Jennifer Black, Kerri Snowden, and Cedric Puddy for .most unusual shoes. Thank you to Mr. Tremeer and Mrs. Brenda: Wylds for udging. Atom As beat Teeswater The Lucknow Atom As skated away with a 10 - 4 win over Teeswater in their first game of the season, last Tuesday evening in Lucknow. It was a penalty filled game with Lucknow piling up .10, minutes in the box and Teeswater was dose behind at eight minutes. The leading scorer for Lucknow was Justin .Murray with 4 goals, assisted in three "of them by Chris. Stevenson and one by Matt Drennan. Chris Stevenson was next with 3 goals, assistedon one by Justin Murray and one by Duane,Porter and one unassisted. 'Warren Andrew came through with two goals assisted by Brad Rhody and Terry Stanley. Clint , Murray alsoscored with Terry Stanley assisting. • Looks like everyone is off to a good start this year. Good: luck, boys. Junior Farmers aka--doriat ons The West Huron Junior Farmers .opened heir meeting on November 12 with the Junior Farmer Song. A donation of $25 was made to the local ranch of Children and Family Services; and $20 was donated to the Town and ountry Homemakers, based in Wingham. The banquet and dance is on 'November 4. 'Final plans were made for this event. The band originally booked for the or.mal ' on April 20 has folded, Player, a roup similar` in calibre 'to LowDown has ow been 'booked, , Paul Pentland gave 'a report on the Zone onference held recently. Ralph Morrison gave the 'county report. he Rosebowl went to Colin Snyder for his ontribution as president this year. The election of officers for 1985 results in he following: president, Sharon Alton; ice president, Mike Scott; secretary, Anne. Iton; '• treasurer, Kevin McKay; social onvener, Audrey .Ritchie; assistant ' social onvener, Paul, Bogie; public relations fficers, Lynn Alton; directors, Ralph orrison, Jerry Logtenberg, Colin Snyder; one representative, Ralph Morrison; gricultural contact person, Paul Pentland. tlas gift certificates... •from page 11. ed for gift purposes are available from the Atlas office at a cost of $45 each,' he said and added that each certificate w6uld enti- tle the holder to a copy of the Atlas as soon as it is published. . The certificates are available not only to those wishing to use thern as a gift or as a Pre -publication purchase to ensure an Atlas being available, but also to those who already, as a patron, had purchased an Atlas. . An order form is included in the paper or is available at municipal offices and public libraries in the county. A certificate also may be obtained by a patron without charge,and by others on remittance of $45 per certificate by writing Huron County Historical Atlas Office, Court Ouse; Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M2. On Wednesday, November 17, Mrs, Debbie Reslinga visited Mrs. Ottewell's. grade 2 - 3 class. Mrs. Heslinga is a consultant with the Huron County Board of Education. She was doing scamper creative writing. Miss Garlend's kindergarten class has been working on shapes, painting pictures, writing and dictating .stories. Mrs. Blanchette's grade 1 class is working on adding numbers to five and talking about how animals and people get ready for winter,' On Tuesday boy's volleyball team's from Brookside went to Lucknow Public School at noon hourand girl's teams, from Lucknow cameto kside. The Brook- Bi OOKSIDE RO4WCAST side girls were victorious and the boys teams shared victories with Lucknow. 9n Thursday the girls teams from Brookside went to Lucknow and boy's teams from Lucknow came to BroOkside with the ,same result as on Tuesday. On Saturday the senior girls from Brookside, coached by Mrs. D. D. Graham, won the volley ball championship at the tournament at G.D.C.I. [Intended For Last -Week) By Sherry Hodges and Debbie Rintoul On Friday, November 9, the school 'gath- ered. in the gym for an assembly on Remembrance Day, Mrs. Ottovir ill accom- panied the singing of 0 Canada on the piano. The Lord's Prayer was led by Joey Curran. Grade 8 students, Scott Gibson, Arletta Glenn, Craig Jefferson, 'Angela Glenn and Jacqui Dawson read a poem, Why I Wear a Poppy. A film was shown called, A Gift. Onward Christian Soldiers was sung and film . strip . was shown. Thanks to Mr. Cameron and Grade -8 for a fine assembly. Turn to page 16* ANDINTIIISCORNER1... k. iA,2a":t *14. a • Y. hL2•• • is A defenseless ghild. One of the' thousands of children in our prov- incesubjected every day to perhaps the most brutal of all crimes child abuse. Professionals, working with or treating young people, have a legal duty to report suspected cases of child abuse to their localChildren's Aid"'Society or Family and Children's Services. But more importantly, We all have a moral duty to report suspi- cions of child abuse. A respon- sibility we all share- to ensure that every young person in Ontario enjoys a childhood free from neglect or abuse. Give a kid a fighting chance. Report child abuse, Ministry of Community and Sdcial Services Frank area, Minister WiUiam Davis, Premier Ontario Write for the free booklet "Child Abuse Prevention:. coo Ontario Centre for the Prevention of Child Abuse, 700 Ba}' Street;Thronto, Ontario,M7A 1E9.