The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-11-07, Page 27tneknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 14, 1984-4*ge 7
aftom page 5
Lucknow which was subsequently taken- up
by John Mc104$4.
He served as a volunteer fireman for 14
years continuing a• family tradition started
by his father. Asgeneral ehairnum of, the.
l,ucknow 100th- Anniversary"..Celebiations
n 1958, he Proviiied the leaderShip. needed
co organize an exceptional; anniVersary For..
'three years he was Boy Scout Leader and
the Senior 14004 for the Lucknow
District High School Cadet, Cogpv Or six
years. '• • ••# : •.:
After the years at Treleaven's Mill it was
time for a career InOve, and BurlhegakhiS;
service to the elderly.of Bruce County with
his appointment as aSsistaRtsuperintend-
ant and then',Suoeiintendant of Brucelea
Haven: ' • -
All adininistratora havelthe4esPonSibil-
ity of hiring staff.saiiiterVieivint'skilli,are
most necessary. The effectiveness
skills can be. tested by the. 'quality .Ot the::
people brought :into the Romes. for. the.
Aged in .theocounty.,, , • ;
A goo-dadministrator: has to develop a:
een abilityptol sensel What those •,:arogniC
ihim are •thinkintkand:sets.the mood of. the
II •
disu inspect volunteer service to the community
Working environment mostly through per- rilent as executive director for both homes
sonal contact , and sincerity. Colleagues in 1978.
describe the warm friendly environment, The unionization f Gateway employees
indicative of the care and cohcern-of Bud led to hard •negotiations to complete the
Thompson, which isg evident,at. Brucelea, first collective 'agreement and an addition
and Gateway. • . was completed at Brucelea Haven. •
Concern For EnilAnyees Respected in his field,' 'Bud was the
His concern . for the employees :was .. recipient of a certificate in recognition of
always eviileiit, " Bruce County and its , outstanding. Contribution to programs for
Homes for the elderly benefited from • senior citizens in Ontario presented by
Bud's -dedication to his work and the- .. Frank Drea, Minister of Community and
residents and staff -under: hisi care. Bud's Social ..Services„ A letter from Lawrence
philosophy' was to remember that Brucelea Crawford, provincial co-ordinator, Seniors
and Gateway are "Homes" not institii- Secretariat, Secretariat for SocaalDeve1op-
1tions ment recognizing Bud's contribution to his
A, good administrator must keep abreast • municipality, his province and Canada was
of all the. new developments in, his field. . also received on his retirement. „
Bud attended nunierous seinnars com He has volunteered his time to the
pleting a certificate course from McMaster Ontario` Association of Homes for the Aged
UniVerSitty in Studies in ,Administration of : .participating at the regional level Where he
• Hemel for the • Aged. • • held 411 offices on the executive,. He has
There were_,PanY decisions reached also attended conventions of parent bodies
• during,BiKES'tenure with the County.. The - of various associations related to the care
o1c1.CoutitYiklotne was demolished to make . of the:elderly, showing definite voluntary
Way for:, theo,ionstrtaction. of 13rucelea commitment to the people in his 'care.
Haven...fiateWay.T!as-buittin Wiarton ' and At the County level he co-operated with
new staff was hired • and trained. ,Bud?s • the Walkerton and Kincardine hospitals in
resiMisitility;:douided with his appoint- , .0 discussions concerning more adequate care
: •.
•;r1 ;1'. 4• ;$41:`'" •
for the elderly and the Grey Bruce Regional
Health Council with a view to upgrading
the chronic care available to the residence
of the area• ,
. He was also a member of the officers
committee of Bruce County Council,
comprised of all the county departments*
heads, winch brings recoinmendations
.before County Council bringing Bud into
contact with all members .of the Council as
well as, the members of the committee for
the Homes for the Aged.
While Bud may never have considered
himself worthy of a Bicentennial medal, it
is evident from this resume of his service to
his community that he: is most deserving of
the honour. While he has had to remove
himself from' voluntary service to his
immediate community during his career
with the County Homes, he finds his' retire- .
ment drawing him back into the community
and ,he is proud to point out that his .
colleague in the ,„ Bicentannial medals •
department, George Whitby is also a life
long resident of Lucknow except for his
years in active,' service, For ,Bud the challenge to to serve his fellow man could be
met right here in Lucknow, his home town,.
In pioneer days, the life of 'a doctor was she , had no idea . What Was involved by
in many respects 'match ,harder than,tbOse • offeringtO share his futurein a coniPaT4'.
his neighbours, and certainly more tively' primitive environment, and living,'
unpredictable: :Usually, a farmer:Cs:Mittreit. amongst poor ; proud 'but Very .down to 1.
'After his daily labOur, but the physician" • reUrth:People„.Redtree.s was noplace for the
was never sure his., sleep would not .be foolish fantasies of sentimental dreamers!
interrupted : by some ;frightened man or , firmly...believed his Chosen
woman, frantically hanging:on ihis door in . , destiny WitS' in serving Ins:exiled' country -
the middle of the night:- • . • Those immortal .tolidsilleik'bOtter or
In the depths of a cruel winter, be would for worse"., .were :Mere applicable to ,his
brace himself against thebitter chill of the. future in the community than his marriage:
outdoors, battling his way through bliz- It never occurred to him thathis young wife
ards and deep. now to reach the. place. Would niiti aftera iii§onable period of -
where a lonely soul Waited at the brink of adjustment; begin to share his views
death for an angel, of .mercy: Such a- man: As an eX-Tcronto sqcialite, ,Jane was
needed dedication, courage „and a deep • mentally. unequipped to face. the hours of
sympathy for his patients. Bat who, could loneliness which were Part of '.her marital
cherish .and lift the spirits •of a doctor; obligation: The:inusicovine: and frivolous
cept aVarm, understanding and. chatter Of her. "friends" were haunting
wife? - • : Meminies too powerful to be thrust on one
Doctor Cameron could .have enjoyed' Eel: Side: , * , • ,
such easier and far more lucrative Wein a 'It was inevitable perhaps, that they.
town. Indeed, it was whilst he was a junior became stronger than her love for •the
lent met his wife, Jane. She had quickly comfortable, ' false World: Although carra -
partner in a Toronto medical practice that doctor, and she escaped back to her form;
become fascinated. with the handsome on put on a brave frciont,' his lace bean to
young graduate. from Edinburgh and had show the deep and bitter disappointment of
encouraged .hjin to. embark upon a whirl- his- hopeless marriage. • t
wind courtship. .• The.doator had few confidents except the
Unfortunately, many miniature Reverend Duncan MacLeod and Neil
women, sheiallOwed her heartto run away MacCrimmon. But even to these Men, he
with her head.Although eager to- marry, rarely revealed any of his closely guarded
1 .
., . .
• • - .
1 •
. • •
Delegate Selection
by :Don Campbell
emotions. The more inquisitive Minds in •
the community were burning with curios-
ity. How was the doctor coping with the
sudden departure of his wife?
Cameron's housekeeper was the Only
person able to observe the doctor's
reaction at,close quarters. When question-
ed by a friencllorsome of the details, she
did so4ply after inaking-.her promise "not
tae breathe .a• wordtai anybody else -. the
quickest way to have her revelations
spread like wildfire around the community.
She told haw the doctOr, paced the floor
at nights,. was not eating enough "tae keep
a 4wee beastie alive", and was. drinking
more than just his fair share of whiskey.
"If he's no careful, he'll be awa' tae
Toronto. No tae his wife, but tae the loony
house:. the housekeeper concluded.
Flora ivlacuimmon was not by any .
stretch. of the imagination in habitual
gossiper, but she could not help hearing
the choice of bits of news whispered behind *.
cupped hands in the general store, or
outside the Church after Sunday service.
Her interest was not...inspired by morbid. -
curiosity bait a genuine concern for the
doctor's welfare,
If. Doctor Caniermi were to leave /
Reclines, there would be a void left in
community life which could never be filled.
Flora remembered how kind he had been
when her first 'husband had contracted
typhus" and died on the "Mavis". It was,
Cameron too who had delivered her little
son, James. 11
"I heard Doctor Cameron is no eating
much and he is drinking a wee bit mare,
-,,whiskey thanAe should," she told her
lushand. • . .
• .
MacCriinmon had little patience with
anybody who pryed into other people's
affairs, including his own dear wife.
Instead otreplying, he pretended to stir .
the fire on the hearth, hoping he would not
be drawn into an indelicate. conversation.
But'Flora persisted.
"They say he is beside himself wi' grief.
Och, Neil, whatever shall we doff he leaves
us and gaes back tae Toronto?"
"I will not, listen to tales o'
prattling women!' he said angrily. abut
let me tell ye this lass. Doctor Cameron will
no run away fray us. No matter how many
times he gets knocked down, he'll get up ,
and fight again!"
•• .
DATE: Thersday„ November 29, 1984
Time Registratioit 7:30 p.m, 8:15 p.m.
MEE:TINO 8:15 P.M.
. LOCATION: NINON Township Hall
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Wait off No. 21 Highway. 395.3352
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• • t • ,
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