The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-11-07, Page 24311_ 3 ' r4. fr4. '4 4-'. 121 41, ' • • • • 4 \\ 34, 141 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 24 1984--TPage 4 Present awards and scholarships at Madill' commencement A grand total of 232 certificates and 'diplomat were presented to graduating students during commencement exercises at F. E. Madill Secondary School Novem- ber 2. Twenty-one students received certificat- es of training; 169 received their .secondary school graudation !diplomas for completing Grade 12 and 42 were awarded secondary school honour graduation diplomas for successfully completing Grade 13. Among the top awards were the Proficiency awards, which went to Charlene Stephenson, Grade 9; Sean Kieffer, Grade 10; Marilyn Jamieson, Grade 11; Suzanne Alton, Grade 12 and, Hema Patel, Grade 13, and the Ontario Scholarships which went ° to Andrew Creighton, Julie Gnay, Anne Hamilton, Ken Irwin, Shirley Loree, Kendra Mc- Kague, 3eff Moore, Hema Patel, Kendra ' 'Purdon, John Simpson and 1:11/ent Van Osch. • Hema Patel was valedictorian for the graduating class and won the proficiency awards for chemistry (jointly with. Kendra McKague), physics and English as, well as • the W.• S. Hall Memorial Scholarship in Hospital campaign • *from page 1 • $12,047. In a break down based on the number of patientfrom each municipality who use the hospital, the contributions from Wing- . ham represent 51 per cent of its allocation in the fund raising drive, while Turnberry has achieved 315 per 'cent of its goal. Donations collected in other municipalit- ies and, the percentage of the. goal !this represents are: Howick, $9,387 (34.2 per • cent); Morris,. $15,471.50 (45.7); +9, $5,006 (21.7); +10, $7,789 (51); Ashfield, $5,648 (30.3);, Lucknow, $29,621.91 (84.5); Kinloss, $9,662 (51.4); Culross, $5,027.50 (32.3); Teeswater, $12,722 (44.4); $3,634 (22.4); Brussels, $8,15.6 (48.7); • Grey, $4,017 (44.4). • • Of •the total collected to date, $118,457.41 came from the kits turned in by canvassers, $36,737.50 is in the form of pledges and $30,176.50 was collected through the direct mail campaign. Donations from corporations and service organizations total $35,951 or 19.7 per cent of the total. I. •Dungannon CGIT On October 25 the Dungannon C.G.I.T. • girls met in the church basement for a Hallowe'en party. Eleven girls dressed up in costumes for the meeting. The leaders had a haunted house set up for the girls as part of the fun. Afterwards they bobbed for apples and, played other games. They enjoyed Hal- lowe'en cake and ice cream for lunch to • conclude the party. On November 8 ten C.G.I.T. girls met with Rev. Roberts taking the meeting. The theme was Remembrance Day: He discus- sed remembrance and it's meaning. „He • also brought a recording of numerous • important speeches made before, during • and after the war. It was a very interesting • meeting. , On Saturday, November 10 the C.G.I.T. girls had a lunch counter at the agricultural hall while the flee market was on. They • sold hot dogs, drinks, donuts and tickets on a stuffed dog, donated by Doris and Penny Moss. All funds are going to help the girls to attend Jamboree 85 in Algonquin Park. Remembrance banquet *from page 1 I announcements, 'this , part of the evening • was adjourned. For the remainder of the evening, dancing was enjoyed to the niusic of the Country Companions, science and the Linda Mahood Memorial Award. , In addition to sharing in the chemistry award, Miss McKague, also. - won the proficiency award in French and received the Howick Mutual Insurance CO. scholar- ship and the Turnberry Township 1125th Anniversary Award. • Other Grade 13 awards went to Anne Hamilton and Brent.Van Osch, proficiency in mathematics; Andrew ' Meyer, the Alexander McKenzie Endowment Fund Award; Tom Blackwell and Jennifer $chill, • Western Foundry awards; Kendra Purdon, Stanley Door Systems scholarship and Bruce County Women's Institute scholar- ship. • Suzanne Alton, proficiency in biology; Anne Hamilton,- Mr. and Mrs. William F. MacDonald Award; Bonnie Burchill, art award, and 'Lisa Armstrong, Geoffrey • Fillinore and April Moore, music awards. For Grade 12, awards went to Stephen Housser for proficiency in auto niechanics and in technical education; Byron Thomp- son, proficiency in electronics; Elisabeth Otto, proficiency in family studies; Bruce Elliott, woodworking proficiency; Suzanne Alton, proficiency in art; Becky Petteplace and Kim Rae, proficiency in office practice;„ Larry Appleby, metal fabricating ,aWard, and Helen IvlacIntyre, proficiency in phys- ical education, • Dr. A. J, Iiwin Scholarships went, to Suzanne Alton, •Jamie McPherson and Murray deBoer, while the Doris MacKen- zie Scholarship went to Evelyn Lennips and the John Stewart MacNaughton Memorial Award to Greg Higgins. In Grade 10, the award for proficiency in family studies went to Sharon Schwartz- . entruber. Those receiving other awards, bursaries or scholarships were: • John Leedham, ABCDAward; Anita Hoffman, Maitland Women's Institute Scholarship; Judith McMichael, Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital Award; Cheryl Delmage, Ladies' Auxiliary to Royal Canadian Legion Branch 180 • Award; Geoffrey Fillmore, Lorrie Perry Memorial Award;1 Stephen Gaunt, Paul V. Tiffin Memorial Scholarship; Brenda Merkley, Teeswater Creamery Ltd. Award in Agri- • culture; , Andrew Creighton, Wingham Opti -Mrs. Award and Pam Wilson. Memor- • ial Award. School teaching, staff awards went, to Bruce Latronico4, Debbie Scott, Debbie Mensinga, Treyor Peel and Viriginia LeVe.n, while Gorge Menzies Endowment Fund awards went to John James, Steven Marks, Kim Stephenson and Brian Wheel- er. Student Council awards were presented to Jennifer Schill, Stephen Lang and Jack Simpson. • Senior letters (the Big 'M') were presented to Celia Chandler, Andrew Creighton, Nancy Cronin, Annita Damsma, Geoffrey Fillmore, Stephanie Gaunt, Julie Gnay, Anne Himilton', Melody Ireland, Marilyn Jamieson, Elizabeth Kaufman, John Leedham, Shirley Loree, Mac- Donald, Helen Maclntyre, Ronda Mac- Pherson, Kendra McKague, Julie Mulvey, Brent Van Osch, Andrea VValker, Lisa -V,Vebster and Doug Wood. David Thomson won the Bruce County Scholarship; Hema Patel received. the Dr. H. L. Hooker Scholarship to McMaster University and Doug Blackwell received a scholarship in business administration to Wilfrid Laurier University. • This year stuff their stockings with all tike local news, features, opinions, entertainment, sports, etc... Pick the gift that renews itself 52 times a year! It's easy... All you haVe to dc) is... 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