The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-11-07, Page 3%el 1 on a ted om, fire. has new ery, 208 • Lucknow Sentinel, W00410001Y, November 7, 1 .9414-,--• Pit8t0 "Pour new members joined the Lucknow 'Lions Club at their October 20. meeting; john Hamilton, Ken Hamilten, fait.kfont- pinery and Steve Qwen, Membership certificates were presented by District A -.9 governor Orbits •Eickmeier of MilthnaY. Lions club members were' busy over the Summer helping with 'several funetionS in • the community including the Lneknow Tractor Pull, dances, and. activities at the Lucknow District Community -Centre. The club had a ball team; which played. ,against • ether Lion clubteams ',In ,their district as well as tbe Lucknow Kinsinen Club at the opening of the new Kinsmen C• omMunity • Ball. Park. • Lucknow Lions also partitipated in the !Lions international Youth ,Exchange by hosting youth froth several other countries. With the Lions year just getting.:under- lay it already loelis • busy for . 'club members. With money raisedirom various fund raising activities, the club made: donations to the Wingliam and Area Day centre for' the. Homebonnd,. the Lucknow School Concert Band, the Bruce County Public Library and the Winghazn Assecia- lion for the. Mentally Handicapped, . The' Lucknow Lions .Club recently looted $10,000 towards the building oject at Winghain and District Hospital AT THE LIBRARY 4011M11.1.11.1mi Don't forget our new Saturday, hours -from 10 a.m. to 2 p,m. This Saturday, November 10; there will be a special film treat for the Oildren. We'll showing tookie Goes to the tleSpital''% and 'Little Rascals' Chriitinas, Special, Afrom 11 a:m, 12 noon. : , . • Speaking of Christmas, the library has a pat selection of :craft books and maga- ., anes to help you get readY., • And for thos0',' Iyho still40,.Ve. longx Overdue books,, this is the week to bring them in: without lia4ing to paflne 4H REPORT fitness Fellas try exercis• e 'By Wendy Miltenburg The Port Albert Fitness Fellas held their: last meeting on ,.October 24 at 7 p.m. at Mrs. Donna Hayden's home. Essays were gaid by Marcia Boak, Lorna Young andl Monica Young, Meeting 5 .was read • over . and the flexibility exercise was tried. Laurie Hayden,demonstrated pizta on a but_ _ •Animal, Vegetable sport was played. Pizza on a bun was then tried by the members and the meeting was adjourned. elitta tools alt:. Low; yhere the money wiltbe used -to purchase and install overhead lights iii the new trauma unit of the emergency. Wing.. The Lions are cOrrently supporting the Ronald McDonald, House project in London by purchasing a brick. in each ' member's name for an approximate total donation of $350. Lucknow District Lionk dlub is a non profit organization and' all work by its members is done on a voluntary basis. Any money. raised by the club js turned back into the ommunity for community better- ment projects. Lucknow Lions are looking for new ideas for projects to better the community in which we all live and welconae any suggestions from anyone. TMs year's executive includes past pres-, ident, Allan Gibson; president, Tom Helm; first vicelresident, Bob Lyons; second vice-president, Jim Bain; :third viee-pres- „ ident, Brad Petteplace; secretary, Dave Black; treasurer,. Earl Stever; tail twisters, Bob Cranston and Robert Berginari; lion tamer, George Anderson and directors,, John DeStuyn, Bob Irwin,: Steve Hackett and Pete Chisholm. The club executive and members are looking forward to serving their community in the upeoming year. Lions motto: We care to serve. Four new memberajolned the Lucknow Lions Club at, their October 39 meeting From . „ . left front are new members Steve Owen, Ken Hamilton, lin Montgomery and . Hamilton. The certificates of Membership were presented by °Ain Bicluneleir, district A-9 governor, back left. Sponsoring the new members were from the aecond left, back, Grant Chisholm, M Hamilton and Tom Helm. •• • [Photo by Sharon Dletal 0 ttzgsbriclge alories estflextbility- By Jennie Martin Kingsbridge Calories:held their third to sixth meetings at the homes of leaders Sally Van Osch and Linda Van Oka. At the third meeting members ran a'1600 metre road race. The fourth Meeting was doing different exercises. The fifth meet- tig, members tested their flexibility. At the sixth meeting they played volley- ball against their mothers and sisters. All had a great time. The girls are enjoying their 4-11, especially those who are in their fitst 4-11 program. we reserve the right to limit quantities we deliver Amtimemommumemmaiummur GROCERY VALUES PRONTO 2'S Paper Towels YORK 'SMOOTH, CRUNCHY 500, GR. Peanut Y Butter VVHITE SWAN 4'S Batitroorrt Tissue 1GA TOMATO 1 LT. etc,..hop HEINZ FANCY 48 OZ. Tomato IGA GREEN LIQUID 1 LT. RE26132BEI Detergent Butter 2.30 NABISCO CEREAL. 800 GR. Shreddtes .19 89 ..A 1ST. GRADE CREAMERY 1. 0 1.69 INSTANT COFFEE 10 OZ.,' COLUMBIA 8 OZ., VIVA DECAFFEINATED 8 OZ. .29 Nescafe 5,99 oat fROZEN FOOD VALUES ,•99 SWAT 6 VARfETIES 326 GR. Frozen • 99 Dinners fret .11 mative-; BEEFWAY BOXES Patties APPROX. 10 LB. 84VP . KG. great PRODUCE VALUES Lettuce .33c LB. Bananas a KG — Many More in -Store Specials SENIOR CITIZENS 10% discount on Mondays onir on orders of $10.00 and over excluding cigarettes and tobacco • PRICES IN EFFECT November 7 to November 10 INCLUSIVE ue:k 4.00 • • ), .„. '1