The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-10-31, Page 18p j Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 31, 1984—.Page .1 to o ke.. vile Criticize a:M failure ,. • � • *from page thegame could "continue, even though the extent of theboy's injuries wasn't known. A report in the London Free Press says London -minor: hockey officials have lined up against Martel since he began his investigation of amateur hockey and a check Friday 'foundMcMurtry 'winning little.; support for his. continents: ' "t •.don't see it in London. I don't think I've ever seen it happen," said Phil Bernardo, secretary -manager of the Great- er London Hockey Association, when told of the injuries in the bantam game Martel d.'scribed. "I don't know anybody who condones violence. I'd like to see. him define violence...how much can you leave in the game, how much can you leave out?" "I don't see any violence in hockey. The occasional time you may iee a boy use a hockey stick in a way -that he shouldn't.," Bernardo said McMurtry and Martel should instead consider cleaning up professional . hockey. "The check that (Darryl) Sittler took the other night.. That's goon stuff. Maybe they should look into that....that's where the kids ,learn . it,; ,They; sure-don't.learn it Saturday, afternoon from some coach at the' rink." �� ° (4ittler's.. cheekbone vas' Woken Wed- nesday ed- nes day when he was boarded by Jim Korn of the Teronte--Maple"Leafs.) Bob Stark, chairman of the Oakridge Optimists Minor Hockey Association,- said "they always complainabout-the violence angle. It's not really there....all they really have to do is call the rules they already have. What they really need tie officials: to control the parents or the ,crowd." Jack Beedle; chairman of the Forest. City Hockey' League, said ,"the government shouldn't be running, minor hockey. We're closer to the problem.. We're doing our best to keep the rough stuff out of the game.". . Several ' of the injuries cited by Martel: were caused by 'checking into the boards from behind, an infraction he- has previously said should be penalized with a lengthy suspension. "Five young people in one game. How much longer is this government prepared to tolerate that kind of conduct when you wouldn't tolerate it on . the streets?" he asked. "This government, this legislature, has a responsibility to those young people. The mayhem is still there.— t • "When will we say we've had enough and return the game to the, kids?" Martel .staid minor hockey its ' belp*s, operated for the benefit of the egos of those at the head, of .hockey organizations ,The NDP will approach teachers' associations next week, for support in getting the game cleanedup, he said. McMurtry said he shared Martel's views "with respect "to' this sexcessive and often' mindless violence. I'm not speaking as the attorney -'general-;' (but) as the father of three hockey playing sons and two hockey playing daughters, that amateur hockey in this ,province has not, taken its responsibil- ities seriously enough in this area." But he -.said the problems can't be. resolved by the government, taking- over amateur hockey. . - Outside the legislature, McMurtry said' Recreation Minister Reuben Baetz, is trying to come up with some "mechanism that will assist int communicating the concerns * of government .to amateur hockey: .;.with_ out getting involved 'in.. the day-to-day • Luotoiow Village Residentsr 4TH INSTALMENT ►es DUE November lst/84 7 Bertha M:. Whitcroft ClerlK'Treasurer, Village of Lucknow administration. Where you draw the line is very difficult,. but. the line has to be drawn." , In his report, released in July, Martel recommended that the government estab- .lish. one _central: body..headed bra •eoinmi:s-•--.' sioner of amateur hockey toi, oversee lithe. development and operation of the game. Give the game back to the kids s Martel *gym Page 8 ; for: the. proposals made in his report to take effect: He realizes 'it° will anger some people involved_ in hockey but he does not apologize. The major studies conducted in the past 10 years indicate there are problems which have to be resolved. It must be recognized that for the- vast majority of the ' participants the game is recreation and not a stepping stone to a • professional career. The aim of those involved should be to develop the skills 'of the game, to develop healthy yet competitive attitudes, and 'to • BIRTHS MOORE - Alvin and . Elizabeth of Wingham are happy to announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Theresa Anne, at St. Joseph's' Hospital, London, on October 7, 1984, weighing 6 lb.: 13 oz. Proud grandparents are Raymond and Gertrude Leddy of Lucknow and Richard and Norma Moore of Wingham: SPECIAL REPORT make' the game; as safe as possible. 'Anything less' would be a disservice to those who play. After all, says Martel in his conclusion,. the ' group we're • primarily concerned with are the young =: and they- will respond to positive .changes which improve the quality of the game and the pleasure they 'derive from ,competition. In the past 15 years violence in hockey has received widespread media attention. Rough play. andbrawling have always been a part of NHL hockey; but a• new dimension has been added. Intimidation `- involving brutality, dirty play, blind side cheap shots and goon tactics -• has become an accepted part of the game, says. Martel in his intr&duction to the report. Unfortunately, this kind of 'activity has been central ` to the promotion ' of the, ' professional game as it has expanded in the United' States. The skills required to play this magnificent game at high speed and in , confined quarters seem to ! have escaped the American public, who are encouraged to look at hockey as if it were a slightly more complicated form of roller derby. • ; ' • 1 While this type of conduct is deplorable, any change is in ,.the . hands of the , professional game itself, Until; the players themselves indicate to the owners that they want to play hockeyfree of goon tactics, the situation will continue. We have to accept that, says Martel. , What we do not .have ' to accept is the' trickle down effect that has occurred and the influence it has had on the attitudes of some league :officials.,; coaches, referee; parents and young players in amateur hockey. Hockey. in Canada is really 'two games: the professional game which is a business; and theamateur game. The violence which is condoned in the professional 'game must not be tolerated in, the recreational game. Certain recommendations in the report callfor direct government implementation. Thetask force hopes such action will be taken without undue delay by the govern- ment, despite disapproval and even threats from certain hockey circles. The task force. also suggests government . use its good offices to have other important recommen- dations adopted. • "Let's give the game back to the kids," concludes Martel.' 50 ACRE highway farm'with brick house,' 3 bedrooms, modern open corcept design in living room and kitchen; new attached double :garage Owner -would. trade for house in village or: town., Small' new steel. baro►- paxed..yard.... �, 9(1 ACRES,,near 'e..eswater, 65 :workable and draitiect:, Wahl"'plaii°�o r `request: 14 acres ' g . cellent maple bush Excash' crop a ST. HELENS, :mobile home, newly added addition.with living room, fireplace, etc. Reduced for,.quick; sale; 150 .ACRE dairy farm. Brick house: Barns 164x32. Silo, feed tanks,. Farmatic mill; New. Bournatieequipment, and more. BEAUTIFUL BRICK 2 storey home.: in' Whitechurch. Many great features' in, elude living room with natural fireplace,. new family, ronin, new .deck, oak stairway, full walk out basement, paved drive; garage. TWO BEDROOM"(could .be 3) Wingham home, 1 block, from down town. Home immaculate. Garage. Asking $24,900,. BRICK. SCHOOL on •x.fine,,,treed lot in West Wawanosh,- Qwner will consider any reasonable offer. TWO STOREY 3 bedroom brick home on. , 'A acre treed lot near Lucknow, 2 baths, full basement, double attached garage 'and more. Owners' have moved: 50 ACRES, Wawanosh, buildings. 40 ACRES; Wawanosh, buildings 6 years old; FCC mortgage. • ONE STOREY. 2 bedroom (could be 3),. house, new fireplace, new..paye'd drive, beautiful treed lot. MEL MATHERS, WINGHAM, 357-320 representing LLOYD W. HUTTON • REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKER' KINCARDINE For First Year F uktails tailor s*" Lukno and Area Residents for your patronage over the past15½ years.. WE ,WISH RICHARD & DIXIE ASKES. EVERY SUCCESS !N THEIR, NEW VENTURE, ' WHICH 'WILL ,BE OPERATING UNDER LUCKNOW HARDWARE LTD. TAift Howie, Hardware ..........................................::w :•:•::i:ilii 'i};i :;i :i•ii•:•:•i•:.Y,•}: ::;: i,{::•:•:•i :•: :•: i•i•}� Ron and Barbara Ron Machan Hardware Ltd. LUCKNOW 528.3008,,