The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-10-31, Page 9227g. • TBS. . RED LICORICE.. • GOODIES. ONO NIBS . SAVE .4.1 iLAWES' ULTRA THIN e6 So • b•Ie...•••••• Lucloarow. Sentinel, Wednesday, October 31, 19W -rage 7 liege long ew the one will are To ne, or says t Plan euchre 071.117iament The Dungannon Agricultural Society held its monthly meetiug on TuesdaY, October 23. • A discussion was held . about •the • possibility of erecting new feneing around the north ball diamond which is leased by the Ashfield4Vest Wawanoshvrecteation. The resignation of secretary, Carol Ann Menary, was received, Bernie Glenn will be secretary for. the remaindet of the year. Plans for the first euchre tournament were completed. It will be held Saturday dfternoon, November 24 with registration between 1 and 2' p,m, and euchre com- mencing at 2 p.m. The entry fee will be $3 each. Cash prizes of at least $56; $4Q and $3Q will.be given to top players. Those: in attendance will also.have the opportun- ity to win their _choice of 10 home baked cakes. All' games •will be played with the ,• same partner; so players are reminded -to bring their own partner: Lunch wilt contist• of rolls, cold meats and relishes., It was decided to go ahead with plans for ' an indoor flea on Saturday,. Nov- ember 10 at 10 a.m. Thirteen vendorshave spoken for tables. Offerings include new and use4 items of clothing, toys, skates, doors and windows, small appliances, curtains ,- doll clothes,' books, baby items, home baking etc. There will'alSe• be a' Oat table and a lunch counter. •, Fair queen, Susan Brindley will repres- ent the Society on a float in the Qoderich Santa Claus parade on Saturday, Nov- ember 24. A number of members ate planning to attend the annual meeting for district 8 in Exeter on the evening of November Tickets for the new Year's Eye dance ate now available for $15.00 a' couple. To reserve tickets, ask any director. The next Dungannon Agricultural Sop, .iety meeting will be held Tuesday, November 27 at 8.30 p.m in the Dungannon Hall, • Hallowe'en Dance •. Lots of ghosts and goblins enjoyed .the • Hallowene'en dance spcinsored by the Dungannon Agricultural ,Societi on Satur- - day, October 27. The •Star Spinners provided super musicjor the event, , • •:Prizes were given for the following classes; most hamoreus,• Randy Kerr as Father- Tune; best dressed couple, Lynda McNee and Alice Vanderburgh, as •a Chinese couple; best man, Claude D'A'onst-,::/' as a Sheikr-best woman,. Loretta Doherty ..Scarlet O'Hara; most original, Donna Hay- den, as a cotton picker. ' •' The door prize was. presented to Lynn 'Chisholm. that e too e of led a roach get ger, ular, nt of some Ac ifl ickey t of ted 8.1 • The Sacrament of Etaptism was observed - at Trinity congregation on Sunday, October' 28, David Jack Cameron, son of Jack and , Nancy Cameron of Ashfield and Jaemyn Marie Rowswell, daughter of Bob and Mary (Andrew) ,Rowswell of London were baptized by Rev, • Arthutt- Scott. • Bill Andrew, clerk of session, presented the certificates. Jack and;Nancy Cameron, 'Bte:nt,'Adam and David entertaiiiecti-the meinbeis of both families for dinner Sunday afternoon. Margaret Andrew and John had the Rows - Well family for dinner on Sunday and. the Andre* families visited in the afternoon. Harvey and .Betty Ritchie and Clara , Raynard of Lucknow visited on 'Sunday with Jim and Violet Smith of Molesworth. The Hackett and Hunter families held a relatives shower on Sunday afternoon at the Community Centre, for Pat Shiell, • ) +R1NITY • by Bell Hackett ' . bride4o-be of Jamie Hackett. Visitors with Winnie Campbell on Sunday were Ira and- Catherine Campbell 40alf; Joe and Gertie Frit1ey, Steven, • Kevin andJoey, �fGoderich; Murray and Feithlinti Campbell, Leander and Logan of Goderich, and Mrs. Bernard Campbell, Michael, Alicia and Sara Ann of Ashfield. • Russel andlillian Irvin visited with :their • daughter, Susan; of Wallaceburg, and with Eldon and Doreen Irwin of Reeces Corners on Sunday, October 21. This Sunday they . had a visit from their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Naylor of Newmarket. • on et metric workshop • , By Debbie Rintoll • •' and Annette Gruendler On Tuesday Brookside had a metric workshop and it -was conducted by Wally Webster, math -consultant assisted by Verna Kane. It invcilved grades 6, 7 and 8 and grade 1 and 2. Each primary pupil paired up with a senior pupil. The senior pupil measured the younger child's height, the length of the arm, the leg, etc.. and their weight was recorded on the paper with the outline of the child which he or she was able to take home. •• This week Hallowe'en learning centres started in room 6. Some, very interesting activities are incorporated. with Hallowe'en symbols such as witches', ghosts, skeletons and others, •2- *• Primarychoir started on Wednesday. his year the choir will be meeting on day ive from grades 1 to 3. •- BROOKSIDE BROADCAST •• I Hallowe'e activities have started in Mrs. Young's grade 1, Mrs Ottewell's grade 2 - , • 3 and Miss Jewitt's, grade 2. Mrs. Worsell's grade 3 had another guest story reader, Mr. Arnold Mathers, who is • the superintendent of curriculum. • He read, "Today was a Terrible Day".. ' Theteachers had a special staff meeting on Thursday after school in honour of Mary • Bere, who graduated at the Fall Convoca- - tion at U.W.O. They had a beautiful decorated take (made by. Marie Webster) and ice cream to go with it. It was a • coMplete surprise to Mrs. Bere and yery • much appreciated. ttend superannuated teachers meeting Mr. and Mrs. Ross Errington attended a uperannuated teachers dinner meeting in eaforth last Wednesday and on Saturday hey attended a district meeting for the gricultural Society in Mount Forest. Glen alden and "Miss Lucknow", Lindell ross, accompanied them. St, Helens welcomes back Mr. and Mrs. ick Humphrey and .family. The Humph- ys have moved into the former- Clark sidence. • Several neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Clark surprised them at their 'new borne in Goderich for a farewell party, The Clarks were presented with a lace table cloth as a remembrance of their former neighbour - Helen Todd and Isobel Miller travelled — to the Kitchener Auditorium on Sunday for • graduation ceremonies of their grandson and great nephew, • Jinx Laidlaw. Jim reeeived his degree in ,Business Adminis- tration and is presently living in Toronto. ESTATE AUCTION! River .Vie'ki. S . . . • Three. bedroom borne, k -Mae family room with wood' Siovoll.Pc• bath, • fully insulated, tame on. . open House Saturday, October 20th, 2:00 pent., till 4:00 p.ni. and. October 2W00 p.m: till auction' at 2:00 p.m. Terme'. $1000.00 down Catibi. Or certified cheque, Waco ori closing Nov. 9lb. For Information or appointment to view' call today,,$.29.74204 Audioneeri Col. Cletus Dalton 15191 52907420, Agent for .Aompole Realty 144.. Not .reeponeible for aecidento. NW., water bed, bank beds, eoncrete.bleeke, • . ' • ••. . CalraetutDolton-Aucti5297420ons.•.. ....... tfOrd, :SatUrclab. October 279. • • • • SALE EN TUESDAY; GREAT SELECTION SAVE20% JIGSAW PUZZLES • SAVE 601 SAVE 601 Off Bi l4113DE MIXTURE .... $ 2 59 4mila EIGHTS ...... $ 4:9 SAVE 301 ;Altig.Npla2c7sg'• $,1 !9 SAVE 301 13144.11401SPOSAIILE 69 r • SAVE $1 .00 TAMEN DEODORANT, it is a SPEEDSTIb(1. .ATRA, 10's • RAZOR BLADES • $299 SAVE$1.00 • SAVE $3.11 1:171147 $2288 T...I-L PURSUIT . • SAVE '2.11 rgATIORINE ALL JOHNSON SAVE 20% toogiNsopk. •20% OFF SAVE1094 BOARD GAMES..._„ O%OFF ALL (EXCEPT GAMES ALREADY ON ...LE) • ' • FISHER -PRICE HAPPY HOOPS. CROQUET •SAVE $402 A plebe alf.seogon action filled game for Indoers or outdoors. AGES 3-7 YEARS $2 I" LITTLE SHOPPER 697 • $4441-alc02 WiCludiss � sturdy shopping basket with pretend Calculator, viallet and piay money. Ages 2.6 years. SAMilaci 12 4,88 DISCOVERY COTTAGE' . • ThlmentaVablio tdy 'Mk � full reinp of activities 'front simple hi more pi.*.r4I $01141, thin* 00 12 different attbiltles fa • d16Ades RIM • ' • AVE119504 PLANTERS $ PEANUTS • v - * 179 • Si 39'. • 770 's41!. . $1791.. $799 SAVE $2.00 NERF BOOMERANG • * 11 SAVE 301 HOSTESS "9' POTA 42CHIPS SAVE 221 • • SAVE 201. NO Hopisnaso. CALL 4 WINTER SHADES PANTY NOSE • It • 0 DECORLATIVE WALL PLAQUES Th OFF 0 Y. • . 4 41 II 4 . G .1T E. " WE sr ,w CO SkiL t 0 ^Sake • • 4 • ' • . ALL GIFTwARE TER OFF 4 * : 4:000.0t•••••••10.......r.y.aolitm • r LOIN 11*11 C1.0 • itiorthe iste•akits11,41111 • • • • • • -