The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-10-24, Page 71,ucloanw Sentinel, Wednesday, October 24, 1984,—Page 7 To the Editor: 1 was impressed by the results of tile recent Gallup poll, on the attitude of Canadian parents to french language edu- cation.. The poll indicates that the; majority of parents want their schools to Offer bilingualism as a- realistic option, The MAIO Concern of parents is under- standably economic; the. •trend towards bilingual employment in both the Tublio and private sectors is bound to intensify,Unfortunately„ bilingualism is not popu- lar with some ratepayerS in this area: Resistance to early, french immersion• tnaY delay or even prevent 'beat boards from making it available.. What will happen to the children now enteting;the Huron County School .systern .if early french immersion is not offered? • One thing is certain. The bilingualism, option is increasingly popnTar across the country. Most of the school systems that now offer it have seena dramaticincrease in enrollment. This and -the Gallup poll suggest that a significant part of the .next generation will be functionallybilingual.' This will almost certainly mean some kind of financial advantage in an economy that may be.• as tight and •competitive as anything' we know., . . As the pare& of a child already in TO THE EDITQR kindergarten, I am frankly Cencernect, Early french- immersion is the only practical way to ensure bilingualism, but children normally cannot enter it beyond grade 1. 1 pave already heard of one family that went outside the county to get frencjiU immersion before time ran out. If the local school boards choose not to offer language inunersion in the next school year, many local parents will have to make a similar decision. This situation should not exist. Local school boards should have a responsibility to offer bilingualism. I, can't deny the obvious financial pressures on rural school boards;- if we were discussing an extra- curricular activity or a piece of playground equipment, the "purse strings" argument might make sense.' We aren't. Language education is as fundamental as math or history. Immersion is the language educa- tion that. actually teaches' a useful skill. Please support french " immersion in. Huron County now. A bunch of great little people won't get a second chance. Gregory pillon. •wf. Defeat capital puxiishinexit resolution *from page 3 tho ghtof having a resolution that could be • suPPorted. I believe there is a place for capital punishment! but I can't support this either," said Morris Township Reeve Bill Elston-, • No rewording of the resolution was con- sidered by the executive committee, Reeve Steckle suggested corporal punish- ment be implemented, noting there is no recourse if a person is wrongfully hange but "you can always say you're sorry to _man whipped wrongfully". Those voting in favor of the motion we e Deputy Reeve Bedard, Warden Tom Cunn- ingham, Turnberry R,eeve Brian McBunleY," Usborne Reeve Gerry Prout and Hay Reeve Lionel Wilder. The rest, of county 'council voted against the motion except for the absent Hawick Township Reeve Jack Stafford, Goderich Township Reeve Grant Stirling and East Wawanosh Reeve Neil Vincent. 1982 MALIBU -otAssic, 4 door, sedan with air 1981 OLDS CUTLASS, 4 dr. sedan 1981 Le Mans, 4 door 1981 PONTIAC PAFtISIENNE, Brougham, 2 dr. 1981 MALIBU, stationwagon • 1981 WICK PARK AVENUE, 4 door 1981 PONTIAC Le MAN$, 2 door with air 1980 GMC CHEV Pickup, Ishort box] . 1980 PONTIAC CATALINA, 4 dr. 1979 MALIBU, stationwegori 1979 BUICK Le SABRE, 4 door, with air • ,i976 CHEV SUBURBAN 4 ' BLYTH PHONE 523-4342 ` r " urn your pumpkln intoa --111111t Ford brand new 1985 2'42Ligil FORD • . . • , :1,, ' „ 4111-kjilla • ... .. .. Ford F.1541PWItp r f d I S r d d No Tricks, We Treat You Right! Come In Now For • TheBest • Deals ••• Y' k 'ors $284007 04