The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-10-17, Page 30' 4 • ' Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 17, 1984—Page 24 New Brunswick farnily visits with grandma in Mrs. Wayne Carson (Jean), Michael and • Tara of Moncton, New Brunswick spent a week with her mother, Dorothy MacLeod of Lucknow. While here all motored to • Bancroft to spend a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. David MacLeod and family. Other Thanksgiving visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacLeod and sons of Mount Brydgps; Mr. and Mrs. Ken MacLeod and sons of Ripley; Mr. and Mrs. Ormand Rae and family of Mount Forest; also Betty Ricchio of Toronto: Lucknow Beavers, Cubs and Scouts held a cookout at the Waterworks Conservation Area on October 3 for their parents and families. The cookout launches the new season for scouting activities in Lucknow. •On October 3 Mrs. Harold • Ritchie received word of the passing of her brother, Robert . Fanson in Coquitlam, B.C., following a lengthy illness. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ritchie spent Tuesday in Lon- don with her mother and sisters. Doris Mewhinriey. and Ken spent the weekend in St. Catharines with Mr. and •Mrs. Mike McAuley to see Doris' new 'grandson, David Michael, and her grand- daughter, Jessica Erin. Thanksgiving visitors with Rev. Bill and Peggy Henderson at their cottage at Bruce Beach were Marg Henderson, Sandra, Patty and baby, Emma of Toronto; Rev. Doug and Laura MacDonald, 13ruce Beach; Alvinand Marion Mundell and Beth Payne and twin daughters, Alexis and Haley of Gorrie, Jim and Helen Brisbin of Guelph, and. Brian and Peggy O'Kane and baby Lauren from Pickering. A number of people of this area enjoyed the beautiful weather on October 6 •and took in the Teeswater Fall Fair. Lucknow and area extends their sym- pathy to the family of the late Mrs. John. Foran, who passed away in the University. Hospital, London, on October 7. We wish Arthur Clark a speedy recovery • after suffering a badly broken leg playing ball the weekend of September 29. He was transferred to University Hospital, London, being released later, the following week. Alice Clark spent a .few days holidays visiting in London with her sister, Annie and family, Reg and Ruby Lavis; also with her son and daughter-in-law, Jim and Elaine Clark. Alice and Ooldwin Purves 'of Toronto were supper guests with. Bob Purves • Wednesday. • h Formerfamily Lucknow visits ere... •from page 4 • Norma Klages, Norman and Sheryl Anne of Dundalk visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Henderson and Larry' and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buchmeier. • Home for Thanksgiving weekend to be with Ian's family were Mr. and Mrs. Ian MacKenzie and family of Coburg • • Eva Burt has moved into Lucknow. • Eileen Sceli was home from London to help her move. Thanksgiving day dinner •guests with' Mr. and Mrs. Don Bell and Wayne were Ena 'Steer and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steer and girls from Lucknow, Bev and Nick • Beyersbergen, Laurie Clark and Phyllis • Wallace and girls of London. The Young .Peoples Group of Lucknow • and South Kinloss Presbyterian Churches went to Goderich Theatre to -see. the show, The Prodigal, on Sunday evening. Thanksgiving day dinner guests with • Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacKenzie •were Muriers brother, • Mr. and Mrs. , Alvin Rowe of MarysVille, Michigan, Mr. and • Mrs. Ian MacKenzie and family of Coburg • and Mr. and Mrs. David Eadie, Matthew • and Erin. , Home for -Thanksgiving weekend to be with their •parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don • Matthewswere Steven of London and Reese of Hamilton. • Visit irwins at their cottage... *from page 8 • sister and brother-in-law, Ellwood and • Joan Irwin at their cottage, which is also at Point Clark. , Thanksgiving guests with Dorothy Fin- layson were Paul and Jane Emberlin of Toronto, Bill and Judy Finlayson and their • two children of Teeswater and Ken Finlay- son of Toronto. Dorothy Finlayson was in Toronto at the dine Queen Elizabeth/ll and Prince Phillip were there. She, had a very close look at the Queen and thought she was beautiful and the Prince a very charming man. It was a thrilling experience. Visiting with Warren and June Wylds • andother relatives on the weekend were Warren's sister 3n� her friend, Doris Wylds and Ruth Sweet of Toronto. On Sunday Warren and June Wylds had • their Thanksgiving dinner with their daughter, Linda Wylds in London. The community was shocked to hear of another barn going up in flames this week. This time it was a barn 'owned by Henry Drennan in Ashfield Township. There were 85 pigs lost in the blaze and a large amount of the season's hay. It is a great loss at any time of the year but worse when winter is just around the corner. Students present thanksgiving program... •from page 5' with them in- their own classes. Natlian Daer from grade 4, gave a reading. Sherry Hodges, the president of Students' Council, • spoke briefly, thanking all who helped her. Grade three sang a number and Mr. Tremeer' gave a brief message. This prograp was presented thanks to Mr.'Cameronfind participating classes and teachers. • It was enjoyed by all. Diingtionoiri •from page 11 Vanhorne, .London on Sunday. • Mary Bere went to Brampton on Thanks- giving weekend to visit Marybelle and Dwight Aldham and family. She was ac- companied by Alice Scott of Belgrave who visited her brother, Finlay Shackleton at • Caledon. • Nicole Sherwood and her cousin, Tara Pyro of Goderich visited on Thanksgiving Monday with Nicole's grampa and gram - ma,. Al and Cora Sherwood. Bill and Marie Park and Brad, Tim and Wanda Hodges, attended the baptism of • Katie Marie Bendig, daughter of Val and • Mike Bendig at St. Georges Anglican Church, Goderich on Sunday. Grade eight went to Wawanosh Conser- vation Area for an interesting day last. week. Grade three have been inviting a guest reader to read a story to • them each Wednesday. Then one child records the name of the book and ' reader on a bookworm which goes on display,. So far guest readers have been Mr. Tremeer, Mrs. Blake and 'Mrs. Bere.. Trinity UCTV •from page 4 Mrs. Helm closed the devotions with a prayer. Mrs. Jim Hunter introduced the, guest speaker, Mrs. William Henderson, whose daughter, Clara. Henderson, is doing Missionary work in Malawi Africa. Mrs. Henderson played some of the • native music on a tape recorder, and then assisted • by her husband, she showed slides and told of the customs of that country. She also showed articles of clothing worn there. Miss Henderson will be in Malawi for five years, It was very interesting and enjoy- able to hear about Malawi. The roll call was answered with a Thanksgiving verse. Mrs, D. A. Hackett led in prayer. The study book for next year will be on Korea. • LUCKNOW NEWS: By Geraldine, Schlosser Congratulations to Mr. and. Mrs. Mike Hackett who were married October 6. We extend sympathy to Archie Graham of London on the passing of his wife, Isobel on Sunday, October 7. Archie is a brother of Douglas Graham and was formerly of this area, residing on the second of Kinloss on the farm now occupied by Murray Keith. Those attending the funeral from this area were Douglas Graham, Warren • and Marian Zinn, Margaret and Evan Keith, Bell and Chester 'Hackett, Bob Purves, Brenda Lippert; Myra Walden, Veronica, and Don Fraser, Pat and Ernie Good of Goderich and Geraldine Schlosser. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Fielding -of Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. - BillGraham returned from a week's holiday on the Kwartha Ship on the Trent Canal. The weather was gorg- eous and the colours were immaculate, a • credit to our country. Mike and Pat Harris, Tarrin and • • Christine of Toronto and John and Dorothy Lucknow Harris, Dungannon and Eva Adamson spent Thanksgiving with Maureen and John DeBruyn and Elyse. Morley Abbott and Tony Schlosser visitetLon Sunday with Elecia and Clarence Irwin, highway 86 west. Donna and Russel Sutton attended the wedding of Brian Murray and Karen Schiestel at Sacred Heart Roman: Catholic Church in Teeswater on Friday evening, The reception followed in the Teeswater Community Centre. We send our best wishes to Brian and Karen. Barb and Doug Ross spent the Thanks- giving weekend in Huntsville and visited with Barb's brothers and other relatives. Grace Hopf enjoyed having her grand- daughter, Amber, spend a few days with her and the family last week. Donna Sutton left Sunday for London where she is taking a two week course on ultra sound. She also travels to Hamilton every Tuesday evening after wOrk„ taking a course in ultra sound. Kathryn, (McKim) Golley travelskvith Donna On Tuesdays as she is taking the course too. The courses are necessary as ultra sound is used' extensively at *Ingham hospital where Donna and Kathryn work in the radiology department. 3:1,teliA?•i40,14•R KELLOGG'S J.:4••••• Corn Flakes. 675 GR. VIVA WHITE Paper To els 2' W .... . ...... ... .... . • • CARNATION Evaporated Milk 386 ML: BEEF R4VIOLI, BEEFARONI,, MINI RAVIOLI, SPAG. w/ MEAT BALLS • Chef Boy-ar-dee • 426 0. • MeCORMICK'S PUFFS, COCONUT CREMES, ECLAIRS Cookies 400 Q. • • • • WESTON MEALTYME WHITE, 60%, CRACKED WHEAT 'tread WESTON RAISIN Bran IVIuffins PINK OR WHITE Grapefruit ONTARIO Cabbage SNOBOY Celery, PEPPER Squash 6'S 9 1.69 • .73 • .99 31.89 it .4 3/.99 WE OELiVEP 9W_• OPEN' $1)C DAYS A WEEK 528.4420 If