The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-10-10, Page 20rs.. ras ;an fe.. the ion ary Ler, 1 a ng. ent •er,. Irs. lrs. on he Bill ed ith the ou ael .E.his ter nd rs. rs. ou am ere nd nd in, ac- ing. ted rs, by ng nd ith nd r. eld of re ld nd 'he a ch th el rte by fs, to he m?. )n• of th m. Luclmow Sentinel, Wednesday, Oc, tober 10, ,1984-4age 19 • Mo�i�'s brother-in=haw visits �n Dvrngannon [Intended for las't°week] 13i11 and Marie. Park we.,Y pleasantly surprised on Sunday when Wilfred Bennett of Henley on Thames, England'paid them a visit. Mr. Bennett . is a brother-in-law of John Whiteside/ whom.everyone knows is the husband of Mollie Whiteside,' He is spending a holiday here : in Western Ontario with son, Stephen . Bennett in Kincardine before visiting with another on in Montreah He has just enjoyed a stay with Mollie apd John in Ireland and reports. that Mollie is still busy writing, collecting, speaking and as• .always being a goodwill ambassador, The Dungannon Sunday School met, on Saturday.: for .their bike-a-thon to raise money to help with the cost of supplies. About 35 youngsters and' eight parents made the 10 kilometre ride. They all appreciate the generosity of their sponsors forthe success of their ride. Nile United Church. held -anniversary services on ,Sunday, Rev. Glen. Wright. a former ministerwas guest 'speaker.' Mr. and Mrs. Warren_: Robinson and family provided the music. Nile.' choir . also favoured with a.number :`Lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. Wiletta. McWhinney has returned to her return to London airport, she was met by home from Stratford hospital where she her daughter-in-law, .Jane and grand- had been a patient. She suffered a broken daughter, Becky, ,who took her to their ankle in a 'fall: London home where she had a reunion with At the seniors bi-weekly euchre held ai a cousin she had not seen for 45 years. the centre, high lady was. Kathleen Glenn John and Marina Park accompanied Ken • with two low ladies' scores being Maxine and Marie Petrie of Kincardine to Kitch P High Sunday where they picked up their was held by Marie rrigton� white hra uncle, Case and aunt, Mary Black, then three way cut for t e low man between.Mel - travelled on to Oshawa for a visit .with Jones, Ted'Bow rs and Cecil Pollock. Mel' No man Petrie, a cousin of Bill Petrie and won the cut; ' ' • Miry (Petrie) Black. ` Congratula c asIon of their 25th wedding The first ons to John and Marina Dungannon h4e Park on the� meeting of the Dungannon I anniversary/on September 26. To celebrate club was held at Judy Gregory's home on their special occasion, their family, Wayne,' September 5. Leaders. 'are Judy Gregory Glenda; John, Kathie and Jason treated and Joanne Sproul. them t supper atRobindales in Goderich Members did .quiz #1 and discussed last Wednesday evening. They will, also when to say the speeches. They decided to enjoy •a four day bus tour to ' Nashville, start them in October. The lesson,. History Tennessee given to them by their family. of the Computer, was read and the quiz Hope you $o have many more anniver- completed. • • saries.::; ' Elections were held: president, Andrea Bill aped Marie Park had a visit in Kippen Smith; vice, president, Laurie Hayden; on Mo ay , with•' Marie's sister, Marilyn secretary and press reporter will' rotate Schultz and Tina::; every meeting. They decided to call the Jean,:., Broughton returned home on club, • The Whiz Kids. At meeting #3 the members learned how r ' Turn to 'page 20.. Monday;, Jkrom a .;two . week holiday with reiati ej. in Winnipeg, Manitoba. On her. NowIs:Th� Time 4..'.•0. WHETHER YOU ARE A HOCKEY PLAYER OR FIGURE SKATER.... Now is the time to replace your skates with quality skates from Les Pefter SJpoes LUCKNOW528-2011 If your chimney is defective, your house just like you do right now: Because heating systems take 'carbon dioxide. lust like .you .But whet -1'a furnace dioxide cant esca monoxide c for yo . e feeling oxygen and release t get enough oxygen, or carbon our house can't "breathe''. Carbon e created and that is a dangerous situation your family. A clean 'and clear chimney is'.necessary to vent your furnace properly. Here are some.warning signs'of chimney deterioration: C-71 loose mortar and bricks 0 white powder or water stains on chimney above roof a water stains at the chimney's clean-out door YOU MAY NEED A CHIMNEY LINER TO.PREVENT EROSION OF THE MASONRY.' For your safety, and for your peace of mind, have your heating system and chimney inspected and cleaned annually • by a qualified contractor:. You and your house will both breathe a sigh' of relief. Ministry of Consumer and, Commercial Relations Ontario Robert Elgie M.O., Minister William Davis, Premier lr I _ A