The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-10-03, Page 23Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 3, 1984 --Page 23 pro - lued be s co- pra tress are gut," with ',saw been gag - Pled xl in tired Her , the 1g in ject, was has e of to be dotal as rked ittee $45 1 per iteer If 10 ; dis- ittee rsed that ie a ouch and , the wor Iffer it 15 nal- sted ; the • OW e. 1. 1, Irwin - Ross Kevin Eugene Irwin of R. 3, Lucknow and Paniela ;•Berndatte. ' Ross of Lucknow were married.. on September 1, 1984 at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic ehureh in Kings- bridge. Father Ed. Dentinger officiated. The bride is the.daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Gerry_ Ross of Goderich and the groom Is the- son of Jean Irwin .or `:R.. 3, . Wingham and the late Harvey Irwin!. Gillian' Robertson, sister of the bride, London was matron of honour and the bridesmaids were Jaan'Otie, sisterof the bride, Waterloo and Maryann Irwin, sister in.law of the groom,. Wroxeter. Glenn. Irwin, brother of the groom, Wroxeter was grooms- man and`': the ushers were David Ross, brother of the bride, Goderich and Jamie Irwin, brother of the groom, R. S, Lucknow.. A reception followed it the ;Lucknow District Community Centre. The couple honeymoon- ed at Niagara Falls and the Thousand Islands before taking up residence in Lucknow. . (Photo by Bundy Studios) BEST RATE Investments insured to '60,000. /2 2-5 years No;Fees:-:•Rates Subject To Change ABC ANNUITIES 53 West St., Goderich 524-2773 Collect NOMINATION MEETING for if HURON -BRUCE PROVINCIAL LIBERAL ASSOCIATION_ . is to be held THURSDAY, OCT. 4. at the LUCKNOW COMMUNITY CENTRE at 8:30 P.M. Seen tai'sitby ;'Deputy - Leader-' of -the • Ontario Liberal Party is the Guest Spanker. • 'Membership for +new ntembers must be purchased 72 hours before the meeting to be able to vote.' 1963 Memberships will be renewed 'at the door. is_cuss puib.iic access to baird meetings. The question whether the Wingham and said it would berplaced on the agenda for the District. Hospital Board will open its 'management committee, which did not. meetings to the general public remains up in xnake a report at the meeting, the air pending a recommendation from the . , Presently reporters are permitted . to board's management committee. . attend regularly -scheduled board meetings, Earlier this year the board voted down a but members o£ the public are not, and proposal from an ad hoc committee that the special meetings are Completely closed, public be allowed to sit in on the meetings. • Hospital bylaws provide that: "Non - The matter was raised again however, at Board members may attendmeetings of the the. hospital association. annual meeting in Board only upon: (a) the invitation of the Jfine when, by an overwhelming show of • Chairman through the Executive Director, hands, association members asked that the or (b) invitation of the Executive Director. board reconsider its position, with the approval of the Chairman." Last week, at the board's first regular However the board has the power to meeting since the summer recess, member change bylaws, provided the changes are Hans Kuyvenhoven asked if the question then ratified at the next annual meeting of would be discussed. Chairman Mary Vair the association. Horne from Scotland •from, page 16 Mrs. Arthur Phillips returned to their homes on Sat relay after a three week visit to Scotlan4. and England. In England they visited with Maulden relatives.: Mrs. Jack Barr was admitted to Kincar- dine Hospital on Sunday. We send, get well wishes Joan. BIRTHS HAYS: Terry and, Joan Hays welcome with love their son, Richard Terrance, 7 pounds, 3 ounces, on September' 25, 1984 at. Wingham and District Hospital. Proud first - time grandparents are D. A. and Evelyn Hackett, R.R. 3 Lucknow and. Bruce and Velma Hays, R. R. 1., Wroxeter; a great grandson for Freda Agar.. Stocker Sole 1000 Head at Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. on Saturday, October 13, 1 p.m. CONSISTING OF: STEERS, HEIFERS AND CALVES FOR INFORMATION CALL Victor Hargreaves [519]; 482.7511 Clinton Barry Miller [519] 235.2717 Exeter [519] 229-6205 Kirkton Greg. Hargreaves [519]:262.2619' Hensstl [519] 262-2831 Henslill Auctioneer: LARRY GARDINER Sure we have 1985's But Come in NOWand Help yourself to these remaining 1984's •»•-• 'MANUFACTURE• WARNER "•" PRICE PRICE, door' hatchback 1.0 litre; . automatic No 11 cream. '0.622'110 •7,699. 1984' Plymouth Turtl%mo 3. 1984 Plymouth Colt . DI. s door .MtehMck..'2./ litre; automatic .9 No. 16 tomati- No.10, blue. • 1904 Plymouth Turlsmo. - 3 door hatchback. 2.2 litre, automatic No !s, whlb : ^ 1084Plynloµth.'Horizon - s' doorIi tChtiack, 2.2 litre,. automatic. No 23, spice 1084 Plymouth' Horizon - s door hatchback, 2.2 litre, 5 speed, No. 25 beige: ,172.25. •8,225. 19,255.25 418,294. 4,120.50 •7,0185. '0,309.20 MANUFACTURE 1984 Plymouth Horizon - 2.2 Pit,la litre automatic, No. 23. hatchback, spice. '0,407.25 1984 Reliant, "K" 4 door.. sedan.. package No. O. 2.2 litre.' automatic. No.17. beige. +1 1 639.13 1984 Aries. "K" - 4 door sedan, equipped. 2.2 litre. automatic. No. 24: mink. . '69,714.10 1984 Reliant "K" - 4 door sedan, package No. C, 2.2 litre. automatic. No. 15. white. '9,920.70 1904 Arps "K" 4 door sedan. package No. C, 2.2 litre, automatic, No. 21, dismal. . . '10,049.20 1004 Doth D50,. Tough small pickup, 2.0 litre, 4 spied, No. 03, bright red. 1984: 'Dodge D50 Tough small pickup "Sport Model" 2.6 litre. 5 spread, stereo. NO. 04..black. 1984 Dodge Rampage, Front wheel ,drive, sport pickup. Loaded. No. 5, charcoal. WARNER MANUFACTURE . WARNER' PRICE PRICE PRICE 1064 Arps "K" Custom station moon. gon. No. 21. red. � . '11,314.30 '•10,046. 1984 Reliant . K" custom sta- tion Wagon. No. 21. red. 1,754,1984 Daytona "Turbo Z" 2 door h.tehbaek, loaded, No. 07''13,804.53 613,999. black. ' 18,757. 0984 ' Chrysler ."I",4"1r sedan. No. 15, rad. '10.521.73, 014,807. 'd.9"Hs 1984. "Fifth ' Ave" 'Affordable luxury • No.14, crimson. '19,666.40. '17,988. '11,693.05'10,320. 917 BRAND NEW TRUCKS ' MANUFA U PRICE 8155.40 O9+cif 10,220.65 WA PRICE 7321. 8,957. 8,355. 1984 . - e D100. Fu size p up, Long w • s box, 6 cyl. automatic, power' steering, brakes, 3500 Ib., GVW, No..25, white. 1984 Dodge 5150 Van, 6 kyle automatic, dressed up and sharp 'No. 14. beige sand. ' .PRICE 10,000.00. 12,087.05 PRICE 9,376. 10,999: SUPER SAVINGS ON COMPANY. VEHICLES 1084 Dodge Colt "DL" .3 door hatchback, 1.6 litre, diutmnatic -Deluxe Mods 'No. 17. light blue. $ 7103: 1984 PlymouthHorizon "SE" s door hatdcbadc. 2.2 litre, automatic, stereo, con- sole, rear,wiper. power steering and brakes and more. N.. 02, two tone charcoal and silver. $7300. • 1984 Turismo 3 door hatchback; "Duster Sport Package" 2.2 litre automatic, stereo, sport wheels and more. No. 20, radiant silver. $8345. 198' Daytona "Turbo" - Front wheel drive sports car. Well equipped - check the mall NOAH - radiant sliver. $11,910. 1984 Dodge 600 ",Convertible".- Hare's your chance to own a convertible! What a groat eutomobild No. N. mink brown. $12,97.1. 1984 Dodge D150 Pickup - 315. automNk, 4010LIOVW, power steering and brakes etc. etc. No. N, two tone splay and beige. ' . 1084 .Laser "XE" "Turbo". Tho First North American built front wheel drive sports 1901 Dodge D130 Pltkup - 4 kyle automatic. No. ON, two tone blue. carl Water cooled turbo air's V0. performance with 4 -cylinder economy! Thi, laser,, our Presidents. personal car has every'available factory option. Test drive It now. No. 03 - two • . tone saddle and biock. -113,999. . 1984 Pontiac Grand Prix, 2 door coup*, buckets, con- sole. air, cruise. tilt, power wlndov s. stereo. sport wheals. rustproofed when new, extended warranty. No.1$ s12,300 1182 Trans Am, 305, VS, automatic, rustpronhd when new. cassette stereo, cruise, t11t, power windows; Iodks, sport' whe.isand air -impeccable throughout. No. Al 811,600. 1902 Buick Electra ;"LTD". 4 door. Fantastic err. fully loaded. No.47 012,999. 1979 Buick LeSabre "LTD", 4 hock .307, V$. automitk, power stearins end brakes, two tons paint No. 47 ... -- `--*4.993. 1976 Buick Century. 2 doer coup.. mid oke Mulder • sharp! Sharp! 14e. A17 $2905, r •' Thee vehicles' MUST be sold ad rrasenible offer refused unreasonable offers considered 'CoIM&M TODAY AN VehiCiiii Windshield Priced (With free 1 Year Warranty) 1971. Chev Malibu -'2 door, 305, V0, automatic, power steering end brakes. air, stereo, rustproofed when new. No. 51 $3495. 1903 Chrysler New Yorker "Fifth Ave" 4 door, 315 V0, automatic, totally luxury equipped. Compare with new. lortmlleog.. . 014,400. 11182 Plymouth Reliant K "SE" Wagon Top 11ne. "Woody" station wagon. "Well appointed" No. A6 sem. 1981 Dodge Arles "K", 4 door 2.i litre, automatic. rustproefsd when new "Good Lookw" Nip. A14. :3893. 08,995. 87,995. 1902 Plymouth • Horiion, 4 door. 4 cylinder. 4 speed "Economy" No. 02. . $4993. 1901 Plymouth Horizon; 4 door !.2 litre. automatic No. AO $4673. 1902 Chrysler Lsbaron, 2 door. 2.2 litre. 4 speed. buckets and console. flit. cruise. stereo. Rastproofed whee new No. Aly $$4 fl 1901 Mercury Lynx "GL" Villager station Wagon -4 cyl.. 4 speed. avulse. ziebarted when waw. Mleholins, roof rack. law lotaane owner ,Mlles. "OUTSTANDING" No. A14 $5995.. mew WARNER SAT. 0 • SUN. 124 AUTO MARINE GRAND BEND 238.2391 I: