The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-10-03, Page 1single copy 35c *Muted hi lattelmow, Ontario, Wednesday, Weber 3, 1$84 A • • *I Pagel; Ther Lucknow"Lions Glut hmi donated $10,000 "towards the, new emergen�cy°and outpatient departments at Winghar 04, -sDlstrict Hospital In memory of Dr; 3. C,McKim of Liuckiiow `who was a former me Lions mber.: The money, wilt :be:, used to;:: purchase 'and instill the overhead adjustable, lights in, the trauma.;unit of; the new ambulatory entre wing.'A► plaque to record. the donation with _ Milking the cheque present McDonagh, Lueknow'c' lookingon. S, lay ew prominently outside the door'°of the .trauma .alit: Shown from the left, Tont Helm, Lucknow Llons president; Rod 'ar the hospital fund .raising campalgn; and CarralaMeKim; ' . CPhoto by "rSbaran Dietz] rain doe spoil match attendan Just as the official opening was to take place with country; and, western singer Carroll Baker doing the honours, it rained, The International Plowing Match, held this year near Teviotdale in Wellington County,. was off to an ominous start, but as, the match continued throughout last week, weather conditions imprinted, "We had good attendance the total paid being 118,000 and the total, including people with free passes was 150,000," • says David Craig. Craig lives . near Arthur and is chairman of the Wellington County Plow- men; "T his;year we were very strict in 'keeping records at the gates. Everybody who came to the match was counted.. We were very happy. with attendance, • We didn't beat the best previous attendance records, but were only, 15,000 ,away." At the last regular meet ng of the Lucknow Agricultural Society, : a very favourable report was given concerning, the Fall Fails •. Attendance figures showed aalight "increase on Saturday afternoon at the fair while a oticeable increase was shown both . on tiday and Saturday night. In the field crop section,.one of the largest. xhibits of the fall fair, ended in a tie etween Murray Irvin and Don Alton : with . 08'/2 points for the best average in three rops - field score with: a possible. 100 points nd indoor exhibit with 50 points: At this meeting, it was decided to use the est three field scores' to break the tie. As a esult Pon Alton with:93, 93, 92 278 points, ould •win the trophy donated ;by . the late lake Alton's family, with Murray Irvin 93,. 93, 89 275 n posits winning 025 voucher, from:,Luicknoww Co-op: • Placing third was Ray Hogan who: wins a sweater from Reavie.Farm .Equipment, while Russel'.l(rvin picked upa year's subscription to the Lucknow Sentinel. for placing fourth... Nomination nneetir.g . The Huron Bruce Provincial Liberal As- sociation will hold a nomination meeting tomorrow evening, October 4 at the Lucknow Community Centre at 8.30. p.m. Sean Conway, deputy leader of . the Ontario 'Liberal Party' is the' guest speaker. • •The* Der .1R �i ea*per h rG a si .�tl j ��zin ' a, sta;!s* shock an y'on c'tb '+d i ine oto Siattir y Ms. Dodds Was chosen the new Queen on Friday night at the plowing match; which this year was •held 'dear Teviotdale in Wellington County. And as the new Queen, she will represent the Ontario Plowmen's :Association, attending most county plowmen association. banquets. and visiting the. Royal Winter Fair in Toronto this fall. She will also be making 'appearances at .farm shows throughout Ontario, including Ottawa, Toronto and London. •• "I'.in actually an ambassador for the plowmen's Association. And I will be. helping . at- the 1985 IPM in . Elgin County," says Ms, 'Dodds: Having just started her duties, , Ms. Dodds says she has already been very Though September 25 'Was* a bad day, Craig says there still was a good. crowd. But he says the bad weather may have worked in;, WO of the IPM since fanners could not harvest crops, ' "When: people saw the,' tented' city site 00 Wednesday, they were shocked. By 'Wed nesday.. noon, things' were drying up just super. The streets were dry and there were no ruts. We got .a lot of bad 'press after the Tuesday rain,''. he says.'*. ` "But we proved a point that we could':pick a tented city site that could' take a lot of rain. We all adjusted very well lathe weather.," There were almost 600 exhibitors in. ;thee tented city. The site was ' full., Plowing. competitioas and visitor parking was •located close the aided city. A' nearbyairstripwas' ty , used by 178 aircraft. Turn .to page 20 een of die furrow eea of the ihterni Kona Bill :Thomson receives PC nomination in Bill Thomson of 'Wingham, a well known CKNX radio open lineshow host, will lead the Huron Bruce Progressive Conservatives in the next provincial election. Thomson' got the PC nod at a nomination meeting Monday. night in Lucknow, defeating Bruce County warden Maurice Donnelly by a vote of 425 to , 243. , • • ' The nomination' meeting crowd rivalled the' attendance at the ''meeting in Lucknow, when Huron $race Liberals chose a successor. to Murray Gaunt four years ago. People lined ' up : across the parking. lot waiting to enter the hall. Present. Huron. "Bruce MPP Murray Elston won that nomina- tion and went ..on to defeat .former .Bruce warden Garry Harron in the election. In accepting the 'nomination Thomson asked the crowd to stand in ovation to Donnelly .and his Wife, Betty _who .have served the Conservative party well, he said. Thomson told his, fellow Conservatives -if each of theist sway one vote "we go in on a waltz; if each of us brings in one vote, we go, in on. a waltz". • The Conservatives are going to ,win the next election, he said and many people of this riding are going to say to themselves, "wouldn't it be a' .good. 'idea for us to try it and find out". In his speech to the meeting before the vote, Donnelly outlined five issues which should be addressed . when the election • is called. • Youth he said is an important issue which his professional .life as a teacher would provide him withinsight into: Youth are an important part of our society and many long to return to their roots in'this riding but they find jobs ar,e unavailable here. "We are exporting our best product, our youth," said Donnelly. The elderly are the second issue Donnelly addressed saying we must prepare • now for the quality of life they should share and that with; the increasing elderly population in. the riding, housing,' medical care and ;recrea- tional needs of the elderly will be an important issue. in addressing the issue' of agriculture, Donnelly said farming must be a vital operation to ensure the existence of our farmers. Farming is the backbone of the province and d .sof the. his first hand knowledge red nieat industry would assist. him in Turn to page 245 • busy "But it's. been a 1(4 ,4 404 l've /Q� �.s h N�.y-,� r•',.F ny . rest y opI,Witt �rT 4.. IrbM r�'G of -32 ` contestants.:; at this year's OK Ms. Dodds '*iras judged ;on her plowing ability, a,F:Pearance, deportment, speech and interview. "My speech as' : about plowing, the IPM and how farming.and plowing have changed over the years." A 19 -year-old daughter of Don. and Maja Dodds, Ms. Dodds is enrolled in. the family studies program at the Guelph- University. uelph University. , She is no . newcomer.-. to plowing and . Queen competitions: She. represented the Huron County Plowmen for two consecutive years and,was Queen of the Seaforth Fall Fair in 1982. Raised on a farm and a veteran of IPM Queen competitions, Ms. Dodds jokingly admits that her /plowing skills havel* really improved a great deal since 'last year. • ;00, Bruce.Grey MP Gary GUrbin congetti dates Bill Thomson, right,. after he . received the provincial Huron Bruce PC'non`lnatton Monday slight.' The COM radio show host defeated Bruce County warden Mi Donnelly far the • nomination at i~ meethig held In Lticlinow. ' [Photo by Sin Dktz fito Y 6 zs 3