The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-09-26, Page 14nr Luc'mow, Sentinel, Wednesday, .September 26. 19$4—P ge 1 Presbyterian auxiliary enjoys potluck dinner.. On September 18, twenty-seven ladies sat. down to a bountiful potluck dinner and social hour, Some members of the W.M.S. were guests.. Mrs. Bert Moffat called members to wor- ship with the verse, Draw nigh unto God and He, wyill draw nigh unto:. you: Humble yyouur slv s.you. the Sight, of the Lord and.' Hewi, Maudie Fisher led in a devotional period based on a theme, Go ye and teach an -na- tions. Soxne of the members willpresent:a brief skit at the fall rally in..Teeswater,, October 22. Mrs. Bruce. Raynard.: gave the topic on Nigeria telling of 'a 15 year drought in that cou ntry. , Mrs. William Ross read a beautiful poem entitled, Soliloquy. MrS. Moffat thanked all those who had helped to 'hake the whole evening such: a success. Bob Bergroan of Kinloss -Township brought these two puffballs ffladls in to the Sentinel office last HorticulturalsOClety , week, The perimeter of the larger one is.57 inches. Bob, his daughter, Rory, Brian Wolfe and Reiner Willing found the puffballs on Brian's farm in Kinloss. (Photo by Sharon Dietz( • .entertain Ripley. socnelty • Observe preying mantis in kindergarten *from page 11 painting many .rainbows due ,to the rainy Garland and Miss Jewitt.. weather. French is off to a good start,. Mr: •Hooft- Miss Jewitt's Grade 2 class has been busy ' roan says students 'have 'learned what a collecting. leaves, seeds and stem cuttings to teacher expects of them and are ready for a start a miniaturegarden. By spring, they good year.. hope to have a room full, of flowers. Kindergarten classes had a,preying man- Grade 3 pupils, in library period with Mrs. tis in their classroom for a few days. Blake, have been using.. the dictionaries and Mrs. Young's Grade 1 class has., been learning alphabetical order of words. working on their bear booklets and also lear- Mrs. Blake is starting a Safety Theme in' ming their colour words. They .have been the Library with primary children. Arnnestygroup. hears about refugees. The local Amnesty International g: cup met in the Kincardine United Church on September 18, to hear Diane Barker of Kin- cardine tell about her experience with Chilean refugees.. . As a.law student, Diane represented many Chilean refugees. in. their attempt to obtain refugee status froth the Refugee Status Ad- visory Committee in Ottawa. To achieve refugee status they had toprove that their lives would be endangered if they returned home.' At that time many Viet Namese refugees were accepted while many Chilean refugees were turned away. At the present time no Chilean refugees are allowed into Canada: Most Chilean refugees had been detained. and Persecuted because they had supported Salvador Allende, the first Chilean leader The Lucknow and District Horticultural Society entertained the .Ripley Society at their September meeting. .. The meeting opened, with the singing of 0 Canada, after which Mary MacGillivray, 'the president, welcomedall and conducted • the business. Joan Robinson; gave a report of the .con- vention which four delegates had attended it1 June. Mrs. Bert. Moffat and Jean Conley delighted the crowd with their . musical numbers: Mrs. Vernon Hunter introduced the guest speaker, Maj. Langon of Clinton, who show- ed howed . a . film on wild flowers.. Jean Whitby 'thanked him' and presented him witha gift. The; Queen was sung and a social time spent over a. dainty lunch provided by the committee in charge namely, Mrs. Virdin Mowbray. Mrs. Charles McDonald, Mrs. Vernon Hunter and Stella Tillbrook - who had tried to help the poorer classes. . After Allende was assassinated in 1973, his socialist'fohowers, who were too illiterate to be a real threat to the new. Pinchoet govern- ment, were detained, threatened, inter- rogated and tortured. Some escaped. A 1982 reportstates that there is still no improve- ment in human rights in Chile. Diane's talk' made all feel very s n ` pathetic towards those sufferingrabuses, in Chile. The next meeting will be held in, the Lucknow United Church on October 14; when everyone interested is invited to hear Debbie Traynor from Toronto speak on the adoption of a prisoner of conscience. Buy �. 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M -W" MOTORS LTD. 184 EAST ST.,,GO:DERICH 524-2113 SETS THE S I AN DARD it Effective October '1, 1984; our new advertising deadlines are as follows: ,CLASSIFIED WORD ADS & DISPLAY Noon Monday preceding publication DISPLAY ADVERTISING 3:00 P.M. Monday preceding publication EDITORIAL COPY Noon Monday preceding publication LUCKNO.W SENTINEL