The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-09-26, Page 4.t • )) • 45 • , • )4 • 12 Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 26, 4984—Page 4 Hospital: addition construction proceeds slowly By Henry Hess In the meantime, he noted, the county heuseholds. A door-to-door canvass is set for I. Construction of a new wing at the board of education has agreed to extend the October 1 to 5. Wingham and District Hospital has , been spark* arrangement'granting the hospital Reporting for the public relations commit - proceeding more slowly than expected, but useW the parking lot at F.E. Madill Secon- tee, Isobel Arbuckle told the board about a the public fund-raising campaign to help dary School until next sununer. - publicity campaign using local newspapers, pay for it is starting to pick up, members of In case things do not go as plaitned, we ' radio and tel as well as restaurant the hospital board were told last week. have an overflow parking area until June, placemats. She alse noted tickets are being Reporting to the board at its first regular 1985. , sold in a hospital lottery with , the grand meeting following the summer recess, Hans Asked by board member Shirley Garniss prize of a—car and a 'raffle will be held for a Kuyvenhoven, chairman of the property whether the high school lot has been used by quilt made by local ladies. - committee, said progress on the building hospital staff or patients, Chairman Mary In other reports, the board was assured has been slow but, following a site meeting Vair responded, "I don't believe there was that the hospital is in good , shape both _ with the contractor, he anticipates things one car there all summer." activity -wise and financially,i In, his ex - will be moving ahead more quickly. The parking arrangement had been ecutive director's report, Norman Hayes s One of the problems was a hold-up in the negotiated by the hospital to satisfy the said there had been a "fairly consistent" m - electrical installations, he reported, and . terms of the town bylaw in order to obtain a crease Wont -patient services for the period there was a lightning strike recently which building permit for the new wing. It calls for , June to Aegust, while Baxter, who gavelhe-- required replacement of some wiring. a token payment to the school board of one ' financecommittee's report, said the He also reported that Ithe committee will dollar. hospital is still chalking up a healthy advertise for tenders on the demolition of, In related business, the board received an sUrPlUS. , the house on the property the hospital has update on the fund-raising efforts Total revenue has ' been $29,000 over purchased for use as a parking lot. The associated "with the building project. • budget and expenses have been lower than removal is to be completed by the end of Treasurer Gordon Baxter reported approx- expected, he said, with the result that the November and the appliances and furniture imately $15,000 had been received to date in • hospital shows a surplus of 4214,000 for the will be sold at auction. the rnail-out campaign to about 10,000 local first five Months of its fiscal year. page 23. Discuss medical centre cost sharing... • PAYING AS HIGH AS 25,8% ON 3 YEAR AND 5 YEAR ANNUAL *from page 1 • • councillor Murray. Ashfield reeve John Austin pointed out • that a motion would be made to take something back to the respective councils - • for discussion and when the minutes of the meeting were received, it would be written up that the board had agreed on the decision and the motion passed, instead of the motion reading that it was sent back to the councils • for discussion.• Ashfield. councillor Grant Farrish asked why the agreement to share the capital costs was ever changed. He wanted to know where they 25 per cent came from. "The only agreement is the one to float the debenture because the treasury of Ontario required it tosee who was responsible for the debenture," said Lucknow councillor Ab • Murray. Farrish replied that the fire board agreement had never been changed, to which Murray pointed out that it had been changed *hen Ashfield came to the fire J.L.S. Investments 1141 KINGSDALE RD. Box 334 NEWMARIfET L3Y 4W1 HANOVER N4N 3H6, *First, Second & Third Mortgages •In Term Funding Available *Other Financial Problems (All Sixes) BROKERS & CONSULTANTS APPRAISERS (519) 364-5315 Weekdays 9 am - 5 pm , LUCKNOW UNITED , CHURCH • SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 SundaySchool 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.M. • Rev. Warren McDougall B,A.M.Div. • Nursery andjunior congregation provided EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH • SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Worship Service and Sunday School 11:30 a.m. REV. ALLISON J. RAMSAY, MINISTER • Nursery Downstairs • For Little Ones Under Four EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMEDCHURCH Invites You To Worship With Them. On SUNDA7, SEPTEMBER 30 10:00 cm. and 7:30 p.m. Nursery downstairs morning and evening EVERYONE WELCOME. board and asked the Lucknow . fire .department to provide coverage for the entire township of Ashfield, rather than having the Gederich fire department cover the southern portion of the township. The fire agreement was changed and Ashfield - now pays. 31 per cent, of costs of providing fire protection to the four municipalities in return for the protection of the additional portion of the township. • Murray said the arena agreement has also been changed. The four municipalities own and operate the Lucknow Arena and Swimming Pool and the Lucknow Fire • Department sharing the costs as agreed.' • Reeve. Barry Johnston of Kinloss pointed out that to his recollection the proposal. for * the dental suite was decided on a 25 per cent share and it was recommended by Lucknow reeve Joynt that all future costs would be - shared 25 per cent. The four members on the board at that time agreed, to this, said Johnston. Reeve Austin of Ashfield remarked that former Ashfield reeve Warren Zinn does not remember agreeing to a 25 per cent split on the dental suite. Reeve Johnston pointed. out that an • agreement of 25 per cent would only mean an additional $300, Would be paid by each township "and as far as we (Kinloss) are' concerned it is a 25 per cent agreement or else." Reeve Joynt read the rningtes from the February 10, 1978 meeting of the medical centre board in which he reconunended and the remainder of the board members agreed that the capital costs present and future be split 25 per cent. • Reeve Joynt said he has never had a disagreement or row with any of the board members but there is always disagreement between the appointee and his council as to what he can agree to and what he cannot agree to. "We have to come to a definite . understanding about what is going on," he Turn to page 5. INN Guaranteed • Investment • ALSO PAYING iAS-HIGH AS • 121/2 % ON -2 & 4 YEAI3 ANNUAL Through such Trust Companys as VICTORIA & GREY -CITY TRUST STANDARD -STERLING INTERNATIONAL ° MUNICIPAL-- CREDIT FONCIER All companies members of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corp- oration. • • Rates quoted as of SEPTEMBER 24, 1984 INVEST THROUGH Rod McDonagh BOX 250 LUCKNOW 528-3423 4), • Hamilton's Gas AND Diesel VISA®• • •••••:::.44,•••:`.14;•%44:•:.:.:<.:4,:px:.•:.:4:, • A. (Bud) Hamilton & Sons Agent for Petro -Canada Oil Co. GASOLINE - STOVE FUEL DIESEL , WHOLESALE RETAIL Credit Cards Accepted • PEIROCAVIADE .1 MasterCard • BULK ANTI FREEZE BULK KEROSENE((Lim ;II or small amounts) Pepsi • 1.5 L. BOTTLE 9941 • Plus tax and dep. • 750 ML. Bottle KIST GINGERALE & ,DOUBLE COLA S 994 Plus Tax & Dep. Authorized Empty Bottle Dealer For Brewers Retail • II4URS: MONDAY - SATURDAY 6:00 A.M. - 9:00P.M. Hwy. 86 EAST END OF LUCKNOW 528-3006 ,••••••.. Vs. •