The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-09-19, Page 81' T 1, or Lucknow Sentinel, Wedneaday*'Sptenther 199 1984 - rtige or. I f 1 Robert Townshend follows in his father's footsft Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott, Elizabeth Fair of Townshend Sr,, and members of his family iummirmanomminammisamiatis". • Ripley, Reverend M. J. Letson and Edna and and many former rectors and friends. May Boyle went to London on Wednesday to' In the evening the Townshends were KINLOUGH.1 : * St, Paul's Cathedral for the Consecration of being honoured with a dinner given by I C. Robert Townshend, as suffragan Bishop Bishop William A. Townshend to -75 of his by May Boyle of the diocese of Huron; It was a most impressive service, Bishop Weall wish the newly. appointed Bishop William A, Townshend preached the sermon Ood's blessing. Kinlough 'latish contributed McCreath Funeral Koine until Wednesday and wished God's richest blessing upon his towards his new vestments as his father and from Where the funeral service was held' with son, Robert as he begins a wider ministry in late mother, Kathleen began their ehristian • burial in Kincardine CemeterY. A- family the Lord's work. „ ministry at Bervie, Kingarf and ICinlough. It 'luncheon followed at the home .Of Mr. and Rev. Peter Townshend also took part in was most fitting that folks from these areas Mrs. Ron Cameron. The Pinnell family lived the service as did the choir of St George's were present. • • . for several years in our ii1Iage 'Church, Owen Sound, where Bishop Robert . Visitors with Marretta Hodgins were Mr; Jamie- Viingfold has returned to Wood - Townshend, his wife andlamily had to leave and Mrs, Y. Edgar of London, Mr and Mrs. Stock after wending the summer here with to take up his new duties. They are presently Everett Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jordeth of is grandparents,- Mr. • and Mrs. Bert • residing in London. Ferndale, Michigan and Mr. .ands Mrs. Earl Nicholson. r . Following the two hour service, a delicious Elliott, concession 10. - • ; 'flolyrood hall was filled on Wednesday lipicheon' was set up smorgasbord style on Sympathy is extended to the family of the evening, September 12th when relatives, the Cathedral ' lawn and all had the late William Pinnell, • Glenn, Wray, Dorothy, friends and neighbours gathereCto honour opportunity to greet the newly appointed Ena and Mildred and their 'families, The Carrie Allen;Airide elect with a thiscellin- Bishop and his wife and family,- B„lshop remains rested, at the MacKenzie and I . • • 1.40unce nosptia uncl raising ccun • Fund raising ..for the new addition to the •Wingham and District flospital is about to commence. The overall area serviced by the • hospital has been tlivicled into groups with local representativm reSponsible for -each ' area. Local reps ' include Marion Zinn for Ashfield and West Wawanosh Townships, 'Frank MacIerizie for Kinloss Township and • Jean Whitby and Rod McDonagh for the Village of Lucknow. • 't,1 • ••The total cost of the new addition, renova- tions and the new equipment necessary will cot= to $2000,000 over the next two years. After various grants are received the cam-, . paign goal is $400,000. • . •Local service clubs 'and organizations • have been approached and have responded either with a donation or a volunteer of man- power. A ccimpleteloor to door canvass of the area will be Bondi duringthe week ' Turn ta pa8e 9.• aign of October 1.4. All donations are tax deducti- ble and'a receipt will beissued by ttie can- , vasser. Pledge cards are also available if - contributors! wish to donate now. and 'then .. again in the future. All canvassers shall attend a.' training Seminar on Thursday, September 27at *the Community Centre in Lucknow at and the canvaSsers' kits will be'given out at .• , . Turn to page 16. Friday •., Sciptember.-21 at Blyth • ' ivlemorial Hall•• • •Cali: 523-9300 or 523-9225 , Series tickets stilt available. • . rSATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 ormid school class holds reunion steveandnudYneme LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE OPEN DA1S AVAILABLE • FRIDAY, sEirrEiviligit 21,28 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 12, 26 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER9i 1:6, 23,30. „ TmETT1 OM, pown.mos. mu* oi•Mirolno, Mom Immo SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. . Paul Murray and Carile•Allen • On • Sunday, September 9 the 1939 graduating class froin. Stratford Normal School gathered at 'the picnic pavilion in • Upper Queen's park, Stratfordkwhere they happily renewed acquaintances and talked • -about old times. •' It was 45 years ago that Isobel McMillan (the former Isobel McCannel), now of • , Toronto, was , crowned as May Queen for that year. • Stratford Normal School and Stuart Collyer, now of Lucknow, represented- . his graduating din as valedictorian. • The - two, who - •attended Sunday's reunion for the normal • schoolgraduating .class were surprised and pleased to discover a member of the class had kept a book of news paper clippings that ••' ••• • contained photos and stories about' both, Alcornmittee was appointed to make plans, for the reunion again in 1989. • ' •About 50 members of the class; 'and their spouses, one, couple. from as far. away as- Va,ncouver Island, returned for this reunion. Kathryn -Collins,' Ripley,. Mrs. Eldon: -Brad -- ley, Lucknow, and Mrs: Gordon Wingham; also attended this rennion. , . • . COL CLETUS •• DALTON. AUCTIONEER •Real Estate *Farm Sales •LIqukbitIons •AntIqieri SATUY, OCTOBER •• . Mike Hackett and•Rena •. .• SATIJ1DAY, OCTOBER 13 pon 1Titenburg and ..TetnilferSinnett . • • CALL TIHS NUMBER BETWEEN MO a.m. and 6:00 p,m. ONLY • •• 52g-3532 4. • a 6". • .4 •• • • DISTINCTIVE -WEDDING INVITATIONS Select your wedding invitations from our complete patalOgue. For-you...La Keepsake copy of your Invitation in luxurious gcild. Catolowies are avollsibk ' • for woo/4M selection ' Printing jt Service \LVCKNOW Ilanaltoti SAND.. Diesel vi Agent for Petro- undo 011 Co. GASOLINE • S'IOVE-FUEL • DIESEL WHOLESALE - RETAIL I Credit Cards Accepted PETROCANADX MOTOR COIL • GREASES • ACCESSORIES ereard. LS L. BqrtLIE COCO C01(1 • 750 ML iottle 0 R Mori tat k dep. Aug tii.1 and dep' 750 -NIL. Bottle KIST GINGERALE • DOUBLECOLA 3,(F):99° Plus Tax & Dep. Other Varieties of Pop In Stock • • . Aottetwizod kitty Bottle Dealer For Brewers Retail • YOURPETRO DOLLAR COUPONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT OUR RETAIL OUTLET 110tIkStIVIONDAT SOURDAY t(i0 A.M.. 9:00P.M. Hwy, 86 Ear END OF LUCKNOW 5284006