The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-09-12, Page 7SAVE 15% AL1 v GIFTWARE: .ro OFF, SAVE 10% JALL FISHER -PRICE TOYS, SAVE 15% IP 6 Luclmow Sentinel, Wednesday,.. September 12, .1984 -Page n, ey ,• for a d the ler in their she ►g: 0 )rano , and )the `her, f the the het and reat hed d to Grog cher =The' •atinosphere. at ' the ''Huron -Bruce Liberal •post, election "party" .was less than appy Tuesday as,early in the election, signs pointed to a local and national. sweep, of the progressive Conservatives. .41 guess the writing' is on the `wail," murmured Liberal Hopeful Bruce McDonald, as the Liberals continued tp Lturn up short at he polls. The. 30 -year olds Mildmay .insurance brok er,was defeated in. an• election: that returned the riding incumbept `Murray Cardiff to pttawa and continued a 45,year Conserva- flvelove aff 'r ins ;Huron -Brute "The' last few' daYS .1personally got the feeling that the 'governmtent 'was gping'`to hange, but I had no idea it would be by this- magnitude.. There's no stues'tion'now'that the olton ent unnecessary.McDonald ,national. trend Was much stronger than' anyone' in their •• wildest dreams, ever imagined. 1 don't think the–Conservatives were even that optimistic," said McDonald, McDonald said -he. had expected to see a. closer race between himself and 'Cardiff since they both grew up. in the area.. • "But it was eividenf the people had P P decided it wastime for a change, that they wanted new, faces, and they went about it. .quite' massively," • Regain - Power .,• • 1.114a speech dtreeted to his su orters Pp ,. MDonald urged the continued'support of 'the Liberal party and' said it wouldn't take long for them to regain their power, Using the 1958 government .of John Dief enbaker. as an example, McDonald told the • erowd'he Conseryatites wouldn't last more than one term. "I don'tthinkthe change in government, was necessary, especially one of this: magnitude. It's not good for the country, it's • hard to govern, a country- with the' kinds.. of, numbers the Conservatives got today.:You just have,<'to look at the Diefenbakerr government to see how that .works. It didn't taks,...long for that government to deter- iorate," he said. ,%•'. . ' McDonald reminded the group that it had :been Liberal govern, melits who had been responsible :for the majority of benefits and reforms : present • in the current system. "You just have to look around at the benefits in place .now,' benefits such- as ' Turn to 'page 19* 1b.N:J.Is..strong sh�whg Huron -Bruce NDP tandidate-- Valerate fine incumbant (Conservative Murray Card on is especially pteased the. party held iff), when the Liberals crumbled in the area, e ir, own in therriding in this•,:election• when means the party'has to go out and work to e Tory tide was iso great Results show get people ,involved in building' ,the social olton with 211 .trpre„votes':than .'in c1.h80 . democratic party in this.riding.•• !itch holds the ,b alar vote at about 11.1 McQuail said, he was really pleased with P . r cent. the shown$ of the national artysinee`nany Bolton believes Nbe thevoice Were 'saying the .NDP .was irrelevant 'and the ordinary people --i the': drew {ai`lita-, ', dead twomnth . os. a o:athe t beginning of t e 'ent. "You can .count oat us too{ be'Afthe real $ •„ 8 position. The NDP came into`• theyelection R, ,‘(If the Liberals had been a' national party 4 strong caucus, we stood 'strong on with seats in., the:,west, there would have 10es and wee wtlll,;be prepared to ga ' :been•rilplace:for.the Tory vote; to'go'but as. o the House ascan efhotterfective opposition !”- as We lost a few out .there ” I an interview the day: after,. the election, . `Locally Bolton was surprised that even 'ton . said. 01: NDP, leader 'Ed Broadbent {has :though she didn't -have tile. chance to speak own in. this carol ►sign. he 'is;Str•ong as• much on women's .issues • as She would, esman for ordau#a'ry=.M1Canadians and ,he •: have liked.during4the campaign, people saw the seen as,a spokesman for Canadians in the .NDP as• the •real voice .for equality for. women ,;Perhaps herpresenceas2a.wornan;in the •campaign: contributed- to this, she said. -Raising the .issuesof nl clear'disarinainent and , peace; in, this' riding was:; her. •i lost :ent upwhen it was announced over, CUC : Signifcant contribution: to the catmpa gn, in levision• that NDS' Dail •, `Heap -'tad : beefi her own_ opinion The New Democrats are uccessful in the S'padina riding`of TOronto moreaggressive.about nuclear disatftament 'Oouse of Coronions ; ; ,Bolton awaifeddthe election results at her ome Tuesday night surrounded by loyal upporters and campaign workers. A cheer fearing. Tory candidate Peter ldjt'orthin and thepeaceissue `with strong Clearly- . en. "Just wait, until they'see what :we do ur det7ined,°objectives, she remariCe4 -, ` e west," .exclaiitied the workker. TM r Rahe of served4bat Cardiff's. win is not Just;;^ Caiiipaign.,,chai'ifman Tony McQuailTisaidh a apart of the Tory sweep. -,Cardiff is capable, o -hold their share „responsible and presented himself well y,-Ian"dslide and a du ring, he ea i'ipaign, she said. He should be able to do a good fob representing the riding, now that he is a - member of the' government and .will be .able to work •for the issues,he spoke of in . the .campaign including soil erosion and Cariagrex. Bolfoii said. her party will.. also support him on parity of farmers, talc reform, job creation`and the' lowering of ,interest rates. ;Bolton said 'she .hopes the government coming intopower 'will work together :with the ;peoples of Canada to find ways of don* tnteating McQuaii said.it is his suspicion that alory • victory of this tinngil1ititude will; -isnot be' good for the countiir;. because it; may lead to arrogance on the part of the government; MdQuail' said ,prime; minister, . elect:* .Brian . . Mulroney is; quite. .prepared not ..to talk to , reporters.. ashedid diririgthe campaign2Ie was running on'the premise that if he dint. :say , anything,:he”wouldii'-t make a Mistake .that 'would cost: hi%m :the' election.. Weare getting a'much smoother variety of arrogance with Mulroney than. we had with former' , prime riinister Pierre Tri deau, according, tb.. McQuail With frudeau tt' • "showed'niore. Mulroney: gave the ,,intpres • • turakinge19a Or'the NDP in this ,,x the votes agams• ar in • m. page 1w 4w - i a 1' ake mistakes I�ow we had too much time. • e -did some thing&t :soon The mistakes, ought minor,, •didilifi4ve any effect ion the tcome of theelection." , t Conservative swing ineans the .nevi+ vernment will'be the largest :yet With,:211 .s. Before -the election.,. Campbell , esti- ed the PCs would takenxo:more: than 180 ats and Cardiff :guessed 150,:ilecause so any seats were taken,by;the.Conservatives, e odds that Cardiff will become a cabinet 'roster have increased. "Murray has the expertise and has had e exposure. Brian,,Mulroney'has -quite a. uron- In this riding, PC' ncuinnent Murray ardiff joined the, ory sweepncreasiiig his lurality from -a margin: of 2,156•votes in'. the 980 election to 15,167-- this' time. Cardiff ceived 23,969 votes compared to Liberal•- ndidate . Bruce l‘dlcDopalirtr.-8;802% which as,dovvn considerably ,froth Liberal candid- te Graeme Craig's total of 14,364 in 1980. ew Democrat Valerie Bolton increased NDP share ofthe vote slightly with 4,075. allots cast in her favour compared`to NDP °ny McQuajl's 3,864 -in the =1980 election. Libertarian candidate Joe :'Mundt :received break down of area polls shows Cardiff ith a significant leal throughout, • pits Laeknow - rdiff: 371' cDonald; 178 ton: 67 ands: 3' • tnlose rdiff: 454 cDonaldt• 127 ton: 59 undt.2 ' West Wawanosh. Cardiff: 419 McDona`ldh' 136 Bolton. 73 ,Mundt: 6 Ashfield. Cardiff: 611 McDonald: 205 Bolton: 106 . Yundt: 6 • i.' met .p0SSi ilia joii ahead of him, Some ON* :who `should .• get* cabinet, appointment,won't `gef- one.•` And if Murray does get into the cabinet, he oval. still''. continue tOlsei?ve the riding.' So fart ' the's`done•an Outstanding job' because he's a ,gentleman, and bas , hadno animosity with l the Liberals,''.' said Campbell. - An Origlnal , . . . Cardiff . is one ' 'of the • original ...85. Conservatives who have been members of parliament since the last election. In 1980, `` .he' was the only new Conservative elected east of - Alberta,.. In his ' first term, he • represented Canada in a number of trade :de1egations-throughour- the *vcirld. "In Mexico, our delegation was successful in.. selling a ' $17 ' million . contract: The potentialis there to sell Canadian products, but we have to go after . it, said Cardiff: "I don't' know. what' my chances'are of being in cabinet. Now there is more possibility', because I'm one of the original 85." ` But for the. 50 -year-old Grey Township , farmer, ' life - as an ' MP and a farmer. continued, 'even the day after the `election.. ' With a majority government, the Canad- ian 'people have told government they want change, he said. "And with the policies ' we've developed, voters • have given us a mandate to put those policies in place. . • `We, won't have a turnaround overnight. But there ate some • policies such as Agricultural policies that an be put itt place very soon such Cba d legislation.u�el, 'capital gains. and the a g i "We :h'ope it ; won't have to get worse before it gets better. We have to have long- lasting job creation.' I feel we should have, less bureaucracy in the business sector. Crown . corporations will have to be , more accountable.. And we need responsible goverment -spending. Things have to start •in Ottawa with government spending. - ' ... . • 'We have. to.get our priorities right to get Cana mg again," said Cardiff. ' J.L.S.s 1'141. KINGSDALE RD. Bex 334 NEWMARKET L31f 4w1 HANOVER N4N 3Hi" *First, Socond, &'I'hird NMortgagos • In Term Ter,-00liding Avallable• ' AQthe,rNolanc c i probionis (All . Sizes) BROKERS & CONSULTANTS. APPRAISERS . (51;9) 564 -5315 - Weekdays 9 am - 5'4pm• MA4yN CAR OILING ---...... . 395.3352 1 */.'alibis north of A amiley. :wuat off Hinhwey No41• . • . • LOPOCICOlt SIGN PRICES: C.ii `S ....:. ' Pickups: Or Valls Tax 1nclua.il I Open 8 a.m. *. 6 p;m. Weather Peimlti ng. WELCOME'TO UCIKNOW1 FALL FAIR Drop in and see our sole nni ALL JIGSAW PUZZLES. OFF SAVE '/3 SAVE 15% ALL cHIL.DREN'S °ROOKS OFF SAVE 20°'° ALL STRADELLINA BRIEFCASES• arid PORTFOLIO CAS!S Rmzo% ..•14.asvpl..` •KINGIITE D(SPOSAOLE LIGHTERS ' SAVE 30C BASSETT'S - 450 g. , • . 1 LICORICE ALLSORTS 'SAVE 404 1.19 DISPOSABLE b's BIC RAZORS _ - PKa.77 COLGATE TOOTHPASTE 100 ml. • PLAIN OR PEANUT • 200 0. . M&M CANDY SAVE 40C WHITE SWAN - 2 ROLL PICO. PAPER TOWELS.. SAVE 50C , ' ENHANCE. SHAMPOO 3o0ini • 994 SUPER BUY PAMPERS.D Y,,in...W$1 DIAPERS '.., 'N..rbore• so'a SALE PRICES IN EFFECT TILL. SEPT. 22 OR WHILE QUANTITIES LAST WE ACCEPT • NORTH SIDE SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH PHONE 524.6901 MoSferCard