The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-09-05, Page 22.diseS,,,• 1 I •t 1• • . • • V., y. :4 t I - • , malm.00 AWAY. • . • Luc:know Sent/nett We,thiesditY1 September 59 19844hp 1 ,7* • fuis.....urifm."0,-,-,wiume.o..#0,,,,w• • VC; Bunn*** oppOrtunS0* „ • .02. Coming events • • • ..B custom work . !RPM'S:- • -W•al•SP, . . , M9•01•1•1,11.1014Hrl.M11.410,,f1PMTPlr ,glemirmiipnaus priimoup -muniumokunippe...., CASH IN QN INCOME TAX. &in' moneY;. Learn MOney,saving tax tips by correspond, ence, U R .Tax Schools 207 • -i345 Pembina Hwy Winnipeg, M R3T 2.1)6- -036 • • CHRISTMAS CASHI Discover what thous • ands of. Canadians already. know;. Earning extra Christmas money is •easy. Write REGAL, 939 Eglinton Ave.. E., Dept 634, Toronto, M4Q. 2L6. ..• 28. Enagementa ' • HAGG1TT.110YD' Mr. and Mrs. Walter -Boyd, Toronto, , are. pleased to announce the forthcomingmar- ' . `riagieftheitdanghter, hale to Murray, son. .• of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Haggitt, .11,.# 6, Goderich, The wedding' will take place Saturday, September 15,1984 at 6.30 p.m. in Nile United Church, Nile-, .Ontario. -.Receptton to follow in &Word. Everyone • ..„ welcome. • . mom ommommelmaimu . . . . . 0., •. 31.-Cardit :of thinks ww • • • • eivelmossphow, MURRAY We would like lo thank our family, friends and neighbours for,. the lovely get together, gifts and best wishes on our 25th anniver- sary. Memories will not be forgotten. ,-- Charlesandloati * —16x , SWELLS I wish to sincerely thank Dr. J. lviCKim and Dr. Passi for their prompt and expert Care; • also a warm t.hank you to my friends for cardsvisits, flowers and baking while I was in hospital and at the ledge. MUM Shiells .11•1•10.11=1•4•1•1•1001••=.11•10••••1011••=•••• • COW HERD DISPERSAL Saturda,y,Septeniber 15, 12 noon. Gold Bar Livestock,. County Road 86, 2 miles north iwy. 7. Herdsires, bi11s cow,s, heifers,'. calves. Free listed, Free delivery,' (5191, ' 824-1408, .R. 1., # Ariss. • - • . , DAY TRIPS • Guided tour of 300 me fruit:farm on tour tram at Niagara-on-the,Lake, plus other points of interest, Tuesday, September 23. LOND0N FAIR Thursday, September 13. Phone: Helen McBtirney, 357-3424. —36 - r.. .4.jsuouFoRum. On Arthritis, 8 p.m., Wednesday, sept - ember 1Z, AnthOny's Parish basement, ROssell.treet,„ Kineardur,. Everyope wet. • „ 4 sum FESVVAL CUSTIMISSCA0bODN'O, Whea, , barley and corn`stubble; also corn stalks., Rilt ScheuriVater, 3926301 be- lween .6: and 7 7-34,35,36 - • • ' • Ci)• STAAMTCINtrWITAND TaT . • • . Truck Available, •Grain Storage Available, Eillott'i, ,Seed. & TOO**, • Luckiww. CaH . day or night 528-3$00 or 528-3110. , , • C, Wanted . IMO DEAD STOCK ,IATP, pay up. to;$30 for fresh at eiand horses, • 1000 pounds and ever;- from NO ,pouridS ,to lopo pow*, cent a pOimd. Top prices paicl for beef hides: Call toll free .;1400-265-3011, Animal Foods Limited,L,30tf. • - ,4 • • . COrintry Hearts plays Through, to Septeniber 01"T 15.` Evening.' performances 830 p.m., • matinee Thursday, September, 13. Closed ,Sunclay, .Tickets $8 adults; .$3 children, Call Box Office 523.9300 or 523-9225. 7-36 • • MISS LUCKNOW FAIR Lucknow‘ Agricultural Society will sponsor a Queen of the Fair' contest on Saturday, • September 8, in the Community Centre, 'Milano from 9 to 1 to Siddon Brothers. —36 IMMUNIZATION CLINIC • Bruce County Health Unit, infants, pre- schoolers, adults, 2nd Wednesay 'of each month. NET CLINIC 'Wednesday, Sept- . ember 12, 1984, Bruce County Health. Unit • ofCce, 3 - 4:30 p.m. • • 0.-36x • • • , • — • • •. • • • , I would like to thank family and. friends for .• the kively, gifts and Cards received for. nit '89thi birthday and the residents of the'Sepoy ApartMenti for the lovely party.• • Ada Webster • 't • - ACKERT - Words. cannot, adequately express our - • sincere appreciation .to the members of the • Luck** and. 'Ripley- Fire Departments for •• the speed and accuracy -with which they distinguished the fire in our sow. operation on Monday; August' 27.- AlsO, we wish. to , ' .express. our thanks to the neighbours and . • friends - who showed their concern., at this * dine. Your help and thOlightfulness is 'much • ••' appreciated. • • - •• . Ernest and Bonnie Ackert muerrommom ww wwww mossomorommummusimemo ww ms ww marmate 32. Coming events • ' . • SOTH WEDDING ANNIVERSAix . Jim Lavis extends an invitation to relatives, friends and neighbours to join .with him in celebrating his .parents, tIlarry- arid Mary Lavis' 50th wedding' anniversarY, at the. Parish Hall; Lucknow, Saturday, September .` • 8, 1984,2 - 4 and -7 - 10 p.m. Best wishes • only. —35,36x •• . • • . ' REGISTRATION .. . ' . For Lucknow Beaver, Cubs •and Scouts will • ;, „„..„,„ .• *. ;• • • • be held Thursday, September 13 at 7 p..m. u* A. For, sale . , . the Town Hall. FEE 12.00. —36,37 • • •,i 1 . COMMOITY' SHOWER For Carrie Allen. -at Holyrood.Hall, Wednes- day, September 12 at ti p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. —36x -• --„ • . LARGE GARAGESALE • September -II, 9 Lin. % mile west of • Brookside School, (R.-7 Lucknow). Some antiques,, pedestal table, chairs, sealers, etc. it • --r-36x . • - • . • SPECIAL FAIR =BUNG ,Lucknow *Agricultund Society will hold a speeial meeting on Tuesday, September 11, 9 p.m. in the Lucknow CoMMunity Centre to 'finalize plans for the fall fair on September 14, 15. .-6:. • ' TWILIGHT CROP TOUR • September 6, . leaving Co-op at 6:30 p.m. Visiting Soybean variety plots; a number of corn trials, concluding with a corn roast at . Jim 'Gibson's farm • (hwy. 86 west of ,Lucknow). All interested growers welcome. —36ar • .E; Farm setviCes • — - '.• • • . „; BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Barn Cleaners; inanure vertical; .1111.11,11.1 •-horizontal; 8" to 15 P.V.C. or S.E.T. ductile; Cow and calf tie stalls. Loose housing. Bunk Feeders, Ventilation. Equipment. Hog Con- •finement. Ritchie heated. water • bowls. 'Farrowing Crates, Wearier Decks. Plastic' ?Slates and also _EarinSiatesi. THE, UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL ' „• BREAKFAST- ' •Willbe held'at 9:15 a.m. on September 9. ' Attendance' records• will be . presented. '..EveryOne !weleoine. -46 . • . • • • Benton cirmers THE 'HURON CENTRE FOR CHILDREK„ AND YOUTH • hwites you to hear Dr. Howard Irving, ,Fami- ly Mediator, Toronto, speaking on: Divorce • , Mediation, at our annual meeting, Wednes7 day, September 12, 19M,730 p.m. at the Livery, 35 South Street, Goderich, Ontario. ASSOCIATION FOR BRIGHTCHILDREN The North Hilton Chapter of the Association for Bright Children will meet on Tuesday, September 11, at 7 p.m. at East 'Wawanosh Public School. Mr. Paul Carroll, superinten- dent of Student services for Huron Con* • will be the guest speaker. Pot further information call }lolly or Bill 'Keil at 357-2894, or 357-2636, —36 - HOSPITAL AUXILIARY • Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital TEA , invites members' of the community to drop in for morning coffee between 10 and 11.30 a.m. or afternoon tea between 2 and 4 p.m. on Wednesday, September 19th at The hoine of Mrs. W. J. Nevety, 111 Diagonal Road, Wingham. Everyone ,welcome. —36,37 • • • FREE 'FOR THE CONIPL TE REMOVAL - wood.6arn 45' x 33'. Ph�e 528.5245. —36x SHEEP FOR'SALE - 1 registered Suffolk Ram (1981) Killen; 5 'Finn X Dorset Ewes (1983); 2 Ewe lambs; sunbetun electric dippers, with shearing head (like new); New Holland manure spreader. Lucknow, 528- 2730. —36 BARLEY STRAW, real cheap. Phone 528- ' 2701. . , • BRED EVITES FOlt SALE 4 grade Dorsets, 13 :purebred Suffolk,. 13 grade Suffolk; also one purebred Suffolk tain4esley Monctief, 395-2831: —36,37x • . DORSET AND. DORSET/FINN crossed. .owes. Plione 529-7348. —a5,34 , ALLIS CHALMERS mono frame - 16" trip begin ph*/ (4 5 bottom), excellent shape. • PhoneS29-7607 after 5 p•. —34tfnx Contact Lloyei.lohniton • R. R. 3,,Holyrood, °uteri"... • Phone 395.5390.' . . • . ' • , • • ' ' BUTLER - Ring Drive•Sile Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Unloaders, Volume . Belt Feed- ers, Convey -n -Feed Catile Feeders, - Single Chain Cenveyora,Barn Cleaners, -Oswalt •Ensil-mixers • . • • FARMATIC Blinder: Hammer Mills, . Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills fir Ground . Hi -Moisture corn; Augers; Leg • Elevators . ACORN- - Cable Barn Cleaners : • VVESTEEL-ROSCO Grainains, 1350. to 250,000 'bd., Bulk Feed Tanks • • ACME - -Fan-Jet Ventilation Systems. •HOULE - Liquid. Manure Pumps; Clean- , .ers, Steel Trusses . . • • . B & L Complete Hog Confinement Syatems • .• • . . •• SLURRY -SLING -ER Liquid • Minix .Spreaders • • CLAY - Parts and Service for -Clay Equip.ment_ ' z • ALSO 7 Electric Feed Carts,. Straw . pers, . Fibre -'Funnels, Ritcliie . Heated Bowls, thirst. EqUipMent We Handle Everything - Ainiorie LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. At Amberley R. R.. it 1, Kincardine Phone 3954286 1 • J.L.S. Investments• 1141 KitiostiAkalart. ,Illox."334 • NEWMARKET 1,3Y'AIWE. HANOVER PIO 3Ni $0$00.4 Thir4,..Ntortinge 01.9001 an MW'. PO.titry Quote ther Miami Problems (All. • • BROKERS, 8: CONSULTANTS •'APPRAISERS (519 3.64431 5 • BEST RATES GUARANTEED TOi60,90.0 . . . 1 23rcY 4 • ° 2 TO 5, YEARS• .' 146,Fees.'RateriSisli me1-1.0, Chari • 'iNvisimENTs &INSURWE 53 WEST ST., GODERICH, N7A 21(5 524-2773 •••,••••., 'BRICK SCHOOL, .011" fine troed lot in West Wawanosh. Owner. will _consider . any reasonable. offer. . ' TWO ST0REY*3-bedreom briar home -on acre•treed lot near LucknOtirp 2 'baths, full basement, double ..' -attached 'garage and more. Owners have move4. • 10 ACRES, Wawanosh, 61/2 - acres hay land,. balance bush. Excellent building, area withmature trees;. barn 36' x 50. 5A0s kAi ncgR 1 4, vv0 n., o• s togs. 40 ACRES, 'Wawanosh, :buildings 6years nortgage. .. • • . COUNTRY ACREAGE near • Lucknow, trees, Iorderi area, 3- bedroom brick, 2 strirey home: ' attached garage. • . • THREE ACRES, Huron; 3 bedroom home updated, new wiring, new dryWall, new. insulation. All offers considered. ONE STOREY 2 bedroom (could be 3) house, new fireplace, new .paved drive, -beautiful treed lot. THREE BEDROOM home, living room, has patio'doors to large lot, good attached garage. A fine home.' MEL MATHER% 357.3208 representing ' W. HUTTON REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKER,KINCARDINE 0:AGH REAL ESTATE)S.I\SURACE LTD • Ludikhovi &NOSS. l'WP.; 30 acres, 20 wotitable; 10 kik, 516,000. • t • KINLOSS TWP.,431 acre beef farm, Upright and trench -silo, .large barn, 3...bedroom home, drilled Well, 4th •Coneesskin. • • 4.- • • Kinloss TV., 100.'acres, 55 workable, clay kisuii, 539000. • • , •KINLOSS TOP. - 200 'widow', farm, approx. •170 workable with hardwood buoh, 3 bedroom loch home, pipe line milker with 40 de ups, Can be purehmed •with or withoiit cows and quota. FCC mortgage at 734 4%. ' . ASHFIELD Ir*P., 2 bedroom bungalow in good eanditiOnion S101150' s 200'. Priced to oell. • ' ,I,UCKNOWLeamtnercial property, Main Street, 4,S00 sq. ft.; 2 apartments. Prieeti foe • , < tpdek 'sale. :' . . , . .. 11 ACRES, paved road near Lucknow, 512,000. •. • CAMPBELL STREET,. Lueknow . store with widkitt cooler, 2 bediaom apertnien above. AsIdng only ,S27,500.00. . . • LUCKNOW t 6 year gild bongo's* With paved drive, nice hicalion with large baCk yard. Pull basement with rec room.. ' • HURON IMP. - 200 *rest approx. 150 acres syidematically drained level clay ani. ' and loatiland With, excellent at of buildings, on paved eiad. Farrow-to:finish vet up With .2 silos. . , . , . . - .•. . , • . , . HURON YWP. approx. 2 acres with 3. bedroom home with full 'basement, drllltdweil and 2 workshops. Priced- to sn. „' • • • -RIPLEY; 5 bedr‘om, brick he 2 full bad*, attached garage, efining pe01, and • many7eztras For further biformation •atetheie and other proper** please cell • FRASER 14claNNON BARRY illeriONAGH ' DAVID MelitliON 3954880 4821 395.2483 '