The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-09-05, Page 16•tittir.'•-qatell; her and her back-up liand; GreatSpeckledBird • '6oncert :at the Myth. Neniorial, Palk Friday; September 21 at 8:00 p.m. This performance is the first of the Popular Music- subscription serie8;: other concerts in this series are Shirley Michell, and ::Etitage. 'The series price, is 424 avallOkfrom the•BlythFestivalliOxiDffice now.. Single tickets for Sylvia TySori,alone • ; are $12.and go en sale on Septem er 17. for • more information 01103.9300:•• HINEST • SATELLITE Sale* Artd SOIrvic, ; • September te 11.0. SystemSpecial . IO ti‘I:oroias...i10;.0,? i4.4r4.3;Ify) POolis-MOOOt • • '• • • Wolfe' R90€19.10t,fAlOor Drive Astron nOcolvvr • 16$.1),0ifieti.414.0/ •„ P‘ilartifor 4‘2 69 sue 14:$ilithly Leasing available ,• On SYS1$$$$$$ • • •e • Horne Deirmastra1icine • Avatlabiei Stoat • Alm; Available Y' . warranty)• laARRy fiStilit • - .• 5244595- *CALL DAY OR • • Sylvia Tyson. She is not a brittle, affected - 'BIRTHS vig:01-1.,- You, 400 tO cltOthebig City or top quabty entertainment anY motet The -,,Blyth FeStiVal has . three subs,criPtion series this Pall and Spring - Popular, MUS'i,e, CliS4Cal Music, and Children's Events' - designed to bring you the best in; live entertainment at a fraction of ,blg CO; ',Flees!' The exciteMent, 'begins with a e"Oncert by *lvia Tyson •••• "One heck of a7claSs act" as one revievver inelegantly . 444.1 . • The • frequently -held perceptions of the woman pop singer don't seem to apply to., "showiitz-,tyri);.stie is not an ethereal "folkie".; she is liot an "aw-shucks" country hayseed,• and she is Certainly not the bard - drinking, hard-livinglock and roller;. never at home en stage unless holding a bottle of Jack Daniels. Her enorinonistrength is ap- parent in almost everything she does: Iler cominitment to hermusic, and her -apparent inborn ability to transcend fad. and fashion are the true hallmarks of her strength• ., Sylvia 'Tyson, it Seerris, has -alWays been part of Canadian popular Magic, And it is obvious that she will be a Major ,part of • 13UN 170.7 - David and, Angela Button are happy to announce the safe arriVal .pf their sisterr, Stephanie Nicole at K -W .1E1Ospital, Kitchener on Sunday, Septeinher '2, 1984, Proud parents are Cathy and Murray Button•. of Waterloo and •happy grandparents are Stuart .and Pearl 'Jamieson of Wiarton and• , Lorna Button Of Liicknow. • GOMM • STOVES OLDTIMER • • ... :,• . •• :KENTCHIMNEYS • ACCESSORIES Cevtfied• 744 PRINICESS • KINCARDINE 396-8669 • e.RItchle tOlvIn •‘' . • • 00 Wednesday, August 22, the corn- 104cOnent of con0t490911-.PC4thq:',10,1!*1 1YADonald. House Peinebniltin London was OfebratedApprOidMately 150 peo1310 Oath: ered to watch as the last load of cement was •'pared on the footings of the structure, time capsule to be placed under the entrance to the house was presented to eight-year old Bradley PIM! of St. Thomas.. Bradleyt . currently under treatment for Cancer at War ' Memorial Children's Hospital, is the spokes - child for the project. • - 1 The • Ronald- McDonald Rouge is .11 horne:away-froM-home for families of child., ren referred 'to London's hospitals for diagnosis and treatment of serious childhood illnesses, Located on the grounds of West minster'Campus of Victoria Hospital, it will • Stephen John Ritchie of Calgary, Alberta, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie, • Lucklow and Trudy Gail Colvin, daughter of Mr, and Mrk-. 'Frank Colvin, Water Valley, Alberta were united ' in marriage by Reverend Douglas Waite,„On Saturday, July 14, 1984 at 4 p.M. in ihe United, Church, • Cremona, Alletta. (Jaily Colvin- Of Calgary was her twin sisters maid of honour. The • best man was. Dave Soininett; also of Cal - guy* a friend of .the groom, Usher and master of ceremonies was 'Rick Irwin of • Calgary, formerly of Lucknow, also a friend • of the groom. A dinnerand reception • followed the ceremony in th' e Water Valley • Community. Centre. Guests .attending from • Ontario were Mr. ;and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie, • Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ritchie and Audrey, all of Lticknow;Mr. and Mrs. _Harold Ritchie of St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Ritchie Blyth and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ritchie, Ripley. The bride and groom honeymooned, at Lacy Lake near Wasa, where Steve hang ' glides. A reception will be held in their honour in Lucknow• On September' 29,=. Lucid**, Sentinel,. Welneaday, Septeniber S, 1911,410 12 al e be within walking distance to the' new Children's Hospital,.,, also currently ,under - Construction. • • ,' • •„ • • -"Fund raising has been `'active -"since te., project began in October of 190X To date,' • $650,000 of the $900,000, goal has been raised throughout Southwestern Ontario, More projects are planned for.this fall. • , ' -The twelve family home will open in May • of 1985, to becomelhe-shith such house in Canada; • SouthweSteot Qntario:thildren'S Care Incorporated, a registered "Oluttitabie; organization is building and will operate the.' ',House. It is composed of representatives from ,Phildheod „ Cancer- 41esearch ASsocia,1 tion, • Our Special Children. London • Parents -Perinatil. Association,' the. Victoria ,•-• Ildspital. Corporation„, and • McDonald's. Restaurants. and 'their operators, 1. op a class act • •••••:f7w DRAM Shop VVhere The tinders Buy' WELL atitRagki0 - • CLE •• • Klutz°. BLACKGUARD • DRIVEWAY -SEALER 4 oallobs Coal Tar Base • Easy to Apply • as • and Ott Resistant • Gives your driveway a smooth:• ' . .^ satiny -black finish. • ALCAN ALUMINUM .• ib' ;NAM Finish : • STORM WINDOWS .a Predf. Hied '. • Custom -Made To Fit Your Windovi`i • .• up to 50 ill, • topie80 MtASUPING INSTRUCTIONS • 044 140.96 Sale "a3U .. Up to 60 U.I. Se; $41$$ Reg. $40.15 ' up to /0 U.L ' •giain Res 418.95. , .. , .• SIM 'rat” ‘.. Up to oo U.I. • - - 04./9 Reg. 463Sal. ,25 - Up to *Ail •• . • . $532° Reg. $59.10 Sale • Up to 100 U.I. Reg.I44.70 • Sale $5825 Primo re ilsobielmee New Gems eatable edra ced. A ACTIJA7. OMEN:DONS DE 17NEUN IPIE 7.17S,NDS •. • ACTiJAI DIMENSIONS liETYvEtN • THE TOP LASiNG.h. BOTTOM Silt. • AD7lJA).. DIMENSIONS F NOM 7741 TOP CASING TO THE c.17,7e MEET DAN, • E HEIGH T'OF 0740P,S!EL•1E ANY wauoowl‘tour,;•nrib • D/I.7 NYI ;" 1400•61, • • Alcan Minding ProdUcts - 011h LDivision of /Mari Canaa ProductsLimited ALCAN ri* Ak Olympic Paint & Stains „,. • Paints and Stains ale FALL: CLEARANCE 0 LYAR PTC • • BU.If 3 GET.4 . ' • Offer Good UnGt Sept. 23; 1984 Certain lines Subject to 250/6 Cif reteil.antl still buy 3 and get 4. •Available in Oilb,ase Semi andSolid, L Acrylic, Latex and other Oiyinpic Products .• 7 12.600 • „,nreplTS T , PAIN . - . A Good. Quality PittsbOrgh Interior/Eiterior •!Latex White Paintc4 4 e, • Reg. $12,95 .• 'Sale Price per 4 litre • 'Interior/Exterior White Latex Paint ” •' Dural 2345. Reg. $895 Sale per 4 litre $7.49 FROM DURAL PRODUCTS LTD. _ $10:49 per pail . L. itill Time to Protect and.,90autity-Year Driveway. - tomake room for ne‘ni 1084 StOck, all l'Jrurrimbnd and R.C.R: Weatherstripping in stock Will be solci at: • ' 11101)/0 off regular ALCAN ALUMINUM • 0( STORM DOORS. Seif-Storing Weathermaster. 11/2" thick, painted • $112.65, ' kieniC41 Lite: 11/2" thick, painted . , . $143.95 Eine Lite: 11/2" thiCk, painted . $132.25 Above prices are standard sizes only in white:brown and cream Akan Building Products • km. 1 1114 0/.00. I. a,./O.' • '"'17C4ISN r. • • • .. - •IFIBEIRGLAss (FROto GRAHAIVI FIBERGLASS ONLY) I AVOID 'THE PRICE INCREASE —.BUY sour! 1112 15"x90 sq. ft. $15.99 carton 1412 23"x138 sq. ft. . . . $24.65 Cartel • R20 15"x50 sq. ff. '14.95 carton R20 23"x76.6q. ft, „ . . '22.90 tattoo • —/ PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL SEPTEMBE1R 15, 1984 GODERICH 1/ISA cnt,77,07, charge • • • a • 4, • • I 4