The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-09-05, Page 76 ■ a,. is too xioas :o •see ler if 'eddy After on a rands nsl these icy to nket. e, he r the rip in f the and nned the, night; ntact ether! lips • • LuclOnmSolitineel,, !' i 49!$., to Sr, 19111,- T r To the Editor,. » 04 August, 15th,, ,we enjoyed the floral displays. and fellowships atthe ,Irforticaltural Flower Show; It was interesting, touriig-the. residential streets remembering:•w:ho lived in'`: each house 40 .yearsi ago, and admiring the modern .homes.. We were .favourably ,, impressed ressed . P . by y the, Waterworks Park,. with its natural beauty of green grass," trees, . and the curved foot: bridge over the. stream - ra small: piece of land, well endowed'by Nature:' What decided ,asset; thisis to village residents' and tourists passing through, Sean Aitchison; ' Isobel '.• Garhiss, Jean Willits, Wingham; Tethe Editor: Hooray for the decision of Nova Scotia -to revert to mile signposts! Milesi proportioned the solarstystem into 'natural binary, 'decimal, and duodecimal patterns: centuries.. before artificial kilometres ..were vo costed,. Examples; Yn ball parl"c figures, •a"bound The Earth's radius . is- 4000 ' mi:; ',its diameter 8000 mi.;, its inner core is. 0 to 800 mi.; outer core 800.0 1400 mi ;• mantle 1404 to' 1800 mi.; and crust 5 .to: 20 mi.. The Earth/Moongravity: centre ; (barycentre) • around which the E'a'rth moves, is 1000 Mf."-- inside i:- inside the Earth: TheEarth's North Magnet- ic Pole is 1.000 mi from the North Pole; the South Magnetic Pole is 1600 mi. from,, the South Pole:, .The Earth's cifcurnferenceo is TO THE EprfoR .. Sin's'gravity to the nearest star, (tnter•stel- Earth): 0 to 160 million mi. Middle Planets lar Space). Inner Planets: (Mercury, Venus, (Mars,. Jupiter, Saturn); 100 million to. billion, mi. Outer Planets: (Uranus, .Ne tune, . 1? principles of ;netrQlogy in exchange for Pluto):Ironically1. billion tom" 5etric (or 10)m biiliohniiev':mi.es reserch' dollars, and,allowedthemselves to 'systeacno - be politically pawned by those forces: eager - such,` natural ten -base balance. ;Figure out'. to im ose.a one world hegemony run by the P 25000• mi, and its speed of -rotation just Over the:corresponding: kilometre readings (times oli'g archal inultinat onal bankin /industrial 8 1000 mph. ;1.6-. ani.): and :see. :how disjointed and . system, 'Few` have worked in thetrades sir The maximum East-West and North- mismatched they -are, , p roving again the busines, so. ' unsurprisingly ,they` mock South distances of continents and'Oceans. ` superiority of a duodecimal.system thatifeasiblere. . , . - --•, , . - - y in can. commercially. units. like. hung d show conforri itya.in miles: North American-; absorb. a decimal one,' but not vice versa. , - • Weights, bushels, bushels, gallons, feet and. inches. E -W 4000, mi; •and N-5 4500. mi. S`outkAm_, Virtually, every known heavenl bodyis kited • ha n ° , .., , - y having never heavier, than a erica: 3200 `mi -and 4750 mi. ; :Euro e: 4000round,and; miles (nautical Orland), employ-, • ' • . , � ( ... n :..' .. ... ( � e fair, and say a briefcase),. mi. and 3000 mi,; Asia:. 6000 i. and 5400 in tertiary. ;ratios . of 12:3,1 as in the -pen, is bots bn • m m ... ., : �., that about the built of their weights a.:d mi.;Africa:4700 mi. and 5000. mi. nchfoot/yard - relations, are' completely measures •tandards. Little `wonder.,. then, Australia: 2500 mi: and 2000 rnil'. Atlantic coni atible with.geometrical 300 degrees 'of ' �' g g 'they are spell bound by litres millilitres . Ocean: 5000 mi..and 9000 (or 10,000 mi. with -circumferences and the 24 hours of the clock, • centimetres, millimetres':and grams.. the Antarctic).Pacific. 11x000 ;miwide; enabling the maximum number ofcoordinat Neat time i "scientist" touts metrics:offer. " Indian: 6200- 'mi. wide; • es to be found on .,a,� surface in whole to. pay his expenses if he'll fly, , his lane or .�.. p P One hundred mi. above the Earth there is numbers, indispensibleto pinpointing post-• sail his'4)o. t using kilometres. You won'r only :%. atmosphere,: Quasi pace .begins.. tions :with accuracy Kilometres would be need to worryabout your money, - Someday : a R�Y Y . 1000 mi. up; -- True or Inner Space begins. useless in.this regard,. even- if' they changed kid is going the emperor has; no cloth- ki g-� g, to.•yell , '/a million miles is the::EarthMoon distance. - • the clock- to 10 hours and used 106 'degree "'es. Like cripples - owin u ; in. a world of .•(Clslunar Space). 1' million mi. is the end of .circles:and:.all:bodies'were dead flat',_ ause . PP Br r8 P . �-.. :H . ,.:.,r...,, .� _� ,.n,�- � ,.....,1, � . .... . ,deformed ,people,, Dili brain washed grand- the E t /, Don 'ravit ,, .st w of , . . �. g, tysye'mr (�'">�aalisYunar o"f.# e �afrociousT,�,diivisional ca abi�ties 'O'f a:' it r n could be : Made. to believe it was pace) 100 ,,million `mi. is' the: • Siin: Earth °' decimal . s: stem This makes°metrics thee, Ynormal to be thus But why `should we let tile. distance. • . most crippled and -'.deficient measurement Establishment do this to us? When will the . • f .d 'distance.„(Largest'Pla et). 1 billion mi; is•the - To4iay s Establishment'scienti'sts, the first,forthright exam 1e? � . f gh. p One half billion mi, is: the sun':to Jupiter -;system bar none, ,, ;.• D est.': o Cana a : "follow Nava' . Scotita's- • 'Sun, Saturn�'distanc&. (Second, largest 'plan ' 'to .deride others <for, debasing science, are ;e t.),50:;billion iii. is the end of` the. `Stin's: themselves ,guilty of false chic. and intellec- effective gravity: (Interplanetary 'Space). 50 tual,dishonesty,when they. promote kilomet- • billion to 25 trillion mi. is the Lent of the res.. ,They haver: prostituted the scientific Increase More than 100,700 stridents, an increase of 24.3 per cent' over., the ;previous : year;. EDITS,�.received financial aid . 'under . the : Ontario), . St 'den Assistance" Program .i � f gra e,198=83 • school year. . . .from a 6 • . e PSB �: k was now deep .autumn and the last clinging leaves were a sightof beauty,to behold.` They., were nearing the end of their long ride; -but' t to the' young :couple, a :new and perhaps . more exciting:-voya` ey•of:,life.. was only.just: t beginning. _ .,. L Ar` review of .the program, released last •weeh bYCblle•.gesan Uriiversities' anist er Dr. Bette Stephenson, showsthat a,total of $299 in}Ilion ..dollars -wase: ' provided: as assistance in. -1982-83.. Of ;this amount, • :.$1.01.12 million,was-in ;the forte of:grannts and ,gin,• $I97.88'million in loans:: ,.The Yours ,,truly, "Ian B. 'Patten, A Anchorage, Alaska.. s�ud�ent loins- bistyear "objective of the Ontario Student ss ' • e' .gram is to encourage '{and a sist acade : ally qualified and financially nee + y Ontario -residents .td` go ` on k to post -secondary education, and „ toy' ensure :. e ual -o ortuni for` students :from. `low ;income' families.:: Dr. Ste henson•said That the'review shows° the program is meeting p og g its -major; Dal: 4bf . �8 `servin ' low' inconi f, niilies' in' Ontario. g � t ,Ab: czut�. 78:5.,:'. �ciff. Sof ',per the. total grant funding was• .receivd by students whose 'iamilies, had a • gross income of Mess. than $20;000” . ' - - • .. :In 1982.83, 33.14 per :cent of the, students . enrolled/full time lir ontaii&universities and' colleges received "grant; or loan or a mix of.. bot unithe program. 'Studentsfier who need,inancial assistance.for the 1984.-85,academicyes r may still'' apply.. • Applications, for, assistance 'are rOailible at any Ontario: college, •university, or high schoolguidance office .:and also • from the Ministry s'` Student Awards Branch. .r, • See for Details: 528-3118 J.W. HENDE SON LIMITED LUCKNOW° ONT. HENDERSON BUILDING CENME Business Hours Mon. to FA. 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m, 528-3118' Set. 8 a.m. to Noon P A i ' E • 6a