The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-08-15, Page 10t. 11 4 ardwis. of On Tuesday, August 7, Marj MacLean' accompanied the 4-H leaders, Fran Elphick. and .Mayme Wilkins on a tour of the members' • gardens. Mrs. MacLean judged the gardens and home beautification pro- jects. As'a special outing, the Clover Valley Dirt Diggers accompanied by Mayme Wilkins toured the, gardens of all the members of the club on Wednesday, August 8. The members also saw Marj MacLean's garden and her flowers which are beautiful and 'yell maintained. • Donna Arnold then conducted a crossword puzzle on last meeting's material. Liz Wilkins conducted a scavenger hunt using weeds and all members.. did very well. Thle members then went to Fran Elphick's home toview her garden After practising th club enibersareju LOCHALSH by Kae Webster member make her own strawflower corsage to wear at Achievement Day. The members were reminded to bring their finished books to Frans by. August 15. Visiting with Rhetta MacLennan on .the weekend was her daughter` Florence Mac- Lennan and her friend Marion Mock, both, of Kitchener. Visiting with Finlay and Margie MacDon- ald on the weekend and attending the annual' e judging of vegetables, Fran helped each South Kinioss TRINITY by Bell Hackett Walter and Doris Broome of Norwich, Jim and Frances Broome of Wingham, and Rose, Diane and Pat Broome of Lucknow . visited recently with Reg and Freda Broome. Visitors with Tim and Allie Reurink. for three weeks are Tim's younger sister Annie and Hendrik Maat, daughter Wilma and friend, of .Holland. It is their first trip to Canada. Marie, Janet, Joanne and Sharon Wilkins hosted a shower for Joanne. Hakkers at Brookside Public School on Sunday after- noon. Joanne is marrying Bill Wilkins on September 1. Congratulations to those folks from our community that took part in the Dungannon Fair events on Sunday, with antique tractors and horses. Also. congratulations to Brenda Hackett who was second runner up in the beauty contest. SOUTH KINLOS.S by Ruth Buchmeier The neighbours •on the 4th concession. honoured Bob and June. Gilchrist on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gert de Jong. Gerda de Jong presented. them with two chaise lounges. A nice lunch was Served and both Bob and June thanked the 47 attending. Alexander Dickie spent a fewdays last; week with.. his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie, while his parents, Denver . and Brenda Dickie were on a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. William Dickie and Krissa attended the Wood Show in Durham last week where Wiliam had one of his chests chosen for display. Blanche Needham spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Needham of Corunna. Visiting with Jack and Blanche Needham are Jean Rattan of Northville, Michigan, and Mrs. Tom. Smith, : Ryan and Stephanie of Hawaii. S T. LUc&nOW, •Sentinel, Wednesday, Aogm t' 1$, 1984—Page 10 MacDonald reunion Was Margie's.twin sister'. Pat of Detroit tiMichigan, and . her daughter, Kathie Robson of Grosse Point, Michigan. Dorothy . (D,A.) MacLennan had her daughter Margaret (Peggy)' Heffernan of London and: her son Finlay MacLennan visiting with her .on the weekend. Mrs: Barbara i Shepperd of Paris (Five Oaks) was . home, on the weekend with her parents, Charles . and Mayme and her • brother and sister Kennie and Elizabeth: Congratulations ,to Finlay,MacDonald on making his one hundred mile walk a week ago. He reports he didn't haveany after effects. holds 'Taient4Night The August meeting' of South Kinloss W.M.S. was a special Family Talent Night. Nancy Maclntyre was hostess for., the evening which began with a pot luck supper in the church hall: Music by Blanche.. Needham, . Harold Campbell and Ira Dickie was enjoyed as the, families gathered: Rev. Allison Ramsay gave thanks. There was good participation in the program with the president, Mrs. John Mowbray presiding. Mrs. Don Bell: led in the singing. Mrs: Harry Lavis gave' a reading and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall conducted a bird contest. A thoughtful poem . was read by Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Ted Collyer told an • amusing story. - • x Leonard Clarke was{ aecompanie by his wife, Wilma, on the piano as he sang, arid Harry Lavis played a few selections on his mouth organ. • • Duncan. and Andrew Mowbray gave their own action _ version of 'a nursery rhyme. Mrs. Steer's solo, Bless This House, was very uplifting and she was requested to also sing; His Name is Wonderful, • with all joining in the chorus. Rev. A. Ramsay, then dedicated the choir music bookcase, designed andconstructed by Ira Dickie. It was presented for dedication by . Mrs. Don Bell, choir leader. . Next was a pleasing ; duet. by Mrs. John Forster and Mrs. Don Bell accompanied by Mrs. Leonard Clarke. The offering was received and dedicated by Rev. A. Ramsay. The president spoke -of the 50th wedding anniversary planned for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lavis to be held in the Parish Hall September 8. Mrs. Nancy Maclntyre gave information on the copying machine that . has been on trial and the . congregation will ` have a meeting to consider purchasing it. Olive Needham read the epitaph she had composed. Frank MacKenzie sang the solo, Blessed Assurance, accompanied by Mrs. Leonard Clarke. Mrs. Jack Needh- •-n thanked the hostess and all who had shared their talents for the good program. ABC AGENT DENNIS LITTLE Contact ABC ANNUITIES 53 WEST ST., GODERICH CALL 524-2773 (Collect) ABC AGENT FRANK LITTLE 1 111/1111 INCH SHOP Cecil. and James Webster of Waterloo, sons' of Wellington and Kae Webster have now returned to Waterloo after their two week .holiday. Finlay MacDonald had his steam engine in theparade on. Saturday at' Mildmay. About 2S neighbours and friends gathered , at the home of Ross and Jean "MacKenzie in. Goderich to wish. then; welt in their new home, after -they had moved,:fram the farm., Ross and .Jeari were given a patio table and four chairs,. Betty .Mone ief organized the' affair, which took, place on Friday. evening. A number of .4.e Dan . MacDonald clan 'stayed at the .McDonald: home in -Lochalsh' on the weekend, ; Congratulations to Elmer and -Edna Culb- est on the sa*ear'rival of their new grandson, Richard J:aines who, . when he waswelcomed. into this. world, tipped the scales at nine pounds, five ounces. The, proud parents of this.booncing baby boy ate Mike and., `Bxeinda (Culbert) Lazette of Kincardine. Sunday visitors th Mr. and Mrs. Gordon; Robb were thele- daughter, 'son-in-law and grandchildren, William and Irvin and family. i Shirley' Re -Elect Murray_ � ■ Working fdr yOuin ' -Huron-Bruce For information call; CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS 887-9546 SEAFORTH.=-527-1283 CLINTON-482-7677 EXETER -235-1555 GODERICH _-524,2149 LU CK NOW ---528-2245 WINGHAM ---357=1799' • Published finder the Authority of Alfred Floss Official Agent for•Murray Cardiff Headquarters, Man St Brusseis Ont • i. I. iii iji i1.l ill Iii iiii r1iijii1irji ijiill lei'iiiiii i`��� i�r. ��.� .'Ljitt��i ��i I1I ill ICI II•) .�1II iii i����1ZIIII1.1f 1;fir1 I 4I ( 1 ,I SI I Iir 6i) L .w I,7I iv f I I 8I I ( ( 9$1:tI I 110 OPEN EVENINGS & SUNDAYS 200 SHEET VINYL FOR LINED REFILL a BINDER BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS 1 '. u`r PLUS MANY MORE SPECIALS