The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-06-13, Page 10, . . • - 1,, .4' • • • !•;',- • „v• .; , ' 4 • ' • • 1. 4: 1`t rr, 441410.1trr,&.,11.4%^.'i, 4'0.t 4elte4•Ja'' 43t';'* . " s' ••• s • , • • t'', '44 •:•40 ;4!....04.1,,%44,,f14,04fsto .41,A:„ • #.4 • r , .•_ + • - ^ ^ • ^ , • • •••1•,•:::,•-•H,W4 • . • "i,s; • s.4 , • , ,r4.4',4444.44.4 44,44 :4.4•40, s Held DaY freina tinel 10 attucknow Centrii Ws &swiss( Conk, boys champlon- athaidel Wolfe, boys runny urcn obs .1% The 102nd anniversary Of Whitechurch 'United Chinch was held on Sunday With Rev. George Bali and Mr. Jack Whytock in charge of the service Organist, Agnes Fartiere *Tito, . Janet Laidlaw, Hugh ,SitiftamOn and. Mary Mchi- tesh:011 clarinet and f.tifs,„!Selnlethil#196A Soloist tee& Put111 tbe1-.SerVi_ Service At the morning service, the choir iang.the anthem, We Come. A clarinet.duet, We-GiVe Thee But Thy Own; was' rendered by, thigh' Sinnamon and Mary The Church is One Foundation, was played b Hugh Shirianion and? Mary clntosh on clarinet, Jack Whyte4 On ;lone and JanittLaidlaw on piano Rev. Belt chose the topic, Looking Three . Ways, for hii•-sernicin. • At the evening service Mrs. Kenneth Afton sang's** and 304...Whytock gave the sermon 'eotinec'Tiii sillnitysiii: Stands Occupy Until I . • 'LIVIngaton] by Valettai-Emerstin • , • • hour gheld tollOWingthe evening iervice. Fiances Wright of Alliston, sister of Mrs. Chapman and her niece, Mrs. Jerry Cober of Kincardine were `Tuesday visitors with -Mr. and, Mrs. Russel- Chapman. - The 'Whitechurch and Kinloss- ladies played ball on Whitechurch diamond June 5 with a score 19-5 in favour of Whitechurch. Thnmy Falconer won first prize in the. intermediate class in the Lucknow bicycle rodeo put on by Lucknow Kinsinen. Mark Schneller received second prize in the junior , Mr. and Mrs. Bill McBurney of Ajax, after • ASSORTED COLOURS & STYLES Pylons M L .- XL ASSORTED COLOUR$ & STYLES Jogging Shorts Sweatshirts ing Papts KIDS DON'T FORGET DAD CHOOSE FROM....... Wallets Socks & Underwear Cologne Shaving Creom Personalized Mugs Hats Sunglasses &Dry Goods 52112238 logiiiiimiliunimiornmommomononment. ThegiX tqten year old children of Lucknovv, -and Kinloss ,Central 'SdhOola held *Or annual Sports pas -car June at Kinloss ' Winners in each division were -as follows: BALL THROW, 6, 7, &girls, Angela Boyd; Cathy Conley, Mary 6, 7, 8 boys, Steven Porter, Adrian Helm, David Carter; 9, 16 girls, Jill Campbell, Betty Anne Murray, Jennifer MacKinnon; 10 boys, Chris Stevenson, Rab Crith,, Justin Murray. HIGH JUMP, 6, 7, 8 girls', Cathy Conley, Lisa MacDonald,'Tara Thacker; 6, 7, 8, boys, Steven Porter. Shane MacKinnon and Adrian Helm, David Carter; 9, 10,giri,S, Jill CaMpbelli, Candy Fielder; Erin Johnstone and Marianne' Rhody; 9, 10 boys, Cody noun* Terry Stanley, Gary Siein., LONG JUMP, 6, 7, 8 girls, Angela Boyd, Jackie Muiray,,Alesha Moffat6, 7, 8 boys, Steven ..Porter, #ohlialdenby and Adrian Haul, Shane MacKinnon; 9„10 girls, Jill Campbell, Marita MacDougall .and Connie Husk, candy Fie er; 94r. pIf Skillen, Natha TRIPLE Tara, Thacker; A1es SteVentPorteri Dav and 'Eric /vIeDeugallr 9, 10 girls, Jill Campbell, Candy Fielder, ,Marita MacDoug- all; 9, .10 boys, Terry Stanley Nathaniel Wolfe and Adam. Skillen, Donnie tuillerier. 100 METER. RACE, 6, 7, 8 girls, Jessica Cooper, Tara.Thaaker, Cathy Conley; 6, 7, 8 boys, - Steven ;-Porter, Shane MacKinnon, Adrian Helm; 9, 10 girls, Jill Campbell, Candy Fielder, Betty Anne Murray; 0, 10 '0s, Adam :Stanley. oka cover,. Oriyko:;,' preMy0110,11 spending ameek wishing .with friends here, left for home on Friday. Mark Wickhorst of Wingham spent Sunday with Hugh Sinniamon, Mr. and Mrs. John de Boer and Mr. and Mrs. Jim de Boer attended thewedding:of Simon Logtenberg .of Dungannon and, Jan Warintionlof Kitchener ori,SaturdaY. - Jamie, Shannon and Jerry and their Pigents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Grimes of Kitchener were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Schneller and family. , On Friday several.schools took their grades 1 - 4 to the Metro. Toronto Zoo. Among those attending from here were Tim Falconer; Dean Tiffin, Karen, Brian and Dennis. Lubbers and their mother and • members of the. Kikkert family. Callers on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson were Mr. and Mrs.- Ray Berg Of Tavistock, Mr. and Mrs. Dan -McInnes, Blyth and Mr. Rod Lamb. RIS • : ers immanismsneammo.. ansi.miansamommommiemm boys, Adani-Sliillen, Nathaniel Wolfe, Chris Stevenson. 200 ME* RACE, 6, 7, 8, girls, Jessica Cooper, Tara Thacker, Cathy Conley; 6, 7, 8 • boys, Steven ?Otter, Adrian Helm, Shane MacKinnon; 9, ' girls, Jill Campbell, Candy Rcid.er, Morita MacDougall; 9, 10 boys, AdarilSkillen, Justin Murray, Nathan. iel WO*. 400 METRE RACE, '6, 7, 8 girls, Jessica Cooper,'AngelSAWat Cathy -Conley; 6, 7; 8 boyst„:5teVeri, Porter, Adrian Helm, Shane MacKinnon 9 10 girls, Jill Campbell, , Candy .FieIder, Betty Anne Murray; 9, to , boys, Adam Skillen, Justin Murray, Brad Rhody. s 800 METRE RACE,' 6, 7, 8 girls, Tara Thacker; CathyConley; '6, 7, ft boys, Steven Porter, Chad Thomas,, Mjbae1 McEwan . andAimil0filer; 9, 10 girls, Kristen Owen,' Jill Campbell •-and Candy 'Fielder, Jennifer Mac -Kinnon; 9,, 10 boys, Adam Skillen, Brad Rhody, Chris Colwell. Many of these children who,were winners in events in the nine and ten year ol division will be,participating in the Regional Meet on Monday, June 18 in Kincardine. The relay races were rutin off for th Kinloss pupils on, Friday, June 8. RELAY, 6, 7, 8 :girls, Melissa Brindley; • Turn to page 114 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Falconer, Aaron an Sara of Blights Grove visited on Saturda with Cassie. Falconer.. Mrs. Ed earey, -af Kitchener and he friend, Margaret Styrian/ of New Hamburg spent the, weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon and George McQuillin_ of Toronto also visited with them..,, Callers on Mr. and Mrs. Alan Falcone were Mr, and Mrs.' Dan McInnes of Blyth Guests with Mr. . and Mrs. Wallace Milligan on Sunday were 'Mr. and Mrs Steve Irwin and Cody, Lucknow, Mr. an Mrs. Bill Glover, Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs Alan Falconer, Amy,, Tim and Tony. , Mr. and Mrs. Hector Purdon, Strathro) spent the weekend with Cassie Mowbray Isabel Tiffin - and Clara Cleghorn of Lu now ,also visited with. Mrs. Mowbray. Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Elliott and ,Karen o Sunday attended the Elliott family reunio turn to page 19 STRAW BERRI To Carlow sc" Bpnmlor Church $3.00 per 6 qt. basket $2.25 per 4 qt. basket 1 .00 per kilo Picked Berries Martin's Market ph. 5244024 Opening Mid -June Pick your own at BENMILLER ACRES LPicking Hours Mon. -Fri. 9am nil ipm Sat. 9am till 5 pm , Sun. - closed Pick 4 - 6 qt. baskets Pick the fifth 6 qt. basket Please No Children or Pets! Crop Update ph.524-7474