The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-06-13, Page 9• • • ; • 'ix::: ' • s • n.(' ' I ot, Jim Sutherlan4A1.00V MeeKlenen, Dave MacKinnon, Steve Eadito Jim Murray, ' eek with the char:1001104 games this Weekend. Members' of the team are fronribe left; : • iurnament being played,,•:at *0'100k:row diamonds and In Dungannon diamonds this , W in Dungannon, May. 25 '.! 26. The team is entered in the Kin SuMmerfest. 'km ,, • e Koss Sio-pitch hall team won the. championship MAIO tallesvIlie 'Ards Tournament .b Gilchrist, and K41.04'4%04 Harold thwaid, ina080.0'ant.000eh: Al Eadiel,Geet de : og, Grant Gilchrist, Pat Murray, Kevin Ackert, Pete Yen °Sielde, and pailallebrist., bsent Mike O'NCIII and Tint•Edisbury. • — [Photo by Sharon Dietz] / '4. • '1•,1.- oard regio nizes retirin Lew er • Grant and Lois Far ish.wereAinner guests. • the. Huron County &null, of Education, at White Carnation In liolniesville on .41nday, June 4. ' Lois was one of the hunoitred guests who eceived a scroll in -commemoration of her carsof leaching. She is now retired from he profession. Lois taught 331/2. Years in -Ashfield Township., • , • Visiting on •the weekend with Rhetta AlacLennan was her son. and daughter-in- aw,, Jack and Annette IvIattennan of Strat-. 'ord; her daughter, Louise s Millar of.Palmer7 itoti; her two neighbours, Dorothy MacLen- :an and Margie MacDonald and daughter, --FlOrence MacLennan Of Kitchener. Mrs. Gordon. Robh,,and her daughter, ihirley Irvin and her two daughters, visifed n Hanover with, Bob, Sandra an Heather )arling. , • Dr. Russell, Lesley and Scott Moncrief are visiting for a couple of.dayk With George and Betty Moncrief. Ewan and Marj MacLean' attended a ,hirty-fifth wedding anniversary on Sunday, June 2 for Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalfe in ?etrolia. MEDD - Mr. and Mrs. James Medd of R. 1, :lyth are pleased to announce the arrival of a son, Daniel James Clinton, 7 lbs. 15 oz., a rother for Mandy, 'Melissa and Brent, on -June 9, 1984 at Wingham aid District rospital. - _ J.L.S. Investments 1141 KINGSDALE RD. 110"34 NEWMARKET L3Y 4W1 ii*Hoinue ti4R3H6 *First, Second &Third Mortgages , .01.oans on Milk or Poultry Quotas *Other FinanciallorOlents (All Sizes) BROKERS & CONSULTANTS APPRAISERS (519)364.5315 LO,CHALSJI .by4aeiVebsier Luelmow Sentinel, Wednesday, Jane 13, 1984—Page 9 OPN 5siorovaioy14, iy, August 17, 24 Friday, September 7, 21, 28 r.o•••••••••••,•• .T•••••• FRIDAY SATURDAY - SUNDAY , June IS: 1047 ' Kofonen..„$W0MedeSt z JUNE 22-, Rick0940404All!Mtgell; SATIURDAY,;j1UNE23 Kevin Be*:aiediTteni Wllson FRIDAY, JUNE Doug and • ene MeEwan CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 9:00 afl �d 6i00 p.m. ONLY. ' 532 •0 • Elliott-Tweddie insurance •"Lltniaii"Good Faith" You can rest hisured. An insurance brokerage dedicated to personalized •service. Experienced brokers, comped- tive companies, all lines f general Insurance. 337 Josephine Street W1NGHAM 357-1414 OVERSIZE SHOES LADIEV throb 12 MEN'S fa shio RUBBER BOOTS I 0000 5ILICTION ! MEN'S. LADIES' CHILD'S - BOYS' •61. •11.13. �6.46 CA= %UM 01.1 COMO SAFETY WM'S adkEHIV MANY STYLES Mai IZMIR finnlis IMMO eiRIP.M11 61.11111 MOB •41151 WIDE SHOES MEN'S. LADIES' ASSORTED STYLES SEIGEL'S TONS IN WNTOWN LONDON 129 .41.INDAS 330 CLARENCE AT MARKET AT YORK • ' of. - • • • • • - • • • Dorothy Finlayson and June Wylds Went With the Ripley Horticultural Society, who • were in turn invited to join the 'group from • Kincardine Horticultural Society, on a bus tit) to Chippewa Hill (Indian Reserve) north ; of Southampton. They found it very intei oak-. ing and enjoyed seeing all that was Ienig • done on the• reserve. •• Ross and Jean MacKenzie have sold their 0. farm to Barry and Betty Jones of Thames= ford. The Jones have two teen age girl's, 1: Sherry and Charlene. The MacKenzies • have their farm sale June 16. ••• ' 41141404•41reklestlit fel40.01r:800SUN 0CEOP.ErsS:302ND. FEA TuRE • ADDED • FRI. • This Chevy Chase ,11, a ...comedy is plane crazy. SAT. ONLY DEAL OFTEN • • Graduation / )ffaVid d. )4 TOM SELLECK BESS ARMSTRONG • •HIGH ROAD 'IbCHINA• and The Lucknow and istrkt Christ- ian School Society invites you to attendthe graduation ceremony of our 1983-84 class. Also being presented is the musical "Music Machine.- Part 2". Come and enjoy this evening with, us •_ etas • LUCKNOWCHROTIAN •REFORMED CHURCH Friday, June 22, 1984 8:00 P.M. REFRESHMENTS SERVED • • owelsoo.)00.0* ilipoitoespe• GODERICN • 524-7811 • • • / • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 111AT E Phone 357-1630 for 24 hour movie information MATING FROM FRIDAY to THURSDAY,JUNE15th to 21d. BItI 11011MS JOIN 111111101 01 VII0 SNWTIMESFRIDM and SATURDAY st 7:00 wad 9:00 p.a. SUNDAY to THURSDAY ONE SNOW st 8:00 p.a. ONLY • She'sagfrIfrorntl Hes a reckless soldier of . ,ftr itk hate an 1• • at r d tide •dedit.di LAST TWO DAYS WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JUNE 13th and 146.1 0111 SNOW EACH MINIM it SAO p.m.ONLY GRTty:§3.91(E - TARZA:N. LORD OF THg Apas ACCOLPAIIIIISIT 1111111111.11011. :** ' 084 Tai DAR PIct,RES ALL RIC,HIS RESERVED • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • STARTS FRIDAY JOINT Friday -Saturday 1pm8.9prn Sunday -Thursday 8 prn • •• • • • •• • , • • •• P PARENTAL Remember $0)00 . Ail Tuesdays • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 46 * • • * • k,