The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-06-13, Page 5Lucknow 'ge 4 Sentinel, Wednesday, June 13, 1084 --Page 5 By II, 'fiend visit MacKetlzo„ Marshal ` e minister of itechuteh. ;flay .marked;' Kinloss .; Neil McComble e • • t4chmeier.. � Pea K T.he junior an senior ;ch'oita'� . provided `special. music as well .as .a lovely rsary duet by Murray and `anda- IFetth, at both , 4urch with morningf ancj evening xn aS• guest The- .ladies • recreational ball: league ,las started against Holyrood on Monday?nigl ts.. Last week 3/twas their Brit game • A family bridal shower was bold ' on • Sunday afternoon: for Nancy lialiienby at the, • fi_ Mtite of her aunt; Alice Husk of Kinloss. iditing with . hip Robinson last week A familiar name Il's'sports column ay 24. Jack Chute° minor hockey anddlac: doing some, conj just Foment - specificallyh, •h. 'ch the Kiwani ing off. VT ' He sold a ticket, 1 o signed the ticket inking, back to bristle asked: "Did: Lucknow, Ontario? 'mous three Chine` gether at Lucknow p with the Leafs. rns ib was a ti ,$se-fprr an° a ► work at i ngtickets on a eV' f ;East York is ' Dun -- 'SW' wheel ei Wore. Mr. and `Mrs., Tom England .of • Cambridge. 'om is'the 1a4,`stfrvivor of the. England` family. ., s alcor tten wfiOYplaye cut to 'tra•uvo! By K tory . Todd, Weekend visitors with rand Mf s _ odd and family were Mr. ' And .Mrs.' John ick and family of Holland'Centre.: Jim. Aitchison is,s :fig a sling hese ays. Jim injured his elbow when te. fell om a horse. A large crowd wasln attendance :for:.the m auction of Eileen- Miller�`'held on aturday. 4 =`�fr s° r By Betty.:itche ' ' pping :ceremonies were. :•held for the Cattdy.StriPers at the Wingham and District spjtal on Tuesday when, Diane Raynard, daughter of Doug and Mary. Lou Raynerd, .., received her Cap and the Bar for 70 hours . of volunteer 'service at the hospital as a Candy-' :gaper. Congratulations to Wayne and Mary Joe Farri h -ons the -,birth. of a ,•baby girl, Ashley Dawn. „ weekend in Waterloo where they : attended the 1984 United, Church 4fo en's..Ontario :. Conference, held: in the: ;University " of Waterloo. ' • 'Bill and Edna Ross of ,Lucknow visited Sunday afternoon With Reg' and Freda . Broome. Rev. Albert and•JanetCoo k of Burks Falls spent Monday with Larry and Katy Hackett, Stuart l and Jacqueline • • FROM MOW YA RDLE Cologne, After Sha e, Splash -On, Talc itp, +.. •,47ijtifi '$'Tyt• '• •/'�� tEySa It/17#4 ifs. ff. ' 44 i f N 4f %' • err t� p=fi; art 44,E ' H, /iP.r 25ML �� ,,4� ,AFTER:'SHAVE ' ' • In special key ring wallet ua• 40142., Y _ AUTO Visor Kits 1_ 59 TIMEX QUARTZ Alarm Clock OLD SPICE Colognes -After Shaie Folding 3 77 Barbeques • Shish Kebob Set FOR TIIAT EXTR:A'SPECIAL TGIF Tilley Woll,fs Lucknow Auto Shaped To Fit Your Hand, 40 PC. RATCHET SAE & METRIC Socket Set 7. 25 Pharmacy 5284004 Junior field day Cliplons, at St. •Joseph's Commuiidiy School,, iingabridge are Bryan Olson and Colleen *right They also `achieved the highest, point. overall and received the Royal Bank'tiophyy, whlchivas presented by.Ji hn Law enc of the•ltoyil'`Henk branch In Goderlch. The Royal.Bank: sponsored the Junior •Olympics- at: severity anni schools this year. Field Day champions at St. Joseph's Commtmity School,. Kingsbridge In the intermediate and senior.dtvtslons are from the left, Vince Doherty, intermediate boys; Ron PIaasehaert, •senior 'Wye; Maureen ' Stapleton, .senior girls and Sandra Van Osch, intermediate girls. • ry sP £ .:BOI ED,Al D ASS LAID .t $77. 6,FT. so • Spruce $51.25 BOLTED AND ASSEMBLED Red Cedar SHINGLES „o;;;. HENDERSON LDING CENTRE %LW, 14ENDERSONUM D, wriANow, ONT. PHONE (519) 3113 Mon. e Frl. a cm. - 5:30 p.m. • AMPLE PARKING