The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-06-13, Page 4• • 1,i',-111,1 •r, lf,,11$7 F ir ‘1. " ' • I, 0 .4 F • • 0.0 ; • 4, cr • . ••• •• • , • JO I TYPE S *ES VERY GOOD SELECTION OF STYLES & SIZES MEWS LAMES' 194--P. petition si r9g,eatithe Sacred 129 DAS dnittee and Ray eer,hospital board Osed consequences 01 a1, Wjassistance, the tliPut e e required; ted bythe flour to apply sides.He Pr9 )19 tad, '• • '; • A : • ' itTeadierio tbe 'syrn the , 'tOssible • AT MARKET 340! gligq exa e• - • .; was wisHES TO ANNOUNCe: g perfint, • • " a • • '''',T,fleXiblee and , • • • ' • • -: ••• • 4rentintS*,- human akiOSSible7,b4:•;041040,0**1011st . THArfFriVt• 44-4,..• • ,. 7't :'''' itaktif ' t0;:. Oft4,-01,its-tYlatyri:,' E.-..,- . • ,lkii% • Iots.. ''''' • • • ta*.CeginaijiOr .1,4001L-64ttje:061area ' .10'',. ,0,, ,• , , ., nouslypassed I _.. this .prohnbly. is last #100 'embers'of ,.. ono iituinia council nn4lhe,Olatiqnst..,c0, ,j ..r", ,would ita L''' . ': ' '.", . ' • , be !Anocking *1.#0:1**s '.' OW l'10 ' CFO: " '41:A.11igdatie.•• carelessness iU planning :a e noted probably lies with the-10$14tal- ii,' ,,.,i,'"board, than With itt'advisors,:latit issued a 'Iaflning!,-,1r ' . ,. - ., that' . the warning to all builders and architects that in viSiOfl of temporaryparking`at th‘ielMol, I the. future there will not lieany..,. instant • 0,t*er—niftli;- the forinaL4-'54fidertaking. to : „,, decisions" to: clear the. Wo, for a project deielo0;iiittocinesatigfiedIlie ;birlaw, and : which haS 'rim afoul of zoning bylaws. • ,. FP. '4) I ; t2a, • • • JO, . • .01 h'St. • During- Ontario .'Nursing 'Home Nifeek,;'‘; June 41 ' :Minot Wilt be • Partipipating in special fund raising activit- i�s to support research Woggle causes and treatment or - Alzheimer's , Disease. t Thel activities are co-sponsored by the Ontario Nursing Wale Association, its -members and - the AldiehP1` • Designed- to be ,fun events for :residents, staff, Iv40#0400Aie:#401,00 comthun lty, the activities 07040e tilidatI344014100 purpose of highlighting need, Miter - stand Alzheimer's disease, the fourth Most common cause of death „among Canadians. • The„ public can attend the special •„ prograMsplantiedat Vinierest Manor, Luck - now, during June 17- 23: On Tuesday, June 19, Geri -Care Fashions will be et,Pinecrest from 10:00'. 3.00 p.m. anda Spiing Fashion Show will be held at LaQ,p.m. On. .Wedneaday, hille 70, a "Wheel -a -walk -a-. . thon” will be held with the grade six class from Liicknoiv-,central-Pnblic School assist- • ing. The Students will be looking for pledges, and - on Sunday; June 24, the residents will round up the week's events with a Family Strawberry Social from.1.00 3.00 p.m. Various draws will be held throughout the week as well. In 1979, the Ontario.: Nursing Home Association and the Ontario Heart Founda- tion introduced the'Heart Jamboree". Participating Nursing Homes celebrated this 4W program during Nursin Home Week /91' five Years ending in 1983.-TherJamborse wasncelsbration with thei„04Nisie:Illt fun for the residents; Staff; vOinteits and the- - eomiiiinlify. This year the', aim ifthe same, but the money raised goes4owiiid research into the cause and treatinenfef Alzheimer's disease. , Participating is the key element for our week leing, activities. •1nce it was fkit introduced, nursing home residents, staff, volunteers and friends have raised approx- imately $200,000 for heart re:Search:. They hope to do equally as well in the future for the Alzheimer Society. •• • During Nursing Home Week, the ()Mario Nursing Home Association and its members also salute the many, volunteers who give of their time to our resdents. They appreciate the volunteers ' effort. Participation with the residents in so many various activities throughout the year it greatly appreciaed. Money raised for Alzheimer research, and the extensive education program tarried out by the Alzheimer Society is helping to raise the awareless of the potential effect Alzheimer's disease may have among the increasingly aging population. Although the disease usually strikes those over 65 years • old, it can affect people as young as 40 years old. • At present, an estimated 300,000 Canadians suffer from this incurable degen- erative disease of the brain. Authon ze Luckrzow tractor pull The regular meeting of Kinloss council was held on June 4 with Reeve Barry • Johnston and all council members present. A motion was passed authorizing the Lucknow Tractor Fuller's Association to hold a tractor Pull on July 7 and 8 in the township and also included in- the motion was authorization for the Lticlillow Lions Club to apply to the L,LIEt* for a coMmunity festival .pertnit. • Building pertnits, for the monthwere accepted for Roger Cuilleier, pt- lot 2, concession 7, to construct* fowl killing plant 7and for William Young, lot 25, COSMISSICS1 5. to constrtiet a sriachinery shed.• •, George A. Davis and Associates was The tender of &oven Reed Spraying Co., appointed :,asii-Atywitship engineers on the Ltd. for 511624.28 was accepted to surface improvement to the Harris Municipal drain, treat the roads at let 58;tonc. 1 and at lot 10 v• lot Z conc. 8. • and 11, conc. 12. •'Lorne Robinson was appointed as weed Reeve Barry Johnston wagappointed as inspector for the year 1984. representative to the Bruce County Planning I John Husk is to be engaged to sell 1984 Advisory onninrittee and Dave Eadie was dog licenses and to issue tags. appointed alternate.• Council passed a motion to entend the General accounts for $11,26848 and road Township • employee eollective agreement accounts for $12,501.48 were ordered paid. with the International Union of Operating At the pedal meeting on May 22 petitions Engineers, Local 793 for the year 19844985 weirecMv�d for drainage work On the Black •with a 5 per cent increase in hourly wages. Creek North West Section Municipal Drai, the Kaake Municipal Drain on lot 16, R1 NDR and the Harris Municipal Drain on lot 2, conc. 8. First and second readings were given to by-laws authorizing maintenance to the Kaake Municipal Drain and to the McFar- lane Municipal Drai.. - •Maitland, Engineering, Services Ltd. of Wingham was appointed, as Township engineers to inspect and report to council on •theprivateerossing on loi,15 R3 STA and on, the condition of the upstream portion of the Black Creek Northwest Section drai. • 1:14 (4: 9A.M. - 4 p.m. pointment READY. , *wagon can do , 11 COSS 0 , your car lin just nfOialt and watch. POI1V TM EN T he m qeil,ger.4tOrtii-1?* -associefecr i4ith,ihe'pertnieship of Dr: -M. 141- • - - Corrin an Dr.' J. C. McKim. Dr _ Joily, vii111- be .moving to Oita • '44 - • 1,0 =, • • IN ' Across from the t corner] ge INE • • Why was this new program in d ced? ..4Many eklerlyan,disabled people 4ccordig61; lain announcing today want to live witktheir families. that12onieownerrulko,undrtake HoweVeg in some caies;.prOviding renovations or additions, speafically to • s...01fry require; extensive kin,* *ova.- keepan Wert), hr Oable4person at ti3Os;:iofikkriSultin.increaSedpropely home and in„the"4inniuniO, will be • **1st encourage—notpenalize— exemptfrom anyinare4e:in :taxable familiesfititheir efforts to prOpide . isseiSpwnttliativoidd shelter andVuplIortive careothemi,se occur BdgetSt* ent-May 15,1984, Tliellorioarable "airy Grossn140Qe., treaaprer of Ontario. 'noes the progitiminvolve • „ 1/ direct financial assistance f9r alterations? No. The savings are in reduced proper 0 taxes each year, not in grants or loans for altertions. Under this program, the assessed value Of the improvements Will not be included when: your property tax is calculated, providing the improvernenti were made t� help a disabled or seniotlive at home. Who can apply? Any property owner who Makes improvements to accommodate people who are 65 or over and those of any age with physical Or mental disabilities that would otherwise require them to live in an institution. ran onlythe family of a disabled V or senior person apply for this exemption? Not necessarily. For example, you may wish to make improvements to accommodate a friend. in your home. Moreover, disabled or seniors can apply for the exemption directly, if they make alterations that will enable them to continue living in their own homes. What about group homes? Non-profit group homes can apply, but only along as their imprpved accommodations do not exceed three residentialuriits. Larger institutions operatingmultiple facilities to care for the disabled or seniors arenot included proratn. Can commercial properties qualify? Yes, in some eases. For example, aiamily operating a retailstore. couldapplY fer the eXemption „if they •.:make.impe4nientS Wan apartment ueistitis fofth:eaccommodation of a fanuily Member or friend who would •otherwise be compelled to live in an :institution. • • What tylies of home improve- - nients duality? Any addition, improvement or alteration specifically related to the need Of the disabled or senior resident qualifies for this new exemtioi. These May include such features as special bathroom modifications or additions to an existing home. (Please 'note: general repairs and maintenance do not increase assessment anyway). Does the exemption apply to changes underwag or completed before the prograln was announced? Only alterations started after May 15, 1084 when the program was announced will qualify for the property tax exenipticin once the work has been completed; Trow long will the exemption LI apply? The tax exemption continues as long as the senior of disabled personutes the property as their inincpatieidente. • Ilitsrdsl yliitieceive this new property tat exemption? The first step is to dill your local Assessment ,Office atthefiumberlisted below. To avoid any possible disappointment, please contact usbefore fmatizing your plans. Weiook forward to discussing the program in greater detail. • Please talk t� your local Assessment Office. We're anxious to help. • HURONi PERTH REGIONAL ASEStMNT OFFICE 57 Napier Street, Box 190 GODERICK Ontario NIA 322 (519) 524-726 Zenith 66500 Commissioner —J AN. Garrett Government of Ontario BRUCE, GREY °IAN SUND, Ontario N4K 5R4 EBNoTx 607F0FICE 34FIESGEIC)igNhtAhl-SAtr8eSetEESaSsmt, (519)371111 Zenith 64220 Ating,Cornrnigaioner—T.G. Boyd Hon. Larry Grossman, 0.C. Hon. Bud Gregory Treasurer of Ontario Minister of Revenue 0