The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-06-13, Page 172*.gol ' ; - , .• • • 7/././1( • r ;"•••••.. . • ; _ , . , . ,Irr,'1,t' • : e Ontariao•ledileaday; e 13, 1,901- • 4.4„ Tanya Tuflier, photo left, of the First *man' Conapany has earned the.A1I RoundC�flJ, the highest award presented:to a girl while She Is a Gu1,40 Eleanor MacDonald, GititleIGnider for the First Lucknow . Guide Oniiinilr presented the AH Round tOrd et the Luekiiow Gelding aWards-icerenliikrA'161110Whig the annual Whet and Dalighter banquet June,44,Dianne'i"-1441Snni.lihotit, right, of th'eloirst Lueknow .pathihtdets -:reeelved her Canada Cord, the '...higheitt•'!warti- in Guldlug at the .• ,cereiio •; e:Greer, ,•: *Strict Commissioner for Mallet. District [Photo bY-Shielon VA, = ... - 4:i101 "Y` • • .11;4 Sixteen residents- shfield TownshipS-: jecting to the Iocati stem to service theLti roject in West'Wawa1 t of Huron Chili ucknow. The resideqS, e proposed site for eskaiid • etitions ing.bed wage works wflship,just he viciiiity'61 ie LUcknow'sewage orks treatment facility an4411e,b0,d system, hich is to be located on property presently ned by Chester Finnigan of Lucknow. Lucknow Village Councithas an, option to urchase the land for the sewage treatment cility, pending approval by the Ministry of ••,...;,..-At;s, zr, 41, ,•• - li'd'iouneil--at -their June the 'Welt WiOvatios Meeting which Was also attended by Burns Ross of B. M. Ross and. Associates of Goderich ; elilineer' for the Village of Luck - 'now. Ross' answered questions directed to himr by council and the teartiship Oaiclents Who attended the meeting. • The residents are concerned the location of the treatment facility and tile bed system in their neighbourhood will affect, the real • estate value of their property. They are also concerned that sludge from the treatment facility will be hauled away from the site by truck. Goderich eenfirnied that sludge will be drawn -from the site, as the -tile bed system of • the sewage. treatment facilitY operates similar to a septic tank and tile bed system.• • Ross said the sludge will be chemically treat44 during the treatment process of the sewage and there- Will be odour when the sludge is withdrawn and hauled away. Ross expects the 'sludge will be hauled away three or four times a year. He said it would not be necessary to withdraw the sludge more frequently in the event of a 20 pages •ass dance tests AtOdents of Lisa Frayne of the Scottish Teachers Dancing, Alliance passed dance tests recently. Sandra Van Osch passed her Grade 1 Highland with honours; Sarah Brophy passed her Silver Highland with commenda- tion and her Grade 1 Highland with honours. Laurie Hayden passed her Bronze Scottish •National and her Grade 1 Highland with honours ' The judge came from Scotland to test the dancers and is, a member of the Scotland judges panel. Lisa has been teaching dance at Kingsbridge for four years. Businessman passes A prominent Lucknow businessman ',ea- sed away in France June 7 while touring Europe to mark the 40th anniversary of the D • Day invasion of Normandy. Clarence Greer, 73 served in the 99th artillery battery of the 3rd Canadian division as a member of the recognizance team when it landed on Juno beach June 6, 1944. A former clerk -treasurer of West. Wawanosh Township, he owned and operated Greer TV and Electric in association with Bill Bolt on Lucknow's main street for more than 25 years. Mr. Greer had returned to Europe to mark *he35th anniversary of the D Day invasion in 1979, and left June 1 'with several members of the Lucknow Legion and their wives on the 19th Field' RegimentRCA 'tour 01 frngland. FranceKBelitinincaidlligazidinarki the 40014nniVerssity of the *yank* this year. ' Interested in histbry, Mr. Greer had Tolls of black and white film with him on this trip to' record the ceremonies marking the anniversary which he would be attending. He planned to bring back, the pictures to be published in The Sentinel with a story of the trip. The Sentinel interviewed Mr. Greer following his trip in 1979 to mark .the 35th anniversary of the invasion and he was looking forward to providing the newspaper with an account of his trip this year. heavy ram storm or rapid thawl No finders fees th oval of sludge ou crea e concern or residents living When asked e rem In an interview with The Sentinel Burn sh ld t The residents presented their petitions to Ross of B. M. Ross and Associates of in the area, lion said "No". ubmit sewage report to ministry of environment Additional information on the proposed • option to p6chase the property for the te for the LucknoW sewage treatment facility in August, 1983. ility and tile bed. systein has been Steven Burns of B. M. 'Ross and Assoc- mpiled by the village's engineer, and the iatesi who has been working on the Lucknow mpleted report will be submittecrio the report, said the ministry requested nisby of Environment this weekadditional information about specific con - The ministry is considering aniipplication cerns in regard to_the site last December and approval of the Lucknow sewage 'works !w is in the process of compiling the oject based on the speelfteationi of a site information to be forwarded to the ministry. West Wawanosh Tonlik, just east of Burris said heestimates it will be six weeks uron County Rod. 1, sbuth of Liicknow on to two months before the/ ministry makes a 0perty owned by Chester Finnigan of decision on the appliation, adding the cknow. report looks faourable. The Village of Lucknova Subtiiitted the Council had originally received approval plication for approval last October follow- for the sewage project nning the specifica- g the payment of $00 to_ f Milligan as an tions of a site in linckimw Ideated north of the CNR railway at the north end of Walter Street. An option to purchase the 24 acres • from Floyd Milne of Lucknow was not renewed in May of 1983, when Milne refused to sell the property to the village over a- dispute with Reeve George Joynt. Council was forced to withdraw its application based on the Milne site, because the approval of the sewage works proposal is site specific, meaning the proposal when submitted to the ministry must be based on a specific site. B. M. Ross and Associates of Goderich, engineers for the village of Lucknow, have spent the last 10 months preparing the new report based on the West Wawanosh sit. ospital ete zoning approval for addition Construction of a fie* emergency and out ered determined opposition from residents tient wing at the Wingharh and District in the area. • ospital finally got- Underway after the The new plan also has the advantage of pital board was able to put together a not requiring the hospital to pay substantial flto meet the parking requirements of the lease costs, as well as the Ott of developing wn zoning bylaw. • the temporary parking. The agreement with The plan calls for the hospital to use the the Huron County Bard of Education, which rking lot. at the F. 'Madill Secondary permi s the nospital to use the parking lot hool on a temporary WS'; while develop- during the summer with a possible extension • its own parking in twostages over the of the time limit if needed, calls only for a xt 21 months. token payment of one dollar. This takes the place of an earlier proposal Hospital administrator Norman Hayes tvelop temporary parking on land leased said that construction of the new wing would Sacred Heart Church which encount- begin immediately and, with cooperation from the weather, it should still be possible to have the building closed in before winter. He said the contractor feels he can have the exterior pretty well completed 135, early October. He noted that the agreement with the school board is just temporary, to satisfy the zoning requirements and allow the hospital to get a building permit, and the hospital will honor its commitment to meet the full parking requirements on its own property. Currently it has about 88 or 89 parking spaces, and this will be nearly doubled to Turn to page 4. No employee of the Huron County Board of Education receives 'a finders' fee for investing school funds, says Director of Education Robert Allan. Allan was responding to a question by Trustee Art Clarke at the board's June meeting. Clarke said he was asking the question after having read press reports of Huron County Council employees receiving finders' fees. The director said that after he had heard about the situation at county council, he had investigated the school board's situation. "Our investing is done by our chief accountant," said Allan, who, when asked if he had ever received a findere fee replied he hadn't. Kinettes receive service award The Dungannon and District Kinette Club received the Myrtle Wilson Service Award at the District One Kin Convention held in Windsor on the Victoria holiday weekend in May. The highest honour a Kinette Club can earn in the District, Dungannon received the award for their donation of infant car seats to the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital in Goderich. The project is now submitted to tlri national competition for the Elspeth Rogers Kinette Service Award, which will be presented at this year's Kin national convention in Victoria, British Columbia in August. Winners of eight districts in the• association of in across Canada will be eligible fix' the national honour. 1