The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-06-06, Page 7• en, Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 6, 1984—Page 7 Captain Jamies�nand oldVhitlyChik holm lost no time. in prOpafi0 -fOr,, their journey to Scotlanct.4 'carefully compiled list was made of all the intmes and ItieatiOnasif those relatives of the Friends :'"Of Skye who might choose to emigrate to Canada. OlVille day prior to the,iy,, *rtureft,s!nrAtedtiees, young Teddy •140#19OU "MO to fifld Jamieson -,at the genOtat store, lopingtbc taken alor4g as a men** Oldie Ship's crew. The Captain and Chippy Were sitting in the back room of :the store.'; going, over their. papers, when Teddy asked. to see Ahem, .He was accompanied brbOth liamiskand Mrs. Murdoch. ' "I wanna gae y.,.s1/4,1 he Said, but it was obvious by the' look on the face of Mrs. Murdoch that she was nett keen to see her son leave. "Ti' only a boy's foolish fancy," she -told them. "What good, is he to ye? He, is no a seaman - he's no. ntu'Oi of a farmer yeti" Ian Jamieson never of. the domineering Katie Murdoch and was not surprised that the lad'shenld'wiSh. to escape from from her clutches. He . ignored her and addressed himself to the boy's ,stepfather; "The voyage will.not be a holidays.:' -and we do not need anybody who cannot serve a useful purpose. Take ,the lad home Hamialt... It is seamen we areneediliOnd:on!y Chippy and I have experience of 'shiPs.",' , - Before Hamish coOld.;.. reply, Chippy. Chisholm broke into Ithe'conversation. "Maybe hae .no :right'.tae speak," •he said. "But young Teddy here has helped:me many times with woodWork,•and Whether he be a farmer, seaman or no,thelad can use his hands. We hae. at least •tae convert One hold tae passenger *afters: If I .am .tae do • • FIEL)TitEES by Don earapbeR , • . e prepare.Co sail '.44 • ' " •„,- the 'boatswain's work., I think we'll be needin' a -phip's carpenter” • - 41Why don't ye mind ye own business?" Mra., Murdoch retorted angrily. "The captain has already said he hae nae use frae Teddy!" Jamieson considered for a -,few moments. What Chippy had said was true; but he had no intention of interfering in family matters. ,"The decision is in your hands, Hamish," he told -Murdoch. "He is your responsibility, and if •you say he can 'go, I will take him along. Young,Teddy's face lit up like a lamp and -he looked anxiously. at his stepfather for a fayoitrable re.ply. .."Take the lad wi' ye," Murdoch said. decisively. "We hae no. right ,"Take. the lad wi' ye," Murdoch said decisi4ely. "We hae no right tae deny him a chance vithich-may no come again!" The next day, Jamieson; Chippy Chisholm and young Teddy Murdoch left for Toronto. They took a wagon to carry all their belongings, and Neil MacCrimmon went along with them so that he could return it to Redtrees. The three 'older men sat at the front but Teddy had to be content with the more bumpy ride behind the • seat He was very excited and kept asking many questions about the future voyage. "Will it be a big ship, captain?" he asked. "A great bigschooner - with three 'masts?" 's • , Jamieson was annised by the boy's enthusiasm. At seventeen, Teddy was like all youths of his age full of vim and the spirit of adventure. "At the moment lad, I have no idea," Jamieson said. "We shalt have to. take whatevekwe. pm. At thislime of year, if *ill be difficult tO. find any kind of a vessel. Most of them will be away.or taking on cargo and the plans of the shipping companies will already have been Made.", • • "And the crew, sir: Where shall we get a crew?" "That will be less difficult," Jamieson said. "There are always seamen looking for a ship, but of course we shall have to be careful who we sign on. Itds a long voyage and a ship is only as good as its crew:" "Don't ye Worryabout the men lad," Chippy interjected. "I'll give 'em a good lookin' over before they step on board a ship ChiPpk) Chisholm. I can, smell every 'rotten apple in the barrel, long before I take off the lid!" To Teddy :11.4urdoch, it seemed # iong way tolCorontO# ;and he was very glad when they arrived at the junction of Yonge and Front Streets. Until they had made all their arrangements, they were to sty in the New American Hotel. This -too -was a. grand new experience for the lad. Before he, left •for the return journey, MacCrinimon shook each of them warmly by the - hand. He had a special word for Ian Jamieson. "Rap the first tithe in many a year, I canna do anything tae help ye. But I want ye ' tae know that we shall all travel wi' ye in our heart. Ye're a brew man, Captain Jamie- son. I wish ye God speed, a safe journey and come - back hame soon tae Redtrees." 1 Ale Apprect e volunteer service of canvassers To the Editor - • — Dorothy Hamilton, Kathleen Collyer, Susan The Lucknow 13kandk, of the Caitaditint. • • ° Cancer Society hai4;pleted their cahVa-10f TIIE EprroR Lucknow and district for the 1984 cainpaign. Thanks to the generotis reponse of the people who contributed, the final total was $3537.95, up over $200.00,frcatt the previous year. Our thanks to,not only the contribut- ors, but also the Women institutes, Team Captains and Canvassers who gave so generously of their time and effort. Kairshea Women's Institute: Mary Levis, captain; Ken Reid, Anne Reid, .Sally Edis- bury, Wilma Clarke, 'Rena Foster, ine Howald, Hannah Hartenfink, Alice Doel- man. • " 3 - Holyrood Women's Institute: Mrs. Char- les Murray, captain;. Doris Eadie, Lorraine MacPherson, Joan Murray, Myrtle Percy, Wilma Elliott, Bessie Maulden. Reid's Corner Women's Institute: Mrs. Cecil Humphrey, Captain; Evelyn Elliott, Tess Hains, Kim Colling, Irene Emmertono Nancy E. Campbell; Margaret. MacCharles, M. Haswell,, Janet Kempton, Helen Kemp- ton, Nadine Danforth, Susan Marshall, V. Funston, Shirley Lowry, Pat Lowry, Royie Elmes, K Black,. Mary Walden. ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. Donald Jolly WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THAT EFFECTIVE JUNE 1,1' he no longer will be associated with the partnership of dr. M. H. Corrin and Dr. J. C. McKim. Dr. Jolly will be moving to Ottawa. Se: IM•11.111 Highway 86 East: Shirley Brooks. Highway 86 West: Freda Button.. Senior Citizen apartment: Belle Mole. Lucknow: Anna KreutzWeiser, team cap- tain; William Ross, Wm. Schmid, Ross. Cumming, Art Gilmore, Lloyd Moffat; Linda Andrew, Judy. Datema; George Anderson, team captain; Allene -Bradley, Alex Andrew,' Kathleen MacDonaid, Anna Johnstone; Elizabeth Finlayson; Shirley Bolt, team captain; Dorothy Atkinson, Nancy Hamilton, Betty McInnis; Ruth Thompson, team captain; Bertha Whitcroft, Lynne Mann, Margaret Hamilton; Beatty Irwin, team captain; Jean Conley, Sahara Irwin, Sherri Irwin, Linda Searle; Lloya Nicholson, team captaih; Lorna Guay, Barbara Ross, Jim McNaughton, Barb Cranston, Julie Nichol- son; Marg Stanley, team captain; Austin Martin, M. Sackrider, Harry Lavis, Mary Henderson; Jane Treleaven, team captain; .Boyd, Joni Dalton, Mildred Loree. Campaign Co-ordinators, Mildred Loree, Anna Kreutzweiser. To the Editor: We would like to thank the canvassers in the south west Huron Township area and Point Clark for taking time to canvass for the Canadian Cancer Society. The total receipts from the area. were $1,147.00. • The canvassers were: Tess Heins, Nancy Campbell,. Margaret MacCharles, Michael Haswell, Janet Ketnpton, Nadine Danforth, Susan Marshall, Evelyn Elliott, Vici Fun- ston, Shirley Lowry, Pat Lowry, Rorie Elmes, Kim Colling, Kathy Black, Irene Emmerion, Mary Walden. -Special thanks to Tess Hains for her part in organizing the township area so efficient - Sponsored by Reid's Corners Women's Institute Norma Humphrey (Team Captain) JUST ARRIVED A New Selection Of 10 KT. YELLOW GOLD MEN'S AND LADIES Neck Chains BRINGIN THIS AD AND GET off Chains In Stock From June 6th to June 9th calmseer mann vista= oisemm e.t.a , ammo amass em•eas ismae• ammo ars,. auxins Agnew JEWELLERY AND GIFTS Open Six Days A Week Evening Appointments 528-3940 LUCKNOW 5283532 JOGGING TYPE SHOES VERY GOOD SELECTION OF STYLES & SIZES MEN'S0. .9 $11 .” to $29." LADIES' & BOYS' $11 ." to $29." CHILDREN'S.... SEIGEL 'S 2 STORES IN DOWNTOWN LONDON 129 DUNDAS 330 CLARENCE AT MARKET AT YORK L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE Sales & Service Fibreglass 5 & 10 Year Stainless Steel Warranty. Wire Mesh In home demonstration now available. Complete system installed '2695. LARRY FISHER 524-9595 PHONE DAY OR NIGHT GLENN'S Glass & Aluminum Sales *Window & Screen Repair *Plexiglass Doors and Service Repairs 'a Complete range of aluminum, soffit siding, doors and windows PHONE 528-3723 NIACLITN CAR 'OILING Phone 395-3352. 11/4 miles north of AndoothaV. west off Highway No. 21 LOOK FOR SIGNS PRICES: Cars 916. Pickups or Vans 911. fax Included Open 9-5 PM Weather penult** Filter Queen "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN A RN ci 482-7103 DIEU BINS 1983 FORD LTD., 4 dr., with air 1982 BUICK ,PARK AVENUE, 4 door 1981 OLDS DELTA 88 ROYALE, 4 door 1981 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSIC, 4 door 1981 BUICK PARK AVENUE, 4 dcor 1980 PONTIAC CATALINA, 4 dr 1980 DODGE ASPEN, 2 door 1980 CHEVY VAN, 20 series 1979 BUICK LE SABRE, 4 door with air 1977 OLDS CUTLASS, 4 door with air 1976 CHEV SUBURBAN TRUCKS 1979 FORD, 4 x 4 pickup HAMM'S BLYTH PHONE 523 •