The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-05-23, Page 12CAPITAL FOND Accounts receivable .Due from revenue fund Capital outlay to be recovered in future years (statement 3) - Due from revenue fund RESERVE FUND TRUST FUND Cash Investments - at cost which approximates market value On, behalf of the Board Director Director (See accompanying notes) *2.537.587 *.2.347.963 $ 225 7,275 2,004,530 $2.012.030 $ 225 7.275 . 2.•533, 762) $2.541,262 $ • 12.315, $ 13.500 9,.261 169,968 $ 7,828 162.971 $_17® $ 170.799 Holdbacks payable. unmatured debenture debt (note 4) Equity in reserve funds. (note 6). Trust funds (note 7): Balance, beginning of year Add - 'Investment income Principal receipts Deduct awards Balance, end of year CAPITAL FOND RESERVE FUND TRUST FUND f $ 7.500 S. 7,500 2,004,530 2,533,762 $2:012.030 $2'.541.262 • $ 12.315 1.3.500 $ 170,799 $ 170,514 26,4211 23,477 7,000 1,000 204,220 194,991. 24,991 24,192 179,229 170,799 $ 179,229 170,799 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND .EXPENDITURES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 (with comparative adounts for 1982) Expenditure: Business administration General administration Computer services Instruction • Plant operation and maintenance Transportation Tu#tion fees Capital:expenditure (non -allocable) Other operating expenditure Debt charges and capital. loan interest,(note 5) Non-operating expenditures, excluding transfers. to reserves Total expenditure Recovery of• expenditures: Other school boards Government of Canada Individuals Other revenue, excluding transfers from reserves Total recovery of expenditures Net.expenditure, Financed by: Transfer from (to) reserve fund Transfer to revenue fund reserve for working funds Government of Ontario - 8eneral legislative grant Local taxations- raised in current year Previous year's over (under) requisition Under (over) requoisition of taxes for year (note 8) (See accompanying. notes) 1983 .Elementary Schools. 161,737 165,662 7,441 13,741,519 • 1,375,961 '1,619,896 22,225 421,733 59,687 452',824 39,425 18,068, 110,; 1,980 25,821 27.801 18.040.309 1,185 12,003,653 6,123,620 90,418 18,218 876 $ (178.567) Secondary. Schools 171,055 175,206• 7,870 12,041,064 1,571,163 1,600,471 752,889 8;400 .83,350 221,028 72.585 16,705,081 1;125,737 36;9.16 65,.185 g10,881 .1238,719• 15,466,362 (100,000) 9,949,778 5,637,878 225,869 15.713.525 $ (247.163). Total. $ 332,792 340,868 15,311 25,782,583 2,947,124 3,220,367 775,114 430,133 143,037 673,852 11.2 , 010 ' 34,773.191 .1,125,737 36,916 67,165 36.702 1.266.520 33, 506,•671 1,185 (100,000) 21,953,431 11,761,498 316,28/ 33,932,401 $• (425,730) STATEMENT 2 -1982 Elementary Schools $ .144,507 132,092 5,257 12,461,920 1,202,861 •1,592,266 •25,289 149,139. • 69,812 487,416 33.868 16,304,427 1,002 1,626 16,952 19,580 16,284847 (1,5.00) -11,038,397 5,352,147 (13,779) 16,375.265 $ (90_414) Secondary Schools ' $ 154,061 14.0,825 5,605. 11,018,021 1,429,032 1,449,102 793,143 418,698 96,051 220,982 64,970 15,790,490 990,095 33,848 81,622 3.,857 1,1-09 , 422 14.681.068 (100,000) 9,854,039 5,259,443 (106,545) 14.906,937 $ (225,869) Total $ 298,5.68 272,917 10,862 23,479,941 2,631,893 3,041,368 818,432 567,837 165,863 708,398 98.838 32,094,917 991,097 33,848• 83,248 20.. 809 11;129,002 30.965.915 • ' (1,,500) (100,000) 20,892,436 10,611,590 .(120,324) 31.282,202 $, (316.287) i. •n F ,444 4. Onmatured.debenture debt Of the unmatured debenture debt outstanding of $2,004,530, principal and interest' repayments tor the next five• years. ere as. follows: Principal Inter,gst - Total 1984 1985. 1986 1987 1988 .Remaining balance $ 522,236 513,120 476,174 313,000 62,000 1,886,530 118,000 $114,307 84,315 54,850 27,488 13,243 294,203 18;510 $ 636,543. 597,435 53.1,024. 340,488 75,243 2,1$0,7`33 136,510 $2600v.530 $312,713 $2 3317,243 5. Debt charges and capital loan interest The revenue fund expenditure for debt charges and capital loan interesteincludes principal and interest payments as follows: ' 1983 ,1982 Elementary Secondary Elementary Secondary • Principal payments on longterm debt including contributions .to -sinking 'funds 3360,232 3169,000 $373,281 . $160,000 Interest payments thereon ' 92,591 52,02,7 114,135 .. 60,983 $452,823 8221,027 $487.416 $220,9$3 6. Reserve fund The reserve . fund • ,relates to disposals " of certain. surplus ' properties. The Board was,not'obligated to reduce the current Province of Ontario • grants in this amount on condition that such funds'.be placed in a reserve fund and used for future capital expenditures. Changes in the reserve fund balance are as ,follows: Balance, January 1 Transfers from (to) the revenue fund - - 'Balance, December 31 1983 1982: $13.,500 $12,000 (1,185) '1•,500 312,315 , 313.100 7 Trust funds . Trust' funds'generaily represent` accumulated donations received by the Board from individual,. corporate and institutional sources. , These funds are used to provide variousscholarships, bursaries and awards to studentslIin Huron County schools and to assist with other educational projects not fuhded•by the, Board. 8. Over or under requisition The Schgol's Administration Act provides that the difference between the amount requisitioned from a municipality and• the amount that should have been ,requisitioned based on the actual level of expenditure and grants is to be treated as an over requisition or under requisition. The attached financial statements reflect a net over requisition from municipalities in 1983 .of 3425,730 which will be deducted from. the tax requisition by the School Board in 1984. 9. Comparative amounts Certain of the 1982 comparative figures have been revised to reflect adjustments made to the 1982 grant from the Government of •Ontario; such adjustments were not material in amount. F ►+