The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-05-23, Page 8• to, 1:11.S7,717." tOunt3r honour., forcoinpletlng six .4-H clubs, were presented at an open liouseiield May 9 „ •at g;Ei'Madlik4001.0dlik'Schooh winiiitam, for ',4:11-inembera from the north of Huron Goun1y.:-.T1mae. presented with county hominra were from the left, TaMmy-Lynn Tilbrhak, Andrea-Stilith; Brenda Stewart, NOM* 11-01011; Laurie .Pentland, Alison. Coultes,HeatherMelnto.h, Margaret Lockle; front, Katherine Proctor, Anne-Marle Alit‘e Elbjeth Den Dekker, Pam' McLeIIau, Leanne Armstrong and Darlene Darlow. Absent Is henna Steckley. •EWIntithem Advance -Times Photo] A quilting open house was held May 9 -at F. E. Madill Second/gay. School, Wingham, to display work done during'ilds spring's 4,H club on ipalliing. Those receiving special -awards were: back, Bonnie Osborn, Lila Stewart, Marion Huth,- all advanced honours [18 clubs] winners, and Annabel Stewart, 24 club winner;• front, Waneta Jacobs, Shirley and Sheila Dorsch, provincial honours for 12 completed cubs. Absent was advanced honours winner Kathleen Foran. [Wingham Advance -Thies Photo] Kinloss council reviews 1983 financial statements Reeve Barry Johnston and all' council members, were present for the regular meeting of council held on May 7. Nancy Exel, as representative of MacGil- livray and Company who are Township auditors, attended council to explain the 1983 financial statements. A motion was then passed to accept financial statements as presented. Tile drain loan applictions were accepted for RWL Investments Ltd. lot 29, conc. 3 for $20,000; for D. Stewart. Lane lot 9, conc. 11 for $9,000.00; for Huntly Dawson lot 23, conc. 5 for $7,200.00 and for W. John Barr lots 14 and 15, conc.. 12 for 83,100.00. Council accepted the tender of J. & R. Lester Construction Ltd. to construct branch "D" of the Henderson -Cook Municipal Drain for $5,762.50 also the quote of Armco Westeel Inc. to supply corrugated metal pipe as listed for $2,968.00 plus 7 per cent retail sales tax. Dave Eadie was appointed to the Lucknow Arena Board Committee " to examine the arena proposal, on a motion by councillors Haldenby and McBride. General accounts for $7,506,94 and highways accounts for $13,122.40 were ordered paid. Three readings were given to by-law 5-1984 appointing William A. Hamilton the Chief of the Lucknow and District Fire Department and amending the previous by-law. Elect RNA association president • . Verna Steffler of Wingham has been elected president of the Ontario Association of Registered Nursing Assistants at their annual meeting in Brantford May 8 - 10. Wingham and District Hospital RNAs have been active in promoting Registered Nursing Assistant Day which many local towns have now proclaimed on May 13. Dorothy MacLeod, Clayton. and Matilyn Baird, Jean Irwin and Murdean MacLeod also of the Wingham hospital staff attended the annual meeting. The association has been working to raise public awareness of the specific roles of the registered nursing assistant in the nursing team. Their specialty within this team is personalized patient care. Wingham RNAs have promoted their role for the past three years at exhibits, in radio and local papers, at presentations within the hospital, with patient favours for meal trays, free ,coffee breaks for all staff members, draws and blood pressure clinics. RNAs rely on the public to tend their interest, support and co-operation in making the observance of RNA day a success. • Ludimw Seatholi.W#dappdvo May 23, 1984—Page 8 FLOWERS FOR TODAY 19IETSNEtEVER !sIstor.fic,mER _5244761 Evenings and Sundays 'phone 529-7253. MC-MaRaWVAM--.MOMMX40,005M Oount.Orsthe ClaWfleds.: to. Do•tile.:40b.- APPY .TIEDAY 4,1fMg.:40. LO From Irhe Family KINCARDINE - DRIVE-IN Thurs,-Fri;-Sat.-Stm. MAY 24-2526,27 'LONELY GUY' Starring Steve Martin 'HARD TO HOLD' Starring Rick Springfield Special Added Feature Sat May 26184 'RUMBLE FISH' KINCARDINE DRIVE-IN RR1 Kincardine - From Goderi6h turn right at the Go -Kart Track off Hwy. 21 between Pine River .and Kincardine. Phone 395-5716 ' r • LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE OPEN DATES AVAILABLE Friday, May '25 • Friday, Juno.8, 29 Friday, Juirtl, 13,20, 27 Saturday, July 14 SATURDAY, MAY 26 Marilyn Whitman and Don Bucholtz FRIDAY, JUNE'i Joanne VanOsch and Bloke Doherty SATURDAY, JUNE 9 Pete and Betty VanOsch ;CALL -THIS NIAVIIIER BETWEEN 9i00 son and 600 pm. ONLY ,528,8532 • • - • •DON'T MISS Saturday JUNE 9 at the Kincardine Com ern/ nity Centre. •KINCARDINE & DISTRICT LIONESS LOBSTERFEST (W Dinner 2Loltbhsters, etc.) served 4 PM -8 PM Dance to Sound System's 70 9 PM -1 AM TICKETS 1230 ADVANCE SALES ONLY GRANT CHISHOLM, LVCKNOW, 529-7524' PRINT CRAFT, TEESWATER 396-8695 or 396-7180 Proceeds to go to Women's House for Bruce County & Kincardine Hospital Equipment. 1 HOMEMADE ENGLISH MEAT PIES (PASTRIES) ALSO AVAILABLE a Ri e goi Wi ha! ai ag( ind A ed Mot Of b Aux Tl Ann Loud(jn moHtli Win; Rom D ofro and rn cabb de nvol E 'wb ug, fri mt sp4ia- eiHTriebook l r phh t coital meeti to be P Chris Aftsevet• stayetdraet; S whetAhri tion n to i n Off fo : P whoe vr Ward Hartu thefa Count Wa dealse g a said th vortueceir oebeabuysil aid nvi ns Eci as, i