The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-05-16, Page 11Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 16, 1984—Paige 9 umbers of the arch, Kingsbr#d: ton, president;", president, bac �rltual director, Jo ptt, eoreespondln Mono ,r. Shirimc)l � The, ,monthly Moe OC°W° was held T e home of Mrs. t The meeting op th Farrell presidi. in, Trilliums. The roll call was anew vourite book of the-.$? e making;: of' eft ,d s forthe, r which be held raver ned oyer fo the conve rs :Joyce Courtney and Margaret el v oey gave a reading, On the Bibles `Margaret R i�d,y le d4 is ,prayer. Margaret read a reading and a poem, both relatintte Mother's Day which was enjoyed, the 48 ladies present. Joyce= Courcy ' �oseit-.theiir part .of the meeting , with a reading, Cut Fools Frith. i The president, Ruth Farrell, `read the ;test • closing- reading. Lunch was served by the s O,t-ohoitesiet and -s 'social hour area' enjoyed. Hear SpE The Lucknow Junin` fem.'s Feld their May meg with 18 members,a' After a brief ary Divok • of lintonand Listow mg -two of the* ,lo4rls° It was an hheFevening. • De next meetin i!iith Astrology tide onnybroak "e ours" �in ;ember and4"9! field, June 1 g Ctril Donnybrook U.C. W1 held *it ' May ting on Tuesday, May 8, at e'home of th ;Hardy. Eileen Hanna,,:and Elsie Hardy d a double theme for the meeting - ing and Mother. • Dile. Hardy opened the meeting, with the r 'to worship. Eileen Hanna 'gave a prayer the scripture. Elsie Hard toad the nation, Planting and Reaping, which phasized the importance 'of always having k todo' even from a very 'young -age :.Two ms, An Open Secret and 'Whit!' Aire dmothers, were read by -Eileen Hanna. tie business was conducted by Margaret Idebrand. Susan `Rieman took up the lection and Lois Chamney ,read 'the les from the last meeting. An Mr Invitation a special meeting at Calvin -Brick on.June as read. The Fall' Rally on October 2 at oria Street in Goderich was discussed also catering to the maple syrup meet- s 19 and �4°�w' on Jul ;leen Hanna closed the meeting with a r and a poem about Grandmas: Wanda erson and 'Alice Jefferson assisted" the tess with lunch. ppreeiateC the Editor: " The members of Whitechurch Women's titate wish • to thank the volunteer vassers for. the recent 'cancer drive lading Agnes Farrier,- Cathy. 'Gibson, s. John de Boer, Jean floss', Norma tout, Gertrude Durnin, Brenda Day, Lou le, Kay Cruikshank, Elinor Neill, 'Kay gie, Mildred Purdon and Lynda James. hanks also to everyone who made contri- ons. With your help, cancer can : be ten. Sincerely, Whitechurch Women' Institute. The 'Presbyteriian:'W.M..S.' held their May meeting at. Piinecrest. Manor.. Mrs. Omar Brooks: presided. • Opening prayer was by Mrs. Jim Aitchi- son. Mrs. Ramsay presented. the. flannel graph on, The . Prodigal Son. • ' -Mrs. E.`°'Rutherford presided at the piano for the hymns. . The musical program.. and the 'readings were given by Mts. Wiilliam Henderson, Mr. • and Mrs. Mundell, Mrs. Morgan Henderson and Mrs. Cyril Brown. The closing prayer was given by Jessie ° Johnston, after which lunch and tea were served. Mole s tip.... •from page i hotel Jo;suit almost right away, small and cosy. A.A. recommended with a receptionist from Co. Mayo. You hardly, ever meet a ,Londoner. Everybody's from somewhere else. Once: whe,, . need directions, I had, to ask'., seven times before I found anyone speaking English.. London's like that, now, like being abroad: Browsing ° Again I didn't waste a moment, a Karsh Exhibition at the National. Gallery, a Beethoven Concert by the London Symphony Orchestra, Covent Garden with its buskers and its folksy stalls, browsing through Harrods .113(1' antique markets:, a ,.hilarious birthday't5arty that went on half the night, Sunday Setvice at St: Martin's -in -the -fields, the final treat afternoon tea at the Ritz with my son, .smoked salmon . and cucumber sandwiches, scones thick- with Devonshire cream, sweets. scrunlmy beyond description, then back overnight to Belfast and Dungan- non: I'll .be off again in a month or two. You can't beat a weekend in London to blow away the cobwebs. But three days are long enough for me. After that I have to rush home for • rest!. MOLLIE WHITESIDE Such as'1~rid its p 0 `hlAaki emacs . '.Hot W fte Tanker- te, wfll;;be mils oil WO* Montdoy o ti ALL ARTICLES TQ BE SEt010. 14y 8:00 A:M. No regular garbage or brush tWll _ Be picked upon: the Met . i NOTICE TO ALL i RATIPAYERS OF LUCKNOW The second installment of 1984 taxes•/$. due June 1, 1984. B. M...W.HITCROFT Clerk -Treasurer Village of Lucknow. Pittsburg HOlidECARE OIL BASE, LATEX BASE Can Be Tinted To Colour Required SPENITE PANELS 4'X8'X 1/4" and 4'X8' -X 7/16" PHENOLIC BONDED WOOD Wafer Panels With 101 Building Uses CORK BULLETIN BOARDS •5." EA. z. x36•11"EA. 18"X 24" HENDER.SON BUILDIIG ceNrnuE J.W. H R LUCKNOW, . PHONE (519) 3118 ,dtl,p&AO FAIL AMPLE PARKING •a .Now •