The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-05-16, Page 8•••••3,F,"... •1•"3. • • . 1784411riNginiEVO • 14; • •••,,ff , - 3 1984-1.age 8 • 3•N .„, ODAY A 6 ate r • 0, 0.bEi EL'S 12Q Oundas - 330 Clarence in downtown London • ; 34, „ • • • .u. 2,4ffeRS2BEIMFMT ;. 4 lP.M. ent • thirearHIn just and watch. • ISTMENT • • ; . fltt"..:1;...., • s t4313' 3P:4 : ; , • , , - • 117 !if . . qr . t4,'•.. • .. er stu a 4., • 4t7f• )4,41 Nifl" • t• • • e 6L:Iprch dnibtuae eprt tip a ch rve eh °r theninit "nath Far m, Tile re] vourite • • • To me, she mother .0 heti • jazz,balleti mingShe children's school where assisiA in. • , , classroom one morning a Week. She on. hel*Sunday School in her Own kitchen eve. other Sunday: Sheworkedon a fund vital:, connicittee• to raise nioney to build a creative , playground at her children's 'school and•lhe active with the foster parents association Of Hilton:County., - • AS busy. as she is, she always has time for a chioWithafriend on the phone or cup of tea if you' .;in,thie*pectecily. ..",f7 Ptr ' her SoinneltjleciMiiine- rethinds,the *MY Own mother who raise4. seven.childrenikadi'hugeiikSe to caie- ran. us to mnsic And dance lessens,hockey games .and games, and still found time to sew pretty dresses for her three girls Until g they,:, started to high school:. • She's ' a speciiitc, friend and a very special motiterk lik7a day when -many ;women have chosen to Work out 9f the home combining a career and faintly, her id ej of a career is to maker.. her 'husband hailpyAnd to bring up 'several much loved Children.' Lorraine Bre 11: has *chokeiito 'Mike mothering 'her car. `4,' • . She has always always , been .interested 'in children. She became a teacher and .taught. for to years before her .martiage. She started fostering children when her oldest childAvas just a baby in 1973 and she now is the' rnother: of eight children ranging in age from -lliteitoll.? She. and her lnisband, Geqge.' have, Aree, thiktrop4O1- to them, two ltdoptect.'aiWthree.ft4ii:childr,i#7 When she itirittA t'oitiiiiimezshe'•;.-tas willing to tackle the. Challenge .of fostering e-. • n.e1 her -e Stith& mni,. .2ivolunteer.;, er-'* . , Joseph, went to,the beach. ,:-,, '"•; - . ,..- byharon Dietz.,.. 4,,,,, .„, ..,..kgv., - 7'.:;•!:2,.'..:.:,,:,-. • .,•:. r.7' , *4fit_everyone understands what she is „ • 14„., 0,c;40, 190,0"COAlf0cf; itrying to accomplish and sOnievna wonder. ti 1 'i 'igh:vi I :d ;stpi t4:1 i do :t ti i i rini i if: ril* r e est7r• She.kl'ta"; family :°' .!-1„ : , 1 d i eit :: : !. :i.iig.., t' four havelcikowll her, there has- ,•-; 11.e or ,er. a as vi :-; small hlisiteliiiid Ili, '1e -a, ri,ning world Sholeeatt filitvh'6‘6all tte'Prntir: b' -.'".Uil 1 'jai& 'IL,.;,i;itii•i:itif• a. fetter I child iii- ‘. iii,.), /wt. • evei4,:th: ' ih ,she,:, viitilt:i ' Ill: to. 'Al:: her ilino.,... ,.„, ;*, . • , •‘ ,, : : , , livind,,04,46t iiii. she . c .-.... ..„,. . c , . . er was trying,t9, • ' - her saints medal Woke Ii4 d . i'S.1' :Conscientious about her role 'as mother 4,e:ii-as.-:tifi•i' -....z4.- o;lifiktr4iiitstt§:irl.14-11,-,; ' she has taken time from .her busy days to .. u:derstanding,. especially liezcliiki&ii.:..She _enrol, . in a, •.,parent effectiveness „2trairiing h. s the patieneeor Aili and the perseVeranee twointhrsoeut lue:untOtbop*tixil,?i'dihiteiolltitiiii,,,,titroltliiillri.,;::0 dedication of a -champion; - • ..,, • 4, . • , hectic: it' d I of 1:0 Ilet e.C.SOna,' hockey . " The. profession of mother: demands ,,niore praCtiteidapee classes an 4,v•reOling.eruh, , : of, an -individual than. any other job and . when she feels more like „a xi driveethan a society should recognize the value of .jazz , mother s e':imakes time for herself and.. mothers: Indeed, Diana, Princess of Wales attends ',Class . With li r daughters and -shares Lorraine's philosophy and has chosen • (Mee attended dance eitereise classes. to make her family her career. : . 1 : While appearing to be out of step with She is •teaching her: children/ to be ambitious career women, Diana has found responsible individuals who cannot expect to , her old fashioned view of family life to be • place conittint, demands on her. Everyone secretly shared by many girls. Her choice of helps -with thehousework and everyone has. filthily before career was echoed by thous - responsibilities as metabers of, the141114Y. ;India Womeri, who knew this was a proper She is determined t9 ;manage family and and Worthwhile option, but had never before household on her 'own, but tribally' relents tir from _school. - -during the. dared say Co. allowing George to hire someone summer months when the children are home The- role of parenting 'is especially demanding in our changing society. I She treats her children as individuals. SM There is frustration, anxiety and heart. believes every child ii: a gift and tries to ache but along with the problems are great ' spend some rime each day With- each child, moments of achievement and pride,. a sense • where she gives the child her exclusive :of worthiness and the gift of unconditional attention eveti if it is only to talk. Last ldve. 7t untraer'sfie iet aside one day to spend With • - -Lorraine hasehOsen a career many women egeh Child exelutiveiy and :the child those ref* to ,consider today and she is meeting Ithi•iittitiityi,'Odnititat Rachel went to a play the challenge it presents in , a remarkable at thelilyth'Striiirifer Festival and Moth and way. It.4,s. a privilege to call her friend. • --. , .;. 4 ,. , e/- ••• •••1:::" Prig)! •manuntonta • •11 4COnitteri P041 WROOM Airidt; Goderleb D. 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