The Lucknow Sentinel, 1984-05-02, Page 11Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 2, 1984 --Page 7 Mrs. Evan I eith ;was hostess for, the annual meeting; of Kinlos 3.Kairshea I ,. held on April 76 at the,, 'hall, 'Leonard Clarke welcomed everyone and read .. s a. poem, Ada aS ar ewer. The ;sec= retary-treasurer s „•Dori id Macintyre,. read the minutes and. correspondence Delegates, istrict •;Anuli held May at Tiverton are ;bits Huruld Hovald, Mrs. Bob Gilcll st, Mrs, Don Matthews and Mrs. Lloyd 44 , i f The cli ilt quiilted'by the membersfdr '�cnpationrLodge was on display and a big thank you goes to Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall for.thg.use of her base - mat. , ase-ment., theladies ry 07,1iarked.,arid set •it,up • and to Mrs Z3o r Gilchrist for making ';the points and fin i r' tern q 1� �a, It was decide?, o go�teifla tcipation Lodge on the bus trip oto be taken in August this • year instead of July. Mra; Harold HOWald ' reported that the Summary Day for the Rug Braiding course..at •. Teeswater -was very ,,. disappointing this. year a's clubs didn't participate in a :program as ;before, and as gyp only a few co ld w b the'4,0,g i[ookiupg ., .. � demonstratton'at a .r a there ;should.:hay Dun • 1, Hazel Webster has returned to her home.. following a IOxsay visit with her daughter; :. Lois and Ken '•Thomas and Jennifer of Bolton. While there; ey celebrated birth- days. Hazel's was on'April 27 and Lois' on April 28. r 4 Jim and ,Margaret Errington nisi Sunday in Port' Lambton with Ken an Sandra Davidson and family and Audrey Dale, ;prior to Audrey's return to `;the Columbian Ice Fields. ", ` : _ been chairs Available for •older ladies; Everyone. was ,to wear an Easter bonnet and those not wearing one were the judges. Mrs,. Leonard Machines won • the prize for the. funniest khat,-• Mrs. .Evan Keith for the a�nost Original and. Mrs. Harold Howald for the fanciest, -E ryone brought their sandwiches and the hostess and directors, Mrs. Harvey Houston and Mrs. Ira Dickie.served dessert, relishes an d beeveragee. After ltinchrthe ladies were treated to . fashion show. Mrs. Harold Hdwald .Modelled the student classic of a turtle neck sweater anda trumpet flaked skirt: The green turtles looked •terrifick.: Kathy. Mfrs. Evan Keith modelled •her winged collar :blouse and checkered slacks. Hope you didn't lose any of Evan's checkers, Margaret. Mrs. Jack Forster modelled a herringbone suit and pillbox hat, You suretake a variety of pills at your. house, Rena. Mrs. Harold Howald° :gave the District Director's report. Kairshea is to lead the singsong at the District Annual. The theme this year is, Preserving or. Heritage. The roll , call *was answered by 25 members paying their fees. • Mrs. Harvey Houston installed the 1984 officers. President, Mrs. Leonard Clarke; first vice, Mrs. Robert Gilchrist; second vice, Mrs. William 'Heldenby; , secretary- treasur-er, Mrs. Donald Maclntyre.; assistant sec- retary, Mrs. Donald MacKinnon; district director, Mrs. Harold Howald; public rela- tions officer,} Ikirs Harold ;Howald; curator, Mrs. "Harvey Houston; auditors, Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall, Mrs , Ira Dickie; branch direct- ors, Mrs. Ira pickle, Mrs. -Harry Levis, Mrs. Donald ;Matthews' and Mrs, Peter Edisbury; sunshine committee, Mrs. Rot. Gilchrist, : Mrs, Farish Moffat and ' Mrs. Lyard Maclnnes. • Standing committee conveners Citiz- enship and. World Affairs,..Mrs. Brian Doelman; Agriculture and Canadian Indus- tries, Mrs. Virden Mowbray; Education and Cultural Affairs, ;Mrs. Donald Matthews; Resolutions, Mrs: Farish Moffat. Mrs. Leonard - Clarke gave the courtesies. n returns home following visit bpany. on snnday with;' Mr /and Mrs. Ray Ulch were . Mr, and Mrs. Larry Brideau and Paul of Seaford and. Mr. and Mrs, Ab 'Birch: of London:. •. Sytpathy is.'extended ;to the families of the late . John Van Oenen, _ formerly of Ashfield Township, who passed away in Gtidenich Hospital on April 20 at the age of Burial was in Maitland Ceinetery; - -0oderich. , The Dungannon and area seniors have been a busygroup over the -past few weeks. • About 50 members viewed • pictures - yesteryears - shown and narrated' by K. K. Dawson and Harvey Culbert. ' They . were tater presented to the , club as well •as . a presidents gavel. On Wednesday evening at their tai- ►;eekly efichre, therewere 13 tables. 'High lady was Becks -Culbert with a tie between Viola Petrie and Kay Glen for second high. Viola won the cut High Man was •Charlie Johnston with second high man's score being Isabel Adams. . On Saturday past, the group held a very successful rummage and bake sale. 'from page 6.• After two or three more days of camp life, the immigrants were v restless; they were eager to be on their way,regardless of their uncertain future. Father:O'Hare was partic r ' llarly weary �d anxious. to •return " to his parish. He marellec .'at the patience and knowledge of MacLeod. The Presbyterian minister could answer allthe questions "which were asked about woodcraft and survival in a vast. -wilderness. To make the best use of theit'w'aiting time, MacLeod instructed the men on the use of the axe, the method of felling trees and the rudimentary principles' of erecting log cabins. He became a great favourite amongst the immigrants and his presence. inspired hope and confidence. •Dougherty was particularly impressed by • the . Scots minister. Never before had lie met such a • practical man -of the cloth, . - MEN'S SHOES DRS & CGOOD CHOICE IN THE GROUPS $19.98 to $29." LADIES' DRESS -UP SHOES PLENTY TO CHOOSE! $19.9= to $44.95 SE1GEL'S SHOES IN DOWNTOWN LONDON 129 DUNDAS 330 CLARENCE AT MARKET. AT YORK ALDEN PHOTOGRAPHY • for pictures you will treasurer foot li#etime!! •WEDDING *PORTRAIT •FAMILY *GRADUATION •ALBUMS .FRAMES For professional photography at affordable prices, call GARY WALDEN R. 3, Blyth 523-9212 IEDT E S by bon Campbew "He's " a• fine man," the new leader told ; his companions. "He's almost good enough `: to be Irish, so he is!'" When''ythe solicitor arrived with the doiu- ments ter the crown grants,- there seemed to be nothing to delay them.- further. "Well" Duncan, 'now T hope we can both return to our respective -chic rches.and do the • work'which,the Lord *intended us to do Pray tell me that we can now .hire, wagons from Toronto and be off .on" our way." "I am afraid not Father,''' MacLeod said with a smile: "Even if we could rent enough wagons in the town, who would take them back' totheir,-owners?' "Then how, shall: we transport all these people and goods into the Albion Hills? the, priest said with genuine. concern. "Very soon Father, we shall . have the means. I expect to see wagons arrive at any time;':' MacLeod reassured him. . 'It Was in tact- that- very evening that a wagon train .: was ° seen . moving along the lakeshore: As they approached, the Irish immigrants:. became • excited. They did not know -who these people were who 'came to their aid, but they certainly knew their race. On the lead wagon was a man playing the pipes to announce his arrival. MacLeod . placed . his arm around Father O'Hare and hugged him. "Now we can proceed, for we have everything. The land, the tools and the wagons to reach our destination. What is more, we have the finest wagon master in Canada - we have MacCrimmonl" Monday, May 7th is RED SHIELD BLITZ PLIGHT. Pleaseive generously when the Red Shield volunteer ,canvasser calls. If you would like to help out by being a canvasser yourself, please phone campaign headquarters. THE NATIONAL RED SHIELD APPEAL 1 d�Wara*,r1• FOR THE LOVE of GO]D GTE. ....If It's Fashion, Quality, Selection and Affordable prices you want, the answer is 26 Ont. Street STRATFORD PN. 271-9414 visit our BARGAIN BASEMENT Discounts up to SO% OFF and more • Entrance through star. or from York St. Wool. Joanne Van Osch and Blaise Doherty Saturday, May 5, 1984 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. in DUNGANNON. LUNCH PROVIDED OIL GARD flacffmo THE OIL.GARD IS READY. "The nicest thing you can do for your car". Let us professionally treat your car in lust 30 minutes while you wait and watch. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT OR DROP IN 396-9115 190 Queens St. S. Across from the Cemetery [back north right corner] KINCARDINE Stocker Sale 800 Head at Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. 011 Soturdoayo May 5, 1:00 p.m. CONSISTING OF: STEERS, HEIFERS AND CALVES FOR INFORMATION CALL Victor Hargreaves [519] 482-9511 Clinton Barry Muter [519] 235.2717 Exeter - [519]229.6205 Kirkton Greg Hargreaves [519] 262.2619 Hensall [519] 262.2831 Hensall Auctioneer: LARRY GARDINE