The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-12-16, Page 9.... ........ . . . suita. .fid the wolority of -Ara, 7ho Wlftglp�ro Aft"CoMmoo, AV.0000ky,0m
dres'sQ0, proud'of '46 work. of Weir fjoettlng vinp;ioy,inont AW4yfrQJ.4 th#
What Does the Future Hold, own, hands. Opier f41016s. would, pwrontg. 'deldro 0
C1r13tt1a* calm ana
arrive. With lumber wagons thqt� their Children will not have
their I
and -buy racks ftwri by a, team to wprk as bard As ^ they did or -1W
of horses or A yj*e'of oxeii,,,or, because he t c , "
cookles always better Fo. culW .hat If they give
in H , W* k
ALWA 'S roade with ro, A ture I IF pos4lblyby a team made up ofono their families. an vdvcA0I9n tbpy
WER. 13VTTER .9% an,,4 one horse. Some families ema then malke Weir own 11voll-
By r,11mer J. Furrish townships of Howlelt gild Turn- would. t4ve high democrats, othors hoW- Our agricultural coonoiniats
•WITH berry. They were W.011 done and
Another PiRpotone was passed 4 horse and buggy, and some also frightep young 0 f rom
IrJE TepreBent04 a lot of work .and would , peopi
_W tkis y 'ar: when. the, Howipk Axrl�have conie on horsobaclv, farming because they advocate
PHTARIO CREW PROVOCNIR0 planning by 'the parents, teachers
cultural �Soclpty celebrated, Its . contrast to this, -there wasn't large farms, large. equipment and
MARKS ING Pot" 100t and children throughout the area. one
100tH with 4, colorful par- flout drawn by a team of big 'Inve.4-tmento and therefor they
RUIRMUMNO S6,090 CREAM PRODUCERS. ad The parade also saw the fair of floats made by the various horses this year; All by modern do not wish 'to, :burden themselves
rectors --ladies and •gentlernork` tractors. with the debt necosary
school A�ectIQ114 tbr0gliout to 4art MO '0
dressed 1,11. costpinog, of 'earlier
The custom, of holding, a fair, rig in tias,
t way.
for %009.4
years, presenting quite 4 contrast established 100 years ago has con; As, I go from farm 'to farm
to the fashions of today. tinued until the prospni; for thrve, each day it Is my observation
The. first Mir in the Ownship reasons. first It has performed a that n
B I not the big farmer but the
waoi held just three years after the dUt)r _that of,41splaying the pro- farmer wbo. Is closest to 'being
was 'or$,%
niz 0, it is ducts of -the e e farm and cons, unity golf contained 15 in the happiest
quite t),Qsslblo that the idea of a for the Inspection of the public, ,position today, This copinion was'
'fair was brought fromthe old and creating competition among ong largely borne out In report made, and the settlers wished to the exhibitors, by George Gear agricultural re*
continuo this practioe,la this );ew - Second, it has created entertain- presentative for 'Bruce County, at
country, ment for the public and a pla o tbo beginning of ;1909 referring to
-meet your friends and neigh, 1958 farm .0
No doubt the virgip sell pro- to management figures,
B u I �'..
duced some wonderful crops of born, By no means least, there compiled in a survey in r ce
grain and vegetables and settlers have been men and women who County iii 1058. 'Quote "This :does , ?,g.r
t( on t�he not mean that thp ibi 4 far M,
Wgre, qmAg pol4atip'.0 qP%p1qy th_* "ye',�oqR.w o_q_ . ,
produce and compare it with their organization for the good of the I is the better It is, The family size
nelgilbor'-s. It Is possible that wliqn community to which• the new gates farm has many things to commend
the men folk had logging bees have been dedicated. It and I sincerely believe '.It will
-Y interesting to look the price squeeze
Some robust settler was optstand- While it 1, withstand
ling with the use of his axe and back it is also interesting to look better than the larger corporate
saw and he wished to compare his ahead. What about the future of farm. Efficiency means just as
.9kill with that of someone else ,this organization'? The main at- much, to the larger business . Vow F oi that,Special. Gift for (he person who has
traction raction this year was the ex- small, It provides an opportunity
from another concession -in 'the
............ township. No doubt these were nibits of the school children, Junior to lose -more money as well as k."Everything"—Flowers are the Perfect Answer
Institute and Junior Farmers. The make ',more money."
:...:....:::<.::: <:.. some of the attractions at the first
and subsequent fairs. training our young people are I sincerely- believe if our Agri. kQ
getting today should augur. well leaders would stress th-o ORD)Q111, FOR '01 AS, T71t05%
.. ...... ....
Last year, while on a trip to for bhe future. But is it as bright
advantages of farm life instead of
Nova Scotia, we a Labor
........ ... as that? We are told that since
gd I
that almight' dollar the farm
ce, One of the feat. t r s
Day -celebration in a small t own 1948 the number of farmers in -be
people would . much more Con -
in that provin Canada has decreased 37% and tented than they are today and a
ur 'pulling ."ii lot; M attractions was an ox Iling that the decrease is likely to coil" great many more young people I Phone 101
xx- contest, This created a lot of ex- time,
would remain on the farm, To
citement among the crowd as well
What about Howick Township? start farming toda may be some -
as the contestants, I can' readily We have had quite a few new what of a struggle but there -is
imagine that at the first fair in Canadians :come into the township no comparison when compared to : 11M. ......m
qneer fore -
contest could have been held. edly, but we also regret to Say. fathers experienced when they
. . . . . . . . . . . Howick 100 years agq a similar and we welcome them whole heart- the hardships our pi Fop extra values this week]
It is Interesting to visualize that that each year the last of some of
I ........... ...
first came to make a home for
... ... . �1_-.`.K.'..`.1X-1-._* first fair: There would be a good our original families move out of themselves in the township.
attendance because It was some- the township to some other, place
Farming may involve a lot of
thing new. Functions of any kirid and occupation, 01w educational hard work and .co-operation from. Your
Meet Chax4ie, life of the ,party would be few and it was possibly system, with agriculture on the every member of the family but a �IG A
the first opportunity that most of curriculum is doing nothing to help I believe It still offers greater op -
Quite a guy, Charlie. Tall, handsome, everybody changed his attitude toward driving; At any the people had to get together for keep our young people'on the portunitles for the average person
48 oz.
Piked him—and Charlie was the life of the party other time Charlie could have avoided the ac• a pioneers, ownership than does life in the cities. One celebration. I do not suppose farms. For the Stoldey's
whenever their crowd got together. Take Christ- cidenr. But this time he didn't move fast enoughi
there was a parade to .-mark M
the of land was their greatest pride thing is sure. Very few farmers Fancy TOMATO JUICE ..... 2 for 49, c
was. The occasion, but if we could have had will become wealthy, but over the 4. a, AI
,,y were all there, It had been quite an What Charlie didn't realize was that a few ounces and possession, Today ownership
"UIL evening. The, party finally broke up around of alcohol had slowed his reflexes, impaired his a replica of the means of trans- of land is a minor consideration. years an inventory will be built up Maple Leaf AVIL I N CETYIE Am. 1 9. A Aw a
f two -thirty. "See you all at our place tomorrow," ability, changed his driving attitude. Your Ontario portation to that first fair In this Any job is considered more im-' that will compare favorably L With
called "Charlie. But tomorrow never came for Department of Transport asks you not to take year's parade, it would have creat- portant than farming. Every farm those of most !city dwellers. With Green Giant NIBLETS, 4=oz. 3 for 49
that Is vacated not only means a large scale unemployment in the` Stokely's
Charlie. He 1�ad made the mistake of having one that chance. You can lose out so easily, just, as ed even more interest than theI
Woz. - 11
6 Ke.
a two-rooYned school is for ,sale..
Agricultural to
To prevent flavor loss in eggs,
they should be kept in the refri or -
progress, so speak.
Is v. picture of destruction,
ator and removed only immediately
IGA M ket
Can It Happen In liowick?
before use. If eggs, are left at room
ap 2
I .
A great many of •those on farms
today are beyond middle age and
temperature for any length of
time, flavor loss takes place.
....... .............. .............. ...... ................. ......... ............... ......
6 Ke.
Annual .
D 0
is Yours
• on all
D ainon,d Ri, n--gs, Watches,
Ge'nt's & Ladies' Fancy Ring's
and what ,,a big, stock to select front
Remember a Hamilton guardntee,ls. a real guarantee.
eller and Optometrist
Annual .
D 0
is Yours
• on all
D ainon,d Ri, n--gs, Watches,
Ge'nt's & Ladies' Fancy Ring's
and what ,,a big, stock to select front
Remember a Hamilton guardntee,ls. a real guarantee.
eller and Optometrist