The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-12-16, Page 1r. With which is smolosmoted -thefOrrie Vidette sod Wrcnoter News wil4oliAm, QN1414,19,nopildt, agoommr,JR, 10, low $1NO OKEI$ * 7 Pell.0 • ommission JOHN CONOR411 WIN GOVERNOR'S IIEDAL,' John Congram, Who reeelVed Me' •Raehelor pf Arte degree at the earl/1g convocation at the Univere sity of Weetean Ontario In May, has 'been awarded, the Lieutenant Governor', e Silver Medal for ileadag the highest standing in the general course at Waterloo College far the 1058-5e term, 44CO.Olg loge In -Toronto, He is the son of 34EdTewaearud Edward street. edal was f ,,repd Crese:7071ill couple of weeks ago at Waterloo. Mr; and Mrs, congrarn and Charles were present for the presentatiern Special Services Planned - • I) • ' • F79!' Ch4rchcs'. VESPER SERVICE—Linda Tompleman, left and Pat Shackleton, right, watch as Judy Callan lights a candle during the special vesper service which was held by The at the United Church, here, last Sun- day evening. Huron County for a, number of years and his maternal grandfath- er, the late Archdeacon 'Ellwood, was a fermer rector of' 'St, George's Anglican Church, Goderich. Mr. Holmes was a veteran of World War I, He enlisted with the :161st Battalion, Canadian Expedi- tionary Force, and went overseas with the rank of lieutenant. He later transferred to the Royal Fly- ing Corps, When he was Ina/elided home he was a captain. He was married to the former Helen MacLean of Wingham, who survives, There are tiy4 daughters. Mrs, Robert Barnes, Windsor and Mrs. Charles Ferguson, Terrace, BC., three sons, Dudley, Listowel, John of Ottawa and Patrick of Fort Wayne, Ind. A sister, Mrs. W. Moore Kelly, and 15 grand- children also survive, NEW PENSION PLAN' IS BOARD TOPIC • The details of as Proposed pen- sion plan formed the major topic of discussion at the meeting of the Wingham General 'Hospital Board on, Friday evening, which was presided over by chairman H. C. MacLean, The plan has been drawn up by the Ontario Hospital Association to cover all ,hospital. employees in the province who have two or more years of continuous service. Under the plan a compulsory deduction of five per cent would he taken from employees' wages by the hos- pital management to be invested in a trust fund for pension' benefits at the age of 65, or somewhat ear- lier under special conditions,, The hospital , share would be one per cent of 'wages, Since it would. be' compulsory for all eligible hospital employees to enter the pension plan whether they approve or not; the board ask.' ed that a sampling of opinion be taken among the employees to de- termine whether or not a majority are in favor of participation. Decision on the plan must be made by Jan. 1st, which several members of the board felt "was much too soon to make an accur- "(Please turn to Page Twelve) , •01.1.101l14iAS This is 'the week when most people, arc, getting set to put up thelbcririStintia trees and get their heroes decorated, for the holiday season, We note that a 'couple of „ .street.111erehants have trees branch of the Canadian Legion .has gooe into the •trge imeincss in a big way, This 'is , a ichange from the Old. days when everyone went out and cut their' Own. greenery. How- eyer, it is.hard to find trees day in:. the country 'that one -can 'cut withont being termed 'a thief, -.0. O. FIRE'NIpEVENTION On the' tree ,subjeet, take a look • at Leo V,:ance's ad this week. He ,is offering.the chemicals to fire-proof your treei and IC's gdod .plan. Many a merry holiday has been spoiled by fire. AnOther good idea being offered as a safety precau- tion .are special fuSes which are used on .yout tree lights, 'These.' are obtainable. from -s.everal,WIngham merchants offering Chriatntas• .tree The -fuses be. used on any string. '• ' SPECIAL ISSUE, • The next issue of.The Advance- Times will be the special. ChriSt- inas greeting issue, which will, car- ry a large number of Christmas good , wishes. , If you ard, one of those who like to place public greetings, better get your order in immediately as. space is already pretty well spoken for,' „ 0. - .0 SOME ARTWORK.— Windows and mirrors through- out the hospital form a gallery of Christmas-inspired art at the mo- nient, having received the enthus- iastic attention of the girls on the staff. Subjects range from ang- els to reindeer in full flight, SALVATION ARM CONCERT Salvation Army ChriStrinis eon- 'cert at 'the Citadel on Thursday, ,Dec. 17th at 7.30. Everybody wel- Flab GARBAGE COLLECTION DATES CHANGED If your garbage collection would ordinarily occur on Dec. 25th and January 1st, you are asked to note that these dollection8 Will be made Dec, 24th and Dec. 31.st. 4F1.623b AT HOME TO FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. Fred W,,Cook will be 'at, home to their friends on Monday, December 21st from 2-5 and 7-10, on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary, F16 4' SANTA CLAUS IN WIIOXETER Santa Claus will visit Wroxeter on Saturday, Dec, 19th. There will be a free picture shoat In the Cern- .yamunity Hall at two o'docla after 177which Senta will distribtite treats for all the children, F2:161) EUCHRE AND ,DANCE YN BELORAVE L.O.L 462 are holding a euchre, dance and turkey draw on Friday, Dec. 18th in. the Foresters' Hall, lielgrave. Jim Scott's Orchestra. 1r0 :16b DANCE IN BRUSSELS A dance will he held in the Town Brussels, Wednesday, December* 23rd, Arhillasion 50e, Modern and old tint° ,nitaile. Scott, Mid Alceek's Orchestra. F9.16* W.ThIlaSk DANCE The Students' Council of Wing- ham -District High School invite you to attend their Militia" Chrlat., iiirts formal in the Scheel auditor- ium on December sea Daneing be from nine until one with by Wolfe Old' his &eh- oetra, Adnalsslon is $2.26 . per couple and a. prOfesSiOnal photo. grapher Will he present, Pleb VONT FORGET THE RIDS— This is the time •ef ,year we like to put in a 'plug for the various hockey tearng in town, They all can stand some extra support; the Intermediates are the inoSt likely to be favored, but don't .forget about the Juveniles, Midgets and Bantams, those teams in which the stellar Players of tomorrow are be- ing trained, It makes: a great deal of difference to' the young sprouts, ,to haVe a few adults on hand show- ing some interest., ' 0_ OUT FOIL DINNER-- OD Tuesday eVening tir last week the Wingham Hospital staff doe- tors and their wives Were -guests at a dinner, when Mayor R. E. Mc- Kinney showed his color slides on his trip to Europe last sUmmer. A guest; at-the dinner was Dr. Bruce Palmer, of Hazelton, B.C., and fpr- mer member of the medical profes- sion here. Tonight (WednesdaY) O„ le members of the hospital board nd their wives will also be din- er-- guests at the hospital. ' 0 - 0 - 0 Gathered at.the Rueens Hotel on Friday evening 'Tor their regular Meeting the members of the Lions Chili beard various reports and opinions on the question of Sunday afternoon skating at the arena, which they had voted to sponsor two weeks, previously, Lion Don Cameron reported that a delegation had attended a meet- ing of the, arena commission on Wednesday night and that so far no decision had been made. CHRISTMAS CONCERT Pupils of Glenannan School will hold their Christmas concert Wed- nesday, Dec. 16th at 8.15 p,m. Lunch and dance to follow. Ad- Mission 35c and 15c. F16'14 NO CHANGES MADE IN REC, COMMITTEE' The annual meeting of the Wing- ham Recreation Committee was held in the council chambers on Wednesday evening. The minutes of the previous meeting were 'ad- opted as read. William Comma was re-appointed as representative of the Recreation Committee on the Wingham arena commission. The financial report for the per- iod January 1st to November 30th as prepared by the secretary:trea- surer, was adopted as correct. The officers will remain the 'same for the year 1960 and are its follows: Chairman, Jack Gorbutt'; secre- tary-treasurer, Charles Perrott; executive, Mrs. D. Rosenhagen, Mrs. R. Saint, Mrs. Wild,. W. B. Conron, Earl Hamilton, Harold Po- cock, M. Willie... , A general discussion followed on various activities sponsored by the committee and further plans were made foi the- hockey season. Financial Statement Receipts ' Balance Jan. 1, 1959, bank, $1,- 918.44; petty cash, $1,57; Provincial grant, $921.51; 'for lights, $57.50; from organizations, Figure Skat- ing Club, $646.00; Kinsmen, $147,10; Lions, $150:00; Community Play- ers, $35.97: Firemen, $65.00; Legion, $G5.00; Individuals, $45.00; insur- ance, 4321.00; Listoweyl director, $261.00; Total receipts, $4,635.18. Expenditures Leadership, summer . program. $300.00; figure skating, '046.00; hockey, $70,00; ball, $50.00; insur- ance, $10.00; salaries, $50.00; office expense, $36.15; lights, $125,72; building and facilities, $64.40; film Council, $100.00; summer prbgram, $388,50; figure skating, $200.00; hockey, $722.99; ball, etc., $119.75; ORA ZOne fee, $20.00; Lake Hur- on zone fee, '$10.00; insurance, $407.00; Listowel director, $261.00; Total expenses, $3381.51; Balance Nov. 30, 1959, $1252.10; petty cash, $i,.57; Total, $4635,18. O.E.S. Invites Guests For Social Evening The Order of the Eastern Star invited husbands and friends to a Christmas social last Tuesday eve- ning, which Wes held following the regular meeting. ' There were 12 tables in play for progressive 611ohre Mrs, Thomas Henderson was the convener 'of the lunch, committee. Prize winners at euchre were Mrs. Robert Rowsell and Earl King of Gorrie with high scores for la- dies and gentlereen, and Mrs, Alex RebertSon for the to ` e 'Score for the lady playing as a Man, Mrs. 'ten Leitch Was the Winner of the mys- tery prize. FOXTON'S DAIRY No milk delivery by Foxton's Dairy on Christmas Or New Year's Day. F10-2$b WROXETER, STORE 110 ()RS Stores in Wroxeter will remain open all day Thursday from De- ember to April and open SatitrdhY nights until ton o'clock. The stores will &So remain open the evenings of December 21, 2'2, 23, 24, until ten for your convenience, Stores will he closed Dec. 26th, Boxing Day, and will be open. New Yentas Eve till 0 pan. le16b I)ANCI iN witoxviTER Li the 'community hall on Friday, Dec, 18th following the School Concert, Admission 60e; public school Children free. Music by la'elker's Orchestra, • 1e18b CIlitISTMAS DANCE fit WroXOter community hall on Saturday, Dec, 26th, Dancing from 9 to it Felker's Orchestra, Ad,. mission 75e, 'Pl023b Hydro Employee eceives Award ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By lrooloto., rena ostpones Decision Sunday Skating 'At a' meeting of the local arena • • that, it was not the intent of the commission cm Thursday of last t club to start 4 - Pregrain 'which week, the various groups interest- ed in the contentious issue of free skating on 'Sunday afternoons were Present to ale their views. ,Thg local. Lions Club, which Inui offered, to purchase the ice time, Made representation to the effect that Sunday skating would be rea- sonable recreation, and pointed out Mae Peachey, local hydro for,- stry foreman,. 'recently received a . ',begun' for $25.00 for submitting an (Vented suggestion to the Hydro. Commissloo. 'Tale la, the second 4ittela award to come to the Wing- ham branch in the past few months, Paul Coyle: won is similar recegni- ttlon fer submitting to ,the Sugges- tion Plan: Xr. Peacliey's idea had 'to de with replacing replacing glass in :twat crew eefitla. panes of plexigiess, thereby•adding an extra, measure of 'safety, Mr. Beachey Is t0' he eongrate- -Ater] nn. hat, winning suggestion, -paid for taking an. interest in the ,land of . fellow employees and -Ontario •Hyare, a • PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD EDHE FINAL MEETINii. would interfere with esr- vices or Sunday School.. The Ministerial Association rep- resentativ.es, who were opposed to the skating plan, made their plea, to the commission on the .grounds that Sunday skating would be. the. thin edge of the wedge •-which would lead to commercialized sport in the arena, and that skating would interfere 'with ..ettUreb. and. Sunday School, • - • ' The representatives in, favatir . of skating, suggested: thet Sunday akating, as a, recreation, did" not differ from swimming •on -Sunday, and pointed to the fact that many young people were' on the Streets on 'Sunday afternoon Where' they were under no supervision.. The • group opposed. suggested that the supervision, at .the arena, had 'not: proved to be the best .at times. After listening, to the pros and sons of the Issue at some' length, 'he commission discussed 'the 'mat- ter, with the -• ..commission golf being split- into 'two factions of thought. As' a result of the dis- cussion, and the fact. that one lie commissioners was absent,. the arroup decided to take ,no -action at the moment and deferred the 'mat- ter until the .next meeting. . • AUG DAY—IL was a big day laet Saturday for the young-fry at Gorrie when Santa arrived about mid-afternoon, He came to the community hall here where the all:Wren were treated. to a movie` and met the old gentleman himself, Edwin Cersaie above was one of the large number of children to enjoy the afternean,. eancelled the Atria evening prayer in the late afternoon and will hold a carol service at 7 p.m. Joe Baker Baker will give the phrislartaa.message at The Salva- lion'Arrny Citadel on 'Sunday eve- ping, when a candlelight service will bo held, The junior choir will Mug several carols. •• The Wingham, Panic Schwa Board held its final meeting o the year at the school on Monday evening of ' this week. The solo eitee of the previous meeting wer passed, and all accounts before the board were ordered paid. In his report to the board Prin eine' T. S. Beattie stated that, at- tendance had averaged 508 pupil! during November, He also report- ed that Mrs. McKenzie 'of Lucia now had been engaged as ',cache to replace Mrs. Alexander, whr leaves at the end Hof the' present term. Mrs. MacKenzie has beer, a member of the Goderich 'staff. The -board re-appointed Dr. 'W A. McKibhon as the public schob' representative 'to the Wingham' District High School Board, A motion 'of thanks and appre- ciation was tendered to Harold Wild who is retiring from the board after serving for some '13 year', Mr. Wild replied and ex- pressed his appreciation to his fel- low members for their co-operation and said that he felt he should re- alreaae.,"he .have •any .etilla-- xen attending school. ttron, Magistrate Dudley E. Holines f_*.& in Clinton Dudley E. Holmes, magistrate for Huron County for 11 years, died on Monday. Clinton General Hos- pital, He had' been ill for the past month. Mr; Holmes was born in God; erieli.64 years ago, and moved with his family to Whigham at the age of seeena He received his early education here and then studied at. P.sgoode Halt, Toronto. He opened S. law practice in Goderich in 1920 and `was. appointed crown attorney in /931. Seventeen years later he received the appointment of magis- trate, • a position held by his fa; thee, the late D. E. Holmes, who was then made county judge in Si .mood County., 't.alteaagaiiaidfatbera. the •-• ,lato,-. Dra- R. Holmes, was treasurer of Torn Burrell Is. TO PRESENT . ,AWAROS -AffARENTT -TNIOHT7 At Hornepayne Last week, Tom if3urreil. com- pleted his courses on Radio, T, Electronics and, Communleationa, and received his dtPlortra, (rpm the DeVry Technical Institute, Toron- Atter aeriea exam511Mos conducted by the Canadian Nation- al Telegraphs' Training Supervis- or, he was appointed technical as- sistant for radio and left immed- iately for his new duties In ,Horne- payne, Northern Ontario. D.. S, MaeNaughton and John MacNaughton spent Sun- day with Mrs, Frank Forster at Fordwich. • Boncher and Frank Cas- kanette concluded the election of officers at the meeting of the jun- ior Conservation Club on Monday evening, when 2.0 boys 'attended. Frank Rlehl was re-appointed as president and Doug Hamilton, treasurer, The other officer's elect- ed were Philip Adams, vice-pre- sident and Charles Congram, sec- retary. :Mr. Caskanette has- been appointed assistant chief instruc- tor, to replace Dpn Hildebrand, who is leaving town. Terry Neth- ery Is liason officer for the junior and senior clubs. "Slim" Boucher showed a movie. on a 'fishing trip 'to New Bruns- wick and the boys were delighted with the, pictures of trout (fishing there, He also showed colored. slides of local smelt, fishing and explained the regulations. A sec- ond set of slides, of a trip a num- ber of Wingham men took to Ade- laide Lake, north of Sault Ste, Marie were shown. There was a lot of beautiful scenery In these pictures as 'well as some fine samples of speckled trout. Car- mu movies concluded the enter- tainment. The next meeting will be held et the club house on January 11th. This has been designated as par- ents' night and all the parents are urged to attend. Lunch will he served by the members and the highlight of the evening will be the presentation of the trophy and awards won by the boys in the re cent examinations, Mr. Meadows, chief conservation officer, will at- tend to make the presentation of the trophy. 1111111111110111111.11M1111111Walrest IT WASN'T MOMMY:—Well not this„ time anyway, the camera caught up wills little Steven Edgar as he bussed Santa at the Gorrie Commun- ity Hall last Saturday afternoon. The children all received candy supplied by ‘flie Gorrie businessmen and handed out by Santa, Lions Club Represelitative Given Freedom of Choice Several of the churches 41'1,1/Ing- ham are planning special Cluiat- Inas Services 'for Sunday, wit@ 4.sm-. phasis on Christmas music, and in- vitations to join in these services are cordially extended to 'all, Special music has been prepared fel, both, morning and evening ser- vices at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,• under the direction of Harold Victor Pyin, organist, and choir director. In the evening 'the senior and junior choirs will pret sent a Christmas candle-light ser- vice, and both choirs will partioi, pate in the morning service as 'well,. Mrs. Donald Sinclair will be 'in Charge of the music in Winghain Baptist Church. The morning ser- vice will be broadcast when the junior and senior choirs will be he'ard. Christmas music will l?e featured again in, the evening , The' Sunday School children Of the United. Church will present a Christmas pageant on Sunday eVe- ning and music will be supplied by the choir, under the direction of. Allan Bennett. The white gifts will be presented, by the children a, S. part' of the pageant, There will' also be special Christinas music by the choir at the morning service., Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church will hold the annual. Christinas concert in the. evening' "of the nig:1,.*.a9:'919-elkba0P4 9.#114rft. Of the parish will perform: St. Paul's Anglican Church has evening. hallo hl the service the girls entertabiled.their mothers. JO the' church basenie* at a sing-song', SPECIAL SERVICE ,-.The Maghribi nielithiner pictured, *bevel took part In a special vesper eorvisie at the tinitka Church, on SO:n(11V Lion Norman Welwood, who also attended the commission meeting, noted that representatives of the Ministerial Association had also been present arid' had expressed the views of that group without rancour as far as the Lions Club was concerned: Lion Gordon Buchanan, who is also a member of the arena com- mission, said that the group found it impossible to arrive at a cirri- Sion because some commission members, representing larger or- ganizations, such as Legion and Business Association, had not con- sulted with the membership of their parent groups. A letter was read by Secretary Lee Vance from Lion j, W. Bush- field, expressing his desire to re- sign as the Lions Chub representa- tiVe on the arena commission, Ask- ed to speak on the matter Lion Bushfleld said that he felt his po- sition was cam).* because of 'citcurnatances which had their ori- gin at the time the artificial ice was installed. A.s a member of the committee which had raised the money for that project he, along with other members, had given ver- bal assurances to some contribu- toes -that they (the committee) would never sailetion Sunday skat- ing. He said that although the promise was In no Way binding on the Lions Club or the present ar- ena commission, he felt that he personally could net vote for the Sunday skating accordance with the vote of the club. Urged to ilteinela Several of the Lidita rose to pro- test the resignation Of Mr. Briar field. Lion Wilt Prefinh felt that if necessary the Club should with, area; its request to the ,arenti, thin- mission rather than, be forced te accept the resigriati011 of man Who has done so *Midi for the (Please turn to Page Three)