The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-11-25, Page 10coA, for sho 1n ShOtA Aqw, paylalor—with';4tsb frorn awl Oourtesy, to®r— Wheo y0o, maRe an instalment cash loan 4at Housebold. ,Dr.Qp in or plione for 4 loan VP to $MW ]Life too: all,Loans HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 355watt Uri* Ulephafte ISO • A, F SERYINM TRUS-E CONCERRI) WIT{ Iry 6000 APPEARAW ,Every in,an dikes & assurance of 90,0A groomfirg. It SIV#s­.hints poise and' vonfIdence. Our m*derft*qulPm*nf. scientific cleaning and 'prompt tserVice, will enable you to keep his wardrobe always neat :and it gaud' order. Our prices make sense, too! Tamnlaman rRIA Askfar our Water Repellant &Vot.fi-Proayfing ServIce Phone 323 for Pick-up and Delivery � E How Do You Rate in Git1 t I I .At Thtx Areap NOV. 26—Public 10'"'Ut,37 'Pr744, 4tvW& A* 0, Fel"Nov, t7-00"Afy -skafing a Ito 15o,444 to 19, P-111. $at,, 'Nov. 98, -roe Woo, He ,$ • Playing Santa Claus with 1415; 11&91.re slcallhngr) n to �Jqp 'K,017. M ­P1110k 4;kaflng, 3 to I I . 65 ew and NO N Cars and T'rucks "rues,I—Fjgurft, slaltbig, 3.310 40 30 "t 04vull. He's, Also Offering Free Gas Home x1f 'You Can I Deal! ood ailvantagAll Our vitlwr unCars an -Be Q# Purchased Low Cast 0epwrol Motors Plan, Wifh One -Third ge. I - 4; teover, SOrae new type of human Down. Balance Coo $q Armiged jn Terms Up To 1.0, WOOS. kindness and lwmpatky. such as Volore4 I N_ 41. a1xj.r No VREDIT jt",T#lCT10.VS HE;RN NO DOITN PAWMNT Ii Yipt�i CREDIT ,�5�"iI'IESi .)oL _�,?jay lbi�111' � t,4, learn a lesson all tolerance W14ch 'N the cinder VhaLMQteXi,_tjC Of M3' earPenter. Certainly any buRder bA who, ea n4gr anq,. a -. , 7,­� jar-, ,MO. ELS - DEMONSTRATORS - EXECUTIV Al • as I wavv my .... .. lallons n, "m St, , �,* 91�11111t s amund and say, "I wgryt a. drawer there for the bread and a she'll ill These Cars Carry the General Motors.New CarWarranty ov,o 122 that corner for the. coplyer ponti jqrjR B Muzs." needs a zzeat deal of t ai� Strato OWite.% Four-lDoor Statioxt Sgb.re, Fourm)Qoor, automatl� AVogort, 4�lth custan drive, radio, power stOering. tonly 7,()0q er,ant,,e, a. radio. Positively like new— - ao, Two -000r, equip- ,1*59 r.mitiaa Str4to 0 11 1juick to Sabre 2-RQQr OW04p, 4uto- -A- . _11 A T matic drive. easy eye glass,custom trim BLOW-UP TiANWER is ideal for Oxi 4� -4 401MM." 0. -RUVW s. an p -dr elow's bemuse its whcol dices, only 000 mllcs.t doeti not sitain ivet fabrica and its rolm0e# shape gllows air to, S."E .4c ,el"laotto Within. the: Xurtnent. :lade of light- welot Isheilite, A IMPqn0so ;Stmta. Chief, F*pr-Door, .0 iql- 1959 rontlao UMC01011 FOW-POO-r *ation 11aftens eanipletely for travelling ,xnd is *Ssity w4niUkd, 13Y under automatic drive, enstiom radio, iVpgon, radio, Vludsbleld wgsliers. pourer Por -Ever Pr;oduct% it sells for about $]Lfv only, 7.0DO *�_vervllve driven miles. stecripg. wbitewalls, only 4,500 utiles. 0 I PIC -up MCKS tom �Luu.uu to 14U -0V ' , Vagabond Do you. vmnt sonic antemotive unit: you don't see llsttd mere, wbetber ear, truck, tractor, ('0nVer1Rb1 By Dorothy , Barker or $4W Ra)au:sXpe? 11 we lwfeWi Xot it we'll have it f,041111 1 Aeras the border, in the, deep snuth, he migilt be <-onsldered an ro Vfl integ-Tation oroblem. Here in Can- 'BUY WflLnE i uU -CAN SEE A 'SELECTION ada he bad found his nithe as the PAY 0 N LY'31 c unt-and—groam brawn of a truek- ing Ulam On a pzrdc;�lar Inorning BUTTER TARTS In late July, when the thermometer BUTTER MOTORS Limited gees ftnalLy stuk dso de- I PONTIAC—BUICK—VAUX4ALL—BEDFORD VANS—G.M C. TRUCKS milk inti !slack har stoeolup ButeRGW oms Of tarry exiamed steea EMNS ' l" oils as lie heaved and push*d I.G.A. Z�RICH HuronCquntys Largest Dealer EXUER shoved and hauled my latest leave,, a iiew eleeirle x*fziVrater- IVa no use, boss, ishe -just wzet; go," be finally wntessed, wipin,- gng c -- �-,K�- the sweat ftona his brow. V 4 IN%ten I was in Vancouver thL- Past SUI r, OOne Of the SeV- ea al �j .4R jXnj jaunts, I Ina& across Canada b.v train, I v5s3ted a friend who had just _D_b8S[,3 a new refrigerator. She was, :kn- thrafled by its automatic dafrwt- ing equijiment and its separate Ye's. Sir Toylandis open -now of Welwoods — hundreds and hundreds of Toys for Girls and Boys of all Ages. freezing comp&rkniezt. I put up INg ,,m ,Qtanee t. =.y Tau'll Old favaurites s, fascinating. :new toys, for -young and old, and. a great selection of book menw, argument that this MOR -1. including Christmas Classics. izensala was just ti -le thing for a dedicated vagabond- I re;WSOned that if Mold Rlccf of nll 02'11 lil-& f ho 1.1firictit (Unro Prices nabr 2;f identay lenve any such hr bless!Ag for 'Weeks wgthvot a V AILOW YOURSELF TER POINtS POR VACH ANSWER Y5 6 BE- SURF- T'6 SEE THEM THIS VEEK U9t OUR LAY AN AY PEAR—- warly ill the World that its inter- phcot, I Much prapagesda against the 'Canada Timperance, Act is grossly misleading, lbecause them, was no one around in -effe;f a 1�0_ &ftr subtle bwal-wasMin 9- Ita damst the balm TRUE FALSE what did i 10 1 bo`Aolhz, t STEEL I sae mase from an appri'apoe ag- DOLLS *1 DOLL PRAMS 2 T9A he liquar interests are woMrig in Huran Secause,of thowho n e those whoa to gainty. saw: Uk�, most ost vvve- t tinanetally, through the repeat of -this AcL nim I Wled to take into co= - id- TRUE r-ALSE T7i I etatltn khat the monsier nllgbi "$9.50 1, $149 $7.95 mot 153, izto my janoe pnihma 3dt,- to ebr,m, or rbr 1hat matUer, even go 3 'The :Canada Temperance Ac+ Is -a govid Act and holds proefse of Being made A $9.95, and through the kitchen dour, where ,better by _oma mdrnent+hrough important political spoaszrship Iioll*wlaq its every int -h, had 'been gained tax V_? Others from being refewetL move i;mant"t'r space. $14.95 each TRUE 0 FALSE T -j There we were; I on the kiteNm side of the doer ung to direct Ible 40peratlon, the 'boolka g&muie- E-14broider-v Mits, Sew'lcr Kits and Weaving Sets $1.49 to $2 98 4 Actual experie*cL- shows requesft to the ir-lergy for home vierfaffoit, because =1 A I man *turk bet-veen tint door- I of the rayttges"of over4ndulgence in f* thirty,fimes tgreat- Srnaft Dish $2 , 95 I Jamb =4 Ule Xyn ansa Sets ........... $1.89 to areas 'nor C.T.A, to- cured Muran whiere its profection -is lire r,# hen side, straining and C -ass. or in or lt�p Jot -San ffungaelg_n, the bass man. I W g Mac 7nves, Reffigerators, Laundromats, lJj P. A TRUE ALSE vithra,*d whiol be lryoUeZ at sane Stoves, --4ots of action, some electrically operated ..,.59c to 3.9S "fEl atld'iry bis, brokoen_ accent, ask- ing Machines, Ironing Boards, Play Pens, Beds, Bakinz Sets— ed V 1 had nl�asarrt4 the spate Sew:, 3 Tax revenues 'fracas +he sale intaxicants art Wholly inadequate -to vffse+ the WN wbez* I *zgpmted %be MTriger-ator in4t;cbout ever�ythingg to make a little girlhappy. ever4ner*ceing, costs of p4blic wilf iare 'Insfifutions and ageneties Motile Ae.ces- to TTL 'Tes,­ I n�pliied in a wweak because of excesiive Indulgence in these ibevero-ges. Zttgt, vrav, b -at I tromfessad I stn' .b _QA FA`LStE w -W bE-jmz too mavow "b 'd% "WejW=V Othdr Construction Sets, Mindibricks,, ,6 Huron'has -enjoyed,6. -extent of immtWity from the devastation of ihe fiquor j e.ge -�L M 4dOM't �oL X11 n Mhe MWAgaziol P141-,od Up cbe F 01 BOYS Canadian Logs Uni Blocks, and Stalox, tr&fftc unknown in counfits %at favored by TOOLtHISSTI %:I It X sed Mor 0iffing, any swab • Dandy 'Too], Sets, �with real little tools frorn 59c to $3.95 per set mue 0 FALSE M great ulk4bt mrd bsowd the aoryr belliLd him as he 4,21 the bouse, $2.69 to $&95 7 The boafleigger flourishes througih th a illegal sale of laftoicant&Sales to mitnars -Nat so lhi� �,Voutg ?w1ored lad_ He ...letter- Electric Toys, 'Trucks .or* -one of has -sourtes of revezae� The dallyitews In the, past -few, year$ ihows dbVjnnQj, relt sorrs dhst the em2y Cars, 'Carkstruction Sets hours of. wonder- homi., the eauld fdnd Bit Aircraft - 89c to $1,S5 ,#hot areas other tknit Huron have halt -far amore difficulty contralling this. was 9ien-tAffie of dhip dining-vj= fu fu!�, Eingfish ina-de Vogue sets Graders, Earth Movers Trunks problem 'than finis county. floor and stag +d p0lirig '10hr the 2�41 ::� � I ck " all T E sil'a-hy Ispe lbat, beld The doors 3!29 - $3.98 - VAgea. steel construction - $2.49 to $5.50 FALSE shist wbile the =avirit* -*ra-k in tran-101" "Luok lady, j!f 3�,D­u Was to It The tale *f latmilceing, havtrages In vdfha mhrlmum .oaf con - 4311 tbe t=PaUy, Q�-YN send q +roil. '-Me percentage of finametal 4 -endures in 'quebec is far greater +hain in I P I , a si-xv44*,man tu taltv W 41it, 6,0o -r. Ontario. Tke record of Huran 'for fizanital sto'bility is oxv1puble If follows Vn, at yon ea" g&j th-4 h,", b= FO,,R, riffillE FAMILY vh that ^zvty oof spent for Utw6cants is avd1lablefor mane useful purposes. I Into ymr kiulw, be siud as -be The iome be*efifs; so i4ees the vntrthant. V M.Tked awW at awl'.9m),g thi- deap. Ulm 9 'Cro". It Boards 8 Wagons, roller bearings, TRUE FALSE 71 Cube equipment strongly m.ade - $9.95 $T% 5b Monopoly ...... $3.59 It's d good lhibg I am us,, -4 to t WVxle Odnailiarts generously Support Inday -good causes organized. for the up. MW-selt "d MY -zeSel4ons to Tot Bikes $T7.So ea. Sorry lift of •mankltad., they allow ice-imsarify, interested q:liiefly in monetary gatim. 1$1tUajV2T$, I Mk -vex ircm lblanO*d +o, pall ,'the wool*virthetr eyes in regard f* +he -degradinga itealth-smajh!ing, a Ike 3)1r,05;PMt ao&= Caning a *ST- Hardwood Toboggalls, �aormzt tbv tin:E Leffecis of the exceteive use of 41cohoriz "beverages. At 1-he'vome, bunz 1; ft*, TBALAY eves In tow tern car th r,'ai 4' & 51 $5.75 •and $7.69 ea, 'have watched s*eial w'z+h respectiCibil. HIM& as -we I U*n-11 ewnie a day wbcn =Ot!her ify., W* �htva seen fiese W -ho, !Could '"of andle it heo4ed f*r and *rktV,'*q at F134Ag Satzoers ........ S2.98 Steel Sleighs $'3.S 0 to Vmn't be 8U -P to ffigare b*x way $4.98 mt of a diltailm and pto� am bably be stock 7wilb ah6Ttje,0y T ME I USE OUR LAY AV" PLAN 'Coraplete displa of Gift Wrapping + 9-r. tef. Loaded I* loaded fromrMs. "poto icil *11larr, are , reatea 'With eat retpe g I bA Ve a X1T'Ajt Nor- A Viftg Otlxya.41 VM bola t'my lte�m 10 the slow,;ayold d-o;sip- "'ex �6*ffles of beveroje alcohol,, *%6re powerfully -damog�mg 4haim firearms. *ave Wtelm Cave ler V&o las ftb,( 8upptes, Decoraflons, ChAstmas twhitmeoti; -Aory 3ww u*en ;tire *t&wAian iWgreatrst. Can br 'Ven th *or pta iir patellft *oiii as 0,11lers f1hrom4h fhelr •inV61Vvftt*f id -%Q for *txy ilw= 1A t1w, 44z*. �iotal 'acadenis r*"r+4111 fte iddily, Jwess. Tive zvr�sts __01rT 9 *ItlF _*f file ex_ =V out OT 111tse 441a spt" it IN xes. vlmrl It Sty OTI" fan,& MYSM CaMA, Lights and Novelt' ,,cessivt use of *11ce4aUtt Uverwoet aiv* 10ore, urgently in *ted of SOINVZOA Two wtvks, IuuT and V4111h $1500 Imany of %* reasly tnopoirted'in i'sa,60110 appeols. Jus;fas La* *The 3*,ts 4m the bixk, I %itv u* mgmig. W.641a +1114 of thryiog +-a temiie -fit danger -of 1"dea *reomfts!byptaclsq *hem *=LOT gmaitned at qh'i, kjttbrilc. ndtt I f, , r v 41 to ff follows that Hurmt Mist *eL.# �'ALW i the 7p"Ovss 'Was a p2oLteftod Offts '0 E a o ;e 97r Wel ood9s *011ilartady r-" - All svrtdry y flood"feS 'jjo$ed �6y r*Wjjtjftg'%e "tiaima4ft temraneeAct *vt November B. b kibrIxt 16 a Ing TX1, Y ShOppitag MV -46 tiasY -116ire?s sornett' for tVevyone tle i diff i t -aep nt :FALS't *!Lb crippvt Z),bt 2-jas bg artike s lbio rzy,,�17jp Mens Sport Sffirts�, 'Ties, 96&s, Plaid SWirts, Dress Shirts, lstigerle� Orlon Sweaters, Late ft yote score Is "6f et for Th* fkowt P�Irfse4 yor may tqxsitler y6arle4f &de"&fe1y demu, vb,&,re tty jr;4�0_w dren 'Sma J. I T - I Irtm, S4ps and Gbwos, Chinamare, Towels, Blatileets , Ithported 0-11ft Wave, Lam. "s. Pictutes., Arep,ortif U 'Voteon #he lisot vp Or 40, tWox bit 30. If lire revefte Is r*A-6� it and a sizisl 4n prrt",h 6jj, wbtr4�-� Z Stolonery antl Nylont. 1"W, *0 its joftffay sof,"t Y" ft*11 f-* 4o*6*ejp6r;o**1 t*te*r6fi;,rAt* the feet. I irtAxpeel *& jolt' and SIPPIP lbai-I 'ter', 4kP,*1_19 &-.4 Al—ty, SIM SV�aqnll V'arie 'A 'Thut VV cl; V�M�.T'Awiv, but 't tarn-% knbw v�uefly ILY i=.A. 0"AWTZE *h%i 4 xxrp fzsuz-a I 'Pra 0• ­