The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-11-25, Page 9Record Players
Food Mixers
Steam & Dry Irons.
Electric Kettles
Coffee PercolatlarS
Mk M, hiitillE.lBFMtM
H 01 iday 0011()(
111 4111 'Mb ilittr.'Xititro . . ,
Books:. on Africa
Added to Library
'W.11.9XPITX.13—Afts,, George Gail..
braith opened-. 'her home for the
November meeting of the Women's
Missionary' $901ety with eleven
:members and. three .visitors
.00. The theme was. To Love is
to Remember",
Mrs, Timm and lvfxs, Galbraith •
arranged the meeting. Mrs. TIMM
,preajd,ed and gave a reading "The'
Greatest Greatest Love". Mrs, .Galbraith led
rl-Wprayer, Mrs. J., V, Clarke sang,
aecompanted by Mrs. Whitley' of
WROXETER---lVirS. C. Mc ;11t01.+:,
*r•On and. Mrs. 13,, sfAnoison m:rote
in charge of the W.A. meeting 011,
Tuesday of last week at.the torffi-
er's home. Mks, MeMillhael vas
at the piano for the singing, the
opening hymn being "gore Love
to Thee". Mrs. Sanderson offefq
ed. pl'ayer and Mrs, lYfeCtitchcon
read Scripture, and, gave the corn-
The roil call was answered' hy 14
with a Bible verse on remembrance.
:rhe meeting closed with prayer
and mention was made that .'the
next meeting will be held a ' week
earlier than the regular date,
Holiday Bells are also to be taken.
to that meeting and Mrs. K, Ben
nett and Mrs. William McLean will:
1WeSeart.'the' pew- slate-of,,,,officere,
A. Christmas program will include
an .exchange of gifts.
It was voted at the meeting that
$100 should be ',Sent to CARE
a thank you note was read. from
Miss Gertie Bush. The ladies ,en-
loyed quilting, and it supper,...
1.evlett titatiew CRINOLINES for Christ.
mas.'of.nyion and polished cotton, all
sizes from 1 year to 14,
• $1.79 up to $3.98
Go CNR.—the soy, the comfortable way, Snow-Ailed skies ar
icy roads will make no difference—You'll get *here 700
want to go, and you'll enjoy every relaxing minute of yout trip.
And especially now with CN's new.Group ECoaamy Travel
elan you make tremendous savings when you ,trival in a.
group of two or more. For instance, for four people gtfingto
Mature, -om Toronto the fare is only $15•,t,r0Surnt
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Inclusive" Western Travel plans cost so /1010-!..yby drivel
For tickets and information, oontatt yew
local Canadian NatioNal tickerlic*
This year, more and more people who are
going home for the Christmas season, will
o'clock from•tho Moir funeral home
in Gorrle for Mrs. Rebeeca Walk
er, ' Rev, J. E, Clarke offioiated
-and 'interment was in Wroxeter
cemetery, Pallbearers. were Ames
Hogg, Roy Hunter, Jack Glarke,
.James Sanderson.
Walker was born in Exeter,
'in February, 1893, and came to this
'district about 1937, Her :husband,
Ed Walker, 'died some years ago.
She had been caretaker of the Un-
ited Church and the Bank of Corn-
pierce. She is survived by a
daughter Mrs, (Dorothy) Albert
Evans Palgrave and two grand.
Mrs. Walker died in the Wing-
ham 'Hospital 'on Tuesday of last
week, following a very short ill,,
'Gerrie. A, tape rocotAing provided
a talk by janlea "H, 'nrobillson 00),
Imm log 410044 Missions,. 290410
by the Gerrie Auxiliary, Mrs.
James DQjg was pianist,
Mi's. Allen -,Munro reviewed. twe
chapters of the study book, "Africa
Visturberi."; "On a Bridge' and
PoOrs t ep", and -"Hearth am'
Nome", Mies Elva Unger, liter-.
ature secretary, displayed severs'
books on Africa,which will be add.
ed to the Book Shelf 'in the church
schoolroom and Will be pigtk -
available to ail women, of 'the
church groups,
President Mrs. 'Kenneth 'Edge/
presided over the business session
Mrs George Gibson received orders
for the Missionary Monthly. An
nouncernent was made of a joint
meeting of the. Baby Band and
Mothers, Mission Band and Wo-
inen'a IVItsai6iiitty' 'Society -on
eember 3rd at 4 p,m,,in the church
Members planned to hold a pot
luck supper at the December meet,.
ing, which, will be held in the'
church schoolroom on the after-
noon of December 11th. Mrs. James
Sanderson and Mrs. Stuart Higgins
were named a nominating, com-
mittee for 1960,
The meeting closed with the
singing of a missionary hymn and
the benediction, by the president,
(emit' ‘Vbite Terylene BLOUSES with
Met trim and Sway-quarter sleeves.
Sizes 8, 10, 12. 14
$3.00 $8.98
Honeychilcl Rompers and Diaper Sets. Baby Dresses, Scarfs, Mitts.
Sleep and Play Sets in Flannelette and Terry Cloth, in Polka Dot and Plain.
"Scalties" Super Orloh Sweater Sets.
Ban Lon. Sets — Bulky Knit •CarcliOana
Sizes up to 12 years,
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toddlers' sizes.
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Trimfit LEOTARDS in, Red, Beige and Navy,
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Dr. Denton SLEEPERS for girls or boys,
sizes 1 to 8 years.
Separate SKI PANTS 4 to 8 years
Girls' Red PARKA JACKETS with White
,fur trim.
*V-V-70,0AIMii1741741Ziro714`Zrair4V-VvVri';`,Zr'nR4ii.67;*.;r2AteSerM zmutm29,1,x-nozOszooss*,,cusw..ioah,..
P. 'C. Coupland Dies
in -,Wingham Hosp.
WROXETER—Rev. B, W, Clarke
officiated'on Monday when fule-
era( 'service was held at the Moir
funeral'hame for the late Percival
Charles Coupland, a member of 'the
United Church and the Foresters'
Lodge, Interment was in Wp:ixe.
ter cemetery,
Mr. Coupland, who was in his-
year, died in •Winghain Hos-
pital on - Saturday, after a • short
illness. He was bore in Turnherry
Township and.was a son of ..the late
john Coupland and Arabella Kirk.
He attended Glenannan ,Schbol and
chose farming, as an occupation.
He was later 'a provincial highway
employee for ten, 'and has,
lived retired since 191)13,
He married Victoria Willits, also
of Turnberry, 52 years ago. Mrs.
Coupland survives with a son, Har-
vey J., and a daughter, Marie (Mrs.
William Morkley), both Prof Turn,.
berry. There are 10 grandchildren
and six great-grandchildren; a bro-
ther, 'Herb Coupland, resides 'in
Pallbearers were -Stewart Coup-
land, Ernie, Elmer and George
Merkley, Ronald Bennett and
'lam Wade.
smusso .0011111181117.
VgiftifgAgrleffl4LUAOreZe(ZALIZUMIkg4rAgiV'' frZfriWarKiriOgi'fignUOCOMIZW-ggragAMAKMMACSOILICROKAktfi,W
SAITIONta, ,Sck ,3§1,
Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Beirnes, of
Wingharn, spent Sunday with Mr,'
and Mrs. Ross Coates,
is, 11,44,4r,A4P4MXii*Otti.,
were Sunday visitors of 'Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Walker,
Mr. and Mrs, Richard Ingram
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Noble, Rothsay, one day last week.
Mrs. Tens, Hislop and Miss Leis
Hisicip. 'Kitchener, visited with Mr,
and MrS. William Hart one 'day
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Matthews-
and family of Preston spent Sat-
urday at Ross 'roman's.
Mr. John Hupfer and Miss. Ha-
zel Snarling spent Saturday with
Mrs. Ethel Carmichael, Mr, and
Mrs. jai-ries Roberrson and family,
Rev, J. Ewart Clarke baptized
Marcia :loan, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Gibson; at their home
on Sunday evening, Those present
Nererthc grandmothers, Mrs. Re,-
ahael Gibson and Mrs. Rata. Car-
son, Mr. George Galbraith, an
skier r~ Wroxeter United Church,
Mrs. Galbraith and Ronald and
Arthur Gibson.,
Mr, and Mrs, William Hart call-
.ed on Mrs. Alonzo Sperling, who is
patient'in the Wingham Hospital,
m Sunday, and went on to visit
Mrs. .Ethel;' Carmichael, Mr, and
Mrs, James Robertson and family
In Goderich,
Ross Tomans visited Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Toman of Kitchener
in Sunday. .
Miss Mina Ball spent a few days
last week with her cousin, 'Miss
Nellie Ball; Toronto, and attended
the Royal Winter Fair,
Mrs. Herman Depew, Toronto,
was a week-end 'visitor 'vvith Mr.
ind Mrs. Harvey Timm,
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey McMichael
,.re attending the Royal Wintor
Fair in Toronto this. week,
Mr, and Mrs. John Snell spent
lunday with relatives in London.
Mrs, Bertha McGee is spending
two Weeks with relatives in St.
Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd .Hupfer were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Metutcheon,
We are, pleased to report thatthat
Mr, George Westlake, who a
iatient in Listowel Hospital; 18
llightly improved.
Mr, W, H. bane, Carrie, visited
)n. Pride', with Miss, Gertie Bush
and Mrs, W, E. Weir,
The sympathy of the community
is extendeci to the Coupland fam-
'1Y 'in the loss of a, ,dear husband
and father, and to Mr. Charles
Maxwell in the loss brother,
Messrs. 'Art Gibsv, Harvey Mc-
lVfithael and Jack Willits are at-
tending the November session of
County Council at Goderich this
Gifts for the Children's Aid So-
tidy and donations for Chtistinas
Cheer bogies will be the roll call
•n,.tthe next meeting of the'We.
inen's Institute @il Deeeniber fat
et 2.30 'at the hoMe Of Mrs.
lima Wright,
Mrs, Rebecca Walker
• - • ' • VdargalrasaaV t`'
Floor Washer
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Tree Lights
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Electric FrYpans
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LIVE ete-t-TeR L 'TR I CA L L.)" HYDRO
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No payments tilt reliribritry 1969 WROXETER-- b'uherai serVice
was held (in Thursday at two
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PHON11 -- 'Motor ite-wind end iiINGHAI11
INOMTAVVitiMi=0.1%,101$013,1000**-104,1/01114/000gliggligis ad rli 4
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