The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-11-25, Page 3KINETTES OPEN DRIVE
, Eight ,women from •Kincardine
Wets guests of' the Wingham Kin-
et'te Club on Monday evening when
the regular meeting was held at
the home of IVIrs: Jack Bateson.
There were 23 members of the lo-
cal group present,
"It was,voted to donate $25,00 'to
the Salvation Arrhy. The kits were
distributed for, the parreass that
the Kinettes will make on Fri-
day evening in aid of the fund rais-
lag drive for the Retarded Child-
ren's Association. Some of the
women find' it impossible to get
out on Friday evening and will 'be
making their calls, earlier in the
week The club is getting the
campaign under way With a don-
Wayne Brown, student of Wing:.
ham District High School, was eh
London. last Wednesday Wheiehe
attended, a banquet sponsored by
the 'University .of Western "ontario
and the London Free Press.
was there ae honor 'athlete tram
the Wingham School, Tbis s is 'ethe
second annual secondary sehools
Honor Athletic and All-Star'FOot-
ball banquet, • .
Representing the 43:' seeoridarY
schools were 183 athletek. R. P.
Ritter. and R, A. Campbell, WDI-IS
teacher, else atterided. „•
The speaker was Jim Piersall,
outfielder for. the Cleveland Ine
dians, who urged the treys ,to get
as much education as possible. His
address was humorous but he rife°
injected a. serious religious vein,
stressing the need, of the presence
of God in daily life: bn the so4a.1
level he said he neither smoked tor
indulged in alcohol and said that
happy social environment could eae
Obtained witheutahe use of alcohol,
Rae Thompson
Dies in London
Word has been •received here
that Rae Thompson, 45, died in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, oh
Monday /light. He had been hos-
pitalized a couple of weeks with
,virus pneumonia.
He was born in Wingham and
attended public school and high
school here. His parents were the
late Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Thomp-
son and his father was connected
for several years with the Rae and
Thompson Hardware, now Alex-
Rae attended the University of
Toronto for a year, aridwhen his
father became ill and • dissolved
partnership in the • store here,
father and son bought a hardware
store in Listowel. Rae was there
for several years and then accept-
ed a position with Bond Hardware
in Guelph. About three years ago
be resigned-from that company to
take a position with D. H. Howden
and Company in London,
He is survived by his wife, the
former Dorothy Jickling, whose
home was near Listowel and two
sons, Bobby- and Jim, both at
home, Mrs. R. S. Hetherington of
Wingham is a sister and there is
a brother, Jim, a commercial pilot,
who lives in gtreetsvilla.
At press time no particulars
about funeral arrangements were
available. •
Mrs. Henry Visits
District Lodges
D.D,P, Mrs, Ahne Henry attend-
ed a meeting in Bervie recently
when Rebekah Lodges from Kin-
cardine, Ripley and Eerie attend-
ed, She was accompanied on her
visit .by Assembly Warden Mrs.
Helen Bowman of Ingersoll,
On Monday evening of last week
these two officers attended a meet-
lag in Walkerton, when members.
of the Walkerton, Wingham and
Teeswater Lodges held a joint
At Ripley on Tuesday 'of last:
week, Mrs. ,Henry and her staff,
and D.G.M. Harold Pair of Bervie,
installed the officers of Huron Star
Lodge No. 303, and the Oddfellows
Lodge at a joint installation cere-
mony. The marshalls assisting
were Mrs. Eva 'Bain of Wingham
and Angus McLeod of Bervie..
The' attorney-general for 'atlie
PreViace of Ontario has ariatianced
that a substantial cash prize, 'to
be :known as the Jack Hatriniell
Highway Safety suggestion award,
will be presented to -the person Who
submits in writing the best idea
or suggestion on 7 the subject e of
traffic safety,. ,
Each entry 1AI:the contest must
be no snore than 150 words 4n
length, and must , elearly outline
some concrete Suggestion for irt'o-
'noting highway traffie. aafeta and
must be received, at, the otaieeepf
the District Inspector not alater
than 12 o'clock .110011 on Theitaaaa,
Dec, 10th, All mailed entries muse
be postmarked not ,,later than 12
o'clock noon on Wednesday, Dec.
9th. In this area, the entries should
be addressed to the District Inspec-
toa Provincial Police, Mount For-
est, Ont.
Submission's will be judged sole-
ly on the basis of merit and prig-
inality following which a call'
prize of $50 Will be awarded to the
winner in each of the 17 districts
Of the 0.P.P, in addition to a graad
prize of $150 to be presented to the
person who stile/nits the entry'ad-
judged' to contain the best idea
from all 17 districts. The three
top entries from each district Will
be submitted for the provinee-wiaa
This contest is created for the
purpose of stimulating public in-
terest In the ever-increasing prob-
lem of highway traffic safety and
it is imperative that all possible
public attention be drawn to the
Practically all the Members of
'the Wirigham Fire Department arid
their wives were present for .the
annual banquet which was held at
the Legion Home last Wednesday
evening, The Ladies' Auxiliaty
the Legion catered,
Fite Chief Jim Carr presided.
Others at the head table were Mrs.
Carr, Envoy (a Stanley and Mae.
Newman, and 1. 'and Mrs, William
Mr. Carr Welcomed everyone,
specially the p.‘11:kats Mr, and Mrs.
Newman are on deck with their hot
'coffee at almost every 'fire, and on
major calls ealealy the fireineri with
food as well,
tuchre was' played during the
evening. High .man Was Lorne
Gardner; high lady, Mrs, Bob
Hickey; low man, Ben Paxton and
loW woman, Mrs, Murray Taylor,
Local Lads 'Attend
Toronto Game
Bruce Gauley, Robert ' Beattie,
George Kerr ancl 4 Brian Murray at-
tended the Toronto-Montreabhock-
ey game in Toronto on Saturday
night, guests of the London Free
The London newspaper sponsored
the trip for carriers in Western
Ontario, who had proved their ab-
ility as carrier boys. They were ta-
ken to dinner before the game,
and to lunch after they left the
Maple Leaf Gardens. They got
back to Wingham at a late hour,
having enjoyed a memorable day,
Ilk .
ast week's Advance-Times wee
• ightly delayed for some readers,
due to the very stormy weather on
Tuesday evening, causing a post-
ponernenta of the press run, At, 0
p.m. the Weather was remithscent
of the sort of thing which was all
too common last waiter.
•. 9 - 0 - 0
Robert Gladding, former Ad-
vance-Times employee, 'has been
,ara,,aeleateadasaesident of the Tavistock
Merils-611.11;4 and Board of Trade, an
energetic group which raised no
less than $3700 net at ,a recent froe
lie. , "
0 - 0 - 0
. .
The time lias rolled around
again for the Vainghann Business
Association to lend a. hand to the
jolly, white-whiskered ' gentleman
who will 'visit town on Saturday. c ry
is asked to turn out
cry • available member of the
on Friday evening at 7.30 to help
bag dandy. , . ,
. 0 - 0 - 0
DROP 'vocal, CHANGE,—
Several places of business along
the main drag are displaying can-
nistets info which you may drop
your loo,ee change to aid t'he Fund
for Muscular 'Dystrophy. The col-
lection has been undertaken by the
Wingham Fire Brigade, , 41
—Mr. Don McLean a Barrie was
a week-end visitor at his home
The ladies of St. Paul's Anglican
Church will hold their annual tea
and bazaar in the parish hall of
the church on Wednesday, Nov.
25th at 8.00 P.m. F25b
As of Tuesday, December 1st,
the annual no parking bann on
Josephine Street, ' between the
hours of 2.00 a.m. and 7.00 a.m. will
go into effect for the winter
Months, This by-law will be
strictly enforced,
25I) , Chief of Police
Euchre at Gilmour's, school on
Friday, Nov. 27 at 8.30. Admis-
sion 35e, The prOceeds for the
Turaberry Park Fara F.25b
The Milk PrOducers Will hold a
euchre in the dominunity hall, at
Bluevale on Friday, NOV, 27, Door
and euchre prizes. Also guest
speaker, Lunch will be proVided.
Everybody welcome, F25b
Starting December 1st the office
in BeigraVe will be open Tuesday
afternoons instead of 'evenings for
the 'Winter Months. E25b
A euchre speneored by the Wo-
nieri's Iastitute will be hold in the
Wreeeter corrantinity hall Thins-
day, Nov, 26 at 8.30 pith. Ladies
Airee bring bench. Adrniseithi, 26c."
t'25b 111.
The thidfcliows are holding 'a
fowl binge in the Oddfellows" Hall
On Friday oVeniee„ 4th at 8.30.
4 ,
. . H The Wifighalli A4vOnktil-Tillieri, WalilleadOY, Nov 2,0* 190 . 1)40 .1rOefl . IVI: b N d 1N G iirnn - .lIA.PIONSIIIP
. ..
. ,
aiii.amentary Secretary
d. _ l'iesv Busi ness Will , AT WINTER FAIR 1 ions "Present II
nd moo Retirin glstprk Cardiff, MP •for 'Hum"),
T\s'o students of the Wingbarn
District High Seileel breught On,
siderable honor to the distriet
the 44i calf Show for the"Otieerl's
Gaineaa at the Royal Winter Fair
in Toronto en Tiliaredaa,
The reeleatailan
ON CHO r WatilaAlare-
Open Next Sptin
nlain street will be
graeed with a lieW 'business estab-
' lialeMerit abotit tale first of March,
whennew, Modern stationerY and book Supply Store will be op-
ened In the MacDonald BlOalc, The
was appointed seeretary tq the .
Minister of Agriculture last •week,'
by Prime Minister Diefenbaker,-
He was one ef' the „group. ..of 14
• parliamentary .speretaries .appoint,-
ed pa Wednesday, three of, them
being from„ Western •Ontarie,•
.Toim A. Chariton,. MP for Brant
Haldimand, was. named 'Secretary
to the Minister of Citizenship and
Immigration and Riehard
Thresher, to the Minister of Labor.
Mr, Thrasher is Mp- for Esees,
The Prime Minister drew his
slate from eix provinces, six from
Ontario, four frorn'gnebec, and one
Peen. Jr(„np rw
wick,. Alberta and Nova Scotia.
The $4,000.rappointments are on' an
annual basis and .went into 'effect
last Wednesday,
Al eill'n)", of the local Golden ,store Will he located la the forth- Ken lalaek, af Pe/grave, WI of ; S Bl Prairie Cowboys, was heard oti er Lee Restaurant building, which
a CEC radio network program oa is presently occupied by the Nlage Calf Club,
• rile
mber of
and Mrs.
the Blyth
tanley ack and a
-Belgrave 4-H,•
Thursday of last Week at 1,15, The tera CYcla Xasmkaa. 1,44, wen the ehearlaithisblp
in the Shorthorn and the elan,- occasion was the Tommy Hunter The new store will be "own as
reserve Queen's guineas ealf.
ply store and will be managed by Phew. ' •
Marg's Stationery and Book SUP-
Rodger Kieffer of RR- 1, Wing- () - 0 - 0 Miss Margaret MacLean, who was ham, son of Mr, and Mrs. Oescar
sormrEs CALLING— formerly with the MacLean Coal Kieffer, and a rriernber of the Company, •Turnberry 4-11 calf Club, won the A Member of the Kinette Club ' Rereferd championship with his will gall at your door, la all Pro- Hereford steer "Red Ace", Both bability on Friday eyeniag, to ask •' hoae will receive $100 prize money
for Aar donation for the Retarded for their championship steers The , Kinettes Childrene campaign, Tb
steers were sold on Saturday at the e
Royal cattle sale.
, • Ire oelleatien etor,thie „very „worth:.
aye undertaken to handle the en-
The overall champiqn Queea's
'f Roy Mundy, wbearecentla retired
'areal business after Operating a'
grocery store Wirighani'.s.main•
..ihreci; for the:, ; 48 years, Was the.
•guest of bon., it the Liens Club
• On Friday evening, where he was .
,Presented with .a gift.-
-Lien Wilt Hamilton, another vet-
eran busineee man, addressed Mr,
Mundy and the .c)ub as the pre.sen-
Wien was being made. He told
how Roy Mundy overcame the
problems presented by the loss of
an eye. and the, threat of total
bilroarieee ire caildhOod, coming to
"Calasiaaaiaa lialiVewith'his;"parents:
They' later returned to England
and Roy came back to Canada, this
:time to Wirighani, at the 'age-of 16.•
• In 1910 he started his 'business in
.a sinalt-WaYi :Igor being joined by
-his father ond brother, •
:Lion .'said that the .4YrAri4
'business. was aaperfect ,eathinple, Ia
It's Steady growth, of the rewards
• Of Service and *meaty.
In addition to his ,work as 4
-grocer Mr. MunclY has been a
• church organist . for Many years,
'playing in churches at 'Teeswater,
St. Paurs,.WinghaM,. and' has been
organist at • lielgrave for the post
nine -years. • - •
• Following the ,pres enta tion hhe
-nienrifers -Sung ..4.7.or-
_Good Fellow" _and !accorded Mr.
Mundy' ,a "L'io's'
Guest's. .at the 'theeting„ preeld-
ad over by Lion President WIll
Crawford, "were Veron, 'Ripple, Of
Detroit, the gneet of 'Lion PO
grulkshe.nk and .at ,Brenzii, a new
meroker of the 1.0eat Lions, trans-
f:l4"4 in htehree Hamiltoniromt 413ricafte,kirrn
IlLi4ppn alSwalrlatyriC1MgceAwrtahsu r4lLedalteh el?Sli alliafo:
reFar P4de nVelt:tieraqltiWeb Itale rill 1.7e' dealtlr
ee e41113 Secretary Lee 'Vance..
The Lions agreed to sponsor a,
minor haeleey teartf ,again this year ,
AtTit3 'voted.W31..or this -parpoue.-
; It was alma announced at, tile.
Meeting that the animal peanut
chive 'will be sponsored by'the
Lions on the evening: of Friday,:
hpoeucsee nviis be Mbeear4tb na' Ii;harl,dir$At.
, the sethe time they will eqllectata-
ed "speetaeles for shipment to. Ill-
ci t)ort affelainaea aleilgated
the club with a .selection of col-
ored 'slides; made from pictures he
had taken while travelling in Elir-
ape during ;the past simmer. lie
had aeveral pie( s of the vatiatia
countries threaa • which he pa*-
; ed," but the rattler' portion *et
shots of East Berlin and Moscow.
Thdy were most interesting, for
they provide a visual report of the
one city in - late world which is
predominant in Meet mind's' at, the
present time,
P e ae,9 Aberdeen Ar1.7. gus owned by George Earley of
Kerw,00cl in Middlesex County, To
enter this. competition the calves
must gain two pounds daily over a
five-month feeding period,
'Oieñ New Store
At Goderich • •
• Remington .Brother's, Who Oper-
ate -IGA stores in Wing-ham;.
--catdipe and Citatory •opened .
another business at Gladerieh; The
'store which Ae 'housed 'iri a new
building, is 'the largest Of the foar
eptablishmente, .pastied, by the firma
The. • °Metal - opening toelte place
last Thursday: • ,
Vobtfa-Y,''otr;, 30st the- elev.,
tom of•Hurtm will go to the poll
to east their ballots in the refer"
enaum on the Canada Temperance
Act, In this area the pelle will 'be
located at the fallowing places;
Township of Turnheirry
• Noll at S.S. No. i1; No. 2, Corn:
munity Hall, Bluevale; No., 3, SS.,
No, 9; No. 4, B.S. Np. 3.
Township of Morris
Morris No, 1, S,S, No. 4; No, 2,
S.S. No. '9 (Buttons); No, 3, S,S.
No. 5; NO. 4, township' 'hall; No,
5, S.S. Np, 7 (Stone School); No, 6,
S.S. No, 10. (Ramsay's school),
East Wawailosh
Poll No, 1, S..S, No, 10 (McGowan's)
No. 2; S.S. No. 13 (South Line);
No, 3, 8,8, No; 9; No. 4, residence
of William T; Irwin, HA. 3, Wing-
ham; No, 5, Arthur's Furniture
Store, Auburn. ,
Township of Howlek
Poll No. 1, S.S. No.. 1; No. 2,'
Community Hall, Lakelet; No, 3,
Community Hall, Gorrle; No. 4,
Community Hall, Fordwich; No. 5,
S.S. No. 18; No. 6, Orange Hall,
Newbridge; No, 7, Community
Hall, Wroxeter,
Town of Wingham
Poll No. 1, comprising that part
of the town weet of Josephine St.
and south of John St., at John Ma-
son's StOse, , • '
Poll 'No. 2, corriprising that part
of town east of JOsephine St. and
south 'of John gt., arid 'north of
Victoria St., at W. A. Heughan's
store. • .
Poll No, $, eomprialna that part
of town weft of •Josephina St and
north of Jan St.' and south. of
Patrick St, at the town hall..
Poll No. 4, comprising ahat part
of trawl east of Josephine St. and
north of John St. and south of Pat-
rick Ste at Wingham Motors.
P,oll No. 5, comprielrig that part
of towa past of Joaephine St. and
florae, of Patrick St. and south of
C.N. railway, at Robert Downie's
Poll No. 6, comprising that part
of town lying east of Josephine St.
and mirth of C.N. Railway at resi-
dence of Alfred Carbert; Shuter
and Charles, Sts.
Poll No. 7, comprising that part
of town west a Josephine St, and
north of Patrick St., at the 'Curling
Club. .
Poll No. 8, comprising that part
of town east a „Josephine St. and
south Of Victoria St, at John Fin-
nigans grocery, Diagonal Road.
Play First Game in
Card Tournament
Three cars of Wingham ladies,
members of the Ladies' Auxiliary
to the Canadian Legion, went to
Ripley last Wednesday evening for
the first 'game in a 'card tourna-
rnent. They are playing, In a group
from Wingham, Ripley, Liicknow
'and Kincardine, The winners of the
lgroup will. compete against other
'group winners from Zones Cl, 02
a-rid C3, •
The local women only succeed-
ed in collecting consolation 'prizes
an Wednesday's game. Mrs. John
Strong' wan the consolation for
bridge and Mts. George Hall for
euchre, Mrs. Willis Hall won the
birthday • prize. The top-notch
winners for the evening were Mrs,
Grace Johnston, of Lucknow, in
euchre and Mrs, Annie Mason of
Ripley, high in bridge.
Leach was served ba the Luck-
now group and the second game of
the series. will be held in January.
There were seven tables of euchre
and four of bridge.
While. cause,
Don't forget that, Feiday, eve;
ning is nomination night in the
town ball-ayour one chance in the
year to '•,say your piece on what is
good, qr .bad in munigipal circlee,
Noreinatiqns will be accepted from
7,30 to 8.30 p.m, for, the offices of
mayor, aeave, deputy reeve, 6 coun-
callers, one , public aitilitiee corn-'
missioner and four public sehool
0 - 0
• Slim Beue'her, inveterate man of
the wide-open spaces telle us that
he has acquired a pure-bred, 100
per cent Anglo-Saxda retriever and
• first trials were Made at Owed
Sound last week, Slimbo hooked
for himself a beautiful aise lb. rain-,
bow, which managed to snag his'
line around a log in the icy river.
As the,angler danced up and "down
en the bank in helpless frustration
the retriever leapt shoulder deep In-
to the water and came back with
the trout. By theaway this is Me
dog we're talking about; this one
is Jack Henderson,
0 - •0 - 0
ation of $100,
Mrs. John Currie, president, wel-
comed the guests' from Kincar-
dine. Mrs, Gordon Campbell, pre-
.sident of the Kincardine group, re-
ported on the projects' carried MA
by her club during the year and
Mrs. Harvey Fischer reported To4i.
the Wingham Club.
The women then,exChatiged ideas
on new projects and ways and
means of taising funds to carry on
community and welfare work. It
Was felt that each club had gain-
ed a number of fresh ideas front
its counterpart: One thing that
amazed the visitors wag the perfect
attendance record of the Vingham
Kinettes, `MM. Currie explained
that continual activity held the ine
teest Of • the niembers and that
when most individual Kinettes
Make an effort to I keep Up. atten-
dance the others natarally fellOw
Mrs. Campbell thanked the
Wingham Kinette Club for their
invitation and hospitality. The
social committee, composed of the
president, MM. Carrie Mrs. Jack
Walker, Mrs. tlob Wenger, Mrs.
Cy Robinson, Mrs. Bruce MacDon-
ald and Mrs. Murray Stain
served a salad plate.
The next 'meeting 'will be held at
the home of Mrs. Bill Connell and
will be the Christmas meeting.
Ken Redmond
is Neiii'Tenant
:Kenneth Redmond bas leased the
Supertest Service Station ate the
Metall,' end of Josephirie St., and will
be efticially open on Monday of
next week. The station Was for-
merly operated by Jim Angus.
Ken has 'been employed at C.
Lloyd & Son Ltd., for alatoet two
years. is his intention to op-
erate a ear wash and general ser-
vice station.
At a special ineeting,at theito,Wn
ball on Wednesday of last iveek .
groupings were rirranged "foi
arenile. Bantam and Midget lockey,
Under the WOAA.
- Wingham Will have teams enter-
ed 'in each division. In the case
et the Juvenile gam*, Wingham
is entered in Group No, 3, which
includes Goderich, Clinton, 'Zurich;
Lucknow and Exeter, „.,
• In the Midget series 'Wingham
will play with Walkettoli, laintake
dine, Port Elgin, Ripley and Lack-
now in Group 2.
In Group No. 5 ter ,the Bantam
series, the local boys are grouped
with Ripley„ Mildrnay and Luck-
now. . Russ Holmes, of Clinton, is eon-
venom for the Juveniles; Bruce
&nail, Port Elgin, for the Midgets
and Jack Gorbiat of Wingham' for
the Bantams.
The 'schedules will be draWn up
fpr 'the three groups in'the near
London Couple, • — :•Wed 50 Years
. 1Mr. and' Mrs. 'George ,'Lacey,
London, were honored on their
golden wedding anniversary at a
family. dinner at G.lera Allen ,Res-
tatirant, followed by "open house".
, at .the home of their, son-in-law
,4nd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Car-
riaan ,Bendall.
loMasa t Lacey; the, former!' Annie'
•- "Wah"borh' ill Winkhaiii.
Rea' family, among pioneers of
'the 'district, settled in Morris
Township, about the leer 1956.
Mr. Lacey was born in Eng-
land and came to Canada in 1901
•at ihe age of 14. He worked on
the construction of the Panama
Canal andawa,s with the first labor
group to go into San Frandeisco
ta aid the clean-up following the
earthquake in 1906, Re went
to London. in 1908 and married
Mrs. Lacey at St. George's Church
an Nov. 19, 1909,
1 In 1551; Mr, Lacey was retired
after 43 years service as a brake-
man, fireman, and engineer with
the 'Canadian National Railways.
Previaes to his erriployrnent With
the CNR. he had also Worked with
railroads in- the Canadian West
and the United States,
Mr. and Mrs. Lacey are at
present enjoying an active retire-
ment. They have travelled to
England and the continent four
times and bowl with taro leagues.
The couple has one daughter,
Mts. Carman (Marion) Beadall;
Loridon, and four grandchildren.
Arranged for
"merited-late Hockey
- By R. H. Leishman
I have just fihisheel reading the
lax& entitled 'Pioneer DaYa in
Huron" ,by James Scott. No doubt
,Mr. Scott is quite accurate in his
historical facts, The book deals
Principally With the settlers who
bought their lead. from 'the Canada
Company, but we must remember
that only a small proportion of the
lend la Huron ever belonged to
the Canada Company. There Were
Many of the older • settlers who
came in and took up Crown land
independently of 'any' land com-
pany; these, I, 'think, were the real
builders, of our. Country.. my
younger days I have, talked with
many of these old timers who could
tell long stories of the hardship
and privations which thee; endured
in the early days.
For ' the most part the settlete
of 'Huron County were 'anilararits
train 'the British Isles'who came
in during the WO's and -40's: After
spending several weeks crossing
the ocean as steerage passengers
they landed in 1Vaintreal. a. There,
they were herded like cattle
through the'immigration depart-
exat, then shipped by smaller eraft
to Toronto an other waterfronts,
there to begin the final and tedious
journey overland, mostly on foot
or by ox-cartamtil they arrived at
their claims. Mr., James Elliot
told me that he once drove a yoke
of oxen up Yorige Street," Toronto,
drawing a load of, hay. Re settled
in Oxford County, afterwards
coming north to Huron. Another
man who was offered two tote
where the city hall now staads, for
the price of a load of hay, thought,
the. land too wet for farming pur-
Many 'of these old settlers, when
they got to their location, had
nothing but an axe, The first task,
of course, was to build a eabin.
As far as possible they selected a
spot near a stream of water;, there
they began the job of hacking
down the trees and shaping the
logs for the walls of their build
ings. TO build a log house was by
no means a Simple task; it was
really a work of art. The Jogs had
to be dovetailed on the ends and
fitted properly at the corners so
that each bound the other, then
the walls had to be chinked up
and plastered with mud or clay,
Many of the meh 'of that day were
skilled axemen and became adept
at the building trade,
A . very pleasant evening was
Spent in BIyth, L.O.L. hall last
Tuceday with a large attendance,
when R.W, Sir Kt, Harold Watson,
Grand Master of Ontario West,
and other Sir lata of London, were
present for the annual meeting,
The Grand Master gave a very
interesting and informative ad-
dress. He challenged members to
let their be an example to
their fellowmen by Word, thought
and action, Be said by so doing
it would assure the L.O.L. of the
admiration' and respect that the
Christian Order rightly deserves.
He mentioned the' many Precep-
tories he had visited and spoke of
the north country where members
travel as far as 75 miles to attend
Other speakers were Sir Kt,
Walker, London and Sir Kt. La-
londe of London, acting Coanty
Master of Middlesex, owing to the
illness of R.W. Sir Kt. Troll El-
liott, aunty Master and Grand
Secretary of Ontario West,
The W.P., R.W. Sir. Kt, Walter
Scott, thanked the speakers and
turned the gavel over to the Grand
Master for the election of officers,
With the result that all °themes
Were re-elected and installed fot
another term.
The following are thoee installed:
W,P, Sir Kt, Walter Scott, Bel -
grave; DP, Sir Kt„ Rose Erring
ton, Dungannon; Chaplain, Sir Kt.
Edgar Hewitt, Blyth; Registrar,
Sir Kt, Harvey Jacklin, Brussels;
Treasurer, Sir Kt. Gordon Finni-
gan, Dungannon; 38t Lee., Sir lat.
Earnest Darnin, Dungannon; 2nd
Lee, Sit Kt. Henry Pattieon, Wing-
ham; let. C.en,, Sir LI, Benson
Eirmigan, Dungannon; and Sea.,
Sir Kt, Roy Noble, Blyth; Stand-
ard Bearers, Sir Kt, W. Bell, of
13iyth, Sir Nt Wia, Taylor, )3e1-
grave; TAO', Sir Kt, George Grigg,
The meeting eldsed With the na-
tional anthem and lunch was serv-
'The fallowing is the Schedule
which was arranged last Saturday
for the WOAA, Group 2, inter-
mediate series, in which the Wing-
ham Crawford Dodgers will play.
The group includes, Wingham, Port
Elgin, Kincardine, Wiarton and
Tuesday, Dee, 1—
Wiarton it Kincardine
Wed., Dec. 2—
Port Elgin at Wingham
Fri., Dec. 4--
Elora at Port Elgin
Winghatia at Wiarton
Mon., bee. 7— *
Kincardine at Wiarton
Elora, at Wingham
Wed., Dec, 9—
Wingham at Port Elgin
Fria Dec, 11—
Wingham at Kincardine
Port Elgin at Elora
Mon., Dec, 14—
Elora at Wiartem
Wed., Dec, 16--
Kincardine at Port tier'',
Wiarton at Wilegharn
Fri„ Dec. 18—
Wingham at Elora,
Port Elgin at Kineardine
Mon„ Dec,
Wharton at Pert Elgin
Wed, Dee 23—
Kineardine at Wingham
(9 o'clock)
1Vfon., Dee, §
Port Elgin at Vitiation
Tues., Dee, 29—
E10a at Kincardine
Wed., Dee, 50— .
Wingliain at Port Elgin
A meeting of the Royal Black
Preeeptora No. 797 avas held on
Monday evening at the LO,L, hall.
Sir Knight Robert MelVtutray \vas
in charge of the meeting and ;smile
degree work was carried on,
The Dfficera for the corning year
were installed by the Waa, Robert
McM U pray sad are as folleWs:
W,P,, Sir Xt. Wm. Henderson;
D.P., Carl Johnston; chaplain,
Earl Hamilton; Hog., George
Brooks; treas., Robert Hogg; let
and 2nd lecturer, John Melanie
rind Harold 'Raton; let and 2nd
censor, lee Clark and William Pea-
cecki fat and and standard bearer,
Richard Jacklin and Roy Sander.
seri; pursivant, John Ward.
The committeemen for the alin-
ing year are Mark Gardner, Rob-
ert Spetton, Harold Moffatt, Wil-
liam Hogg anti Sid. Moffatt.
Hobert MOVItitray then .turned
the -gavel OVee to his enteeseor,
Hendstson, Who eenchleted
the rernainder of the Meeting, A
social thrie wits enjoyed when
lunch was served.
Sat., Jan, 2—
Elora at Wingham
Mon., Jan. I Kincardine at Elora
iaort Elgie. at Wiatton
Wed., Jan. 6—
'Wiarton at Elora •
Fri., Jan. 8—
Elora at Port Elgin
.Wingham at Kincardine
Sat., Jan. 9,—
,Kincardine at Wine-tam
Mon„ 'Jan. 11—
Wingharri at Wiarton
Port Elgin at Elora
Wed., Jan. 18—
Kincardine at Port Elgin
Fri., Jan, 15—
Elora at Kincardine
gat,, Jan, 16—
Port Elgin at Wingham
Mom, Jan. 18—
Kincardine at Wiartone
Wed. Jan, 20—
Winghain at Elora
Fri„ Jan, 22— ,
Port Elgin at Killeardine
Mere, at Wiarton (4 points)
Sat, aah.
Wiarton at Wirighath
1t4on,, Jan. 26—
Kincardine at Elora
Wingham at Port Elgin
Wed.; San, 27—
Wharton at Port Elgin.
Eti„ Ian, 29—
Port Eight at Wiathon
Elera at Kincardine
Mon, Feb, 16— •
Witirteri at Elora (4 points-)
Wed, Feb, 17,•,-,
Pert Elgin. at Wingiunn
'rue's,, Feb. 2---
Port Eight at Kincardine
arid Mrs. Ron Lowee and
faintly 8t Peterborough were week.
end guests with 'her parent's, Mr.
and Mrs. Tofting,
Wed., Feb. 3—,
Wingham at Elora
Fri„ Fete 5—
Elora ,t,t Port Elgin,
Sat., Feb. •
Kincardine at Wingham
(9 o'clock)
Mon., Feb. .8—
Wingham at Wiarton
Wed„ Feb. 10—
Kincardine at Port Elgin
Fri, Feb, 12—
Port Elgin at Elora •
Wiarton at Kincardine
Sat., Feb. 13—
Elora' at Wingham
f (9 O'cloek)•
Fri., Feb, 19—
Wingharn at Kincatdine
Wiarton at Port Elgiri
Mon., Feb. 22-
1incar4ine at Elora
Wed„ Feb. 24—
Wharton at Wingharri
Fri., Feb, 26—
Kincardine at Wiarton
Tues„ Mar. 1—
Wiarton at Kinciardthe
One tealai will be eliminated in
the 'schedule with the teams hi
first and third position, arid seeorid
and folitth oats entering playoffs.
All series will be beat four of
•seven games, Came time was set
at 8.30 with the otcelStIon of the
Saturday gaines and the Dec, 23rd
game in Wingnatii which Will start
at 0,00 o'elock, Referees- in the
series will- be appointed by the
referee's association. Convtner for
the group is John Ilaferinehl, of
Pert Elgin,
It was the .pride of ally man's
life when at last be had his house
finished and could send for his
wife and family, and, oh, what a
thrill for many of these women
when they first stepped into their
homes in the wilderness which
their husbands had built With their
own hands. And many a young
bride was so happy as she was
Carried, for the first time across
the threshold of her new little
little home,
These people, although they were
always financially poor, and lived
In primitive surroundings, I think
for the Most part Were a fairly
Contented people. We, today, are
surrounded by push-buttons and
gadgets of all kinds, and we think
that We arc happy, but I say
candidly, Is our way of life very,
Ihneh better than that of the
Older settlers? In those days .a.
Mart could take an axe and chop
all day in the bash, thea Come
home at 'night to sit and smoke
beside ihis oeira wood fire and rock
the baby ln a sap trough while the
dear Wife would take advantage of
these few quiet hours to catch up
With her mending or ironing. I
tell you that le home
Watch for my next atticle which
will appear early, in the New Year,
When shall givo names and dates
of oitioY Of the Old origititi lettler
Of Huron Cotinty.
Kinsmen Entertain
Ladies and ,Friends
The Wingham Kinsmen Club held
meeting on Friday evening
with wives and, gliesta in Eaten-
Jack Walk& introduced Mr, Alan
Neelon of thiovale as the speak-
er of the evening. HIS topic was
"Humor". He was thanked by Ivan
Mos, McCertel-, proposed a toast
to' the ladies and Mrs, Mattrice
Stainton replied Xiaethen and
gueste Wete tatertaltied during din-
her by Reg, Bitten at the con0ele
Of the organ, ,
Murray Gerrie .reported en the
Nailing Radio Anetion to be held
On December
Following- the dinher a. &Mee
anci entertaininett Was held at the
Royal sr. Her Cereal) Wan the
door prize.