The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-11-25, Page 2OW Tw% T140 winaiiiam wof*oowl 'Noy, A Avok V -O Yw, U'UNDERM W 'THE M ;L u.. L, OT? Nex't Monday voters in. this ance Act; asking th4t it fie rt In I as Nvell as 1110se in t1le county of Pertb, will go to the polls The wording of the ballot is to determine whether or not tbth sonlewhat confusbig, \`ote wbieh- Canada Temperance Act will be re - ever way you, please, bitt do make tained. sure 01al yoli are not wisled by the In g and sanctifying, powcr, Won wording of the balla, The Admance-Times has not at- unto 1111h, why temyt,0, to t4l its readers how they sba)j bo glyen 'J. 'o you," ow—gly- , _1ni shou'la vow on this qtlestlbn� for it 4", you, the is a xnatter which is, or should be, ing faot4lties. bevonie dwarfed.. Are completely familiar to everyone in son, IvAn the county, It has been jhras�-ed. WILL YOU BE THERE? over, in every detail for years, and from day to gere is little doubt that voters havie, We are about to launch into a jari'c clining in your spirU41 life? Are �iea �v a� �v evel.,y. ye*., r day'?,, since oUr arrival in Wingliam—o ly If such i's the case, these same th'is time we hope to make- it more vat4s should do well to bi� perfectly effective. ckir -about the way in which tbe� will rnark their ballots, - Beto-,v is The nomination meetirig will be reprinted a sample of -the ballot yoti held at the town hall on Friday Nvillreceive, on, Monday. evening. Your pres7ence, is not.only r4teT Are,�Qu a, living exstjlpl(� of requested ... it is urgently needed. For the Revocation: Think of it this way. You, are gai A ast the Revocation one of the shareholders in concern prlvlleges� .4 11 d which is 8peiidinz thott-sands of dol- Or have you, like an atitoiltobile. larg annually, If you are a 'direct First of all, the w6rd "Reyoca- taxpay�r'you have put up approxi - tion" means r"eniave or recall, as far mately $200 of your hard-earned as an act of parliatnent is concerned. cash (average) in the past year, Arid Therefore, if you mark an X after the words "For the Revocation" yoo that is $4.00 o . ut of every weekly will be voting AC'A1NST the Can.- pay cheque. On Vriday night the _(Inayor, ada Temperance Act,' You will be directors reeve and coun-, ."king that the act be set aside. . If cillors will appear at the annual your X is placed., after the word,-, meeting to account for their band - '.Against, the Reyocation" vou will ling of your money,� Bear in mi-nd be voting FOR the Canada. Temper - that these men have disposed .-of something more than 5 per ant of* yo ur gross earnino,s for th e Yvan Remember that vou are not nee- C 'OMMON SENSE- essarily going to the in�etin gJn. a PREVAILS critical inood. These' directo* r's of yours, by arid large, have done a The results, of votin g arriong od job "go Th�ee of theu-i went olec-t- 4PIP11 members in Sudbury this week ed wily a year ago and their record offers encouragement for those Who is such tha they should be, re t tu. V61id to desuair of the future in store r d e' m c � a cy d .0 an its bettek prin- to. office, for the first year- on coun:- 'AAy ciples. cil is the training period, worthwhile councillor deserves a In the fact of Corrimu�nist or- pecond year.. in which to actively ganization UThich has be�n carried employ tb e kii owl edge h e has galned. out openly and actively for many yeaq, the anti -red faction in the The ­remainder of the council. Milie " Mili and Smelter Workers members are menwho have served Won a clear-cut victory ov6r theit - Commie oppoheiits., The Yank and the town for longer periods and'�re file of the union left no doubt that familiar to all of you. if you feel that any of these 0 fficials new the majority want inord'of the rej- or influenced 'policy which caused the veteran, have -fallen shQrt in their obligations to the townsmen, Friday e5cptilsion of their union'from, Do- rainion-wide labor groups some night is the tinie to sa� SO.' If you years ago,. know of -men who, in -your opinion, should b6 given an- opportunity to All this in`ay 'seern pr . etty far- start into council work, there is ' o-nly fetched to people who reside in a one way to get them into action. 8eat quiet community like Wingfiam. It the m-eeting and make sure is anything but iniaginary to those thev are nominated. . Who Irave lived in the mining town$ of the North. As far back as You have read many th-nes ill six years ago a high school teach'e'r on this column references to the long the Su&ury staff told this writer and historic tradition of free elec- personally of threats which Ahe had. tions which make these nominations received because she Was outspoken possible; you know that in many 'in her classes. against Communist parts of the world rulers can never infiltration. be replaced without� bloodshed; you are fully aware that our own friends The Reds have a tremendous ad- and refitives have diedin their thou- Vantage dver the rest of u� when public offices are at stake, for their sands to perpetuate the system which permits an'open nomination f�actics are basea on. brute force and meeting—all. these facts are part of intinii'd'ation: tYlider democracv we your heritage . . . but if none of these ideals can swiay you, descend inlist travel the slow road of public 'to tho practical. - opinion—and it takes co,6.rage to talk your fellow workmen into�a fight against the -Red forces ,yhen During the past thr�e years OW11 s your '�fety and, that of y6nr eventg in Winghatn'have be ell 01) tl�e inarch, New hidusti -y has been Nvife,and childnw is jeopardited. brought to the towi.i. arid more i.4 t Perhaps the democratic victory ptonii.�ed. There "Is a new feeling 1"� of progress, and opthnisni,, The fate in Sudbury will providi� -encour - age fftent for other labor, groupq art this 'of our community 1. ics, to a greaL cobtfilent which are-, waghig mi un- "tent, in the hands of our elected equal battle for freedom. repreteritativeA. Otily by making sure that these representatives Art �devotid ,and, energetic men or wo- men -will we have any confidence in The Wlnghaffl Advanc em,rftneg the Continued cotirge of pmg.ress and Publislidd, &t ftithow, thittrib prapetity. web# t bkothers- Isibibib-ekil itivy *ehtdt, tdm* Wingh-ant. .1i a g6od. town -1141 Atetnbtt Audit gureiu �of dirculatfoo hict, t1lo best we call, think of xally 46L46yid, *dAw MAit, place ill the world. y6a feel the ofadt tmot iWbietiotibn 00A _*Wr6a;0 0.66� Alt Mdriths 0,1111d wly, That beffig the c4s'e lees $1.bo lik i0vaote get ot1t to our 1101ninatioll meeting t. A. $4 * i* I*t yoAije and take ap active part in the'dired- f0drd9ftiftate 44.00 Ver yei# tiou - -of WitiLyfiatn's most vital 11 0 1� I ............. ONE MENT,,,PLEA$E1 MO' NNEWN, MInIgtor A"""' kod ollproll WHY ARE YOV LEAN� Have we )lot. throu,gh His s4v- ceaso to give or; to Qlvy and believe "AnO he, said In g and sanctifying, powcr, Won the 'divIffe Injupotirin, "alve Ana It unto 1111h, why #14de heirs to an inheritance wh job sba)j bo glyen 'J. 'o you," ow—gly- , _1ni 4", you, the la 4901 and uxidefiliN ing faot4lties. bevonie dwarfed.. Are son, IvAn and that facieth not z �y? Then You falling away ft .0al cod, de - from day to Why are We, children of the King, clining in your spirU41 life? Are day'?,, leati from day to day? Why ac the 9piritual Awingsoryour Innei As we behold We not'po$80ss more joy and glad- life still flowing freely or arg th(4y the professing ;less of heart find -soul? Ha'Ve We jUst Moving along at 4 ppor, dying PeOPIC Of Qocl)i not Within our very souls a. Nvnll r4teT Are,�Qu a, living exstjlpl(� of With 41 t their Pf'WittOt Nprlhgil)�V Tip With. eternal What a txue, Christian, ought, to be? prlvlleges� .4 11 d life? Why, then, are we so lank, Or have you, like an atitoiltobile. oppo.41ifiltles Of as tbough out, God were Inade- got, -4 dinimer switch.,on? Do othel.,s life, We A.re pe.r� qu4tp. or altogether instifficlent to, covet yo4r _kIrO of .religion ? q, 0 $4A 4, 7W �*p AM"? Ai . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . -lie either spii-Itti, Our Saviour intendecl that His plqxed, like t , ateet our demands, author of our text, as to Why they hily or materially? - followers should have life, and that, Come in with youir ChristmAa list shop -easily ari�,so leatior seem to love, that fa, they 9 and -go olit.with wonderf I to get jo little Wbett we teai6 , hould have it . 1) ndantly. put of the Christian life. Afteil, culty at once becones. welikened., It 4s Ili. joyful, loving serviep to having. become.a. child ot our heqv- When We cease to sympathI.-4e with Op.4 gild Than that the fulness of gif ts for one 4nd all! enly )Tather.aud having tasted the our -fellow beinip, that paltieular such a life, Is aceom )isbed. T p be good things of His kingdom, Why' part of the spiritual Mon begins �09�� cb!] of, God cannot avd will are thev so 1010 to �Mrease and likewlse, When wa.[ not ever be lean. h m 0 .......... PpIrn ur 4 ..Sho g, _(0 h,,p, r ? 0 BOX, 473 ugar grand gifts will end that 13Y Bill 8miley sh4ping daze". "Editor' Adv nco"Mmes Week -We had a, birthday in n4ade a puddle, the first of thous" . I � 14 '' , . . *I _. out family. Playboy was I one yeqr ands. TAIRU. SPRAY by Dana ................. ........... ......... ........ $3.75 pear Sir; old, For anybody who came in `5 CHANTILLY !0RIf0fE, SACHET by 14oubigant $ixi) late, the. -fellow, with the fane Tbq, greatest And most valtiable. name I s,ourspaniel pup, py I prefer -to dr4w, a veil ov Clifton RATH POWDEDR IWITIJI! .................... $1.0 He 4rrIv- the BRUSH, COMB & IstIRRon SETS 'as,,Set we have , In. Huron County ed'last Christmas morning, % six- first Couple of months of Playlloy Is , _ ... $3.08 $19.95 'Is -our young people. , 'What'is b�ogt weeks,ol ' Me I'Coty PERPUMJ(�S , -Gift l3oxed ............ .... ......... ,d Qundle of coal -black presence in� our household. 11 a 5 f9r. their (titure welfare should -:be gutibness With a big red ribbor pow X *develop a slight twjteft *ben 1�xquisite- E�VE NING BAGS ..... .. .. $1.50 to $19-95 our first, �Dnsideration fit :deciding rbUnd his neck. I I recall those midwinter ft , ys, MWEL ROXAS - Plain & Musical .... $]..r?o to $13.95 �Nkrlliph wayWp Will Vote on 1�ovem And nights. 'In short, ho was g - WALLETS - briglit, gay colors ...... foge, to $5.95 1�er X pup, and therefor - stank, wits Ladies' Timex Shock Resistant Ctlip Can-. 4�hts arri lousy, Chewed to ribbons anything It, is being stated tha Val was th�, r t of WRIST WNW711E S ...... __ ............ $7.95 - $14.95 ada; Ternperance Act is resporlslbl�j mental aberration oil the )')art Ot of v61fie, howled liki�'a sirou In r the ppe-#awn hohr fo Increased Iteen-age drinking; in site is very A -And had to be y Wife Normally. 111fo � got .Juvenile 'delinquency and bootleg- sonsi4lo'about unilvials, Lilco ni�, cot r %* ging. , The facts dp h9t .,bear 0.ut the loves COWs,"P199, and sheop— 0 1 V!__1 steaks, bacon and , Oh several �occaslono, my m-Ife thp. statemeiptq. in the form 4 A* .4 ge The best independent ai)thor-, chopii' � and is able to '',tolersito had to be' fordhly restrained from, ity in Huron his'stated that lbere Other species Witil'a, nice blend of Got a man in mind? stringlirig him.', On, quite a.few, I is -definitely less,teen-age 4rInkIng7 un6ase aind disgust. But. sonie- 'could 4heerfully havetitken a 1hoc Soe our big selection h in in 14uran than In. -�.opuhjles iuh��j: where -she picked :up ill inqudl key stick to. him mysplf, At least the Liquor Control, Act. Mr A Idea, that; "the 011140 -en, 1.111dilit*vO twice a week, his , filistress declared of man -pleasing R. Scott, principal 'of Goderlc�'� a dog". - * 11, .r. in tones just this gicic, of ji pi�erclng District Collegiate. for many years, shriek that we'wqre� going to have presents, backs tip this stht�ment, ' During I had misgivings, but humoured to efioase between -her and the dog, his time, as. pribelpal, the �scfi`041. her as any red-blooded Canadian The kids fpu- t for, -him fearfully 111anosome 1,EAIX#Fh IVALLETS . .......... to $12.r,0 dandes have been tr, . ouble4ree, so slc� of a ' I s and -tearfullyi and I sidbd -with SHAVING SETS - complete ... ................ $11g to $10.()() far -as drinking �%mdng 'at d?nts.1 husband.does when Ill TOTLETIRY TRAVELLYNG JUTS ........... wife. gets a wierd notion. The kids them just so I could continue to $110,95 concernpd, It was. her isilly TTWX WATCUIES, Shock Proof ........... $7.95 - $19,95 of 4coiirse, were ecstatic, The�l remind -her that 1. Reports of niagistrates! courts loved the little black brute, d idea qn the first place. Married early throughout Ohtarlb reveal':many from _the minute on Christmas people get a lot of satisfaction out CAMERAS and PROJECTORS' proseautions In which teen -Age morn when bewobbled across the of reminders like that_ wid I c selection drinking and drunk6n, , pirtles floor t6 Aheir eager bands and imong juveniles are invOlved. R�e- ALL STANDARD MODELS PLUS cent reports in ith . e daily, papers, of We mainaged to stave -ber, off 35111111 and sillin .. ........................................ _'., sa.95 to $It5.00 extreme rowdyism Ili KCA, until spring, glorious spring, wheik' doubtedly be abiding by the letter Quality IRRIEri CASES ._ .......................... .511.95 to $1095 cipalitles, with residents, afrajd,� to Of the law, we could let the hairy, -dirty leap- We. ,A-ainp your name Ili Gold -Letters . free 'of walk their own streets, emphaaIz6 inlg little fiend out. Wcr tiepil %]m the. freedom of *.Huron from an we are told that the Deca, to; the clotbeslifie and he riteed up Oil allIeRther goods'Value d at $2400 or more, stich reigilof rowd logue -is the basis of our modern and down the yar4, 6hasink- but- , yisni from 1;4�ep- legal code. Will ",Intezested" please terflied and beetles,, gnawing 'old age drinking. The:onlk. such ciase.#, of explain how.in 'the name c0,111- d in Huron have been am�ng juven , hoots, an yapping 'at the crows. mon sense and consistency . can no at, like , woif , 4!44 140 4les fiorn. nelghbo�jngcountles u& -be - and grew like At children and , young . 09. 90 the L.CA.L, who 'hrought. theii tatight that some of these I Ile t sick and had to have dei people aws stl He wits a delight to 1144or along �witb them, At, a,rp,, E�re still binding while others are - ' y sh"' cent trial in J.­Iifron,� itivolving te" the kids, who did everything tot- ag6rs from ell- out-moded, as he - or she - Ifas h" ., Except bath',him, feed him Sbeaffer PENS,,E�ud PFN*CI'LS .............. $2.95 to. $19.95 ueder. themintimated? For instance 4ow can SK�Lils IN CHI(JOHLE1,14 CANDIES $135 to.$15A0 L.C.A., the stated UMV we tell them that it is still incum- or blean up after him., f rdm his 'observation, . b�oileggers bent upon them to keep. the sixth Celebrity, LadieqP r4 ittod 0,re as nurnerou.s lif -countlei under. And eighth commandments Which But fhe little devil, . W#h his TRAVEL UNITS _ ................. ........ .. 'to $5.95, th� L-C.A.,ds in -Huron find-Pertb Menli & Ladies' 01FT SETS - boxed forbid murder, and theft, it at the- perky, turned -up hose, his melan- Huron county rhas`�the IoWiestraj;i ti'swz time by' MY SE 'to $JJ.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . precept and example choly expresisioii,- And his per- I�IIXTA � $. of 'alcoholism. in aik count 'in Oti�, urage T4 _-.1 I.....,_., _1 980 to 9.95 I � �y., � . We* enco ' thein. to disregard petual-motion h -Ind end, 'gradualiy Quality PUING BLVD] 1lRS ............. . . .. .. : . ...... $5.95 to $1�0.95 tariQ I yet' surveyed�less than halt th . 6'folit;th commandment "Remem- sheake'd into our affections. � Even the average -for Ontario.' ' 'if - the, her. the Sabbath Day, to keep it when he wpund hintself and chain BIBLE$ - Choice assortine.ut ................. tip CXA. is voted out the L.CiA. will liolyll.-?, around 'my leg.4 while I was laden lailtoniaileWlY take 'over. And - *as, The children and young,people with garbage cans. Even Wheri he' Ay sur�ly as night folioft� d the, Inlist attend -Public. 'and High dashed through the ashpile and 110 c s new ring ,�w h , beverage rbom-9, Iiq r stores and Schooli five days: ea h week: the leaped up on Mother" sp. other outlets will be established In' Ar6rka Is open for skating, and suit with loying fohepaw.s. He Huron. Just u surely -will there be, hockey'praetice' after school and couldn't get 'it, through his head an increase in,the-huniber of alco-, oil Saturdays.. We have splendid that he was a nuisance and a no. - holies. �� It is an eseabliphed fact leaders and flourishing group of 4, Ir,? o d. Tym to= mirLL that more liquor outletsAlways rem. Girl Guides, Scouts - Cubs CHRISTMAS suit in more liquor'donsumed. I And Is reasonable.to sit- t , Brownies. More tha�l f'fty A friend built him the elassiest: ,pPbSe that freefinen and women give many hours 'doghouse in town. Custom 111ade SPECIAL sale of'beer, and liquor under the 6f �thelr time in. order that a por- here ase I palitte(l reo emu Liquor Nhtroi,.Act would'! -tion of Sunday may be spent of plywoon, at Wivv the' number' of. alcoholics in the profitslbly �and pleasantly by the green, had a swinging t!oor and CARDS' 50 cards 98c... c0untyt6 the-avetage r eveir a window. . We put a soft ate.*for On- 'boys -and girls in our Su4'day beil =1 tatio.. The,. present. ratibn I - ' . 4 Aild Waited tor Ithil to'' 11 Kii, Schools and Junior Choirs. Would make h1inself at home. -, Hc; refused ron! is 750 per'100,000.pOpulation. �It� not be' reasonablt to suppose to go a MOVe.recrults would be ticedeed.tifi- that into 'the thing. we tried parentswould Wish to superw ing, - froin pushing hint dbr the everythi L.0 A� to -bring Rur-on up 'viie th6ir 6hildren's, leislire hours in i4tile he -braced all four feet to par, for'-Alddholtcs. - 'Mosi; of dUring the remainder of the day? =d howlcA��t�p bribing him. with a. thent Would, come front among our A rather per4onal qVestlioh� be�- tidbit tosged.int61he fartfiefff, cor- young,men. How, many wilb, want"'foie T 'corwlude:� it your. borre- .,nor Of'the hdusO, 116 hai iftever ,nw, to -have' rhore' proiperlty ull'Oug)l spondent I's �thoroughly convinced. yet beeii'litidde-it. me preferred fredr, sale of�, llquor� WOU14 31ke"to Of.'tho right6ousiless bf his "C s1coping I th, 4f aking apse"; in- e� grask� corttilbote a, son td Vhi6 4�w. list of, �Q,3,t -tdoi�a-AiCi­Qt;� sihe­;�choo t OoJLd1&,WftfiAeW.�;: 8e 0. up s aleoholjcsi?. Hbw� : Much % ::rnoneY 4,eai­fhe`�81bak of anonymity?' I woold abk hiax'h�ed to compon I sate"t oo an "interested!% him for an, alcoholic von 7 You way : . , Wherf we.w'ent,,to 'a cottage for shy.you havenl�t a son, orthat you. Sincerely, two -weeks in thc slimmer every- ........ ........ know Your son Will nevee, bo. ali, thing ebanged. - We docide.'a it was' alcbh011c, which might be tfue,� but, gathleen Pringle how o r never, and turned him I THE SALVATION ARMY what about your neighbor'm son? loose. Ile immediately v&nIsbed,.ih rhis is a responsibility no voter _ie dompany �of "veral rttkish' can escape, $,,'sell dogs. The kids, started to i ...... I wing,baln Cop -in W., Hume chittor, Wi[ittghath Advance-Timos, p—de after a couple of hours, , We --e about to. lituriob a- teary Detrx Sirs* search when lie turned up, looking f like the n6st deliquent of juven. A, -i you are award, -Noy.embei 11 Ile$, When We tied him outside Whithafti, Oht. �as just been solemnlved.. T'he SUNDAY SERVICES veterans of -twd warld. that night, he howled arrogantly, Wars, were Editor AdVAbOe-times until Ile was let in. again honored. 11.00ti-Ill.—T-Toliness Meetin This brings tip the Dear Sfr�, 'matter, of 6, stdtutary holiday,, I 2.30 pon,—&lndqy seo, no reat6h that there should be Prom, that day, theres been !to School Last week a hictorlif Was fined aiiy- now set holiday, 'tcr 1%aTiks- holding him, Ile has learned to 7.00,p�ni,—Salvation Meeting for delvinihig 0af6ft the highway giving could and should be, as one swhh� to run with the Kang. to 80 fillies per lJoilf, Another Man day. Statistics allow -that there snarl fi6r6ely jLt- very stnall Ogs Tuesday, 8-00 P-m-�PraYer and Praise Service was giv#h a Miff sObterice for ate considerable car accidents on who iftlit to buddylup to him$ And C 3reakitig, otitoiring and the .ft, go Tbghk�sgIvIf1g Day, all Can- to run like a deer When large one Wtaltg tho laws against those Z aft dogs ShArl. at Win. He hoWig like Youth Group oftenses� repeated bocaose they We fought for the freedom, it d6utonted soul w-holl lie wants 'n i". Ffiday, 7.30 p.m. are broken. The solution Of ffiescL I All Teeft-Ager probIcM peace, ''and tight of free oteecb, or out. H6 sits ht the ruiddie, of 2. .9 Welcome inent, A . Ilea, Iti stricter enforc(�t Also tht rightto vote as weplegse! tho roaA, likb it small? black otatift, I Their" a.w 'or jLt the %rtnyop 'T'he colirts have decided According to tho, conAltutIons, of 'watching An all directions with A elcome 101. V that demodraby" �thereforc, is Thanks- stern And Piercing gaze, he C*'Ibdd& Ajit I, mill. It ; giving to become 66 second day ,mort, testrictivo, than t.ha Ll';u0i for illifilk.. rcinemboring ihe dead killed' z Controf. Act. tybd6f th46 L.(1A. oft,the highWays,m Canada and the He folloWa the kids to school, will bo 'Provide Western World? I think that It Is kokige§ atourid, for a Wh More outlets do Ile With the to Which Meaft greater consumption Other 4ogg who do the Bathe, theh, time eveeyon& stopped ' and -did and m6ro. law '11iftactions, q%o som(% thinking ovet -this, Why if it's A, cold: or WO doy, trots being Moto 1r?!strIctJvd for. dowh to the office. There be ap- bid hAve- oneAaY to honor the dead 1pauto Cburr� .q the Sale Of aldobollo- bevetaps Pears at the w1hdow, gives Me it I C ' and it geo6ftd -day to weep over W, mak ng for - los. 'onguhiptl look that would 'It tho heart bf (AXGLICA14) 4 1 Ok thogd killed on the highways? b 'ti et Is* onf6t0hiotit atid safor If the volebans wisit to have th(A & dope � Met' and trcta In Wheit. ANfo highwityA, p CTd r� dtiVing on the 0 th. hg like a .ad, !h6liore4 ihoti approach� thL1 I open doo waggi 641111 VinglAft'd. Domitil6n go�crnmcht to got the metronome In higl-& gedr, Ile Z up Rev, C, V, Johnsoji, L,Th, -�At iith of Xtivember an it Day pflte� Spend-% th6 moening aniellin rAembranee 'and Thanksgiving to the, plAde, tripping, the eustontotg f etor tivinki fai- the lives that weri� and �0§6ttihg the wkstdbasketi� so ;WIfi g -h -Am" 6M., sly Mrs, Gorcl.on Davidson he tan cliew stuff all over the given ad that'We all Pah go about floor, then rides hohle"With me ror, "i aot own was, of life, withbitt the - thoughts of being braltiwaA Itifich Editor Advatite-Irimos led, A Ist Sunday iti Advent hounded to death by secret. agents and ouch like, as sa Mftfi.V other Jr wouldoft ftntat)06dy 1:6 get" 1- WA. Sund peoples have, 1116 motti 111o'di'swy khout, (logo;. i'tit I 'htys hot, I thifik thott I Ili' o i In %st weik'# 4bitie 'of YdufL go come Wak 110toraris, Mot ntk K . rice A z PAPet a- _dorre�po,ndcftt ggks -why And fath&6 and the kA1tIV6§ �Of hightly 6V#r,ri%W� jarkd I knoiW 9-45 #60ld t5ohdAy umt,6f tht� Aron& b,, the dead, Stick '66 yatir tights. �aft �ftmofjg tho duknb#,ni A krbog" -alid statos that it lit, right for What is bun, semod there, jitie'. Uot playbov is -no long. charge, Weet tftade tot, skktl�g oe clubs, "'All' tot byit, And one Yor of ji dog. ROS a M40boll or this S 16cke 1% dittif and 3� Vr&*�t d6 ho law or- IaWk, MV bd YOU!, M16tt,6, itt"filly #M It will be, ; 4.15 P. rgy(;, 41,14 J 16,1 vd: 46104tv Wis, omitid ottf pyIC6 I.f h'it 'fit tV 4f4di Wo low *troe 114g ift *6,61d UhN vatefail I Aiiii6wir hio,024 to lifth,