The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-11-11, Page 612-20 $13.95 8-16 $14.95 CARMICHAEL'S SUGGEST YOU DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY WHILE THE CHOICE IS GOOD. Use our LAYAWAY PLAN. A small payment will hold any article till Christmas. Shop early and shop often at CARMICHAEL'S THE FAMILY STORE PHONE 1W armitc.. YOUR FAMILY STORE • WHOA YOU CAN SHOP FOR EVERY MEMBER PP THE fAMKT AT ONE TIME.. • 4••••11111 II1M4.m.41111 11111 For instant cold- weather starting POWER-MASTER DRY-CHARGED BATTERIES SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY BATTERIES DOWNIE SUNOCO SERVICE pRicED cc, FROM eDUU UP These Batteries carry the Famous Hart 4-point Guarantee 18 months to 4 years against Fire Frost - Breakage and Material. „ , BEAT POOR STARTING THIS WINTER WITH A NEW POWERMA,STER FROM Downie's Sunoco• Service Phone 38J Windham Phone 38J 4101.04.111100011•41401.11.0141111K14=1.~1141•111011111•0•411=4.1111b0.111M”M•041= V.1111111111111111111111111111111V1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•111111111M11111111111111111911111111111111.111 a i 1 FOR THATTERFECT GIFT CHOOSE i k N choose i i a i ...., :McBrme Luggage:,_ : DOCTORS FOUND DEAD IN BEDROOM. OF HOME WHITECHURCHL-Last week the daily papers carried a news item on the deaths of Dr. F. H. Laskey Taylor, 59, and his wife, Dr, Z. Eileen Taylor, 54, of Winchester, Mass. Their bodies were found In a bedroom of , their home. They had both been in ill health for years. Dr. F.1-1, L. Taylor was a noted biochemist and was a consultant at 'Boston City Hospital, He was a Harvard teacher for 25 years and ,one 'of his achieVements was the isolation of the AHG globulin which is missing from the blood of hemophiliacs, He was also the medical advisor in the "Musk Ox" expedition held a few years • ago from. Hudson's Bay across North- ern Canada and down to Calgary. Dr, Eileen• Taylor a physician, was formerly Eileen Sharp, .and was born .at White church, a daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. William Sharp. The family at one time resided in the house now occupied by Mr. and Mrs, Victor Emerson. Mr. Sharp was the teacher at S.S. No. 10, Kinloss in 1909, and later rimy: ed his family to Saskatoon, where he was the principal of a school with 18 teachers under him. Af- ter Mr. Sharp's retirement he liv- ed with his daughter, Eileen, in Massachusetts, During the years he corresponded with F, McK, Pat- erson, Mr. Paterson has visited at' the home of the doctors while in Boston with the Detroit Red Wings, It is thotight that' the deaths were due to overdoses of barbitur- ates, but a final decision on the cause had not been made, WHITECHURCH • %.14r, And 'NOS, Archie Pnrtlerk and children visited on iSatardaY. with ' Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Dickson of 130iMere, Leroy Hintoul is aPeacil4 tiny MWelleto4n.at NitI LI°availd4.11\Q'fi4ebedaYdrna;&). Leroy will ahoW the CardhOnae _cattle at the Winter Fair, Toronto Th es, ineeyt 90111/17°.$4.PirdPayje er41/%?ille;irthe Prreaterteriall Obilreh with Murray -ClArl"jnotinePtritiaillaghigITSOCI I13'21o$P-i;yr%4Panat: Mrs, Andrew Daunt had charge o the UMW ors litaYer, asking, pray? How -to pray, and what Jesus said about prayer” Jimmie Morrison led in Prayer: Planr were 'dismissed for presenting - a play at the chriatinaS concert, an, the meeting was oleaed - 'with the •Mizpah benediction, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Mefinrae, end sons 'visited 'en Sunday witl Mr. and Mrs. W, 1, Peacock of Bhievale, - Mr. Joseph Tiffin with ()the' CKI~TX musicians, attended tih' S'Fgsirllan'!a Union meeti ng held it day. Wayne Farrier visited on . Sun- day with Percy MeClenaghan, Lucknow, • . Mr. and Mrsa Wilfred Me-Kague of Turnberry recently visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs,, Peter MrKague. of Montreal, where Mr. McKague is attending Knox _Pres-7 -byterian College, Mr. Wilfred! Mg- -tree-1 w has been a patirint` Wingharn Hospital since' Wednes.- dav last,'4ollowing heart seizure. Mr, , and• Mrs, Nelson Piekell visited • .on. Saturday with, 'her mother,' ,Mrs. Helen Johnston, of Landon, .•• • Mr and Mrs. William McInnis Of. Walkerton visited on. Sunday With Mr, and Mrs. James _MeIn'nis VI's, Russell Dick and son Douglas of. Toronto and Mrs, 'Pentland of London, visited on' Monday at the MeInnis home . with the former's mother, Mrs. Roane: Mr. Walter, James of London. and Mr. William Fisher of 'George- town are spending a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs, George Friskier, and bunting deer, • Mr. Allan Pattison and Mr, Hen- ry Pattison and- his daughters, vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Watson of FOrest, and Mrs. Allan Pattison, who had been visiting at the Watson`. home for 'the past week, returned home. Calvin-Brick' United' Church con- gregation are holding a..turkey supper in the Belg.rave United Church Sunday School' room, Parents of pupils atteading the Liicknow District High ,School at tended the commencement exercis- es_ held in the school on Friday evening) Mr, Mr, and Mrs. Norman' Coultes 'and -Douglas were in Toronto,'oh. Friday and Douglas had ,his cast removed frond his leg at the Child- ren's' '•••Hospital. Their.' son, Jiin CArhtes, arid 'Glenn •Ccitiltes' of ..Mora ria:Township; who are attending 0..A.C. at Guelph; . acconipaaied ttieon :to their' homes here for the week-end. • Mr, • and Mrs. Ronald Perrott and • baby Joan ..of' Goderich; and•'14r. Ailliam'Forster, Irina, and Norman 'Vrsited', SUnday with. Mr,: and Mrs. Nell McArthur at Pailey.: .Mr. • Gordon • Elliott, who`, visited last week at London, returned home on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Furtney of Parkhill, who spent' the. day here. , - Mrs,. Charles, Shiell and her niciL ther, Mrs. Charles,CongrararLtiek-'• now, visited on SatUrdarwith Ditn- ga.nnori relativee•and friends; Mr-. and Mrs, JohnJamiesortazid.• sons' visited on • •Sunday' at., the - home of Mr, and Mrs: .geOrge 'Turnbull. at Brussels. Several families from this dis- trict took' in the Walkerton Fair last Thursday. 1956 1956 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR Licence No, 906-527, FULL PRICE $995 PONTIAC CIEHEFTAN 3-Door, Hardtop, power steering, radio. BALANCE $1175 CHEVROLET' 2 DOOR HARDTOP, automatic radio, 6 cylinder BALANCE $1175 BUICK SPECIAL HARDTOP, 4-door whitewalls, ethc BALANCE $1295 DODGE wel etc. '‘2 • BALANCE ,$1075 DELUXE -1300R, radio, whitewalls, CHEVROLET 4-DOOR, Black and White, BALANCE $925 AUSTIN A56 SEDAN, radio, overdrive, leather interior BALANCE $835 FORD FAIRIAANE STATION WAGON, 2-door automatic drive, Yellow and Red interior BALANCE 0175 YOUR GAS HOME — — IF WE CAN'T MAKE 'A DEAL! BUY WHERE YOU CAN 'SEE A SELECTION, PEARSON MOTORS Limited PONTIAC—OUICKr--VAUXHALL---11EDFORD* VANS--G.M.. TRUCKS ZURICH . "Huron County's Largest Dealer" EXETER . - timayinloyammitaymimmwmilloyammosomommilylmillIIIIII ' I , : .- , . • •H • •,H,.- ..•••..H. w. R. HAMILTON. • ! . • OPT-OMETRJT, -~ 0 Cee. Walpole Folding • Aluminum AWNINGS , TILES DOORS ' ,LUMBER — BUILDING — CUPBOARDS 'Telephone 260 Wingham • No, !Credit Restrictions Here, All The Cars Listed' Below Caa Be Purchased On LOW Cost General. Motor* Plan, With One-Third Down. BALANCE can he arr tinged in terms up to' 36 months. NO DOWlsr/PAYi MENT — —.IF -YOUR CREDIT JUSTIFIES! • i I ism PYJAMAS FOR BOYS 2 6x. $1.98 8 - 16 $2,95 Girls' PYJAMAS SKI or REGULAR 2 - 6x $1.98 8 - 14 from, $2.98 to $3.95 CAR COATS 4 - 6X $81 9 5 8 - 14 $10.50 1SiaSSIS' or LADIES' Wiagflatn Advance-14400Sr Wecllte.d „ 1950 01111.0111n 11004•101P.M11.0•••041.41.1111•11.010r0.1111100.01111.1111E.011•0•Mo4MP.C.M. FLOOR WALL llec...!9101.11geelf.11111. CAR COATS, BOYS' Oar'-Iramotia• • latality••••StNe-- Craft, with detachable split ' hood, 4 - 6x $12,95 BLANKETS 70 :it so 111'4 Quality SPECIAL $4.99 Pail' LETARDS Ideal for Seland Wear sizes 7 - 10 $2.49 sizes 9 - 11 $2,98 Misses' S.M,L. $3.95 Aluminum SASH VALEDICTORIAN—]fan 5fundell of Illuevide, now a student at Die University of Western Ontario, made the valedictorian address at the amia) Commencement Exereises of the Wingkain,Distriet High School last Friday evening. 1959 DEMONSTRATORS . • •IWIT1TMOTJAQIi-7'lle Women's. Institute held Ite.4110441 tall 1)-Qt wok supper far .F4M11Y. Night Monday with a apleatlid,atteadanee . of happy faintly groups and a boontiful• $upp9r, „Alexander' Ro- bertson was Oairnian for the short 'program that followed, of musical, Single; and dancing' aturiber,s. Faris was the meeting for Ca- nadian. industries, and Morgan flenderaoa of Lucknow had been Invited to be present and tell of lla work with 'lumber, Mr, Hon, clersen secured Sam Gray,. Engineer of ;London, of the .firm of Mac- Man and 13lOedel Ltd., who was. iresent ,and showed two moving films,' ."Plywood To-day", and. Wood Meets the - Challenge", -roriey of the PlayWood industry n 13•C„ the lumber industry, arorl he use of even the poorer wood in loolpwood,! Mrs. Russell, Gaunt noved a hearty vote of thanks for `!” D.lIring,. the ba,0 e as parterd • „ Viral l'ol•In McGee, was presentea with a remembrance' from this institute, and Mr, Kenneth iZinn was thank- ed for the clock that had been in- Oa/led in the ball by bit s.hon. Tickets_ were sold blanket, 3. Morrin of London: was the winner. Plans were Made to hold a euchre with the executive in charge of proceedings.. The 'meeting was closed with! the' national anthem, • POT LUCK SUPPER AT WILY Niliff , PEARSON NEWS 1960 Prices Still Prevail 17 UNITS SOLD 'LAST WEEK NO HOPE ,OF NEW DELIVERIES BEFORE JANUARY 1, SO — HURRY, HURRY, HURRY . WHILE THEY LAST 12 NEW = 55 USED ii. tiii Now a whole Oew holden world Of SIGHT 1014 1 ills SOUND. $0e our HEARING-Alp GLASSES 1 ' ... m lightest in weight, , ILI — ...., Phone 37 for appointment- ii , !Illitailialitioulaitialvailtailiammulanialisinslimilioluloolils10011101111111001.100 ,,,,, 1 ,,, , t,t141{11t ,,,,,, ( ,,,,,,,,,,,, 1111I11(11111 tttt 1111(i ttttttt ttt t tttttttt t tor4.44.4p4o tt I, I11111111,ttl,l ttt t 10 ttttt tttt tt BIG GRAND OPENING and $$ DOLLARDAXS COMING 'NOVEMBER 19, 20, El , FREE SAMPLES. — FREE DRAWS United- Buyer.e...Foor,l. Store. , SAM BitiNors 7r: Foodland Market Wingbana , Phone 207 Free Delivery • • • "I. BUICK LE SABRE, 4-DOOR SEDAN, DEMON- STATORS radio, automatic, power brakes,, whitewalls, only 7,000 'miles, was $4391. -• NOW ONLY $3495 PONTIAC PARISIENNE SEDAN, radio, wheel • discs, was $3999 , '‘• NOW ONLY $2895 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN, powerglide, 'radio windshield Washers, only 6,000 miles was i,3400 „ NOW' :ONLY $279.5 PONTIAC ST:KATO' CHIEF, 2-door, equipped with custom ,radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, "ONLY $2695 METEOR 2-DOOR, Green and Ivor*, tiastora radio BALANCE *775 METEOR NIAGARA SEDAN, equipped. Aviti.i custom radio, a real sharp ear BALANCE4694 PONTIAC BUSINESS COUPE, poVrergliale, radio, leather interior * BALANCE ,$7'75 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN; dynaflonr,•, whitewalls, clean ear BALANCE *850 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN, eteellent slap • • a • BALANCEplasaar .a.a., PONTIAC 2-DOOR, sharp ear, Green, : BALANCE 01'5 METEOR NIAGARA 2-DOOR, 'custom'• smite;; excellent motor BALANCE $595 BUICK SUPER ,2-DOOR HARDTOP, full' POWi_11 radio BALANCE' 406, 1958 f. • I958. UldEvit017ET DELUXE 2-DOOR, sharp ear,:licence No.. 892,937 FULL PRICE $1895 VAUXHALL STATION WAGON 4-door,' 2 tone • „. *BALANCE $1695 CHEVROLET •15ISCAYNE SEDAN, 4-door radio, 2-tone, etc. BALANCE $1495 1953 • OLDSMOBILE 98 SEDAN, hydrianatie radio power brakes, etc. BALANCE *04 PONTIAC PATHFINDER SEDAN. „Black.a ,ia sharp car BALANCE. $18 •. • • , 1957 .1952 - 1952 OLDSMOBILE 88 SEDANahydroil matic drive, sharp car, licenee No. 1356;170,-,1 • FULL PRICE 'VON PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN, BALANCE 00 DODGE SEDAN, grey BALANCE •plos CHEVROLET COACH, Bine in eeloirr, , ,• , $295 PONTIAC FLEETLINE SEDAN, -4-.40iira 41440 car BALANCE 4295 , • .. 1957 ;PATHFINDER SEDAN, Licence 'No. 891-410. • ' , FULL :PRICE $1475 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN 300, radio, '8 cylinder, 27,000 miles,, Blue BALANCE' $1275 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN , 300, radio, automatic drive, wheel discs . BALANCE $1350 LINCOLN PREMIER LAUNDAU, loaded, sells new for $8,000 • • BALANCE 0200 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN, radio, dynaflow, • Gothic Gold Metallic BALANCE $1495 PONTIAC PATHFINDER DELUXE, 2-door 'Hardtop, whitewalls' BALANCE ,$1350 1951 MEMO 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN, excellent Meter •• FULL places* DODGE 2-DOOR, radio BALANCE $159 BUICK SEDAN, Grey BALANCE:8295 METEOR SEDAN, Overdrive, custom radio; etc, BALANCE $325 PONTIAC SEDAN, .49,000 `original, `.nines` BALANCE $325 U U U U 2p OTFIgR GOOK USED CHOOM 7'12011 C NAME YOUR OWN CHOICE I- • U a U U 1955 1955 PONTIAC- Sedan,PATHFINTDER DELUXE custom radio, Dark Green, licence No. 884-952 . FULL PRICE $895 CHEVROLET SEDAN, 41,000 miles, Sharp ear, Green BALANCE $875 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN HARDTOP, 2-door whitewalls, Wheel discs, etc. BALANCE $950 DODGE SEDAN, radio, 'new motor, etc. BALANCE $615 • CHEVROLET 150 ' SEDAN, 37,000 original Miles BALANCE $8r0 CHEVROLET SEDAN; 2 tone, VS automatic, power steering BALANCE $050 CHEVROLET SEDAN; 2 tone, 31,000 miles • BALANCE $950 PONTIAC LAERENTIAN HARDTOP, radio, , new whiteWallti, Red and Beige BALANCE $950 NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN, Complete with bed, arid motor BALANCE $025 BUICK SPECIAL 2-DOOR HARDTOP, radio, dynafiovia 'wheel discs; etc'. U Mr. and Mr's. William H. Shia* and their daughter Eileen, after They bad moved from Whiteekurah to Saskatoon.., Eileen later became a physician and Married Dr. F. H. L. Taylor. Both were ?Mind dead' in their borne in Winchester Mass Winchester on October 31. ,TRUCKS TRUCKS TRUCKS BRAND NEW 1959 G.M.C. Long hox arc •Thri pick-up. Sells new for $2535 NOW ONL' 1' • BALANCE $16.80, la,M.C. 1/4 ton Long box pick-up, like new, '6 G10D,00000 ut actual rouniter pastel s BALANCE $1295 5 3 56 DODGE 234 ton van, new motor, excellent shape a t BALANCE $1050 56 FORD 1-TON, 4-speed transmission, equipped withLict. i :new 7',x9' pick-up stakein atfor and racks 53 o.,A BALANCE $425 112 G.M.C. 1/2 ton pick-up BALANCE *375 51' MERCURY 1, to Piik•UP •• ( BALANCE K SO CHEvROLET 1/-1oN 110UP, elp1:1 Rekracks BALAvot9 501NTtRNATIONAL "1 ''TON dual rear wheels, 4 speed take' NCE *495 49 CHEVROLET ton plek-up • • BALA , 1/4 BALANCE *HO Many More Trucks 4-Wheel 'DriVe, Dump TTI)ICIW ^” BALANCE $950 U 1 1 U I 1 1_ N• ow . , the contoured beauty of the new !moulded styling at 1 i• ow budget ;niece! a•-• Thiggago by Warble formed in. fortified • fabric for amazing lightness and strength. See This new kind of baggage. A small ,deposit will hold your choice of our complete line Nicatine Luggage for Christmas. 1 • • the home of Mr. and MrS. Audrey Coultes of "Tobermory and spend a few days hunting In that district Mr. E. • a Groskorth ands his friends from Listowel are alsc hunting for a few days at Lion's Head. • Mr. and Mrs. Ed Spielmaeher of Mildmay visited on Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. How- ard Martin of West Wawanosh, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Ritchie. of Lucknow visited on Sunday' with Mr: and Mrs, Clarence Ritchie, Many from Kinloss attended the' reception held in Lucknow 'on Friday evening for Mr. and ,Mrs McMillan; newlyweds, . , Mr, and Mrs. Fred Culherf^ of Walton, , and their son, Llewellyn Culbert of 'Stratford, visited I on Sunday at the home of her sister. Mrs. Ben MeClenaghan, • Mr, John Congra,m of •Knox Col- lege; Toronto, had charge of the service in the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday. His uncle- and aunt, Mr, and, Mrs. Clarenee Black- hall and Miss Ruth/ Blacithail , of Toronto, accompanied 'Min for, the Mr. and Mrs. Noble young and Miss Maud Beacom of Goderich visited on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs, John 1VteBurney. Mr, Albert Nethery of Hamilton visited last week at the home of his sister, Mrs. , James MeGill of Clinton and' spent the week-end calling on East Wawanosh rela- tives. Mr, and Mrs, James 'McGill, of Clinton, fOrnierlY of East ,Wawa- „nosh, celebrated the 45th -anniver- sary of their rarriage at their home on Saturday. „ Mr. and Mrs. Harold SiesSer and children spent ,Sunday with --her parents, Mr. and 'avira. Harry Cook of lVfarnoch• and with Mr, and Mrs. Ray White of Belgrave. Mr and Mrs. William Rintoul and daOghters 'Visited, On Simday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cameron of Ashfield, • , Mr. and' Mrs. Harvey Congram and Barbara of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ivers, Dungannon, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Congram and Charles, Wingha,m, spent ,Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Con- gram, Little five-year-old John was. celebrating his birthday, Mrs. Homer and her family and Mr. Fred Leaver, who Spent the past week at the Leaver home here, returned to Toronto on ;Sat- urday, Ur, Arthur Cronin, Caledon and Mr. James Falconer visited On Sat- urday with Mr.' and Mrs, Charles Falconer at Glamis. ' Mr. and Mrs: Stewart Gottpland of Toronto spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Robinson and with Wroxeter re- latives. Miss Marjorie Currie, of London, spent the 'week-end with her mo- ther, Mrs, R, J. Currie, Mr. and Mrs. George. McGee and family visited on Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs. Jaek McGee, Dungannon, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Errington and family of Auburn alto visited at the McGee home: Mrs. James Falconer .has been under the doctor's care during the past week, Mr., and Mrs. Percy Vincent of Auburn visited, for a few days last week at the Falconer home, Erect Deacon, Prank Ross and Hardie SiMpson are busy these days building' a barn at Mardere near Guelph, Miss Janette and Rodney Wright of Clifford, •'visited on Sunday at the }Mine of their sister, Mrs, Sid. hey Thompson. • Mr, and Mrs. George Walker visited on Monday With' het Pat- eats, Mr. and Mrs. William, Anil- , Phrey of St, Helena, Who were quietly celebrating their '69th 'Wed- ding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs, Walker spent ;;aridity with Mr. and Mrs. 14.0Witrd Snell of U a. "%MUM INCOME An excellent method of furVing an adequate insurance estate for the man with 'a young ilionaulE.- • FRANK C. HOPPER -'--Representative}„ Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. Phone 462 ;Walker Home Furnishings • Quite a number of West Wawa- nosiz veterans attended the Re- membrance service held at St, Helens hall on Sunday afternoon when the Lucknow Legion =em- bers and members of the Ladies' Auxiliary were present, Mr. Russell Moore and Mr, Ed Johnston of Preston are staying for a few days this week with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ar- thur Moore, and taking in the deer hunt. Mr. and Mrs. S. Lambert of St. Catharines spent last week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Myles Ste. Marie. Mr. James Ste. Marie and Raymond of Kitchener are spending a few days there this week and Raymond is hunting, `Miss Winnfred Farrier of To- ronto, spent the week-end at het home here. Mr. and 1V1rs. Orville Tiffin and Mr, and Mrs, Dan Tiffin and child- ren 'visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. Elmer and Mr, Russell Al- ton of Belfast, Mr, and Mrs, John Forster of Lucknow visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott On Sunday, Mr. •and Mrs, Arthur Cronin of Caledon spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Fal- coner. Mr. and Mrs, Carl McClen- aghan visited on Sunday With her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. MaX Stewart of Preston, Miss Marjorie Coultes, Reg.N., received word last Week that she and the others of the class of 28 graduates who 'wrote their exaraire, tithing in September, at Guelph General Heapital, had all passed. Congrattilationst, Mr, and Mrs, Hartley Catripbell of Toronto 'spent the Week-end at the home of Mrs, 06Orge Medea- aghaa. Nernista Keating and Brace M'ae' Donald, rrf Wilighain and Albert . Odtiltesr left arch Stinky ter visit at iI Phone 106 WALKER Wingham .iittriamimictiogitiotifirciamomoiranioutittitutisurnitoot 1.51 •