The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-10-28, Page 8• IltA.1.1711M.,141t,1P.PHM01.00000 ....... .. . . 00000100 11.1AMPWWW10104001#RWSP0001001.10 . 0001.A0i0f11000.1001•01.0sk00,WIRIKOIAMOt01!„!}1 ' 111I""R"'"""141"11."''""P""1"1""" Zbe :-..,a14tiott amp 3rd Anniversary Services SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1st Return visit of Brig. and . Mrs. W. MAR With WELLINGTON ST, (HarnilOn) CITADEL . BAND' (BEM C. Gibson) 10.15 a.m.—Directory, Class 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Holiness 7.00 p.m.—Salvation Meeting 8.30 p.m.—After Church Musicale Tuesday, 8.30 p.m.—Prayer and Praite Service Friday, 7.30 p.T.—Youth Group All Teen-Alters Welcome. . There's a wefroMe for You the 'Army' gni oi! ...... ! ... ................ ..... F llllllll l lllllllllllll i1 lllll ,,,,, ,,, iiii000000100. ,,,,,,,,, ,,, , , , 0.1.01,00 ,,,,, , ,,, , ,,,,,,, • r i i i ,4-05'7, Tomrity ls 'saving lip Mr- a•bike.. by-clollpi: 4 week by 'Week,„his' baitk growing..• bringing the Big 154. nearer. • But meanwhile, Tommy's dollarS.are .serving a second useful purpose. . Bank credit is: based.:on the dollars Canadians keep in 11 'million ,deposit;accounts in the chartered.banks 7:- and .Torniny's account is, one 'of them. 'Bank loans ,are constantly being made . to meet the needs'.of business and personal borrowers ,in.allpiAs of Canada. So every dine,: you 'make a' deposit you are—, like Ton-imy—building toward,something worth- while for yourself, and at the same time keeping your dollars at. work for the 'benefit of all.. ' 7HE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Templeman Cleaners WINGHAM • STOP HERE FOR A THORN!! CHECK UP Let our men give your car .0 very skilled. going-uver. 4 checkup before something happen* coo, ArAVP. you ploutyof. trouble and money. We'll in. sped' everything from spark plugs to steering wheel and make needed adjustments. SCe us before trouble occurs! Whigham Motors Phone 139 Wingham re keep menfolks well-groomed you need a fine dry-cleaner, who really knows his business. When you want those trousers creased correctly, his- collar and lapels ,pressed properly, linings smooth and all spots removed — try.our-dependable. service. 0.14 Ask for our Wafer Repellant a Moth-Proofing Service Phone 323 for Pick-up and Delivery Don't Put Off! START SAVING NOW With a new Anthes Advanced, Design Furnace Enjoy the carefree comfort of safe, dependable, completely auto. Medd winter air-conditioning/ Special Anthes engineering pro- vides modern automatic beating at its best—with maximum; fuel economy. 1 K YOURSELF '.THESE QJESTIONS 1. IS YO R FURNACE SAFE' • 2. URNACE COSTING IS YOUR IF TOO MISCH 10 OPERATE? 0 3. YOUR fURNACE GOING 10 LEI YOU IJOANte FREE INSPECTION gives you the answers At no cost or obligation to you we'll inspect yOUr furnace for safety . for efficiency ... for possibility of breakdown, If your furnace is in good condition we'll tell you. If there is any fault we'll correct it at reasonable rates, If your furnace is worn out we'll help you select the model and size of furnace suited to your home. 'The Mlles 1.6.8ay fates,. heats', huraidlihn. arid gently circuloiti Worth air to every moor in yotit Mouser—completely automatically. Set it foddy, • - 'LOW DOWN PAYMENT!' EAri TERMSI , JNNTHE S Percy W. Clarke • • The regular meeting .of gt. flvoning. Quilt wns .held in the. Pariah rOOM on Ttiesday evening., or last 'week. The meeting ,opone3 ' by singing a ble•Mhe ..fgllowed .by prayer And the Lord's wayer .in and the roll .was aalicd. The treas., nree4 report, WAS given. as Well AS a report ,by tho visiting coot, Atittee. The president, Mars. A. Higgins, -weleouried Mrs,. W,, Pickford. and Mrs, HOrriSOn as. • .new mern,hers end Mrs. O. F. Johnson. Introduced Rev. C. A. Krug Says Not Easy to ,Give, Complete Thanks The Goforth Thant:coffering 'HIM- lng, was held in the christian. dNeatian building of gt. Anirew's Presbyterian church. Prier sketches were given of two. missionaries, =SS Irene Stringer, and Miss Bessie Viclvforchy. Irene Stringer went to India in 147. lier . personality and her power for rer taxation have .enabled her to serve. to her utmost in two. great mission fields in. India. MeXttrehY Is. a nurse, and now is a direetor. of.. waning. Tho guest speaker, Rev. 0, A, Krug, was no stranger„ having been seen and heard on. CIMIC. Mr, them to the group, 'Mrs. Higgins called .Mrs, a K PoWnie to the front and Mrs. 0 Wilkinson presented Or, with. a $1.0 all remembrance from the group, as she is moving before long. Mrs. Downie very graciously thanked everme and _invited them -to vomo- aad - • '-.•••." Mrs. G, 'Foxtan showed the Christmas cards told orders were taken. Mrs. Higgins closed the meeting with prayer. rin interesting film was shown by Alvin Higgins entitled "The T.infillislied Task" which was based on the Hong Kong missions. Mrs. N. Deyell and :her group served a delicious lunch, Auxiliary Meets At Caslick Home The October meeting of the Young Woman's Auxiliary of the Wingham United Church, was held at the home of Mrs. W. Casliclt, who was in charge of the worship Service, She opened the meeting with the theme "Truth and Free- dom", followed by a prayer. "Lift Up Your Hearts" was sung, after which the Scripture was read by R, Bell, Mrs. Caslick and Mrs, X, Underwood, followed by prayer by Mrs. Caslick, Mrs. M. Taylor presented the second chapter of the study book. Mrs. R. Vogan gave a report on Alma College, which she attended for several days .during the sum- mer, The devotional patt of the meeting closed with the singing of "0 Jesus Christ Grow 'Thou in Me", followed by prayer by Mrs. Caslick. • , The president, Mrs. D. McTag- gart, was in charge of the business portion of the meeting. An article was read on the uses of old nylons in Japan. Mrs. E. iVfcBurney offer- ed to phone for nursoly for Nov- ember. 'Mrs. 'Zurbrigg was nominated to ,attend the fall sectional meeting in Gorrie, as a delegate. Mr's. D. Rosenhagen was nominated to be on the Presbyterial nominating committee. The meeting closed with "Art Thou Weary, Heavy-laden", followed by the 1Viizpah 'benediction. K.rug, who was ill, OW COATS .during the 00904 world war, said: in his 44.4144. "J,Ol all things .,dive thattite. Iron .914.4 Ave thanks,. some of the time .for iM41(kO thing.0, TO.4. Cann give thanks Meat of Oho ifQr 1.004, tltinf s, htits to give thanks for all things is not easy." ,Krug knew' sortie of the kto, 'forth fancily at .cullege.. He spoke of Mount University and of the honor. elasaRS of 1.1M and 104, One is mOderatoor• of the United Church of .0010404 one preached' for the queen in icings, tont sonic died in pate ,7 What ,a waste! Giving thanks for all. things is not an. eNereiSli in sweetness, "Read 'about the, family life of a Rent A woman and her, Children in 400 13,0„" the speaker coAtinu- ed, "Social conditions havo chang-. ed for the better since the year of our :LON, To give thanks, we must accept things as they .are, as God nWatit them .to be. Through hard thinking you. are able to find ways:. to. Wive your personal and church., problems:" Mr, Krug was,.thanhed for his fine, challenging Message.. Then best -wishes were .extended to Pr,- and MPS; N iii l Th't' S'afe' Okir-' ney to Japan. and. Formosa. Members r'esponsi hie for the meeting were . Ws, •j:' Mcxibi3On, Mrs, Chapman,' Mrs, English,w Mrs..: 0. Welwood, Mrs. Mel(ague, Davidson and. Mrs, Friegan. SALLY CRAWFORD GIVES ADDRESS. The WingliaAn. CCITT. held their regular meetington Tuesday even- ing of last week with ,:it) meinbers and their leaders present.' The meeting opened with' a period of . activity in which games were en- joyed in, the gymnasium, After this the girls entered the 'church school. room singing, "Vbr She's corr. A • lively sing-song, followed. The worship service was taken by the Willing Wdrkers Group with Esther Kerr as Rhalrman. Mary Lou Jamieson played a lovely piano sole*less This Hous,en. Brenda MacLennan read, the Scrip- ture, Sally Crawford gave the ad- dress, "christ;,has rip;91ands • but, ours, to do Work today". Mary Phillips, read.. a .,PCIern.••1 'hymn "Take My Life", was the.n.surig.aod the worship!clOhed with 'prayei• 'by Esther Kerr, The ceremony of. thee installation of officers" the •three CGIT groups folknVed with , Mrs. G. W Tiffin, candidate 'secretary of the, Huron •PreSbyteilal," installing: the officers. , • Plans were made for Some of the girld to' attend the North Huron Sectional meeting at Gorrie and arrangenients-were Made for transi . portation of, mernberS to Fordwiehl on Monday `,evening where ,the Fordwich eGrr,girls are having a HalloWe'en party• and':, at whiCh the four local ,groups .are guests- along with Gorrie and Wroxeter girls. 0.044A" The WAnghaiat .A.41010400,Thneas. -Woolloslon 00. AP* wo oven otn nnt,SQ11. PailitltOS ilibP lest Evening Guild Ineetut.g. were read and tti.optcd lohOrie 255. Plumbing ;,,Heating Sheet Metal Work. r .Wingham.