The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-10-28, Page 1A .1 147 7". 73101nlit,". r 1 With whi01 is amaige meted t4e oriie Vidette and Wroxeter News WINGIIAA ONTARIO/ 'IVEDISTSIDAle* OCTOISIO4 28 1909 siNgtoN COPIES — 7 Oelltit ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By The Pedestrian alter Lockridge Named ockey Club President H • KINSUN TO HOLD Receives Third , Academic Award Ronald Parker, son of Mr. and ATM Ovvria P,s,dwr; 3,,i1;-1,-.For- moSa, has received his third bur- sary, The total of the bursariea'is $3,700, the most recent• of which Is an Atkinson Bursary of $400 a year for four years. wawa grade 13 student at the Wingham District High School last year and is now taking a four-year course at the Ontario Agricultural College •at Guelph. Awards received previously in- cluded 'a provincial bursary of $500 a year for, four years and a truce County Scholarship of $100. EVERYONE INVITED SPECIAL MEETING Winghare and District Branch of the Cancer Society is holding arr'Open meeting lit the council ehadther, on Wednesday evening, Nov, 4th, to which all residents of the community are invited, Pr. ,J, G. M, Fetterly of the On- tario •Gander Foundation, Victoria. UesPital, London will be the guest speaker. He will also address the high• School. students in the after- noon and ahow pictures. Dr. Pet- Opn.clUbti$, t11,9”, ;senli.M.041021Y-, clinics at the local hospital. Re- cently he won a Dr. Gordon E. Richards:' Fellowship, ' which was awarded to him by the Ontario Division of the Cancer Society, He has also spent 28 months abroad, dciing 'cancer research and study- ing, the disease in different coun- tries, There"will be a musical program Which will include violin selections by David Adams of Listowel, vo- cal solos ,by Mrs. John Ostrom and musical numbers by Farrier's Qr- chestra from Whitechurch. There is no charge and the Society will be happy to have you as a guest The local branch is still in its in- fancy but is now playing a practi- cal part .at the cancer clinic. A new cupboard has been placed in the hospital and members are ga- thering old linens for bed pads, which will be available for elderly or other sick persons. Certain services are now available, by ap- plying to Mrs, Morrey, a doctor or the Society. Gifts have been do- nated •by the Institute and will be given to the patients when visitors from the Society call on them. At a special' organizational lag for intermediate hockey at the town hall on Monday evening Wal- ter Lockridge was named preai. dent of thg. Wingbam Crawford Dodgers for the coming season, P11,M9ZT „Yl"10 ONgeF,1 act pr aesicisenstecarlerflarjy.. ,ttai:uenrshr.tleld ; The 1959.1-60 team will be Man- aged by Walter Lockridge mid. coached by Jelin Crewson, The transportation committee, headed by ten Crawford, will include Charles Modgins, Garry Gibson* and Charles Lee. Ken Leitch heads the draw committee and will work with Murray Gerrie and Hugh Carmichael. From all reports it. would aPPear that prospects are good for tope notch hockey this season. Many of the old plaYes$ will, be in uniform again, and it is understood that there area number of new players in town who will be' eligible. Play-, ers whohave notbeen on the team previouslY, and Who would be in- terested in joining, are asked to contact the manager at once, The Dodgers will once again en- ter the WOAA HomehrevrT aeries and will be made up of borne-town boys, with no imports,' Under the rules they will be allowed to draw from neighboring communities. It was repqrted ‘at the Meeting that lee will be in the arena within a couple of weeke, at which time It is hoped that the team will be or- ganized for practice sessions, ANNUAL AUCTION At the regular meeting of the local Kinsmen Club on Friday last, Murray Gerrie announced that his committee was formulating plans for the annual 'Kinsmen radio aim- don which will be held the nut week in December. He also pointed out that the auction will have sev- eral larger items on the list, Many of these items will be on display in 'the Merkley Garage window within the next two or three weeks. The meeting was an "Old 'Boys' Night" and was handled by long- service Kinsmen Warren Callan, George Stokes, Murray Taylor, Andy Scott, Len Crawford and Mervyn Templeman. The old boys ran a fine session, collecting a considerable sum for club work. Kin Max McCarter, chairman of the 1960 Trade Fair committee, re- ported that hie committee had been chosen and would soon' start to lay plans for the big event slat- ed for June of next year, COMPLETE FLOOR—The re-enforced eencrete floor load of cement as it was being poured and, sp. 'ead for, the new addition to the Berry Door Co. plant by workmen, at the neW • building.—Advance-Tjtes was pOtUrOd last week 111 a continuous six-hour op- photo, eration. • ,Tlie :above picture :shows the final truck. PENNIES VOR UNICEF— members of Wingbarn, Fordwieh, Beigrave and WroXeter grotipa, and members of the Miseion Band 'at Whileoldirch will, be collecting pennies for UNICEF' Sheil-qMit j11, their own localities on Saturday afternOOM —Be sure to 'help them in this.vvorthy cause, ADDS TO X.,4i1REI:S— At the Second annual champion- ship old time• fiddlers' contest at Peterborough, held last Friday and Saturday Al Cherny walked off with two,more prizes, Al came first in the novelty class, the prize be- ing $200. Tie was scowl in the open clasp, for which he won $150. 0 - Q - 0 NO MOOSE— A party of hunters from this dis- trict including Slim Boucher, Ab. and Terry Nethery, en Banner- man of Teeswater and Jim Platt of Orangeville, spent several days last week in the Kirkland Lake dis- trict. They went up north after Moose, but ran into a flu germ . which sent several members of.the party to bed, and what with con- tinual snowstorms to add to their troubles, ;the, ,moose ,escaped, soot free, Small game, however, was plentiful. ° () - 0, 0 FINISHING THE JOB— HEAR LECTURE ON FUR-BEARINfi ANIMALS is ins Secretary Spea t. United ,Anniversary Rev, T, Floyd Honey,• BA., aitiOci- ate secretary of the Hoard of Over- .YENTA. ANNIVERSARY MARKED BY DINNER Prank Riehl, president of the Junior Conservation Club, presided at the meeting on Monday night when the boys held their regular gathe'ring at the Sportsmen's club house. Chuck Campbell read the minutes and Doug Hamilton gave the financial report, The club members were more than pleased with the results of the bottle drive on Saturday -and thank all the re- sidents of town who so kindly co- operated. Don Hildebrand reviewed the ex- amination paper which was written a couple of weeks ago and discuss- ed the answers, "Slim" Boucher gave a lecture on fur-bearing ani- mals and their habits, which was very interesting. Other instructors at the meeting were Ross Worm- worth, Ken Carter, Terry Nethery and Bob Walsh. The next meeting will be held on Neve-miser 9th at T o'elock and it Is, hoped that there will be a full at- tendance. Receive Wings at London Dinner Paul Bennett andReltin Finnigan were among ,the 31 novice pilots to receive their wings, emblematic of their ability to fly; at a Wings din- ner in London last week. The pin, ots graduated ,- from the .1.9pclon "Flying Club's instruction course during the past year. The guest ,speaker .waS George Herren, .Ottawa representative of the DeHaviland Aircraft Company, who traced the history of his com- pany in the advancement of pow- ered flight during the 20th century, Shane Foxton 'in London Hospital Shane Foxton, three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Foxton, was struck by a car on Tuesday eve- ning of last week in front of his home on Minnie Street, Shane ap- parently ran from behind a wagon, into the path of the car, driven by 'a Lucknow man. The accident oc- curred between 0.30 and 7 p.m. . The child was taken to Wingham Hospital, 'but 'was removed by am- bulance to Sick Children's aVlems orial'41ospital,' London, about' 9.30. He regained consciousness after ar- riving at the hospital there. It was determined that he had a bad concussion but he has made excellent progress and his family expected that he would be able to come home yesterday (Tuesday). —Mr, and Mrs. Ken Baker and family of Strathroy were visitors at the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Adair. seas Missions of the United PhOrch of Canada was the special, Speaker at Winghain 'United Chureh on Sunday when the 6th anniversary of the .church was 'observedg,'Rev. T. G, Musser,. minister • Ye the 'church, conducted both •s;e';';*ices and Welchmed all 'visitor., particu- larly 'those from the le'calAntiCan and Pres-byte/Ilan congregations, who had gra,cioualy, swithdiawn their evening. services fory,r the occasion, - . iAlWaielo" Spoke of our obligation to, tho'se do far away places, saying 'that prominent writer had once said, "The eyes of a fool are on the ends of .the earth". ' Some people still think it is a foolish thing for us to be concerned tn. the world wide mission of the' church, but this is no longer 'true. The far away' places of the earth are not now' remote. Explosive ideas. from Russia and China are falling upon our country today, and to some extent changing the thinking of our peOple, while what we do in the West today affects the think- ing of those in other parts of the world. Those fax away neople are Seeking an opportunity to better themselves and are calling upon us to assist with our over supplies of food and clothing, The non- Christian religions are strongly on the march, but the I Christian church is also there, relying on us for men and money to carry on God's work. Regional ,Meeting 1 Held at Wingham A regional meeting of the Re- tarded Children's Association was held at the Wingham 'United Church on Monday evening, of thi$ week with some 25 delegates from Stratford, Walkertor0 Goderich, tlanover and ..Listowel in atten- dance. .. r ' . The group S w the: films "Tues- vi EtY!a Ch1.1C, .:, ich d41 I.vitik:z,re paireirriAtil, „it., .conWeicilV..withl retarded Children's work. The meeting was' called to dis- cuss the financial requirements of the various groups and to consider fund 'raising methods. ' , Also given serious consideration were methods of public education in regard 'to retarded children, and the progress that can be made with proper training. Mrs. R. Stonehouse Was as93-yesterday BELGPAVE—One of Belgrave's -oldest citizens, ,Mrs. Robert Stone- hmise quietly; celebrated her 93rd birthday on October 27th. The former Agnes Jamieson, she was . horn on the- 9th concession • of East WaWanosh and has resided in Belgrave Since ' she married , Stonehouse 63 years ago. Mr. Stonehouse passed away last April. Residing 'in her own home with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr COMMITTEES NAMED FOR .SANTA'S VISIT Members of the Wingham Busi-' ness Association met at the eenncil chambers on' Tuesday evening: pf last week to discuss arrangements for the annual. Santa Claus visit. President Jack-Valker .a6sided. "Date r .,;fo St, Nick's afternoon in ;Wingham was a*' for • •Sakurdq, $.1:Mielleher ,28.e!t A,Or 4 10 • lilaW416WriArolfgh 'the ridiiilfrebt'• and return to the town hall, where all children are invited to come in for their bags of candy, After the youngsters have visited with 'Santa Claus they will be welcome at the Lyceum Theatre for free movies. Various committees. were named to look after the event; Trans- portation, costumes, etc. — Murray Stainton, Norman WelwOod, J. P. McKibben, Lee Vance, Jack' Alex- ander, Elmer Wilkinson. Detorating — Clare Cantelon, Hugh Carmichael, Warren Callan. Promotion — Jim Currie, Jack Walker, Al Hafermehl, Harry Merkley, Ed Edighoffer, Music—Hugh Carmichael. Candy packing — Don Cameron, Ed, Edighoffer, • Set Shopping Hours There was a general discussion of open hours during the Christmas shopping period, It was decided that stores in Wingham v,rill remain open all day on Wednesdays in December, with 'the exception of December 30th, The places of busi- ness will also be open on the Mon- day, Tuesday, Wedntsciay and Thursday evenings immediately be- fare Christmas. After the first of the year the Stores will remain closed all evenings of the week dur- ing January, February and March. Workmen are this week putting the finishing job On• the main drag pa,vement, The road surface was completed last week, and all' that remains to be done is pave the ,gutters along the curb. It's a fine • , job, too, and' a great iinprevement for the town. • • • 0 - 0 - 0 HOT WHEEL— The firemen Were' called" to the arena area Ijirst after:Midnight Sun-, daY, Where a car had taken fire. Aiparently a iiralie drtini had SelS- edlon the vehicle and the resultant heat causeda outbreak of flame. Danriagei Was • 0.-: 0,, '.14,irr,,pymorutE. „Members of the junior ,Conser- Vation Club have asked us to ex- tend their,appre.ciation 'for the fine response they ,got in. their bottle collection last week: At, present the club house out .in Turnberry is jam-packed with glass, which it is estimated will bring $60 or $70. The boys hope to provide a new ceiling for the club house with the pro- ceeds. 0 - 0 0 • fit HALLOWE'EN CAPERS— Parents would do well to note the warning 'hag 'been plac- ed in. this .week's paper by the Chief of Police. It is pointed out that Hallowe'en IS Particularly ha- Zardous fol• children this year be- cause it falls on a Saturday night, when traffic is unusually heavy on the main drag. Youngsters wear- ing masks and costumes, and filled to the brim with an extra dose of Old Nick,' stand a greater-than-ev- er , chance of being struck by ,cars. 0 - - 0 THE REAL THING— — There have been several brief snow 'squalls this fall, but, the steady way it came down on Tues- day almost looked like the real, old-fashioned beginning of winter, Surely not So soon! 0 - 0 - n BAG WILD GEESE— Canada geese have been partiat- lary plentiful this fall, and on a recent bunting trip Jim Newell bagged three and Bob Hollenbeek two, supposedly in •the area out back of Mitchell's slaughter house on the B line. TURKEY SUPPER IN GORRIE I Come to the Turkey, Supper in the Gorrie United Church on Wed- nesday, Nov. 4th, froM 5,30 to 7.30. Admission, Adults $1.25; Children 75c, 'F28-4b 10TH ANNIVERSARY of the local Rebekah Lodge of the Wingham Majestic Lodge, left, and Mt% was marked at a special dinner in the basement of Anne Henry, District Deputy President of the Huron MO *Anglican Church on Friday evening. Shown South Rebekah Lodge, as they sampled the births above are Mrs. Florence MacIat.yre, Noble Grand day eake.—Advance-Times photo. TO HOLD BAZAAR The W.A. of Wroxeter United Church is holding a bazaar on Sat- ' urday, Nov, 7th at 3.00 p.m. Sale ak of clothing, aprons, knitted articles, farm produce, baking etc, Touch and Take table. A hand-painted picture for sale. Tea served, F28;413 SPECIAL SPEAKER AT OPEN MEETING Everyone in Winghaln and Dis- trict is invited to attend an open meeting in the council chamber on Wednesday evening, November 4 at 3 o'clock, Dr, J. C, M, Fetter- ty will • be the speaker and a musical program will be presented There is no charge. ' 281) ---- SPORTSMEN'SIVIEETING 'Wingham Sportsmen's Associ- ation will meet at' the club ,house Monday, November 2nd at 8 p,m, Report on Thanksgiving shoot. Preparation for annual banquet, and other business, All members and intereated persons welcome, F28b There were ten charter members when the Wingham Majestic Re- bekah Lodge was instituted on Oc- tober 28, ten years ago. Four of these members still belong and are active in the Lodge. They are Eva Brownlee, Anne Henry and Mar- garet and RoyBennett. 'Twenty-she jellied at the first meeting and membership has steadily grown from that time. To- day the lodge has 160 members. To celebrate the tenth birthday an 'anniversary dinner was held in the parish room of St. Paul's Ang- lican Church on Friday evening. There were 100 in attendance, with Mrs. Florence Maclntyre, Noble Grand, acting as mistress of cere- monies. Ross Smith of Bluevale was soloist, accompanied by Mrs, A. Corrigan ., and Alan H. Neelon, minister of Bluevale United Church, was the 'speaker. Mr, Neelon'is a member of Maitland Lodge No. 119, Wingham, and will be installed as Vice Grand at the November meet- ing, .His theme was "Getting the Most Out of Life", and his address was received by an appreciative audience. Mrs. Jean Aitchison proposed a toast to the Lodge and Mrs, Anne Henry responded. Mrs. Marion Cook of Lucknow propesed a toast to . the Assembly, which was sponded to by Past President Mar- tha Patterson. • Wilford Caslick proposed a toast to Grand Lodge and Deputy Grand Master Rae Crawford made the reply. A toast to the Queen was proposed by Mrs, Jos. 'Schneider. The Majestic Lodge has had two members hold office at the district level, Mrs. Anne 'Henry is the pre- sent District Deputy President o Kincardine No. 24 South and Mrs, Margaret Bennett is a PaSt District Deputy President. Guests at the dinner on Friday were D.D.G.M, Rae Crawford and Mrs, Crawford of Brussels; Past Pres. of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario Martha Patterson and Mr, Patterson, Ripley; Mr. and Mrs, A. H, Neelon, Bluevale; D.D.G.Nf, Harold Fair and Mrs. Fair, Bervie; Dist, Dep. Pres. of North Huron, Mts. Keith Weedon and Mr. Wee- don of Paisley and Ross Smith of Bluevale. After the usual courtesies and thanks to those who had planned and carried through such a suc- cessful occasion, with special men- tion of Mrs, Nellie Ringrose, con- vener of the committee, the meet- lag was brought to a close with the singing of "Cl Canada", Mrs. Arthur Shaw and Mrs, Lewis Stonehouse, she is still quite active and takes a keen interest in her hope and commun- ity, She also enjoys good sight and hearing. On Sunday a birthday dinner and family gathering wa$ held at ' the home of her .son-in ,law add b daughter, Ellen, Mr, and Mrs. Was 97 Monday DANCE IN WROXETER, A dance will be held In Wroxeter Community Hall, Friday, Oct, 30th, Music by Elliott Carruthers Drell- estra. Sponsored by the' Hall Board, ' F28b WROXIITER EUCHRE A euchre sponsored by the W.T. tviil Ise 'held in Wroxeter Conerritirt- ity nail, Thursday, Oct. 29th, at 8.30 p.m, Admission 2,5e, LadieS please bring lunch, 14'28b In the evening, Mr. Tioney.took as Ws subject. The ".Fundamental Issues of Life", showing that those with no definite goal 14 life, keep going around in circles, reaching nowhere, while those who have a 'definite destination, direction and objective, reach the fulfulment of a fuller. personal life and a wider spiritual life. Mr. Honey's two forceful sermons will not soon be forgotten. , Very fine music was supplied' for both services by 'the church choir under the leadership of A. D, Bennett, director of music: In the morning, two anthems were sung; "To Thee We Call", by Tschailcovslcv and, "0 Cod of Bethel" by Thiman, At the even- ing service the anthem was, "C) Be Joyful in the. Lord" by Wood, In the evening, an added attraction. Was the presence of the male double quartette of the Hanover Conference of the Lutheran Church, Canada Synod, whose two emnbers. "A. Mlality Fortress Is Our God" and "All Glory Be to Clod on High", were greatly enjoy- ed, These met, together with Mr. Honey had appeared on the tele- vision phog,tarri, Sing Time, in the afternoon, Dr, A, Nimino, minister of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church and Moderator of the General Assem- ly of the Presbyterian Church in Ormada closed the service with prayer. , EUCHRE BELL RAVE Euchre will be held in .Belgrave Community Centre on Wednesday, Nov, 4th and every Wednesday un- til Dec, 9th at 8,30. F28b tain, Mrs, Lola Sandersoh; front row, Miss 'troth Harris, Mrs. Eva, BroWnlce, Mrs. Iona Welker, Mrs* Ethel Gerrie and Mrs* Marlon Cook‘--Advatte04: Times photo, BLEVALE,--Mrs, Arthur Shaw spent her 97th birthday, ton October 26th, with friends in the village, Born in Morrie Township, Mrs, Shaw has lived in this community all her life and has many friends and Many interests. She attends the United Church regularly and 'has a apeelal Interest hi missions, She has one, sod, Dr. Arthur thaw, of 'Toronto, RECEPTION AT I,LOYAL T A reception will he held at the Royal T on Wednesday evening, Oct. 28th, in honor of Mr, and MrS. Lloyd Walker. IVInsie ley 'riffin's Orchestra, Ladies please bring F28b Coultes, 11,R, 5, Brussels, Pre- sent citAhe gathering /were Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGuire (Carrie), of BelgiaVe; Mr. and Mrs, ' Russel WalkerfAgries) ,of Goderieh; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stonehouse and Miss Solija Stonehouse of London; and Mr. and Mrs, Lewis' Stone- house, Anether, son, Dr, Cordon Storehouse, teeides in PheeniX, Arizona. TUMMY SUPPER IN GOItItIE Hat turkey supper •will be held ih basement of United Church, Gorrie on 'Wednesday, Nov, 4th, 5,30 to 7,30. Admission 025; children 750. 1098:4b KINETTE TEA AND tIARE SALE Kinhtte tea and bake sale will be held hi the Connell Chambers on Wedneecitty, October 23, front 3 'to 5 p,rn. n will be highlighted by a . fashion show of hats at 3.30 sharp. The draw will he Made for the occasional chair, 21.48b ATTEND ANNIVERSARY --.Attending thelOth aunt. versnry Of the Wingham Majestic Rebekah Lodge last Friday evening Were several East Noble annuls, Shown` above baelt row, are Mts. Vera. Schneider, Are. lean AitchiSmi, Mrs. Aline Henry, Mrs', Eva Al