The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-10-21, Page 7.411 se,S • :.••• • • • .. wen.gAn.lve.4.0194,1n...404.1.0041Wink RECEIVE :PRIZES, fOR MOST ATTAR. 1111.1 4111 abbancrzZittir WI 1iGI1C41M, ONTARIO, irwresTEspAT, °prows gri, 1,1;i0 LIU WILL ACCEPT DONATIONS FOR BALE • JUNIOR. FARMERS' ANNUAL DANOLJET Sectional Meeting In Gorrie Thursday GORRIE—The North Beate/nal of Huron, Presbyterial W.M.S, will be held in the Gorrie United Church on Thursday. The after- 110011 session begins at 2,1Se pen,. Mrs, A. E, Hellande, Aylmer, will' opeak on "The Future of Women's Work in the Church", At the 7:30 session Miss Christina Baxter, recently home from India, Will be the sPealter. An added attraction will be two film Strips "Angola Awakes" and "Vane to the Future", Bazaar and Supper GORRIE—IVIere than 95 Junior Institute members, their Parents and friends attended the annual family dinner served by Women's' Institute members in the Gorrie community hall on Wednesday peening. Murray Mulvey was master of ceremonies, Each member, intro- duced his guests, Mrs, Ron Mc- Michael, president of the Huron County Junior Institute, spoke' briefly on the various projects of the Juniors, Don Grieves, Clinton, assistant agricultural representa- - terse wee. else- a apes/ken -Peters Harrison thanked the ladies and Mrs, Glenn Johnston replied. Dr. Alexander' Nimzno of Wing- ham showed pictures of his trip to Ireland and Scotland and also of the Queen's visit, • - The Wright sisters sang. Mary Fisher was pianist for the evening, .Was...Successful GORRIE—Members of the Gorrie L.O.B.A, served a ,hot supper in the Gerrie community hall on Sat- urday evening, when there was a' good attendance. A sale of baking, aprons and various other' articles wa's held, In charge of the sewing table were Mrs. M, D. Irvin and Mrs. C. Chopin. Mrs, T, L. Marines and Mrs: Irving Toner were • at the baking .and candy counter. • The ladies take this opportunity of thanking all who helped to make this a 'success. • Thanksgiving Is Theme at W.A. GORRXE—Mrs. Elmer' Parrish was hostess to the Woman's Assoc- iation of 'Gerrie United Church .on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Ken trestle had charge of devotions. Mrs, L. Johnston read a poem "Thanksgiving". Mrs. IC. elastic read a paper prepared by Mrs, DonTewin, "Giving for Thanksgiv- ing." She said "God gives im- partially„His sun shines upon the just and unjust alike. He needs our hands to do His work". She closed with prayer. Mrs, C. Pyke, president, conduct- ed the business. Plans Were dis- cussed for the turkey supper to be held in November. ' A, eommittee• Was appointed for the nursery, The hostess and committee serv- ed refreshments. I. GORR FORDWICH — Mrs. Clarence Carswell was hostess for the Oc- tober meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church with Mrs. Stanley Bride presiding. WIS. MEETING AND SPECIAL SERVICE Mr, and Mrs. Jack Blythe, Kenny, Jacqueline and Jean of Mimic() were week-end guests of 'Mr. and Mrs, Ken Hastie. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Lansley, Ken and Shirley, and Mrs. Geo. Arscott of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Millers at the week-end,. • • Miss Marion Robinson, in train- ing at the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital, spent the, week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson. Miss Colleen Gathers of Kitchener spent Saturday et the same home, Mr, and Mrs. Warren Collings, Richard and Barbara of Embro attended the anniversary service and visited Mr. and Mrs. Gerald SIGNIOR PRO FOR We'SG-Rae Warden of the Guelph Figure Skating Club has be4t engaged as Pre for the local club. He was himself a member of this °hes for a year. Mr. Warden has entered many competitions and has always been near the top and during the past year became a member of the Canadian Four Champions of Canada. FERN were Alex Keith, William Wright, Bob Black, Scot Keithe John .lar- vis and Don Bateman. Mr. and Mrs.' Cameron Walleon1 of Paris visited friends ;in the vie, lage on Saturday. , • • Messrs. Wally Gibson and Wel- lington Hargrave went to. London on Sunday and Mr. Harold ,Gibson, who has been a patient inserietorlie Hospital for the past three niolithe, returned home with them. Every- one joins in wishing Herold speedy return to good health. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Williameoh of London visited over the: week- end with Mrs. Emma ,Williamson. Recent visitors with Mr. and .Mrs: Lloyd eieeqUeieweie Mr: and Mrs, 3. E, Jacques and tainiiy of Port Credit. A number of A.Y.P,A, members of the Anglican Church' attended a banquet in Seaforth. on Friday night, Mr. and Mee Bob Oempisell and family visited recently with M. and Mrs, Lorne From , at George-• town. Mrs. Ruby Forester of Toronto , spent e few days last week at her home here. 1414041E—A capacity crowd MO the Foresters" Hall on Fri', day evening for the concert held in connection with the Belereve School Fele, Competitions were held. In recitations, public speaking and a spelling match, Edgar Wightrnan, vice-president of the *fair board, was 'chairman, The following are the list of classes and prise winners/ Beginners---paul Gress; Billy de Yong, 0 Morris; Janice McDowell, 13 N, Wawanosh; Brenda. Cooly, 13' E. VVaWariosh; l'Ceith Elston, 7 Morris; Patsy Casemore, '7 Morris, Grades 1 and g---Bonald Taylor, '13 Wawanosh; Ronald Henry, 11 E. Wawanosh; Mary Ellen Walsh, Belgrave; Jimmie Beecroft, 7 E. Wawa.nosh; Jimmie Gilfillan, 11„Wfivaineeli; George Johnston, Belgrave, Grades •3 and 4—Judy McDowell, 13 E, Wawanosh; Harvey Black, 13 E: Wawanosh; Riehard Orr, Bel- 'greve; Brian Hopper, 7 Morris; Douglas Garniss, 7 Morris; Lia de Yong, 5 Morris, Public Speaking °reties 5 and 6—David Welsh, Belgrave; Marjorie Hopper, 7 More: ris; Gordon McMurray, 7 Morris; Marjorie Smith, 13 E. Wawanosh; Ross Wightman, Beigraye; Marilyn Taylor, 13 E, Wawanosh. Grades 7 and 8—Sandra Lynn Henry, 11 E. Wawa-nosh; Martie Koopmans, 6 E, Wawanosh; Grace' Mathers, 8 Morris; Joyce Procter, 5 Morris; 'Linda Johnston, Bel- grave. Spelling Match :;Martie Koop- mans, 6 E. Wawanosh; Murray Procter, 5 Morris; Ross Wightrnan, Belgrave; Heath; Thyne, 8 Morrie. The pupils from the East Wawa- nosh and the Morris schools each formed mass choirs and presented several songs between the classes. The judges for this event Were •Miss Norma Coutts, Mrs. Orval. Struthers and. Mr, J. Shackleton, ale• of Wingham. A special prize of the book "The Sea- Around Us"; donatel by T. Eaton Co„ Ltd., for the girl and boy, winning the highest number of points at the Mir, was presented to Gloria Jean Lutz with 78 points; and be\ Ted Lutz with 96 'points. Both are from 6 East Wawanosh. • The winners of ,the Library Board' classes 'were ,presented With tilde ifr4es epee heoleaecieringeethe • even . In. • Mission Rand Studies Africa wRoxETKR—Abgto, 30. Mein- bers of the Buds of Promise fvtis lion leand, with their loaders, Mrs, X., 'McGee, Mrs, f1, Durst and e+frs. K. Edgar, met on Wednesday W- eer school, when they held' their re- golar thankoffering in "the church seeooireern, "•The meeting, presided over 'by the vice-president, Lynn Wright, began with the call ter fellowed by the Mission Band hymn and purpose, Carol Ociespland read the Scripture lesson which follow- ed the theme of ,Thanksgiving, Jeannie Newton led in prayer and members responded to the roll call with "Something for which we can beetherilefuee • • Billy Durst and Murray• Gibson received 'the offering and ,Kaye Wright, the herald for Africa, read a story about that • country and Stanley Ridley and Wayne Sailreer- son, heralds for Canada and Japan, allowed some pictures on their re- spective countries. Connie Clarke teresented birthday offerings. ,• The new study book, "Boieenand Old Hippo" was introduced by Mrs., Jack Clarke, who told the story of the first chapter. The study book' this year is on Africa, and shoeld. prove most interesting. The speak-. er was thanked by the president. Copies of the World Friends were distributed by Garry Chambdre, and the singing of a hymn ,and the Mizpah •benediction brought the meeting , to a close. . • , I~VR OXETE. R Mr. and Mrs. Adam .Coulter, El- liott Lake, were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Meehan were Sun- day guests at the, same home; Mr, and Mrs. Robert Caudle spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice 'Dennis and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Elliott. Mr. •and Mrs. James Reid and Michael, Weston, visited Mrs. Ari 'Brothers ,recently: Mice Dawn Lue and Master Terry Clark spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Brothers, Seer- borough, The October meeting of the Tuees- dey. ,Staelight. Group well be 11 14 ellieetfeof iq're.`teelf Yeieman on , October 27th, Mrs. Don. Mc- Laeghlin and Mrs. Everett Lathers will be in charge. Mrs. Ronald' Mulligan, Mary Anne and Billy of Ingersoll spent a few day$ last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke. . BMW Weexetere-Miss Elva Hupfee was heetees to members of the Wives eter,W,111.S, when they held their regular meeting at her home on Friday evening with eleven pre. sent, The 'worship service, ar- ranged and.conducted by the host- ess and 'Mrs, George Gibson, was Preizided over by the letter, The theme was "Truth and Freedom", The meeting came to order with' music by Mrs. G. Dobson at the piano, and the call to worship. The Scripture passages were read by Mrs, ,Gibson, who 'also led en•prayee and presented a most appropriate article on Thanksgiving„ • -Thenere study boeke -4AftleaDis- turthed", by Emory and Meerta Ross was introduced by" Miss Hupfer, whO dealt with the' first chapter, 'giving a very vivid account of life in that continent, where so very, made- rapid.changes, and go much turmoil are taking' place. The president, Mrs, 'K, Edgar, conducted the business portion of the meeting, at, which plans for Wroxeter's part in the North Sec- tional meeting being held in Ger- lee United Chureh on Thursday of this week were completed and, a delegate for Corifetenee Branch Was elected. It was decided that the W.M.S, would again send a, bale of good used 'or new clothing, this fall, with the deedline for shipping set as November 15th. Donations may be left in the' church school-room. • The supply secretary read a let- ter , stating that this year the sup- ply allocation ,consisted of a pair' of substandard flannelette 'blan- kets, socks, mitts and toys for children, She also gave out wool to members for knitting booties 'for the Baby Band.„! I A number of, books were present- ed, •which, along.ewith ehe current issues of"Mlipionaries R,epprting" and "Facts and Figuies" will soon be available in 'the library shelf which the W.M.S. is arranging for in the ,church school room,'. Mrs,. H., Patterson, as• secretary of the Sunshine Fund, and Mrs. If Timm, as literature- secretary, re- ported on the nember,of earns, etc.,' sent to shut-ins; and on' the num- ber of beeoks read eel, date. Mrs. ,deerge edaleraith will be h6etees for .the-Neyemliee meeting, which Well be' arranged by she and; Mts. Them 'and at which it is hope babe heieseeaetape recording on Af- rica, Members are urged to renew their subscriptions to the Mission- ary Monthly and World Friends at. this Meeting. Mrs, 'George Gibson will be responsible for these, The' meeting closed with the benediction pronounced by Mrs. Gibson, and during the, social time which followed, a dainty lunch Was served. ANNIVERSARY AT UNITED CHURCH.Galbraith. • Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Koch visited WROXETER GORRIE—.The Unisted Church Anniversary services were held ...seSendaYeeThe eln:ch etieteenecerate, ed '1V/that/tu/In flowers and -chrys- anthemums., .Rev. J. le. Clarke gave InSpieing Messages choosing "The Home Church" as his morn- ing theme. He said a real solution in these times is a well beaten path between the home and church. Mr. Clayton •Karges, Kurtzville was the soloist and rendered, "Be- side Still Waters" and "Holy City". he choir sang the !anthem "His Mercy Enclurethe. At ,the evening service Rev. Clarke spoke on "God's Good News". The choir rendered the anthem, "Lord Of: the Hills" and Mrs. J. E. Clarke favored with two solos, "lit:lye:Art—Thou" and "It Took a Miracle", Mr. ,and Mrs. Carl Procter spent the week-end with Mr: and Mrs. Clayton Procter at Goderich. Me, and Mrs. Ray Hunking of Blyth visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James • Lamont and fam- ily. , • Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna, accompanied by Mr. andMrs. Jack Mcturney, spent a few days on a motor trip' through the Southern States. , Mr. and Mrs, Maitland Johnston and ,family of Aylmer visited re- cently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.', Charles Johnston and' other relatives. Mission Band Met Sunday PORDWICH—The Silver Stitt" Mission Band met in .the Fordwich United Church 'basement Sunday morning When 41 members answer- ed the roll call. Birthday greet- ings were sung to Bobby Gibson. Helen Johnston received the :of- fering, Mrs. Elmer Harding had charge of the worship service and Mrs. Robert Gibson, assisted by Mrs. Harding, gave the lesson from the study book. . • The meeting opened with a thanksgiving poem and the hymn "We Plough the Fields and Scat- ter". Twenty-elk Members and six visitors answered the roll call with an item frpm the Missionary Monthly. Mrs. Parker Eurig, sec- retary, read* Minutes. , 'letter:E'en •Grahaiihrfid Mrs.. El- mer Harding are the delegates to the North Sectional tally to be held in Gorrie on October 22. Harold Gibson was the shut-in for the month. Mrs. William Wilson gave 'a report on Christian literature. Mrs. Austin Stinson led in prayer. Mrs: W. E. Patterson led in the worship service and was assisted by Mrs. 'Harvey Gibson, Mrs. L. Siefert and Ays. Glenn Martin, Mrs. W. E, Hainstock led in sen- tence prayer and Miss Minnie Mc- Elwain sang, a solo, "I Would Be True". Mrs. Ae F. Gardner gave the study book on "Africa Disturb- 'ed". She 'also closed with the bone- 'diction. The Thankoffering service of the W.MS. of the United Church was held in the Church on Sunday eve- ning, in charge of Mrs. Stanley Bride, Mrs. James Warrell and Mrs. H. Pollock. Miss Jean Austin of Listowel was the guest speaker. She told of the mission work being done 'in India, Japan and Hong Kong. She show- ed' pictures of her visit to 'these countries, A trio deinpOiea of Miss McEl- wain, Mrs. Graham, and Mrs. Rich- ards sang., ". PATRICIA DEYELL DEANERY PRESIDENT Committees Named For Turkey Supper Sharon Pollock Elected President FORDNV ICH—The first meeting of the 4-H Club was held' at the home of Mrs. James Robinson with eleven girls in attendance. The leaders of the project "Clothes Clo- sets Up-to-date", are Mrs. Ken Graham, and Mrs. James Robinson, The following slate of officers was elected: Pres„ Sharon Pollock; vice-Ares,,, Audrey Ruttan; see., Patsy Harris; press reporter, Di- anne Carswell; pianist, Shirley Eurig, " All meetings will be held at 1.30 0,M. Saturday afternoon in the pub-' lie school, Mrs. Graham and Mrs, Robinson led lit the discussion, Pat- sy Harris told the group how to make notes for the record books, Doris Carswell and Marjorie Con- nell are to look after refreshments for the beet meeting. The meeting closed with the 4-11 Pledge. Aeele.A, members of the Huron Deanery attended re banquet at Sea- forth on Friday evening. About nine young •people from St. Paul's Wingharn were at the dinner. Rev, .F. Janke of Tillsonburg was the guest speaker and reminded his listeners that religion Is not 'all seriousness, but that ' happiness, and enjoyment are part of a Chris- tian life. About 800 Served At Fowl Supper BELGRAVE—About• Me/ persons ,sat down it one time to the bciunte- ous turkey' supper held in the corn- mtrnity arena here on Wednesday evening, plarined , bee/ the arena board and supported by all the sur- rounding community, Rev, C. A. Krug was present and said grace. A short program fol- lowed the supper with vocal solos. by Miss Sharon Strong of Sea- forth; Clark Johnston, Belgrave; dance .nemb,ers by the Four Little Storeys of Seaforth; marimba numbers by Miss Doris Johnston of Clinton. The Belgrave Pipe Band contributed several numbers. Short speeches were given by El- ston Cardiff, .M.P.; Bailie Parrott, -reeve of ,Morris Township; C. W. Hanna, general chairman of the arena board; and Mason Robinson, a member of the arena beard, Mr. and Mrs. LlOyd Weir and Mr. Allen Scotland, Toronto, spent the week-end ith Mr, and Mrs. George Gibson,' Mrs. W. E. 'Weir and Miss Gertie Binh. Miss Nancy Newton' spent. the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart, Listowel. • • • A number from here attended the dedication of Auxiliary's colors at eenrdwich United Church on Sun- day. Mr. •and Mrs. Boyne Sage and family and Mr. Henry Sage; Lie- towel, were Sunday visitors at Roes Toman's. Mr, and Mrs, Allister Green and daughters of Goderich visited. Mrs. W. E. Weir and Miss Gertie Bush on Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. Verne Clark spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rickard, Agincourt. To United States ° ' On' Vedding Trip GORRIE—Georgln; Helen Violet Goodeiar, Toronto, daughter Of the late George and Violet Goodyear and garry Ernest Zinimerman, son of Mrs.. Tessie Zimmerman, Gorrie and the late Sehferd Zimmerrnan were married in ' Heise United Church, Toronto on Saturday at '3 o'clock., ReV. AeGurtfs officiated, The bride, wore a, blue 'fur teemmed Miss' Elsie Meere Of Toronto was maid of honor Wearing a beaded blue stet. Mac Hutchison, Gorrie, Was best man, The ,epuple left on a ^honey- moon trip *6 the U.S.A. They Will reside on the Troten's farm, High- view 87, CGIT Hold Meeting At United Church BELGRAVE—The regular meet- ing of the La Lo Li group of the Canadian Girls In Training was held in the church on Thursday evening and was opened with the Purpose. Reports were read by the secretary and treasurer. Floe once ,ane Linda Rinn, will be in' charge of the next worship service at the meeting which will .be at the ihome of Mrs. Ted Fear, start- ing at 730 pin, The roll call will be answered by the third verse of The Ofilidteti fs Song, Marjorie Hopper read the call to worship, followed by the hymn, "Come Let Us Sing Of a Wonderful Love"; Marjorie read the Scrip- ture legson and •etuth Cotlites read the story, "When There Ate New Friends": The. service Was closed with the hymn "Griide Mc, 0 Thou Great SehoVah" and the eenedic- tion was read by Ruth, The group started cutting patch- es for the quilt which is being' made and gaeles Were enjoyed, The sing- ing of saps closed the Meeting. pr Rev, K. Jaggs of Brussels was elected chaplain for the coining season. The officers elected Wire Patricia Deyell, Winghani, prose , Bernard Ring, Fordwleh. vlee-pres,; Yvonne Pollard, Brussels, See.; Fred IefeWitt, Seaforth, treasurer,. A dance was held at the high• school following 'the business see- skin, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Reid of Te- viceciale were Sunlay visitoors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carswell. Mr, John Noble of Hatriston has spent the past three weeks with Mr, and Mrs. William Clyne. Sunday visitors with Misses Louise arid Letitia Matthews were Mr. and Mrs, Carl Schneiders of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davidson of Mitchell: Mrs. Ira Schaefer spent a few days last week with, her daughter, Mrs. George Trethewey in Strat- ford, who has been ill with pneu- monia. • kr. and Mrs. George Ashton, spent several days this week at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Ash- ton in Athens, Ont. Miss Mary Byrd returned to Lon- don last week after visiting in the community for two weeks. She was accompanied by Mrs, John Holt, who is spending this week in London with friends, Mrs. 'Henry Howe attended the funeral of a relative in Detroit one day last week. The turkey supper at the ,Ferd- wieh United Church was well at- tended, about 500 being fed with lots to spare. Sueday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E, Hargrave were Mr. and Mrs, Earl Hallman and family and Mr. and Mrs, Ron Reed and Angela of Listowel. Mr. and 'Mrs. Irwin Gibson of Listowel were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Forester. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Wallace of Hamilton spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Aitcheson Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Allan visited on 'Saturday with relatives In Conn Mrs. Harry Cook of London, for- merly Of Fordwich, attended the fowl supper in the Fordwich Unit- ed Church lest Friday night. Miss Pearl McMinn of Toronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. darn King. Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Lynn spent one day last week it Toronto. Recent visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, E. A, Schaefer were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wendt 'and two children of Toronto and. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Schaefer and daugh- ter of London. Mrs. Isobel Hutchiseir returned home last week after visiting for several weeks With her son, Dr. James Hutchison, in Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Stan Bride, Mrs. Howard Harris, Mrs, Hatted Doig and Mrs, Crosby Sothern were in Guelph on Thursday arid Friday where they attended the fall area convention of the Women's Institute. Mrs. Bride Was elected president of the Guelph Area W.T. and will sueeeed Mrs. El- gin Smith of Atwood, Mrs. Tom MeClement and Betty were In Kitchener on Saturday; Nit and Mrs. lealph Witmer and three children of Kitchener visited Sunday with lqr. and Mrs, Harry Beet. Mr. and Mrs, gamer Millar and family spent. Sunday with Mr. ,and Mrs. William Alteheson in Elora. Pallbearers at the funeral of Mrs. Boy Oadlte on Monday of last week On Sunday evening a ntunber bf A.V.P.A, members attended the line stellatiott of these s officets at retd- wich, Rev, L, C, AttWell was in charge of the eorrilatineon eerViell and Rev. Been de Vries of Exeter installed the officers, :A social evening with luneh and gaineS Tel. lowed. FORDWICH—The W,A. of Trin- ity Anglican Church met for the .October meeting at the home of Mrs. Ruby Foster with the first vice-pros., Mrs. Emmerson Fergu- son, presiding. The Scripture read- ing from ,St. Matthew was read by Mrs. Stan Forster. Mrs. Elsie Strong led'in the Litany, Roll call was answered •by 12 members with a verse containing the word Grace. Mrs. Strong re- ported a donation of $e5.00 from St. Anne's Gelid for the cutlery re- cently purchased, Members are reminded of the deanery meeting in Bayfield on October 29th at 2.80 and the semi-annual diocesan meeting iii Woodetock on rOctober 23rd St 10 rein. A turkey supper and bazaar will be held in the church basement in November, Oorrunittees Were narki- ed to arrange this. Mrs. EnInter- seri irerguson closed the' meeting With prayer, The remainder of the afternoon was spent quilting, Mrs. Gain Ring and Mrs. Robert Allan, assisted by the, hostess, served lunch', Dedicate Standard At Sunday. Service PORDWICH— A special service was held in the Fordwich Meted. Church Sunday morning when riteinbers of the Howick Legion accompanied by Mem- bers of the Legion, Marched in 4 body, . Rev, A. •F. 'Gardner dedicated the new standard of the AuxiliarY, He took as his theme, "The Call to Heights", and gave a very inspire ing'sermoil on' the' duty to also ]hid the cross high and ahvitye look up, A'.,e it i tihivt 'choir young people rendered ti,. the banquet in the evening when WM., Cowls, pitbileity. manager for the Mutual Life Assurance Co., Kitchener, was guest speaker. Mrs, Glad Edgar is converser of Home Economics' and Health for the Guelph Area, The film, "Talking Drums" Was strewn in the L.O.L. 'hail on There- eay, evening. In it were included the physical features of Africa; the Christian missionaries endeavor to teach natives} to read and Write: improvement of sanitary conditions; neediest' services and establishMent of hospitals; inettut- tion in agriculture. Semi' 60 ladies attended from Wit-Thane Brussels, ,Fordwich, Molegworth and'Gorrie,'. /t was. sponsored by the Of St," Stephen's &torch and ReV, E. C AttWell teed the script. Mr. and MM. Walker, Brampton snent Priddy With Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Walker, `Visitors with Mrs, Fr an c e s Strong on Sunday were Mr,• and Mrs. HareseY Alteheeeri and leen- Wieghtim and Mrs. Pearl Patterson and Leslie, Mr, and Mrs. Mlle reinSnloit. greets/riper/led Mee. Elsie Strong Of FerdWieh, to Visit relatives in ,Oranten, StindAY., Mr, Wand Mrs. Chris Runge', Lis- towel, on Sunday. spending the winter months With `Mts. •Chas, Pratt in London, Mr. and Mrs. •Ralph Garniss, Mrs. Bessie Garniss, Mr. Roy Garniss and daughter Of , Teronto, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ddig, lefoiessvorth were Sunday visitors with Miss Annie Murray. Mr.g. John 'Metcalfe, Paisley, is visiting eller sisters, Misses Emily and Beatrice Potter, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Field of Lambeth were Thanksgiving week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cam- eron Edgar. Mrs. G. R. Beatty, New West- minster, B.C. spent the week with Mr. and Mrs, T. L. McInnes. Miss Mary McInnes, Messrs. Gordon, Joseph and James McInnes, Tees- Water spent Sunday at the same home. Mr. George Brown won the 1st prize trophy at the Autorama Show on Seterda,y in London, on his 1915 'Model T Ford. Mrs, R. T. Bennett is spending some time at Bala, Muskoka. The Rev! E. C. Attwell spent Tuesday and Wednesday' in Kitch- ener where he attended the Angli- can Clergy Conference. Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Taylor, Lon- elon, spent the week-end with rel- atives here. Mrs. Clarissa 'Donnelly, Listowel, and Mr. Ernest Fenn, Toronto visited Mr. any] Mrs. Ernest King on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs,„Vic Shera and gr. and' Mrs, Wes, Hill spent Sunday afternoon 'with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Wades , Mrs, Frances Strong spent sev- eral days last Week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Carl Pen- nington and Mr, Pennington, Tees= water, Mr. Birk Robertson of Tees- water: visited his sister, Mrs. Glad. Edgar and Mn Edgar on Friday. He was returning from a Visit to his daughter, Mrs. Cliff' Murphy, Gagetown, New Brunewick. He was accompanied, by Mr. Alex, Chatret.0 of Teeswater, Mrs, Jere Arnett Of Arthur spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs, Olif- eord Dodds and Mr. Dodds, ,She also visited Mrs, Frances Strong.• Mrs, Bertha Plant is visiting her daughter et St, Marys, Mrs, C. Gregg is a guest of Mn and Mrs, Vic Sherri at Monrefield, this week. • Attending the Women's Institute. ecieventiOn at Guelph on Thereedy front the lechl Institute wete Mrs.' Glad Edgar, Mrs. Russell Adams,' Mrs, Oerald Galbraith, Mrs, john Beeler, Mr's, Vera Gregg and Mrs, Willard Peel, they'reitained for •Brussels Minister Is Guest Speaker GORRIE—Anniveesity services were held in the 'Gerrie Presby- terian Church ' recently. Baskets of mums added to the beauty of, the service,' ReV. Jonathan hreerie of the Brussele Presbyterian Church Was the guest preacher fee both morn- ing and evening service, At the morning, service Mr. Greene spoke on our debt to the ploriente for establishing the ehereli as a first eoneern arid our duty to carry ell what they beget'. Miss Helm/ AdamO Wee soloist at the erierhelig service and sang, "How Great Thou Art"; ReV, 3, Greene chose as his skening subject, "Poentence; Deg ision and Hope", 'Reit, and letre, Greene rendered tw6 deters, "Rbeit ,of Ages" and "How Great Thole Art",