The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-09-30, Page 4J. 11/1 BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor; Notary, Eta, Monet to Loan Office—Meyer Block, VI/Ingham 4. 5,,ts -ir.4444.036r044.,`"ZhAftireakler.R'rhirO. ar,ar.a.r • • *- ttitit+tht AsliVattee410)0s, i ' ' r...:: ;:ei.:;r. mgt.- " .11A-- 'AIL' 'I': ,. BOX 41,3 pt.• 959 , ,W,—YYWY.,6,,"..,..PoYhesestsenesoNe. !,00Y. WINQHAM PHONE 172 ARMITAGE'S Day eleaHrna 110 Tiit'Y 11.88% TOO '4.101tr? Wingliaril, ant, S!:Mt, Editor, Advanee-Thries; I, like most eitlSens of ow WWII hold a great deal of Wide in tho effieleney of our Oft clep.attinent„ Under the able guidance of Chief JIM 0a0, 'MA captain and lieuten- ants, they operate •the eqolpineut shpplied to them in a manner that every citiZen can be proud Of, The Point in question is, Whore do „these volunteer firemen get the right to break every law of 004 whi d stle lowabnths; moment Vie fire A typical example happened at noon today (Tuesday) only minutes after over 500 children, Some at- tending classes for the fitat time, Were erteo released fromfr'orn corners a ob; 0i11l to Which the siren blew, two Item- "bars of the departnient descended from the north end of the main street in a manner and at a rate Of speed uncalled for in any emer- gency. Even adults scurried for shelter, ,A wailing 'siren would be a limp excuse for injury to o either child pr adult, ' vc*Rmil, APARTMENT FOR RENT, treated, Apply to Alfred Leckridge. 23rrb TENDERS. WANTED FOR SALE RlEAL ESTATE Call For and Deliver LEv's TAXI SERVICE and used Furniture, We buy and sell, rti°110 rrb DRESSED , curoNENs for sale, Phone 735.I/1, 30" TENDERS • FOR SNOWPLOWING TOWNSIFITP OF 110WICK, Tenders will be received by .the,tm- dersigned up to '12 'o'dlocilt noon, Monday, .0etober 5th, 1959, for .snowplowing in the Township of Howick for the year 1959-60. Tenders to be submitted' on Township tender forrnsAto be ob- tained from the Road Superinten- dent, Anson Galbraith, 'Ft,a. 1, Gor- rie, Ont, Lowest or any tender not :woes- shrily accepted,. .1', Harold Pollock, Clerk, • Township of Howick, • Gerrie, Ontario, 23:30b IF. IT'S A CHOICE, building lot you want in Wingham, write Bc4 73, A.tivance,;Times, 30" SIX ROOM brick house for sale in Belgrave. Three-piece bath, cup- boards, Garage, Small barn with 04, acres of land, Phone 934W2L 30b 100 ACRES, 85 workable. Geed buildings, bathroom, in house. Stan Kay, phone .529W3, 30b DO IT NOW! NUM FILTERS for Sale—';Rapid Flo"; 6..inch, 85e; 61e-ineh, 89c. Alexander's Hardware, lrrb TWO ROOM upstairs apartment for rent, Furnished, Apply Box 74, Advance-Times. TENDER FOR gEPAIRS I TO REGISTRY OFFICE FLOOR, , GODERICH,• ONTARIO Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the J.Initer.4igned, .1* E.S.T., October 15, 1959, for repairs to the Registry Office floor, Detail§ and specifications may be received from the utiderSiglied, at You can now have 'your furnace converted to oll, for the low pricb of $200.00. This includes wiring ONE. andsA HALF storey red brick house for sale. Good location, 'Eight rooms. New oil furnace. Hardwood floors, Toilet down- stairs.' ,Good garden. " Phone 1187M. 30-7b .ilop/ITED QUANTITY of 5-gal, pails for sale, .clean, and like new. &o. ea, Bateaon's Dairy, 3013. FOUR LARGE roomed apartment for rent, with 3-piece ,bath, on main street. Above. Foodland • Market, Phone 207. 30" HOUSE between Wingham and Lucknow for rent. On Highway 86," Het 'and eold`tirrniing'Valer, Three piece bath, furnace, cup- boards, inlaids on floor., •TV aer- ial, immediate possession or will rent barn and house to broiler man. 'Apply Robt. Purvis, R.R4,2. Lucknow or phone Lucknow 210R21. • 30" • controls and tank — ready to turn on. Mack Refrigeration & Electric, frances ...,......R a lai' —Phone -472•ft TRAILER for sale. Apply r R, .1, Henderson, C,N,R, Phone ,50. . 30b FRA;MN lilyipSE for sale, .Tees,, water. Seven rooms, oil furnace, 4-piece bath, hot water, small barn. On two lots, Terms' can be arranged. For information, phone 146r4, Teeswater or write P,(:), Box .93, Teeswater, 307b TREADLE SEWING machine for Sale. .$8.50.° Phone 692R after 6. p.m., 30b NOTICE Morris Township School Board has had an offer to Purchase the school and woodshed known as Button's School, ‘Therefore the Board is asking for tenders for this property, If any ratepayer knows any reason why the Board should not sell this property, please contact the Board on or before Oc- tober 1.. TENDERS FOR PURCHASE' OF BUILDINGS Morris Township School Board wishes to sell by tender the pro- perty known as Button's' School, Tenders to be made in the follow- ing manner: 1. For. the school building, For 'the woodshed, 3. For the school and woodghed. 4, For the land. 5. For the entire propertY, land and buildings. All school supplies including blackboards to remain the property of .the Board. Tenders received until 6 p.m.' October, 1. Any tender not necessarily accepted. Ralph Shaw, Secretary, Wingham Hospital.2a:ao b %I•1O.....1•••••••••OMM,•••••IIIIIIIN• . • . the Court House. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. JOHN G: BERRY, • Clerk-Treasurer COUNTY OF HURON COURT HOUSE GODERICH, ONTARIO. I DAFFODIL, Tulip, Hyacinth and Paperwhite bulbs. Lewis Flow ers, phone 101, Wingham, 30:7b U n • • 1-1 GROUND BEEF 3 lbs. $1.25 PORK SAUSAGE -3 lbs. $1.25 LARD-we will fill your pail *for 10c per lb. or packaged in seal-tight containers 2 lbs. 'for 25c 1 U REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 11/4 STOREY, 3 bedroom home sit- uated near main street. All modern conveniences, oil furnace. Full price $7,500.00. 4 BEDROOM HOME, situated near school and hospital, with cup- boards and bathroom, suitable for duplexing. Full price $6,500,00. MODERN 30' General trailer- home, fully equipped. Priced to sell. FARMS, all sizes, at right prices, with terms. Contact: WILLIAM S. REED, Real Estate Broker Phone 292M, Wingham FOR RENT 4 'ROOM BUNGALOW. 2 BED- ROOMS, FULL, BASEMENT, LO- CATED IN WINGHAM. Preference will be given to the Mowing in the, order of their .1, Canadian Veterans of the Second World War or Korean Service. 2. Canadian Merchant Semiren (World War IL) 3. British and allied veteran's and Merchant Seamen (World War IL) Please addrdss inquiries to: • Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 71 Emerald Street South, HAMILTON, Ontario ' JA, 7-4415 COOK STOVE, good Quebec heater and pipes for sale. Phone 1082J 30* H. A. Fuller CARDS OF THANKS DUOTHER1Vf spaeeheater for sale. Also boy's coat, size 12; girl's coat size 8 and 2 bed springs, Mrs. Jim Hardie, phone 136w. 30b IN MEMORIAM I wish to sincerely 'thank all those who visited and remembered me with :cards, letteri and treats while I was a patient in Wingham General Hospital and since I,came home.—Geo. Martin. 30* • SUTTON—In memory •Of Mr. Dan- iel Sutton, who passed away Oc- tither 3rd, 1957. Not dead to us who loved him, Not lost, but gone before; He lives with us in memory And will forever more. —Ever remembered by his sister, Henrietta Sutton Agnew and family. 30b NUMBER of Daschund pups for sale. $5 for male; $2 for.female. Apply Harold Hyndman, phone 41r5, Wroxeter. 30b I wish to thank all those who visited and remembered me with flower's, cards arid treats While a patient in hospital, Special thanks to Dr. W. A. McKibbim. 'Mrs, Morrey and nursing staff of Wingham General Hospital,—J. Wesley Tiffin, 30" • BEEF BY. THE QUARTER SPRING LAMB ' I PUT AND, WRAPPED TO .VOUR • 'Lockeidge's .Butcher 'Shop] • LARGE SPACE HEATER for sale. With air-Conditioner and blower. Solid barrel. Reasonably priced. Phone 459. .30* 30b PERSONAL 22, • 65 and 303 Lee Enfield rifles for sale, from $16.00 up. Also re- loading. Jenkins. Repair Service, Minnie St., Wingham. rrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE I. wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with) cards, letters, gifts, etc., and visited me while a patient in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, hondon.—Mrs. Elsie Sturdy. 30b FOR DRESSMAKING and altera- tions phone 450W. Mrs. Carl Casemore. . 30b SALES HELP WANTED, SIX SUFFOLK ewe lambs for sale. Apply J. C. aVIcBurney, phone 711J2. 30* SALESMEN SERVICE 'on all mak- es sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, floor polisheis, Rea- sonable prices. Guaranteed work- manship. Brussels Home Fur- nishings, phone 194, Brusaels, 19Se30b iiiINGER SEWING machine for safe, In good condition; also el ectric iron and several pieces of used furniture. Call 600J3. 30* McKAY'S REST HOME has ac- commodoation for patients. Ex- cellent nursing care with , regis- tered nurselin charge. Licensed. Pleasant surroundings, home- .pooked meals, tray service. Phone Wingham 103, 16Nv.18* POULTRY FOR SALE We would like to take this op- porttmity to thank our many , • friends of the Bluevale community I , for their very kind you and, we assure you that your friendship will always be remem- bered as the years go by. —Mar- garet and Irving Elliott, Trenton. 30* NOTICE TO 200 GOOD LAYING pullets-for sale OR x RIR.' ,Jadis. McLean;phone Wroxeter 11r2. 30b Water Consumers 11 GAUGE SHOTGUN; .303 rifle, in Perfect condition, for • ,sale. Amniunition for each. Phone 281 Lucknow, • 30 :7b LADIES! What Township do you live in? Excellent earning op- portunity for rural women to sell Avon to their farm neighbours. Choose your own selling time so that it will not interfere with farm duties. Write MI6 Mosher, Manager, Box '86, Owen Sound, stating telephone ,,number. 30.:7-14* FOOT SUFFERERS If you have sore feet, ankles, sciatica pains in legs, hips or lower hack trouble why, not have .your. feet checked by ,a hualifieci, exper- ienced Foot Correctionist, See J. A. VICKERS at Queens Hotel, Wingham, each Monday evg., 7.30 to 10 p.m. Other times —1481 8th Ave., Hanover, Phone 500 HEADSTOCK WANTED • „ TENDER FOR REWIRING AT HURON COUNTY: • . JAIL • GODERICH, ONTARIO. DEALiSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disPosal, FREE pick up on larger animals; reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dilr- hain 398, Gordon Young, (Elmira) Limited, 6rrb The hours for watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9.a.m.,d .an • from 6 p.m. to 9 pan. This will be strictly enforced. krrnINTION! Sale of Linoteoum remnants, each piece a bargain. Be sure and bring the room size. THE WALLPAPER SHOP. 30b Brother, nieces and nephewa of the late Mrs. James A. Leaver ex- tend ,sincere thanks to neighbours and friends for their kindness dur- ing her illness at home and in the Wingham General Hospital, and at the time of her death, also to Mrs. Morrey and, the nurses, Dr. W, A, McKibbon, The 13., A. Currie and Sons. Funeral Home and Dr. Alex- ander Nimmo. 30* CUSTOM KILLING, cutting and meat wrapping. Pigs Wednesdays. Beef- any day • by appointment. Meyer's Meat Market, phone 20, Teeawater. 23-30-7-14* SALES HELP WANTED I am trying to find individuals with or without sales experience to represent my products. I can offer an office, a secretary, training and all necessary sell- ing tools. Your position or, as- sociation with this office would be one of dignity and there will be no demand made on your time. The only thing that I re- quest is. a one hour sales meeting once a week. It has been very difficult for me to find people whb are willing to work in. Huron County area. Recently,. a sales lady visited this operation frond the mid-West and her opening comment at a sales Meeting was "Since being with this Company; I make my $300 or $400 per week because I am stupid enough to worn.' She had been working, in a laundry for 22 years. If yet are interested and have a car, please call NICK KUCHMA; Wingham 290 or write Bex. 72, •Advance-Times. 23:30b Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents Will be received by the undersigned until 5.00 p.m, October 15, 1959, for rewiring at the Huron County Jail. Specifications may be received from the undersigned, or R. W. Bell, and inspection of the premises may be made by contacting Mx. R. W. Bell, Governor. Lowest or any tender not.neces- Sarily accepted. JOHN G.-BERRY, Clerk-TrdasUrer COUNTY OF'HURON COURT HOUSE ' GODERICH, ONTARIO. DEADSTOCK — FARMERS! We have the fastest service .and the highest prices for dead, disabled cows and horses,. $4.00 each and 31/40 lb. for good mink horses. 24 hour service. Call for long distance OPERATOR and ask fox ZENITH 43900, no toll charge. Lorenz Stock Removal, Durham. rrb An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less, prompt pay. ment discounf of 10 per cent, is made for the use olrei ;hose or outside tap for the above noted purposes. Anyone found wafering lawns or 'gardens, who has nal paid for, this „service will ,be billed accordingly., MISCELLANEOUS 'FILTER QUEEN Salea and Ser- vice. Repairs to all makes vacuum cleaners. Phone 640J3. rrb 150 FEET of Litter carrier track complete with hangers, switch .and hinges with 'short pile. Proc- ter Broa., phone 13r15, or 18t4, Brussels. , 30" FOR PIANO TUNING, musical in- struments, accessories and re- pairs at reaspnable rates phone Ross Mann, 735J4 Wingham: rrb BIRTHS IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293,Stei.v- , Art A. Scott, Wingham, • 2rrb Wingham Public Utilities Commission KUKURUDZA—At Erickson Gen- eral Hospital, Erickson, Man., on Sept,. 17, 1959( to Mr: and Mrs. IChlturudza.,„(Heleo. ilAa- ehar0; a son, .a hiothei fOrrkeith.. TERVIT--:-At the Winghano Gendr- al Hospital, on Wednesday, Sept. 23:1959; to Mr. and Mrs. George Tervit, R.R. 4, Wingham daughter. SHOWERS—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Wednesday, Sept. 23, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Showers, Wingham, a daughter. RAE—At the Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, Sept. 24, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray ,Rae, Wingham; a son. KEELER—.At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital 'on Friday, Sept. 25, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Kee- ler, Walkerton, a son, ACHESON'S SEWAGE DISPOSAL — Septic tanks, cesspools, etc., pumped and cleaned.with modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Write to Louis Blake, Ra, 2, Brussels. Phone 42r6, Brussels. A26-N25* MeINTOSH and SNOW apples, $2 per laiiShel in your own contain- , er. Free deliVery. Spys, SWeets • and Delicious• later. 'Harry Brydges, pluine 618W2.. 30rrb CON9OWALL and SANDRAN wall covering remnants. ,Reduced to clear. The Wallpaper Shop. 30b , C. E., SHERA, Superintendent Dead Stock Service Highest cash prices Raid in sur- rounding district for dead, old, sick or disabled horses and cattle. For the fastest and proper removal of all animals, day or night, use Our automatic exchange (it no cost to you.) Call Long Distance and ask for - ATWOOD ZENITH 34900 OR GEORGE IIISLOP WROXETER 2R15 JOIN HOBBY A MONTH CLUB MAKE YOUR OWN NAILAS GIFTS For further information Write ICENTORAFTS 64 Sunnyside Ave. Chatham Ontario. 30n CRAWFORD & BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 68 J. H. CRAVVFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. ELECTROLUX sales and service. R. E. Rattan, Goderich, phone Coclerieh 1154 or" Wingham 553$v. rrb FEMALE HELP WANTED WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used". Artificial breeding service; All breeds of cattle; Member owned and controlled; cost low, efficiency high; Use of the best of build; Disease con- trolled, safety. For service or more information phone for long distance Clinton 'Zenith ‘9-5650 or .collect Teeswater 126 between: 7.30 and 9.30 a.m, week days; 6.00 and 8.00 p.M. Saturday evenings. Calls received on Saturday even- ing will be serviced on Sunday morning. For cows in heat on Su,nday •morning, DO NOT call until Monday morning. "Better Cattle For Better Living." rrb GIRL WANTED to learn egg candling and tabling. Apply Maitland Creamery. 20rrb MOBILE HOMES and travel trai lers.. General, Glendale, Pyramid. Highest trade-in allovirance for furniture, etc, Agent for Durham Trailer Sales, Call, Wingham 608.13 for prices and estimates, 23:30:1:14* TENDER FOR , REPAIRS TO - ' BARRISTER, SOLICITOR A. N. IFJAVISH and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER • ONTARIO Telephone 23, Teeswater Wroxeter-Every Wedn'esds4 afternoon, 2-4 p.m., Or by, appointment. DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST CASH VALUE Please Phone PJimptly Call Collect - 133 ,Bruce Marlatt - Brussels, Ont. 24 HOUR SERVICE HURON COUNTY JAIL ROOF GODERICH, •ONTARIO. WANTED SMALL BARN WANTED, in vicin- Ity of Wingham. Apply Cameron's Billiards, 30b DIED. SEVERAL used Milking machines for sale. Uet us install one of these or a new Woods in your home on a trial basis. Distance is no barrier. Irving keyed', GlaMis. Phone Paisley 114r4. 20Alt-NoV. Sealed tenders 'clearly marked as to contents, will, be received by the undersigned until 5.00 p.m. E.S.T., October. 15, 1959, for repairs to the Main Entrance Hall to the County jaSn;ecifications may be received from 'the undersigned or R. W. Bell and inspection of the premises may be made 'by contacting Mr. R. W. Bell, Govetnor. Lowest Or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, • JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-Tredstirer COUNTY OF HURON COURT ROUSE GODERICH, ONTARIO. GOOD SOD wanted in Whigham. area, Haavaniit Springmount Nurseries, R. R. 5, Owen Sound, phone 710, 23-30b GORItEpL, IVEro, Margaret, 98, Harriston, Saturday in Wingham Hospital, Born in Howick Town- ship. Survivors: Brothers, Dr. James Atka, Buffalo, N.'ir.; Thanes Hicks; Mitchell;' David Hicks, Iferristori; slaters, Mrs. Lina Werner, Mitchell; Mrs. Robert Spottori, Whigharn. Pri- Vale Service today at Hardy funeral home, Butial in Harris- ton Cernetety, • dRABOVE--Passed away at the -Sarnia General Hospital, on SUri, dayr Sept, 20, 1959, VarieSsa Lee Orabove infant daughter of .1/tr. arid Airs. George GraboVe (nee leanne ,Ittiries) of SO Charted St., iPeirit Edward, aged two and a 'half months, Funeral serviee was held from the D. 3. Robb ftineral home on Tuesday, Sept, 22nd at 1.30 p.m. °I' he Ikev. D, St. ChM:obeli Officiated. Interfritint ill Lake View -Cem6. tory, Survived 'by parents and grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Luke of :Sarnia and gratid,., mother Mrs, ttliel JaineS, air Wingham;, 4D-0 WANTED TO PURCHASE ROOT PULPERS in usable con- dition, cylinder type preferred, In answering please give 'Make of pulper and loeatiOn 'of farm. ',dean Farni Equipment Co. Ltd., phone BAldwin 7-4401, Lucan, 23-30-740 WELLINGTON FIRE Frederick F. Homuth R.O. Carol E. Hornuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Hoinuth, R.O. OPTOMETRIST PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario dAtiPE'rS, RUGS---See N. 3. Wel- wood for a ,dorriplete range of BARRYMORE and HARDING broadloom, All 'Wool Wilton hardtWiste and tone On tones, Aug siZes or wall to Will, Have' art estithate this Week for your room. N, J. WelWood, phone 86. Insurance'Company Est, 1810 "` An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served Its pont/ holders for over a century. Head Office Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingboun NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH JACKL' N. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the, above mentioned late of the Village of Trowbridge, in the County of Huron, Gentleman. Whb died on the twenty4eVenth day of August, 1959, are required to file proof bf same with the undersigned on or before the tenth day of October, 1959:, After that date the exeettiOr'will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the eldlins of Which he shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham this 16th day of September, 1959, ORAWrORD & HETHERINGTON Wifighttin ' Ontario SolieitotS /Or the Er'ec'tor,. 28.804b WANTED TO RENT ARMITAGE'S FREE PANT SAIrE of Rend ClotheS, Suits that are *lade-to-measure and sold regu- larly at $75.00 with one pair of tronserS--now cii sale at $59.75 $69.75 With ftWO pair a trotteera. Order your Fall suit now, take delivery in Sept.) Oet,, or NOV. ARMITAGE'S --A PliOne 172 MON Wear "Dry Cleaners DOWNSTAIRS apartment wanted to rent. Phone 735 .T 2, 30b A SMALL IIDATED apartment or light housekeeping rooms for elderly lady, with quiet disposi- tion. If interested, Write Mrs. 5, O. Turner, General DelNety, Wingharn, 30* hAVILLER, WINTON & WARD MACK REFRIGERATION Domestic Commercial NOW OFFERS A COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SERVICE REPAIRS TO WASHERS - DRYERS itetruiar or Automatic .A.14/4.1ANCES OP ANY !WWI ELtorttiOAt INStAttAlrzoNS Phone 672R Winfibitm CEMENT GRAVEL CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building , WALKERTON D. A, HUNTLEY: c',A, Resident Maniger Telephones Business 633; Retidente 106 Crushed, ExCellent Quality delivered, FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about out Low Coift Financing Service with Complete Inturairde Coverage, STEWART A, SCOTT P and mos vangium WATSON ARMSTRONG All ottLANct gititvitie Phone 45 r 12 • TEESWATER Oftitirg AMItti,LANCE, Wing- O gaysire Of ierVidO, Phone 54 gist*, /16 of 636, —414,004.1404:04PAAAA.404.04 ' 'oti,40.0.0,44We '7-.4.4;4,..,0 0...11 a, 4. A. 0 .1. ay.:A..4n* et* ri44.**1.4! va•',0 4..* ga*.e..***46 • • " • 4*,* * .11$, "4,4 411 ,14.01444A1 'N*000114 • ir .00,0 Kti, Oei