The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-09-16, Page 4, 5." 1)10' 48444 aurou co ranty has a lmique "dry" 'record. TON,' its tows` aro nuhoittedly the driest" Iv Ootario,, to quote from repent Louden Vice Press editorial, 1lUron has consistontly.voted' dry Whoa raced with n, coiinty-wide Yafe. In 1919 a referencia)* WAS voted ,on to decide Whether Of net to contintie theOntario Ternper- ance Act, Huron Voted* dry by a inaJOritY of 12,777. In 1321 an get forbidding ., the Importation of "li- quor was ont to the TroVinee and carried, Huron's thy Majority ora that Occasion Was 10,795'; In 1924 the 0,TA, was `again put '- to the Province. This• time roll's, dry majority was.s more than one-third of the total dry, majority for the whole province, 11,945, Why so dry? Because in spite of its defects the C.T.A. since 1914 has" kept, out the legal liqu'or, out- lets 'Which the LoC.A. allows.' We ,arge anten,titce,nt 104 W1 NOHAM PhONE 172 ARMITAGE'S z), eteageu p ARD I Wish to sincerely thEinit all those who remembered me while was a' patient in Wingham Geri/ oral Hospital, and Victoria ,Hospl- tal, London. A SPeciel thank you to' Dr, Corrin and Dr, Pedley and the hospital staff.—Mr. Harry Me- Clenagban, 16* AMBULANCE SERVICE CARS FOR SAM PQR SALE TANK SERVICE and used FiArnitOre, We buy and sell. Phone OM FOR NA-LE CURRIE'S AMBULANCE; Wing-, barn, Twenty-three yearn, of ser- vice, Phone: pay, 51; Night, 716 or 636, Call Par and Delivr 1956 V8 PONTIAC deluxe sedan for pale ,in,, perfect condition, Very low mileage. Mrs.' Peter IVfe- Lead, Minnie Street, Phone 445. 16b NORHEIMER player • piano for sale, Phone ENdleott 2189, Mild- ;may,. 16* BEDROOM SUITE for sale, Al- most new, Phone 753, 1,61$ DRY SOFT MAPLE and elm slabs for sale. Phone 988. 16b LADTES' MATS for sale. Size 15, deep pink fall coat and grey win- ter. Boy's jacket, grey wool, hig len8-01, 'size 14. Phone' 117. 1)0 IT NOW, 1957. CHEVROT.FT 4-ton chassis .for sale Appy United Dairy and Poultry Co-operative Limited, Maitland Creamery Branch, Wingham. 16b , WANTED 01,{D BOOKS. and magazines Want- ed by collectors, Write BOX 69, Advance-Times. lob i.Mu OF THANKS • "We wish "Co express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our frlends, relatives and neighbors fOr their gets of kindness, roes- sages of sympathy and floral of- TeringA ..W.Cent.sad-bercays- Ine'nt in the loss of a beloved inn- tiier and grandmother.—Mr. and Mrs. T. H, Mills and family, You can now have your -filroace converted to •oil. for the low' price of S280.00. This includes wiring controls and tank — ready fa turn on. QUEEN ANNE walnut dining roam suite for sale. Table, '6 chairs, large buffet, Phone 262, 16b REAL ESTATE ANY ISSUES of Canadign Bee- keeping-0 a- • Am eri e,an,,Beeekeepe., ing, please write Beic. 70, Advance Times. • LACREP,ORAMP.AX.,, sale, „,.„, LilvESToGR. FOR. SALE „ , Lucknow, Apply Geo. E, Duncan, 'Phone 25032, Dundalk or contact John Hall, Lucknow. 9-16* REAU'll.VOL ' White 'Sanioyed puns. for sale. Apply Roy Burchill, Frances St, 16* atk,. Refrigeration Electric Frances St, Wingham ' SIX GOOD feeding steers for Sale. About 800 lbs. Apply Chester Casemore, phone 632w3, 16b MILK FILTERS for sale—qRapid Flo", 6-inch, 85e; 61h-inch, 89c. Alexander's Hardware, lrrb BIRTHS Phone 472: R ,• ONE and A HALF storey red brick house for sale, Good location. Eight rooms. New oil furnace. Hardwood floors. Toilet down- stairs. Good garden. Phone 1187M, 16-23b 16.b TENDERS WANTED HEREFORD BULL for sale, four- teen months. Not registered: Apply Bert Holmes, R.R, 2, Wing- ham, phone 633We1. 1Gb ' CARD OF THANKS I Wish to sincerely thank those who" visited me, and remem- bered me with cards, letters, flow- ers and treats, and also those who da willingly helped ht home while I was a patient in Victoria Hos- pital, London. I extend a special •thanks to Dr. B. N. Corrin and Dr. Ernest Pedlo and' to 'Dr. Nimmo and Rev. gusset These kindness- es. will ever be'remembered,---Mrs. Ivan Haugh. aVracRAP.,---In South Peel Hospital, Streeteville, on :Sunday,' Septem- ber 6th, 1959, -to Mrs, D, 1, Mac- Rae, of 3916 Flynn Orem, Erin- " dale, Ontario, a soij, john Donald. SIVIYTH — On Monday, September' 14th, 1959, to 'Mr. and Mrs, Evan Smyth, R, R. 1, Formosa, a daughter,. DeBOER. — At Wingham District Hospital, on Thursday, September 10th, 1959, to Mr .and Mrs. John DeBoer, R.R. 5, Lucknow, a son. HARDNESS—At Wingham General Hospital, 'on Friday, Septextber 11th, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hai:kness, R, R. 1, Clifford, a son. (Babe expired on September 11). PURDON — At Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, September 11th, 1959; to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon, R, 3, Wingham a daughter. CAMERON—At Wingham General Hospital on Tuesday, September 15th, 1959, to Mr, and Mrs, Harry Cameron, Teeswater, a son. MORRIS TOWNSHIP Tenders will be received by' the undersigned 'up until 6 p.m,, Sep- tember 21, 1959 for the construc- tion of the Blake Drain which con- sists of 6093 lineal feet of covered drain, A marked cheque for 'ten per cent of the contract price must accompany each tender, Lowest or any tender not, neces- sarily accepted. Geo. C, Martin, Clerk, GIRL'S C.C,M, Bicycle for sale; Like new, Will sell for half price. Phone 603 J, 16b TWO DAIRY COWS for sale. Four- teen to choose from, Purebreds or grades. Fifty yearling hens, laying. Ford A 2-ton with hy- draulic dump and hoist, used as budk rake; also wrecking 1950 Ford and 1948 Chev. J. W. Wool- Cock, R,R, 2, Winkham, 16* HOUSE between Wingham and Lucknow for sale, On Highway 86. Hot and cold running water. Three piece bath, furnace, cup- boards, hriaids on floor. TV aer- ial, immediate possession or will rent barn. and house to broiler man,' ApPly Robt, Purvis,'R,R. 2, Lucknow or phone Lucknow 210r21_ 16:23'h 1VIARCHAND oil heater for Sale, in good 'condition, Phone 50734 16b iii ill id a. i . # 0:'''''..;,ii i!., : , • ' 1 ii i GROUND BEEF , ... , . . .,, 3 lbs. $1.25 : . 3 lbs. $1.25 L' PORK SAUSAGE LARD--we will fill your pail for 10c per lb. N • or paCkaged in seal-tight containers 2 lhS ,or' 25c 1 BEEF BY THE QUARTER : 1*. Wi . -SPRING ,LAMB . . , I". ii . CUT AND VVRAPPED TO YOUR LIKING'\ i ifs , ...........,,,,,......,—, • Loikridgets Butcher Shop : f-, limitimilsommailiotiminailinolimaciiiminitinfilisinalustimintionsi9 •, . 4(0 BOX HANDLES for sale, Metal. 101 uses, 20c each. Enquire Ft, A. Currie & Son Furnishings. .,16b I ENDLESS BELT for sale, 50 ft. 6' in, Also 24x36 ft. good frame barn, Walter Mason, Blyth: Phone 161, myth. 16* 60 YORK chunks for sale. Phone Brussels 11r16. Roy Turvey, Con. 16, Morris. 16,* 946b t IN MEMORIAM ROSS—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Robert Ross, who passed away Sept, 17th, .1957. A tribute of love and remem- brance To a, father who was one of the best, , And may the joy he missed in life's journey' He 'find in' God's garden of rest, Lovingly remembered .by wife , and family. 16° HOUSE FOR SALE, 1% storey ,in Turnber;y Township Close to town, alh, acres of land, Instil brick siding plus insulation, wall- to-wall broadloom in living room,, built-In Cupboards, fcirced air fired furnace, 3 piece modern bathroom, 3 bedrooms upstairs, drilled well. Could.be, purchased through VLA., small holding. Phone 4103, Immediate posses- sion, 9-16-23b TWO PUREBRED YORK hogs for sale, ready for service. Apply Ted Newton, RR. 1, Wroxeter, phone Wroxeter 9r3, 16' PERSONAL FAIRBANKS-MORSE oil space heater for sale. Large size. A bargain for quick sale. $15.00. See it at the Advance-Times. McKAY'S REST ROME has ac- commodoation for patients. Ex- cellent nursing care with regia- Jere(' nurse in charge. Licensed, Pleasant surroundings, home- cooked meals, tray service. Phone Wingham 103. 161\TV.18* 18 PIGS for sale, 8 weeks old. Also young sow, Wesley Heimpel, phone 85r3, Wroxeter, 1Gb GARDEN' CORN for sale, 30c doz. Ken Dickson, Belmore. Phone Teeswater 178r22. 16:23* SAWDUST burner and hopper for sale," Good condition, Reasonab- ly priced. Phone 469R. Percy Biggs. 16b POULTRY FOR SALE FOOT SUFFERERS If you have sore feet, ankles, sciatica pains in legs, hips or lower back trouble why not have your feet checked by a qualified, exper- ienced Foot Correetionist, See J. A. VICKERS at Queens Hotel, Wingham, each Monday evg.,'7.30 to 10 P.m. Other times — 481 8th Ave, Hanover, Phone 500 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TWO and a half acres on 86 High- Way at the edge of town. Fully modern 11rf storey house, oil fur- nace, frame barn. Full price $8,000.00. ONE and a half storey white 'brick duplex in good repair. Near main street, bringing in good re- venue. Full price $7,000.00 with terms. For your Real Estate Requirements contact: WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker Phone 292M, Wingham • . 1Gb 1000 RED SUSSEX RED pullets for sale, 500, laying and 500 ready to lay. Apply Thos. D. O'Malley, phone Teeswater 41A21, 1.6* FINANCING A CAR?' Before you buy 'ask about oui Low Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage, STEW-ART A. SCOTT Phone 298 Waugh= 22, 65 and -303 Lee Enfield rifles for sale, from $16.00 up. Also re- loading. Jenkins Repair Service, Minnie St., Wingham. rrb DISCUSS TELEVISION AT MEETING 100 R.S.R. PULLETS. for sale, 5% months old. Starting to lay. Bernard Thomas, R. R. 4, Wing- ham, phone 11R11, Brussels. 16b BROWN MOLESKIN cape for sale, A rust tailored coat and a black seal coat, size 15. All in good con- dition. :Reasonably priced. Phone 1278. 16b NOTICE TO CEMENT GRAVEL Crushed, Excellent Quality delivered. RED -SUSSEX-600 choice pullets for sale, laying 50 per cent. One registered Suffolk ram and 4 good Suffolk ram lambs off regis-• tered stock. Wm. L. Speir, Brea- sels, Ont., phone 230J, Brussels. 16:23* WHITECHURCH— The regular monthly meeting of the Women's 'Institute was :held last Tuesday evening in the memorial hall with about fifty-five ladies in attendance and with, the president, Mrs. Garnet Farrier, presiding. After the open- ing exercises several Items of Cor- respondence were taken care of, and the ladies, Mrs. Farrier, Mrs. McInnis, and Mrs. Russel Ross reported they had been present at the Museum at Southampton, for the Thursday during visitors" week, This, was ,the Grandmothers' meeting, and a bus• load of Luck- now Institute ladies were guests ,for the •evening. Thirty grand- mothers *ere present. All sang, "When You and .I Were Young, Maggie"; and "Way Down upon the Swanee, River", The roll Gall was, answered by naming a popUlar song, when you were young, and Many old favourites were recalled. Mrs, George Fisher. gave a read- ing "'Tie Cattle Face" from Pauline Johnson's book. Miss Rae froth Lueknow sang a solo and Mrs. Ezra Schoitz played a medley of Selections on the piano, Mrs. Bert Roach of. Lucknow gave a reading. "A Christmas Prayer", and Mrs„ Johnston 'Conn gave a report on 1 Federated News, Mrs, 3. D, Beecroft and Mrs. Gordon MeBurney spoke on the topic„ "Is TV a good entertain- Merit in the home, or have we lost our neighbours through 'it? Mrs, Beecroft, spoke of the good things it has. done for homes and neighbours, for young and old, and Mr's, MeBurney spoke on the con- troversial part,, The leading part in a' lively discussion was what TV deco the home' for children, study, example. The debate con- cluded with the thought 'that tele- vision viewers Increase each season, but file drive-in movies are rtiri-, ning neck and neck. 'The meeting. Was closed with the National An- them, Mrs. Robert Purdon and Mrs,, p. W. `Beevroft had charge of the contests. Mrs, John Carruthers won the prize' for being the Grande Mother • with the widest wedding band, Mrs, Harold Carrie for the beSt whistle for ',A'S a-Long Way to Tipperary", arid "Little Erown Jug", and Mra, Thos. Sallteld Wort the TV quiz. Mrs. Fisher the bb'cl contest, Mrs, Sch,oltz Was the winner of the bingo contest, nom, ing the 'things grandma took on her' horieyirtoon 'years ago. The ladies kerVdd lull& and all enjoyed. the social half-hour together, ater Consumers MISCELLANEOUS MOFFAT 4-burner electric stove for sale. Apartment size. Phone 73531. 16* FOR CHOICE COOK.LNG and eat- ing apples. Phone Harry Brydges, 9.18 . rrb FOR PIANO TUNING, musical in- struments, 'accessories and re- pairs at reasonable rates phone Ross Mann, 735J4 Wingham. rrb WATSON ARMSTRONG Phone' 45 r, 12 ' TEESWATER The, hours for watering lawns - and" garderis are from' 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and from 6 P.m. to 9 pan. This will be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge of $4.44 gross, less prompt pay. anent discount of 10 per cent, is made for the use 'of a ' hose -or outside top• for the above noted purposes. DEADSTOCR WANTED IS YOUR TELEVISION properly Insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew-. Art A, •Scott, Wingham, 2rrb FOR RENT DOUBLE BREASTED BARRIS tweed coat or sale, size 6. Girl's favioi tweed coat, •size Phone 665. 16b DEADSTOCK removed Promptly for sanitary disposal, FREE pick ,UP on. larger aininals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited, errb 3-ROOM APARTMENT for rent, second floor, Separate entrance, 3-pc. bath. Available October 9. Apply to Mrs. Mabel Hare, R. R. 1, Hillside St., Waterloo, Ont,, phone SH, 2-31.74. 16b MACK REFRIGERATION SEWAGE DISPOSAL — Septic tanks, cesspools, etc„ pumped and . cleaned with modern equi,pment. All work guaranteed. Write to Louis Blake, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42r6, 13russels. A26-N25* Domestic'''-- Commercial NOW OlreeERS A COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SERVICE, REPAIRS TO WASHERS. - DRYERS Regular or Automatic APPLIANCES OF ANY KUNO ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Phone 672R Wingham LARGE SIZE QUEBEC heater for sale. Burns coal or wood., In gOod condition. Phone 476R. 16b DEADSTOCK FARMERS/ We have the fastest service and the highest prices for dead, disabled cows and horses, $4,00 each and 3%c lb. for good mink horses. 24 hour service. Call for long distance OPERATOR and ask for ZENITH 43900, no toll charge. Lorenz Stock Removal, Durham. rrb • SALES •HELP WANTED,. WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are :Used". Artificial breeding service; All breeds of cattle; Member owned and . controlled; cost low, efficiency high; Use of the best of bulls; Disease con- trolled, safety, For service or more information phone for long, distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 or collect Teeswater 126 between: 7.30 and 9.30 a.m, week days; 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings. Calls received on Saturday even- ing will be serviced on Sunday Morning, For cows in heat on Sunday morning, DO NOT call until Monday, morning. 'Setter Cattle For Better Living." s rrb FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice. Repairs to all makes vacuum cleaners. Phone 64033. rrb Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who- has not paid far this service will be billed accordingly. WHO IS INTERESTED MAKING $10 to $15• a day selling quality products of a reliable firm, over 70 years in business Write Raw- leigh, Dept. 1-453-0B, 4005 Rich- elieu, Montreal. 16b kLECTROLUX sales and service. * R. E. Ruttan, Goderich, phone Goderich 1154 or , Wingham .553w. rrb Wingham Public Utilities Commission SALESMEN SERVICE on all mak- es sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, floor poliShers. Rea- sonable prices. Guaranteed work- rnanship, Brussels Home Fur- nishings, phone •194, Brussels. 1.9Se30b C. E.. SHERA, Superintendent SEVERAL used.milking machines for sale. Uct us install one, of , these or a new Woods in your hcime on a trial basis. Distance is nci barrier. Irving Keyes, Glamis. Phone Paisley 114r4. 20Alt-Nov. ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON BUSINESS :. arid PROFESSIONAL DIRE&ORY RURAL WATKINS dealer wanted at once in the Townships of Turnberry, Howick, Morris and Grey. Better than average earn. ingS. For personal interview write E, C. Harvey, 544 Albert St., Stratford', 2:9:16b Highest cash prices paid in sur- rounding district for dead, old, sick or disabled horses' and cattle,. For the fastest and proper removal of all animals, day or night, use our automatic exchange (at no cost to you.Y Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD ZENITH 34900 '01R, GEORGE Minor WROXETER 2R15 SALE OP TAXES HURON , TREASURER'S LAND FOR - COUNTY OF To .Wit: ADDING MACHINE—A brand new Sinith-Corona multiple key add- ing machine is for sale, at a big discount at The Advance- Tittles, This machine is a demon- . stratos, in perfect condition, Sell- ing to make room for new stock, Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. 'S.' HETHERINGTON, Q.b. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF DAVID JEWETT . . ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above Mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on the twenty-sixth day of August, 1959, are required' to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of October, AD, 1959,, After that date the Executrix will proceed . to distribute the estate having regard Only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, DATED et Wingham this 5th day 'of September, A.D. 1959, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON• Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix 0-16-23b Br virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of Huron under his hand and the seal of the Said. corporation bearing date the 20th day of August, 1959, sale Of- lands in arrears of taxes in the County of Huron will be held :it nky office at the Court House Goderich, at the hour ofetWo o'clock in the afternoon On the 15th day of December, 1959, unless the taxes and testa 'are sooner paid. Notice- is hereby given that the list of lands for ,sole for arrears of :taxes was published in the On., 'tetrie Gazette on the 5th day of September, 1555, and' that Copies of the $aid list May be had at my office, Netiee is 'hereby further given that if ittyJA the said raptly remain unsold, an adjourned, sale will be held mt Tuesday, December 22001, 1959; at the same hour and Wee, and at which, Municipalities may' reeetve the right .to purchase any Of the Said lends, Treasurer's Office, this 4th day at Septet-Oct 1959. JOHN G. BERRY, ,Troaturer, 1Gb ••••=1•••••••••••Imp. •••••••••onomia, HELP WANTED CARPETS, RUGS—See N, 3, Wel- Wood for a complete range of RARRYMORE and HARDING broadloom. All wool Wilton hardtWists and tone on tones. Rug sizes or wall to wall, Have an estimate this week for your teem, M. J. WelWood, 'phone 86. AUTOMATIC zig-tag sewing, ma- chine, sells regularly for $230.50, dews on batons, makes button holes, does embroidery Without attachments, Ilecleg •guarantee: Take over payments, Eight of $7,10 or 356.80 cash, Apply Box 67, At/Varied-Times. 9-16b CLERK WANTED in grocery store, starting October 1st, Apply to 13ex 414, 16b J. W. BUSHFIELD Q.G. A, H. IFTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY 'PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO 'Telephone 28 Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Wednesded iifterneon, 2-4 p.ro.r or r by 'appointment. HELP WANTED MALE Batrister,'Solleitor, Notary, Etbr Money to Loan Offico*Meyer Block, VOlnglele1 DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and ELECTRICIAN and appliance. re- pair man wanted. Good salary and insurance . benefitS, Apply Watts Electric & Plumbing, Markham, Ont., F'hotte 1777 9-16-23b WELLINGTON FIRE Frederick F. flomuth Phm.B., Carol E. Homutlh, R.O. Mrs..Viola H. Homuth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE US Harriston, Ontario CLASS A MECHANIC wanted. Must be neat.and' able to meet the public, good on tune ups. Married man preferred, •but not eaderitial, Starting wage $70.00 weekly With adVaridement as to ability, Apply by letter only giving full infor- mation as to experiente, peat einployment and ellaraeter refer- ence, which will be held cowl fidential, Box 58, Advaftee-TiMes, 16b 11.4•=446,.....•••• '.•..10.4•4410•6•10.0041.1=0E1Mit Horses Insoratico Company Est, t840 Art all Canadian Eorapaoy Which has faithfully •served its policy bottlers for over a century. React Office -6-, Toronto, ,„giu, C. .3itteLearl Insurance•Aonei ARMITAGE'S FREE PANT SAL of Rand' Clothes. Suitd` that are made-to-measure and sold regu- larly aU $75.00 with one pair of trotieerae-now on sale at 05,75 • and. $69.75 with tWO' pair of trousers, Order yotzt Pall suit noW, take delivety Sept, Oct., or Nov, ARMiTAGE'S — phone 112 Men's. Wear Dry Cleaners rrb DEAD STOCK. AT HIGHEST CASH VALVE *Maga Pheiei Promptly Call Collect: e 133' Bruce Marlatt trUstelif Onto. 24 HOUR SERVICE NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE 'STATE OF GORDON H. ELLIOT? ALL PERSONS having Claims agains the estate' 'of the above, mentioned, late of the township of East Wavvanosh, in the County Of Huron, Fanner, Who 4 elled the eleventh day of June, 1959, are regtiired to file proof Of same With the undersigned on or before the 15th day of September; 1059, After that date the executrix Will • proceed to distribute the estate havihg regard only to the elairria of which She shall then have had notice. bATEI, at Wingham this 'thirty. hAVIIIER; IFINTOSH &IARD FEMALE ITELF WAN'tED WOMAN wanted for, light bottte- keeping, Phone 873 or Write P,O. Eon a 16* CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building WALKERTON Dt'A, HUNTLEY, C.,k -- Resident Manager Telephones: Business 633 Residence 16S FRESH POULTRY FOR SALE WHOLESALE Mid RETAIL DRESSED atitt OVENREADV FOWL I CHICKENS TURKEYS UNITED DAIRY & POULTRY CCNOPERATIVE Limited %Wand Creamier). Brat* %iglu" tario J 1111 MPS Of OB 'PRINTING GIRL WANTED to learn egg Candling and tabling. Apply Maitland Creamery, , 'AM) , - first day of August) A,O.. 1959, A skillful driver, like an expert chest player, aebieVes his end with the minimum number Of rfieves, "Keep to your lane," asks tlio Ott' tario Safety League. WOMEN FOR, HIRE. rot latientJCPAWkORD & fferatitirro,roN etriplOyinent, Pleasant working Wingham, Ontario coriditionS, ebileitorti for the Exectitrit Shoes,• Searortlx. 9,16b Wingham Advailee.iimes ei,00.teke eeeee.e$Oser whewerewirmeemenelesepommeeemeamommie ree itio:-