The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-09-02, Page 24 R:MRN, TO NORMAL middle of the night, and'drag.the childrtn'L Wai"In'g and screamini, off to wore healthy surroundings. Faced with the fart that Nffs. Wh-yte refused to answ er to anybody but God for her,actions, �axld with the outbreak at NA'kytehaven, the Department moved quickly and ,8ureiv to -relnove the children from crowded, unsanitary surroundings. Mrs. Whyte, whose desire to mother children Is only exceeded b -v her ability to attract publicity, r�Actzed. as expected. Should a restaurant be able to ignore the health inspector, no mat- ter how good its food is -� Shoulda bootlegger be winked at, because be only sells it to people who need a drink, badlv'.4" AppareAtly a good -woman, an admirable 'woman in. many,, ways, Mrs� Whyte is on her own private tbannel, and refuses to obey the law. The people of the Departmentof Health and Welfareare just asdeep- ly conceri�ed over the fate of children as Mrs. �Vhyte is. They have leaned over backwards. to be fair to her. But "Nfom" Whvte isnot -above the laiv. 'Until she proves that she call, operate a thildreft's home with the facilities And v-ifhin the regu­ lationsestablishtd. for the protection, -of the children, �E;ht should not be permitted to re -open her TheWingham AdValftce-TIMeS pubuthed AtMaston, Ontario Wetcez, J�rotberl Publishers W. S&try ;FvZ�r_, Zdftor Uttilbot A-U49t. Bureau of CirOW14fift post -offteft t"t, RAte — Dnertlk,,", 4ft MoMbA 0501n, Advabco $L A� 4LOO petyeat Porelkn kite Wo per 7W AAvotising Aitt*on appliftuou WHO PAYS THE BILL?, pea-ing of holidays there is one point in ourOntario 1�bb'r leggislation which alwaysnettles u.s. If you. are an employee you -won't like -these, remarlui—but they are true, none- theless. Every Nvorking man is now entitled, by law, to a vveek's holidays, with, pay� Back in the bad old days when laboring men were the virtual slaves of monopolistic industrial barons, this le&,islation was badl-N.- needed. Conceivably, the stinkiing .rich employer was to be forced to pay fora holiday for his sweatilig minions. Of course, when the law -was finally passed, there v,,eren*t any minions. Labor had graduated to the -ruling clas-q—and ul 2.11Y case it wasn't the wealthy ernplover who paid the;shoL it was, naturalty, the consumer of goods on the mark -et, who simply coughed up. enpugh il" hi,kher prices to provide the holi- day,s for the working man, The pulblit is still Paying this exPeDs"NT shot. If -von. halooen. fariner, or ,a inerchant, or a Pensioner, Or 2 lawyer you pa� for your own holl- 4ays out of . your oivn earnings, which in many cases are :no. higher JhAn those bf the laborer you haVe just tetlt off to A\7asaga 13each. NV,hat's more You don't have any union toct�y blue marAer if the boss uks you to work -for a couple of lbursvft Saturda.v warnhIg. The same thing. is true of unern- ployin-ent -insurance " the preMiluln''s on whith will be �sharoy, lacreased ,Jhe itliddle of 'this D10116, I Ign H. xWelo". Tinated 'Churck ONE MOMENT, PLEASE oluev(00. =,d whit"w1lurch TROVRAYAWOVAMM, 000 Tf god bas simply set the rim- A"n aim; even friends .4ad tpra­ chlylery of the l;nJvgr$e U, niotion, edfro 'A 14 . . lthim. And Ok, bed, the �"In zily d1stresa T cried unto, t le and theligtandls Idly bn Vbat Can wise thing% . in his distress bf, to-QU ,Qrd., and 'he heilro it �oll matter to yoq sud, lte? Uut tile Matter to.t4e J 4ord, wlip h1po r4 120:1. if, on the other lisrid. lie Is S411 404 belped, 111m. OF What A frank workIng in his World—Af lie X00ws D you believe that 0' be.rs 0 and cQmfQrtlr1g �qurfrsme alid ren . jembers that we your prayer fqr help? your reod Is -411 hi % . nd his Are a linssing, great. You a sen st, Aild it, In feel so tr, x beliove A 4erful Plan*. lie I's planning for of Isq1;,kUpn *nd �f 114e, the o-, 0 great part of vs� then t "KIN00 P�Or4p0gt!VO o W _10, you gry. 010h that. I krip tile d�lstress A.e phanges,, wh . I might. flnd bllw'! But ere have to, endure I a Vs, ., convinceed that the Psiklill' 114 you ever thought tl2st QQ4 a Is. due to the A# bad gotten a firm eonvictigii Is as. e, ger to 111nd" )roll, 44 xP fact,that Nve do that Qod %A%4 very near 111111- 71te are to find him? When 'You Pray not took Upon "sharp arrolva 9f the mighty,- agAilj� appplp to your Fatboi, as one our 4� Father ,As wore presshig 41M. sorely. lie de- wbo Im near at han4,, and he W)ll being near at hand, ;Ired Peace, but war W44 throstibear, and ,garing will holp. ........................ I ......... ft 1NDIRS AN Mqkq your pur;4ase early f _q V14 #he: bo�f choice* W , # Woogrova �Yo#r "#Me Ix, -told rS 9# VJIL Alfiq OF CRA900, P pecia. rlj*la$6 19 Do Ao S, PIrEM , _8 I ER 2ind-to Sth 1 EFFECTIVE SE 06foOL's Coxwo.) K NCI L DOX wit��, DENTAL CREAM 981C i %I $a I -D4 16 and 32 . , ve Get 4,1119W an ? . AGNESIA UP, 49c. 1 '414 Of M "VAT,U" ArOld - A rfaleeollqrfly lberl" 1,.Ju'RR I ABSORBENT COTTON 14,011- 79c Qet it for beautiful hair Bard" P"" sizo ir4WH1:rE.`_jtA1N" 'Otion RMT 2110 — Glant .3rar *LID LUSTRE CREME ShamPoo A hair beauty I bargain Regular $2-K size I NIESTLE-LITE Shampoo .......... -,-$L50 WK4 4�wmkv 44mks two; --mot. da y of JJOvNlek� Holidays a re -a wonderful insti- beside the blue water,% of a IAm - tution. Though th�q were largely Bit t haw piany cottage owners uuknomm to our ha rd -working do. u. m4l lazingP Most of them y i grAndparents, our, own generation �w a, bit for'the first day or $1, has learned 'to value this tree Wile two and then start thinking up plans in -the hot suninier months as a pri- a to build a fence, a dock, or dig , vilege wilich, cannot be sacrificed W4.41. There isn't a thing in the tIlLo�IgIl it means loss of emplo-villeilt world wrong with these activities, or the .,expenditure *of the y'$ blit they would'almost tend to prove savin for the past twelve months. that a long, lazy holidav is not really These words are Dot written in what we want. 'of critical vein, for -Ave, personally,. are There is, course, the falllilv just as fond of those days Of $UP- which adi its in the first place thit 11 posed freedom asthe next ulan—but parl4ng at a cottage is not for them. as the first days of September -roll They pile the car high with, luggage around we feel a secret -sense of re- and set off on a tour which sees lief that our ovm existence -and that father chalking up three hundred of our friends and neighbors will railes a da -v -and then trying to get soon fall back into its familiar, if honie a day or -two early so he call somewhatdull pattern, have a little time to rest up before -i south �of Winoan . The,,buil4ing, he goes back to work, If tile truth were freely told, the hirn'tothe water, early in the sam- I and most of the season's crops The- latest-th'Ifig Is" " W- talfi� - flie I wife andl' along with 'his anlity'. are family ing trip—and per- i On '41 calup ill constituted to enjoy leisure in a -s who favor this soit hap$, the folk I sew-ible fashion. just look around of holidav have the best idea of all, i you and think of the -may in which Though the little lady has to cook st -people spend their holida, -vs. mo, wing conditions, under rather harro- One ciassil-C method is to buy a lakt- t1tere is no chance to worry about side cottage (at a higher price than sand on the cottage floor or whether most middle-aged people paid for the Pressure Systm is in work -111- i 11% their holnes) and hustle off every order. If the campers are smart available balf-holiday. and week end, enough to head for a good location plus the month of Julvor August to and stay there, life just has to be laze awair the fine weather months simple, Just vaiti one -word, it 1�w vssi4_ One thing about campipg, how attended 'the Canadian . Weekly 59 has ever, is that the sumn er of 19, antA will lock the doors, qu�C", 46 probably separated a lot -of -the sheep IS "MOM" ABOVE THE from 'the goats. There are a tre- mendous number of families out for LAW? the first time this year, and while (The Wiarton Fcho) manv of them will become ardent dev�tees of life under canvass, there fter: reading a good deal of are a lot who will be offering their emotional blubbering about "Mom" outdoor e-quipinentet bargain rates Whyte'and. Whytehaven, in the past next spring� couple of weeks, we perused with a Just thinking the whole thing, good deal of interest the story and editorial comments of the BoWlinan- over, perhaps -the fellow who stays v ille . $tatesinan, the weekly news- hoine to paint his house, and then spends most of the week talking to paper �of the ubiquitous Mrs, his -wife in the kitchen is happiei;t Of Whyte's home town. all. He -,von"t , have any regrets As -weexpected, the story -dealt about going back to work and he fairly with,the recent evatu ation of woet be a] I tired out from ever - U -tehaven, 'and presented both exertion. sides -of the case. This isa peculiats, Anyl y, next weel the kids, will of 'weekly papers, -which are more be back to school, th� Nvorst of the interested in fairness and accuracy ITY summer's humid' alid heat will be Llign Inost of theirdaily contempor- past and we tau all concentrate cm -daughters -of Regina. and'Mrs. J. the -engrossing pastin ie of strugglin g Contrary to popular opinion, for a few honest bucks to i i-eet the . representatives of the Departmefit next payment on that chrome -plated of Health,, and Welfare did -not con- piece -of extravagance out ill -the duct a Gestapo -like raid in the driveway. middle of the night, and'drag.the childrtn'L Wai"In'g and screamini, off to wore healthy surroundings. Faced with the fart that Nffs. Wh-yte refused to answ er to anybody but God for her,actions, �axld with the outbreak at NA'kytehaven, the Department moved quickly and ,8ureiv to -relnove the children from crowded, unsanitary surroundings. Mrs. Whyte, whose desire to mother children Is only exceeded b -v her ability to attract publicity, r�Actzed. as expected. Should a restaurant be able to ignore the health inspector, no mat- ter how good its food is -� Shoulda bootlegger be winked at, because be only sells it to people who need a drink, badlv'.4" AppareAtly a good -woman, an admirable 'woman in. many,, ways, Mrs� Whyte is on her own private tbannel, and refuses to obey the law. The people of the Departmentof Health and Welfareare just asdeep- ly conceri�ed over the fate of children as Mrs. �Vhyte is. They have leaned over backwards. to be fair to her. But "Nfom" Whvte isnot -above the laiv. 'Until she proves that she call, operate a thildreft's home with the facilities And v-ifhin the regu­ lationsestablishtd. for the protection, -of the children, �E;ht should not be permitted to re -open her TheWingham AdValftce-TIMeS pubuthed AtMaston, Ontario Wetcez, J�rotberl Publishers W. S&try ;FvZ�r_, Zdftor Uttilbot A-U49t. Bureau of CirOW14fift post -offteft t"t, RAte — Dnertlk,,", 4ft MoMbA 0501n, Advabco $L A� 4LOO petyeat Porelkn kite Wo per 7W AAvotising Aitt*on appliftuou WHO PAYS THE BILL?, pea-ing of holidays there is one point in ourOntario 1�bb'r leggislation which alwaysnettles u.s. If you. are an employee you -won't like -these, remarlui—but they are true, none- theless. Every Nvorking man is now entitled, by law, to a vveek's holidays, with, pay� Back in the bad old days when laboring men were the virtual slaves of monopolistic industrial barons, this le&,islation was badl-N.- needed. Conceivably, the stinkiing .rich employer was to be forced to pay fora holiday for his sweatilig minions. Of course, when the law -was finally passed, there v,,eren*t any minions. Labor had graduated to the -ruling clas-q—and ul 2.11Y case it wasn't the wealthy ernplover who paid the;shoL it was, naturalty, the consumer of goods on the mark -et, who simply coughed up. enpugh il" hi,kher prices to provide the holi- day,s for the working man, The pulblit is still Paying this exPeDs"NT shot. If -von. halooen. fariner, or ,a inerchant, or a Pensioner, Or 2 lawyer you pa� for your own holl- 4ays out of . your oivn earnings, which in many cases are :no. higher JhAn those bf the laborer you haVe just tetlt off to A\7asaga 13each. NV,hat's more You don't have any union toct�y blue marAer if the boss uks you to work -for a couple of lbursvft Saturda.v warnhIg. The same thing. is true of unern- ployin-ent -insurance " the preMiluln''s on whith will be �sharoy, lacreased ,Jhe itliddle of 'this D10116, I Ign H. xWelo". Tinated 'Churck ONE MOMENT, PLEASE oluev(00. =,d whit"w1lurch TROVRAYAWOVAMM, 000 Tf god bas simply set the rim- A"n aim; even friends .4ad tpra­ chlylery of the l;nJvgr$e U, niotion, edfro 'A 14 . . lthim. And Ok, bed, the �"In zily d1stresa T cried unto, t le and theligtandls Idly bn Vbat Can wise thing% . in his distress bf, to-QU ,Qrd., and 'he heilro it �oll matter to yoq sud, lte? Uut tile Matter to.t4e J 4ord, wlip h1po r4 120:1. if, on the other lisrid. lie Is S411 404 belped, 111m. OF What A frank workIng in his World—Af lie X00ws D you believe that 0' be.rs 0 and cQmfQrtlr1g �qurfrsme alid ren . jembers that we your prayer fqr help? your reod Is -411 hi % . nd his Are a linssing, great. You a sen st, Aild it, In feel so tr, x beliove A 4erful Plan*. lie I's planning for of Isq1;,kUpn *nd �f 114e, the o-, 0 great part of vs� then t "KIN00 P�Or4p0gt!VO o W _10, you gry. 010h that. I krip tile d�lstress A.e phanges,, wh . I might. flnd bllw'! But ere have to, endure I a Vs, ., convinceed that the Psiklill' 114 you ever thought tl2st QQ4 a Is. due to the A# bad gotten a firm eonvictigii Is as. e, ger to 111nd" )roll, 44 xP fact,that Nve do that Qod %A%4 very near 111111- 71te are to find him? When 'You Pray not took Upon "sharp arrolva 9f the mighty,- agAilj� appplp to your Fatboi, as one our 4� Father ,As wore presshig 41M. sorely. lie de- wbo Im near at han4,, and he W)ll being near at hand, ;Ired Peace, but war W44 throstibear, and ,garing will holp. ........................ I ......... ft 1NDIRS AN Mqkq your pur;4ase early f _q V14 #he: bo�f choice* W , # Woogrova �Yo#r "#Me Ix, -told rS 9# VJIL Alfiq OF CRA900, P pecia. rlj*la$6 19 Do Ao S, PIrEM , _8 I ER 2ind-to Sth 1 EFFECTIVE SE 06foOL's Coxwo.) K NCI L DOX wit��, DENTAL CREAM 981C i %I $a I -D4 16 and 32 . , ve Get 4,1119W an ? . AGNESIA UP, 49c. 1 '414 Of M "VAT,U" ArOld - A rfaleeollqrfly lberl" 1,.Ju'RR I ABSORBENT COTTON 14,011- 79c Qet it for beautiful hair Bard" P"" sizo ir4WH1:rE.`_jtA1N" 'Otion RMT 2110 — Glant .3rar *LID LUSTRE CREME ShamPoo A hair beauty I bargain Regular $2-K size I NIESTLE-LITE Shampoo .......... -,-$L50 WK4 4�wmkv 44mks two; --mot. da y of JJOvNlek� Sugar aa$ :Spice Messrs. EarIlDip1pog, Willie Bolt and Jo�,n Nicholson,' who have eas, for some tlme� I been overa arr v- I s B�r Bill Snilley ed at Halifax a nd #rp expected to reach thOr born es in Turnborry in During my holidays I s%�,orq 7, ed to Iron last F�ebruary, look at the near fpture. ou wouldn!t write a. column ab t tt� put it away and come .8WITA- :Q )_0 them when I got home, and bore min And I *as happy becauso, .9. TUTNTY-MR YEAWS AGO everybqdy� And here I 41h, back for once, eVerybod el As esd On. Wedo ay evening'pf last 12 writer, the clock showing -well Past Even. Playboy, the pup, was lisp- Week fire broke out In �tbe-.:b&rh of' ]z midnight, and nothing -to iv*e -w, because he learned to swim William Sh000ttom, three miles about, But r1lbe adarriant. I on,t properly. When we- had first taken -i south �of Winoan . The,,buil4ing, write a, wordabout my bolidays. hirn'tothe water, early in the sam- I and most of the season's crops mer, ire expected hu -11 to plunge In were completely destroyed, B I WO:KT write. a. -word about and dart about like an otter, be- Mr ly, -, W- Stanley 1'iill, new M them, I woret write a whays cause Ae was a spardel. Hedidn't apppinted high school prIncipal, thftt�t YOU'WMt to be"thewhole Ite ,put .,one. foot in) then the -Arrived in -town, on. Thursd4y, fral,4 1, story.- '33iank yox; mother. Tou other, then =4 about the beach Niagara -on -the -Lake. may go to bed now. Xayl* X,111 for awhile, Mr- and Mrs. W. W. Armstrong Just vaiti one -word, it 1�w vssi4_ attended 'the Canadian . Weekly Z, antA will lock the doors, qu�C", 46 'Newspaper Asso -a eouN -lition clatio ve nobody ran get away, and jto� Pinally, be was thrown in, and in "Montreal lost- week. On their z everyone a belizedrine p1U." I be swam clumsily to shore� using, return on Sunday they were accom� wouldn't want anyone -to rdiss:a of all things, the dog -paddle, and panied by Mr. C,' Mnds, publisher word. It"s so exettin g. " holding his face out of the water of the -Lunisden, Svsk,'News- e - like s. model trying to save her cord and Ids wife - Well, as threatened, we tjDok t�ls make-up. After a few days at Visitors at the home of Mr, and cottage at the beach, see? _N%'no the cottage, however,,be was swim- Mrs. Ell Bolt, Turnberry were Mr. I didn'tsay we could see the ming like a loon, and acting like and Mrs Leslie Gernmill amd three We could see agrocery store, three one- -daughters -of Regina. and'Mrs. J. roads and some other cottages. Gemmill and Miss Eva �Bolt of in fact, the first day we were We wer6 allsick at the cottage, of course, Hugh, who is liever ill, Wingliam. Mr. and 16irs. Win. Mnsman, of home from the cottage, 11 wasSit- Avas down and out for -two days. Grand 1�apldsl Micb." are visiting �Mrs, lag in the nice cool kitchen of our The 01d'Lady had what She clalin- at the home of Mr..'and house, having v. nice cool beverage. ed ivas an advance case of polio. Rogers, This is Mr. 4KAnsmaWs when I chanced to look out t4elf had dystaentry all. the time ive first Visit back here In 27 years. Mr. Yeoman the Dominloiz iviadow drank in thenice cool view were theM K1111 ivalted until -tile of ofour baT, and reaz�d it was the -day we got horhe, then ran a high Bank staff, is sp#ndin a vacation 0 4 fast. tirne I!d seen ivater for a lever for four days. at his home in Sarnis. week, without having to get in the Mrs. Arbuckle and Miss Ar- cox and drive to 1L buckle of Toronto spent lastweek But Iguess we had awonderful with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hamilton -Not that we didWt like the cot- holiday, on the whole. J�md lbars 'and attended the Mundy-!��ryfogle tage, We did, It was adandy =d wher, -1 spent inost of lt� trying to wedding. very well equipped_ ,Too well� in cope with my annual attack of 0 - 0 0 fact, When I was a, iddand we -dire rear, FLUTEEN YEAR$ AQ0 were at the cottage, my mother kept five ;of us busy� halilmg palls The property owners of Wing— �of water from the lake, going ittO hilin voted, overwhelmingly in favor the farm. for eggs an d Inilk get"g Rem inisc. Ai �O olmaking agrant of 415,000 to- ehous% and TO lee frioti, the'lee n,g, 'ward; -.the ..Additiorl,,io,'; Inglism. W to,glire,woodin the bush. General, Hospital. e i4te was T 500 for and 31 against. But -at this cottaga, everything F33K T IVE 4 198 AGO Three former students of.Wing- was refrigers- ham District, High School �were suC- ted and Indoors. 'There, -were zo James Anderson of Witgl�am, cessful in the summer course at Chores -for the, Idds, and theybung and his slstex� 11iss Nellie, of Dun- the 'Normal School In London. around. the icottage Uke -coons. 3`_ dalk, left last week for Lockwood. They are 1111dred Fitziatrick -of round a garbage can, pestering for Sask, to -visit their brother, 1>11. Bs town, Dorothy"WiLde of'Belgra-ve tall .somebody to go siviniming 'cdth "on- 'der' amd Ada Dow of East Wawaiiosh.. them, or ay that faWmating cArd. George Coulter Tetlirned to On Sunday #e 99th Battery. held .game Imawn as Fish. his home in 'Griswold, on firing practice At the butts which Mu&sday and was- accompanied.by are located at the Logdon. Bridge. 1 Mrst three days -of my holidays -his aunt, 3,frs. Sohn Coulter, of F or shooting -2-1 rifles and Rising -it rained relentlessl3% 24 hours a� Wingliam, who will spend the M.�xt �ub*�machine guns were used, i - i day. 'The first day, deternilned to- two months in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Obni� Victoria ezio-V myself, I ignored th� rain, Street, have received *word that Z just sat around -and drank beer and Mr. JPS. Miller of the 3rd line of their � son.. Pte� Clarence Ohna,, has zead, But I found that these rec- JEorxis, has sold his driving horse been -wounded Inaction. zeations, taken together for any to Ift- Al Proctor of NeUmrarket- A pair of Wingham bowlers came I length of time, miake the eyL-s We --understand &e price paid was through 1t.,grpnd style at the On - bloodshot tario, lawn Bowlipg Association's Mrs. J, S. Timmins and son Wit - hth annua:C'�;ur"Qarn�z�t 161'd in go, -at the end of ten hours of bur . of Toronto and Aim Frank Toronto last week. Alex Ctawford, 'Impor teeming rain, I decided'to getout Moore of Teaswater, were In ors vetemn +of so zaany tant z of the slump by. sitting In front of with _Air. and 11-rs. William 2,1,x_ tournaments, with Lorne Webb as the fireplace. This, however, Welk Bluevale Road. Partner, won seven -contecutive tended to become desolate after a games to capture the, Trophy. few hours, as a, fire place, norms][Ly: one on No th 'Me firstteleph the r at th s a: Bowling Seafor on Thur d y a cheez�y spot� !sWt snuch without Ruron Telephone Co-pany'49 line evening Q'H� McAvoy and Ed a fireand I had forgot -ten to bring: wat- Installed In Mr. John Goes- Nasll were second, JimGu,no-_v And ,some, wood in, before Me. rainf, v�slldencee on &Lturday last Wally Irdier were fifth. came. And other Phones axe being placed Mr. and aim p_ C. McGowan; in Whitechurch this week, 'The of the 3rd concession of East Wa- The fourth day dawned. -rite a-�d line from VM-techurch to St- wanosh, celebrated the',L60th ara"l- elear� thougli, an4 I was all set to Augustine is m0wbelug built. of theIr weddiilg. stut,some healthy outdoar recrea- blon, like sitting In a deckchair 0-0-0 with a book and a beverage. So jM]RT.V yEAp�S ACxO xn-.�r wife says we have to'go to BOX 473 town and wash, we haven�t s cleam Successful candidates lor -the zhirt left among the bunch of ns. Entrance to Vorinal exarrAnations Ispent most of the day in.my own were Myrtle Bez�nett, John Bos- Readln& Penns-, US.�'L, kitchen in town putting stuff man, 111ay 33one, Delia Rrocks, August 25, 1959. throughthe wriziget. Siva Brooks, Pea Currj% Frances * * 0A G'Ibbons, Charles Isard, Irene Dear Editor and Ptlend- But After that, ir* 'settled right -Jeffer-son, . Cameron 2&ODonald- en -very ill a X plrac- I have 'be 'grac in to,enjoycottage life. 01, we did Angus MacKay, William Sha3x,, , be&I _sAly � tf�c ddea nier 12 vears. slip Into town Wednesday night to Rent Sn i3th. i However, the last �six years unable -e,* a morie ire dIdn7t -want- to miss, -si Mr. Billie Burme -has sold hi to lie down. Uust alt up all the Mid we had to zome to town Thurs- barber sliop and, bas. decided to time, asleep or awake, else will day to turn 'in the empties And remain in town to open a Tes- tboke to &Adi. pick 'up the mall. Friday we taurant in the store recently vatat- Was a missionary In the Nvorst wtre in town fora few houft get- ed by W. J. Armour, PrOdute slum area, of Plinadelphia when I ting -supplies :hrid thapping in the -dealer. became Ill, Left my sick bed to of - 4 tmd IQ, Just'like The re4.tourfsts. -0jae of V�izgna=`apbpuIsT young ficlate at the filherAl of a Spanish And of course, Satdrday wag sort ladies In the persoit, of Miss Annie woman whom I did -not know, ve- of InfAxtupled bteause we had to T. Williamson, daughteroflAxaud sbIrIng in a relapse and the be drive to town to see if therd beard 1v1rs, Wfilitrn Williamson. Was ginning of all these many years o AmYthing of '�W Pzrffie-, 'Who W United In n"Arri4ge at 'Portland, suffering amd puta-Holft- be6u. n-Ass"119 in an open �boat In Oze., -ren August 16th to Albert H. Hate very. much pain, always "I Geortian Bay for two dayA. Rath_ Mug. great difficulty in -getting air into er a atilsanx-0, that, eontfactorT. j.. McLean. istu.sh- my lungs. Doet.org agree It Is not ing forwswd the oew ;sewers, the contagious, not Asthma, Been In -AsIde fro -in ihis, however, we work zovv going on Up Minnie 10 -Or bo$141tals and CIU1108. "Allypitched In and bwAmo beath- ;gtre#t,,W_oTkmtn -are being brought Am colketing stamps to Uy tt conibers. 'The Inds weredeliglited infrom ToTLotto.,tince there IS not target tfietkaln and -Almost inthler- with C-OURge 'lift, 'Of `00ursk -�b`6- an sdeOubte SUPPly th Winghani, to able discomforts. Hope Atd pray cause for Once ,they bad me At properly o , the job, you will itscit my plea and that their morty. 'rl) bet I played :hfr� Ak J. Armstrbng who has te"ers .tend =L- stanips, any kind. -1 gainet of -cards vith thera, 4lAd ,foi. the past five $ears, been fore- The staruP1 'lent 1 deeply AP - went In swimming *1th them Otte I dr,agging _toazi uf'Tbe Tim" office, �has ac, -th ' pre a m clato, "d thdr, kindness in -do, Believe 2 On each krm, at least t-wice asy. The old titl *At tepted a pogtion an e sW1 of Ing ao. =t I value A fatdr, a 'Ond'on Advertise e t. a idnanat. Many thartks, for ybut t btppy. Ohe?d bto%ight bet lfbnbig imoraptision to twic krty, lot bb,Ard with bet, to catch up oA iber, , Mr. William Clendetifillig has Sitc*tely, �IrohlnZ '.Xtery 4ay Abj'a'PUll #'-t, *61 Z$ house bri the W1e$Nt,*Jde "bf t 16ifte, pile -of elot'hesshed atznper,_ lannie ;Street to -W. David lialli- (Rev) ftbert 19tb*A, 1, —A ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... A How would YOU like ).W P .$500 right n(. See HFC for the fastest loan service in Canada Whether you would like $50, S500 or as much at $2500, -YOU00 your loan at HFC. %iso to get Why? 4 116cause. youll raxive prom prseriicc. TWC P4401*1f 00 eviag, tb�e fastest service a�ailiblt� l Canada. NNith,bigga loam (up'to S2500) now -available for today's greater 11=4 why �' P hot You uped no, bank4lo ft,u.� y and y low group rate with no alo It or m �&HCUSEHDLD FINANCE 1%wor M, A. Jonkins, Manager 35A West Str&0 T#1ephono IdOl GQDEPJCH now tbanaell t Centre St. REV.'W. W. LODER, Pastor g Tu6s:--8.00 p.m,—Youth FellowshipMeetin Thurs.-8jOO p.m.—Prayer Meeting 8unday Seirvice 10.00 a.-rn.—Sunday School Classes for AIL -a -es il.00 a.m.—Morning Worship '7.30 p.m.—F-vangelistic THE SALVATION,ARMY U(nobam Ca4z SUNDAY SERVICES 11.00 aam—Holiness Meeting 2.30 p.m.—Sunday -School 7.00 paii,—Salvation Meeting Tuesday, 8.00 p.m.—Prayer *,nd PrtiseSemce All Teen-Apirg Welcome Weleolue tor VO1Q at the "Arme AU1119; Cburfb Rev. t.' V, Johnson, L.Th. - Rtetot Mrs. Gordon Davidson - Orga�nist 15th SurkdaY *fter Tr6ity 11-00 11.111--H61Y NO t I IN vening Service Thurs., Sept. 4tll,._Seni' or Jkuxlfiary, Parish Rooln at 3 pall. I