The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-05-27, Page 7PASSENIiEE SECTION—The passenger section of the new diesel rail car which will eervice4Leighaaator
the C.N.R. is shown above. Some 49 passengers will ride in complete comfort, heated, in winter, from
the two 260 h.p, engines, and cooled in summer by a air conditioning system, The, .whole ear is taw
pended by a unique system that lets the coach practically
oat an the trucks. Side sway' s reduced to a minimum. The baggage sections takes up about half the lengths of the ear. , new service will Ow, mence late in June, and will cut the time for a tripto Toronto by more than an hour. • • ,
Fifty Dollar Doll
During, the Fair a draw w ill be made for a Doll
In 50 One Dollar Bills.
Get your Tickets from any Kinsman
the Trade Fair.
or at
lops in Entertainment
THURSDAY, JUNE 4th'at 7 'p.m.
parades on Josephine Street to the Arena
BEN SILVERTON TRIO — Musical Comedy Act,
really outstanding, has appeared on TV in U.S.A.
and Canada; also many outstanding night clubs.
CY LEONARD — Comedian.and Ventriloquist
Canada's outstanding, of CBC fame.
SLIM McCLORY Jukgler and Magician, travel=
ling in Canada and U.S.A., also South America.
DEL RIO and ROSETTA — Originally of Mexico:
Fancy Roping, Shooting, Daring Knife and Hatchet
Throwing. Travelled both in Europe and North
ROY HEAD * Magician: "The Magical Heads";
"Prove Two Heads Are Better Than One,"
Dozens of business lines will be represented at the
Fair. Their colorful and interesting booths on the
arena floor will be worth many times the'price
of admission.
Add to all this the fine entertainment which is
being provided and you can certainly count on
a most enjoyable and inexpensive outing for the
whole family.
HOO 111111 I II I I HI I IHHI III I lull IHIH elliltritHo I it t I Jo
Kinettes Donate
fro p Cancer Society Mn MR Zibbanct-Zinto
The Wingitata Kinette Club Met'
WINGRAISI, ONTARIO, 14131)*ElaNt'*. IV At 47,4 18G>l at the home of Mr's, John. Currie
on Monday evening. Plans were
DEMME Turpberry floard :LOCAL MEMBERr'leted for the booths at the
HELD AT BRucEN ELD alias Jaen Brydgee of London
spent th e week-end with Mn and
Mrs, Ralph McBee and family.
Nev .,Bu$ Wirigklanl Trade Fair with Mrs,
Cy Robinson in charge of that
colarnitee. The club voted a aaa,(2.0
donation towards the Cancer So-
Mrs, Max MeCarter and Mrs.
Calvin ]aurae gave reports of th e.
convention recently, held at Detroit.
At this convention the Wingham
Club won the 'attendance award
which was leather brief case,
The award was based on the, ,at-
tendance of each club of No. 1
Since the. program plan could not
be presented each member told
where they were born, how they
met their husbands and their .pccu-
,Ratiaa.liagaaa.,aaaariage, ,This ptov-
ed to be quite interesting as well
as. humorous.
Mrs. Jack Walker will be hostess
for the *next meeting.
MO* meeting of the ATTEND CONVENTION.
TaTrInlerey Township geb001 Areal
silbeelaaiytn,a,2,wr1shas inwb ta:11. 79,mtia rti.:4;011r!sp0v9,0-1,:eh; I ,ct.:Potho..iritch.. w4nornazo co,olawttdoe: members of Secret Heart .
meeting were read and of London adoceee last 'Tuesday:
The following •perreapontlenep was i The convention Was held at :Oar
-read, j, Kinkead, TowaShip.' of .1-047 of Mercy parish hall in
a'atnia. The representatives from
Wingham were Mrs, John Haphea.
president of the local group, Mrs,
aSabel Redmond, • Mrs, George.
Salim and Miss Mary Loulae Finch,'
BELGRA.V.E.--Tagi Huron, Gradti- • Mrs, Charles Brigham and fame atiem, was held in Briteefield United Church on $41111, ilY of JalYth spent flay laat week
day, May 24. The service was open- with Alm Jack Conk and family,
awed with 'the procesaiOnal hynara Mr, and Mrs, Alan Dunbar spent
"Worship the King", f oll owed by the week end with Mr. and Mrs,
LouiS Hayes in Elyria, Ohio, the call to worship by Mrs, Hiltz,
The hymn, "Lord of All Being Ka and Mrs, Rose Robinson end Throned .Afar", woe sung ro.irl Mrs t Keith moved to take up residence
Davidson} reed the Seripture in Lucknow last Thursday, Mr.
from Ltike:41-$2, Two duets, "It Robinson les manager of the Co-Op. Xs No Secret" and "How Great there.
Thou Art" were sting by the Exeter
Mary Elizabeth Levis from On-
tario Street United Church at Clin-
ton gave the valedictory address, . up. The ,.,graduation, certificates, avere
given out by Rev J. Mita, Of th,
17 members graduating, two were
faun Belgrave Maa E.ifl1an Pen-
gelly and Miss Patricia Logan.
Tea hers' Federation,
A diSeussion took place in' re-
gard to the purcbase of a,bus for
the school area, Theaboard decided
to get prices, etc,. The secretary-
treasurer was instructed to call
for tenders for a Wingham oil fur-
nace for N. 4 school and tenders
for the re-decorating of schools 4
and 9, as well a5' to see that new
Sessions were held throughout
the day and a turkey, banquet was
Served in the evening, Over 600
Women of the Diocese were in
The guest speaker was Sister
Alice Marie, C.S.J„ whose discourse
was on the CWL theme, 1'For Home
and Country", and it pertains to
raising children, Sister Alice Marie
stressed the fact that' proper' re-
ligious values must be taught to
youngsters at a very early age in
order to direct children's thoughts
to a higher level, It is the duty of
parents to educate, their children
to think of God in everyday living,
Rev, Father J, L. Hennessey,
diocesian director for the London
Diocese for quite some time, was
honored on the occasion of his
silver jubilee into the priesthood.
Father Hennessey was liresented
with a purse and a scroll.
Reeve and Mrs, Clarence Hanna
spent a few days in Windsor last
week when Mr. Hanna was attend-
ing a convention there, •
Mr. and MA'S% Orville Taylor, hav-
ing. .37.MPrithr... Pi4rPtlq,•sqSt .1101P• owned by .:ROSS Robinson, moVeri. ..ft-awe:adz-far Naellaweearderad.
,their new residence on Saturday. Kirton.-Haugh—That the follow-
Mrs, Milton Watson, of Gprric,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. 3,
Mr .and .Mrs, Charles Coultes
are visiting in Clinton, •
Mr. and Mrs Neil MacEachern,
Gilbert and Neil and' Mrs,' Louise
Nelson and Michael were 'Sunday
visitors with Mrs, R., F. Garniss
and Mr, Mac Scott.
Mr. Henry Mathers, accompan-
ied by Mr. Melville Mathers, went
WROXEIRITI.—Constable Robert
Lewis of Wingham was guest
speaker at Howick Lions Club
supper meeting held Monday night
in United Chitral, Wroxeter. His
subject was "Highway Safety" and
he outlined the safety program be-
ing carried out for the local
schools, Pupils are required to
write an essay on the subject of
safety, then a test will be given.
Valuable prizes for the winners
have been donated including radios,
hi-fi's, etc, Allan Munro on be-
half Of the Howick Lions presented
Constable Lewis with ,a cheque for
his project.
President Wray Cooper presided,
One new member. Jerry Brown of
Gorrie was installed by the past
president, Stanley Bride, Mrs.
Harvey Coupland was pianist'. Win-
ners of the draw were, Jerry
Brown, Jack Clarke, Harold Town-
send, Warren Zurbrigg and Stan-
ley Bride. The W.A. of the United
Church catered.
At- Nethery Home
The regular meeting of the Ev-
ening Guild of St. Paul's Anglican
Church was held at the home of
by Mrs, Terry Nethery on 'Tues'day of
last week, The president,' Mrs, Sask.,a
to attend the burial service
e last week to Welwyn, *
Alvin Higgins, opened the meeting for the former's sister, Mrs, Fred- •with prayer followed by the roll
erick Hooper, who died in the call,
Wingham General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Watson and
family ,of Gorrie visited at the
home of Ma, W. J. Johnston on
Mr. Floyd Moffatt of Southamp-
ton is spending a week with Mr.
and Mrs. Burns-Moffatt,
Mr. Arnold Lillow and. Mr. Er-
nie Ring are home from a 'fishing
trip to the north with a fine catch
of fish. BLUEVALE
Mr, and Mrs, K. Itarlson of Lon-
don spent a, day with Mr. and Mrs.
Joe' Greenaway-and -
The treasurer's report was given
by Miss Dorothe Comber. Mrs.
Terry Nethery reported on the
sewing committee and a short
business period followed.
Rev, C. F. Johnson closed' the
meeting with prayer,
Alvin Higgins showed a very in-
teresting picture which was enjoy-
ed by all and a delicious lunch was
served -by Miss Comber, and her
The next meeting will be the pot,
luck supper. • aa - • -
Asked to Attend
75th Anhiversary
13ELMORE--- The May meet-
ing of the Women's Missionary
of Knox Presbyterian Church was
held last Thursday afternoon, Mrs.
Glenn Appleby was in charge and
opened with a 'call to worship and
a hymn. The Scripture reading
was taken by Mrs, Wm. Struthers
and Mrs. T. E. Kennedy led in
The roll Call was "An Old Tes-
tament Emigrant". Mrs. Den Mac.
4darti gave. the 'Bible--eitudy 'on
Mrs. Wm Rintoul
Is Shower Hostess
WHITECHURCH—About 25 of the
ladies of the Presbyterian Church
met last Thursday evening at the
home of Mrs. Wm. Rintoul, when a
shower was held lin honour of the
approaching marriage of Miss
Betty McDonald,
During the ev4Ling, Mrs. Johns-
ton Conn gave a short address and ,
Mrs. Rintoul presented the bride-
to-be with a beautiful floor lamp,
Betty thanked -the ladies for their
remembranee and a pleasant even-,
lug was speat..-- -• •
Leah and Rachel, Jacob's ,Wives.
Items •of interest from thea Glad
Tidings were given hy Mrs. Robert
Inglis and Mrs. William' Darling
had charge of 'the! topic, a'The
Channeling Churchesa,
Plans were made to ,eater 'tai a
church wedding 'in ,aunea "at ,'vas
agreed to send $6.00 for.. stipplies
for Indian children. :a,S srequested.
As many as possible. Were: nri6d, to
go to the 75th anniaer4raaef. Mait-
land Presbyterial vvivt,,. in.,..i.oes-
vvatev 'on May 25th: . training
course •to be held ln Hamilt*:Was
discussed. A hymn .vvis-s',Suaga..;a,
gra', Appleby closed; with Payer.
Mr, and Mrs, Murray Keys and ing bills be paid: Teachers' salar-
family ef London, Mr. and Mrs. les, caretakers' salaries, transport
Jack 'Adair and family of Moles- tation; John Martin, hauling wood,
worth visited over the weelt-end 0.50; Beaver Lumber, $1,25; tele-
with their parents,, Mr. and Mrs. phone; $7,0 5, Mel Bradburn, Powell Timm---That the meet-
Mr. and Mrs. James Lamont and ing adjourn, the next meeting to
family visited oh Sunday with Mrs. he at No, 4 school on June 1$th.
Margaret Manning and Mr. and Bert 'Holmes, ehairman, Mrs, Bill Manning •and June at Alex •Corrl•gan, aecatreas. Loades•borO,
Mr, and Mr's, Lloyd Taylor and
family of Sarnia, spent the 'week-
end with Mr, and Mrs. Orval Tay-
lor, and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fawcett and
Mr Elmer Thompson of Meaford
visited over the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs Neil McCrea and Mr, anti
Mrs. Mel Bradbarn, •
Mr. and Mrs, Ralph IVIcCrea and
family and Miss Joan Brydges
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Robinson and Keith at
Mr Norman Stonehouse, London
and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Walker of
Goderich visited over the week-end
with their mother, Mrs. Robert
Mrs, Nyman Hill and family of
Toronto has returned 'to her home
there after spending the past week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry McGuire.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dunking of
Blyth visited on Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Lamoht and
Mrs. M. Argue of. Black Stock
visited over the week.cnd with Mr.
and Mrs. Mel Bradburn 'and Mr.
and Mrs. Neil McCrea,
Mrs, Willey MeLelland of Lon-
don and Mae. Joe Halmes and Mrs.
Beverly Wallace and Debbie and
Mrs. Roland Marks visited one day
last week with Mrs. Jathes Lamont
and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Mao Scott and Don-
ald visite.(1 with her .parents on
Sunday, Mr. anclIfra. Jake Hunter
at Lucknow, • .
-Mr. and Masa. -labnalda*Campbell
The graduation prayer was given
by Rev, J. Davidson. Mrs, Rawlins
of Centralia presented Mrs, John
Clark of Centralia with a certificate
for being a C,G.I.T, leader for 33
VVorda of welcome were given by
Mrs, J. Davidson and she also gave
the address on the C,G,I,T. A
hymn and the benediction by Rev.
J. Davidson closed the meeting and
lunch was served at 'the reception
by the Brucefield group,
Attending this meeting from
Beigrave, was Mrs. Ted Pear and
Mrs. Gordon Pengelly, Miss P.
Logan and Miss L. Pengelly,
Make Decorations
)For.Flower Sunday
RELGRAVE—The regular meet-
ing of the Belgrave C.G.I.T. was
held on Friday evening Opening
with •the Purpose, Reports were
given 'by the secretary, Marie Coul-
tes and the treasurer, Linda Coul-
tes. The offering was received
and dedicated by Pat Logan. . The next meeting will be held on.'
Thursday, May 2$,' When Betty and
Florence Rini will be in charge of
Illihe worship service and the guest
ipeaker will be Simon Hallahan,
who will talk on the Catholic, re-
ligion in connection with, the
groups' study of religious prejudice,
The group continued its work
making apple blossoms for Flower
Sunday. The worship service open-
ed with the call to worship follow-
ed by the Scripture lesson, Luke
19:1-10 by Ruth Coultes, The
story,' "The Pilgrims' Way" was
read by Mrs. Ted Fear, A hymn
and the benediction elcised the
service, TapS :closed the' meeting.
visited with her father, Mr. Gordon
Elliott who is a paaient in Wing-
Alamo Hospital,
VIIIIIIIMI111111.11111111Mlilill11111181111111011111111.111111111Emmoommusluisommii•wanoimisirlIEMEHEIHEIninEwEimilirlimillmomistitiouninosimI 111111P1111E11111111111111111111111011111111111111110111111111111111E111111f11111111111111111111111.1111111111101l1.1111111110111111111Mill1111,1111111121111111111111111111WEREmswinttorligitiii•winEgEmENEittg15
. ;';."- •
Ail Sponsored ..the Kinsmen Clu b of Wingham
-.J. „.Y4
. Ingham Arena .•••N Thursday-Friday-Saturday 111.1. Ju '' e w
. I dP '
tlllllllllllllllllllllll IHI llllllll I lllllll lllll HI llllll llllllllllllllll llll
Official Opening
JOHN HANNA; Huron=Bruce
Formosa Spring Brewery Door Prize Draw .
FOR $15.00,CASH to be DRAWN at 10A5 p.m.
---,SPONsoimn Br VOItMosA "SI'RIN'G BREWE,11,V
Doors open 7 p.m.
Trade Fair — 2 p.m.. to 11 p.m.
Trade Fair — 2 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Joyce Brothers Giant Midway
on Town Parking Lot beside Arena
• E
• CKNX will -broadcast direct. from the Trade Fair •