The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-05-20, Page 1, With which is amalgamated the Gorrie Vidette .and Wroxeter News
WINGIIAK °WARM, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, Imo $1110121 CQPIE•04 7 cent"
enders Are Called for:
dditioo to High SChoot..,
By. 'AO „rtSteteirligli
All the youngsters who are en-
tering the school safety contest
Will be able to get a preview of the
prizee on Vaughn Douglas' Focus
- - program- on Friday
"0 - 0,
' 4
day night. Prom left to right, are John Hanna, Mr, Frost, Mrs, Jes,
Kerr, Mrs, W. H. Edwards, Mrs. George Williams and Mrs. R, IL Lloyd.
GREETINGS LADIES:—Mombers of time ladies' section of the Wing-
ham Pk, Association greet Premier Frost in the town hall on Tues-
At least two' Wingham Air Ca-
dets hope to be airborne at the end
of a summer spent learning 'to fly.
A surprise announcement at the
annual inspeption of No. 532 Mait-
land Squadion, Royal Canadian Air
Cadets, by James B, Smith, secre-
tary-manager of the Air Cadet
League of Canada, informed all
those present and Flt. Sgt, Keith
Finnegan, Cpl. Paul Bennett of
Wingham, and Sgt, Wallace, Hay-
field, that they had each been
awarded a flying scholarship. They
will each receive 30 hours' flying
time, and If they are successful,
they will each gain a civilian, pilot's
licence at the , end of the course,
A.C. 1 J. Bennett and A.C. 1 B.
Cameron both received citations for
selling the most tags on Air Cadet
tag day. Sgt, R. E. Worrhworth
received the silver medal he won at
the recent, provincial shoot.
It is worthy of note that of the
nine or ten Air Cadets attending
from Wingham, five of them re-
ceived an award,
No. 532 Maitland Squadron, Royal
Canadian Air Cadets is sponsored
by the Goderich Lions Club, who
are also assisted in this project by
donatiOns from other organizations.
VVI-1/TECHURCH — Little Jimmy
Siegneur, seven years old, and only
son of Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell
Siegneqr, of Wellesley, - was killed
instantly on Sunday afternoon in
front of the United Church here,
His grandparents, Mr, and Mrs.
James Hart, of Gadhill; and his
parents were visiting vyith relatives,
Rev. and Mrs, W. JaWatt. The little
boy was playing on the street when
a Teeewater cream truck, driven by
Tommy Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Taylor, of Fordyce, came
by. The' truck driver slowed down
for the children and proceeded
slowly on, but Jimmy. had turned
to run back. He was knocked clown
and the rear 'dual wheels passed
over him.
Coroner Dr, Harold .Robinson, of
Walkerton, was called by investi-
gating police, and no blame was
placed on the driver, '
The sympathy of the many
friends in the community is ex-
tended to the bereaved families,
who had been visiting with Mr.
Harry McClena,ghan, Wingham,
Prini -M4iister Frost Says
uture Bright for •Oritalia..
Jasper, a former president of the
Ontario Federation of Agriculture.
"I don't know 'of another single,
group which has contributed .more
to' the solution' of our probleins,".
Tonighe (Thursday) will see the
second presentation of the Lions
Club's, 'Nfinstrel Show in the audi-
torium of the town hall, If you
missed it last night, why not plan
on taking in the show tonight?
• '0-0-0 ;
Latest report on the Cancer So-
ciety campaign is that returns are
now $1,400.00.
' 0 - 0 - 0
Away back in February when
we were shovelling our way out of
the drifts the Indian corespondent
for the Bracebridge Herald pre-
dicted that we would have a lot,
apt thunderstorms and rain this
summer, Could be he was right,
0 - 0 - 0
Mr. and Mrs, Francis Mills, who
have been residing on Leopold St.
for the past year, moved on Wed-
nesday to their recently-completed
home in what is fondly becoming
known as "The Berry Patch"—the
pew housing area purchased by The
Berry Door Co., Ltd. Mr. Mills'
home is the first, to be erected
11111, there.
0 - 0 - 0
Your Advance-Times arrives a
day later than usual this week be-
cause of the holiday on Monday,
This ie•but the first of the summer
Monday holidays. There will be
several more during the next few
Months. Since we ordinarily gO to
press on Tuesday evening, it is a
pfiaainal inapaeziaantlyeateaeapaniange
the "issue in'One In fact we
think we're pretty smart to be
able to do it in two, days,
R, S. Hetherington, ,chairman of
the building' committee, stated at
the "relnlgr Miii"n"ieetink'
Wingtaxn District High School
Hoard, 'that the time had come to
,call for tenders for the new addi-
tion' to the school, ale saiel that
advertising for tenders would be
placed, with June 3rd set .as the
date for opening the tenders re,
The board discussed seVeral other
problems , in connection,. with the
new addition, and Mr,. Iletqering-
ton also, reported that most of the
equipment for the •new• additiee
has now been purchased, A pro,-
posed parking lot to the' east Of
the school carne up for consider-
able discussion, and was "shelved
for 'the 'moment as being toe ex-
pensive, However,, When the `
ohinery is available, the site will
be' graded; and fill being talketi
from the building, site will be• used
to level the area.
The minutes of the April meet-
ing and a special meetingevere
proved along with accounts,. The
board accepted • the resignatieri Of
Ivan McWilliam, from the teaching
staff, The eheiririan of the agri-
cultural committee was named to
represent the board on atone ittee
to chose the winner of .the Canada,
Packers Scholarship.
Principal ,Stanley 'Hall keported
that attendance during the month
-of April was 914 per cent with a
total enrolment of, 565. rvrr. Hall,
also said that the school inspectoe
had stated that children attending
rural fairs could„ met be counted
in attendance at school unless they,
remained until after 1.00 lane. on
the day of the fair. The issue
brought a good deal of comment
from several board membets, wale
expressed approval. ea.
Mr Hall also said that Grade
VIII students in district schoola
would be brought in to' the high , !schoel,lor, ;idbit,, on Juile.,Ilth. -
buiing the meeting- an inspee-
tor's report was read to the board
by the principal, with the press
, The Luckniew Lady Foresters are
preparing for another furniture
and miscellaneous auction this
Year. Last year's sale was a huge
success for buyers and consignors
alike, Watch this paper for an
advertisement stating time and
articulars. Proceeds are used for
the cancer society,
. Saturday of this week will see
the ladies of the Hospital Auxiliary
hard at it, the occasion being the
String, Rummage Sale. We don't
have to urge you to attend; for the
crowd is usually about all the Ar-
mouries will hold.
seen tremendous development in
Ontario, he does not intend to ap-
peal to the voters on the strength
of 'that record. Much more im-
portant, in his opinion, is the bright
promise of the future which lies
before the 'province.
For• ten" reason he described in
Some detail the factors which have
led his administration to
braaalens strong credit in the 'Werld
inoneanatlietsberreWing to in-
vest in the development which will
mean even greeter 'prosperity for
the Citizens of this province.
In his opening remarks Mr.
Frost acknowledged his , long-
standing friendship with Lloyd
member of the 'Ontario cabinet and
M.HP. for Wellington-Dufferin;
Charles `MacNaughton, candidate
for 'Huron; Lloyd Johnston, candi-
date for: Bruce,; J. Roy Adair, reeve
and acting mayor of Wingham,
who welcomed the prime minister
to the town; DeWitt Miller, chair-
man, = of . the PC organization in
Whigharn; Harry Riess,' candidate
for !Sky* 'dreye pirner vied-
'Peeittlerit:Vt -TheCtaiiii Progres-
sive Conservative Association.
Prime Minister Speaks
Introduced by Mr. Hanna as "the
greatest premier this province has
ever seen", Mr, Frost said that al-
though the past ten years have
A near-capacity crowd of about
500 people turned. out on Tuesday
evening at the Wingham town hall
for the visit of • Prime Minister
Leslie.M. Frost, who .addressed the
gathering in support of John W.
Hanna, the Progressive Conserva-
tive candidate in the Huron-Bruce
riding, Mr: Hanna, -veteran meta
bet. of the 'Legielature, liasaltepee-'
'setited this nenatittieney, ,`nee 4043:,
Meeting ti as -
Lleyd Jasper of Carrick Township,
president of the PC association for
the riding and, others .on the plat-
form were Elston Cardiff, M.P.
for Huron; Erie Winkler, M.P. for
Grey-Bruce; Hon. John Root, a HONOR REV. PERRIE
Lieut. Colonel A, Dixon, who with
Mrs. Dixon is visiting Wingharn
this week-end for the purpose of •
conducting the Sunday meetinga
la the e Divieional Commander for
the' Sathition SOUthe'rn On-
tario Division. With the Divi-
sional Headquarters in Hamiltdn,
the Colonel is responsible for the
area from Orangeville on the east-
ern boundary to Wingham on the
westerly side.
On Sunday morning, the Colonel
will speak on the subject "Getting
the Most Out of Life" and in the
evening the topic' will be "God's
Colour Scheme".
said: the premier.
Referring to the development of
the province during the ten years
of his leadership, Mr. Frost' said,
that the Population had• increased
industry, has heen doubled; hydro
facilities „have been increased by
three and a 'half times; western oil
and gas have 'been 'made 'available
in Ontario, a province which has
no fuel resources of its own. He
spoke of the war which has been
waged so Successfully against dis-
ease. T.B. and polio have been
defeated as major "threats to pub
lie health; great strides haVe been
made in the battle against cancer.
Bright Future
The futu're holds "'even brighter
promise", said the premier, In-
cluded in Alarming- at the moment
are faster development of natural
resources, the opening of inany'riew
provincial peaks, the nilteration of
the reform , institutions 'policy so
that reform rather than punish-
ment is the keynote. The entire.
plan for hospitals is undergoing
change, so that chronic patients,
convalescent persons and those who
require only nursing home care
will be looked after in separate in-
stitutions,, permitting the maxi-
mum use of the general hospitals
for those Who need active care and
Stan. Hiseler Is
Graduate of ®.A.C.
Stan Hiseler, a former Wingham
resident, graduated from the Me-
chanical Engineering Division at
the Ontario Agricultural College in
Guelph on Friday.
Stan was the recipient of the
Massey-Ferguson Scholarship, to
be used to complete his engineering
course at the University of To-
He attended public and high
schools here and has' continued 'to
have high standings throughout his
course at the O.A.C.
The Wingham Kinsmen have
been busy lining up a number of
excellent acts for entertainment
when they hold the Trade Fair at
the Wingham arena on "Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, June 4th, 5th,
6th. Lloyd Ellacott, head of the
entertainment committee, feels
that this year's show will be as
outstanding as •that of last year.
The CKNX Ranch Boys will he
on hand, the Ben Silverton Trio, a
musical comedy act which has ap-
peared in the 'USA and on Cana-
dian TV as well as in many night
clubs, has been engaged,
The following, taken from. The
Streetsville Review, will, without
doubt, be of much interest to many
of our readers.
"Members of the congregation of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
Streetsville, Ontario, met in the
church hall last week to honor
their minister, Rev. D, K. Perrie,
who has just received his Doctor
of Divinity degree at Knox College,
Toronto. Prof. Dr. D. W, Hay pre-
sented Dr. Perrie with the degree
and it is interesting to note it is
just 40 years ago thatThis father
received a similar degree from the
same college.
"Dr. Perrie is the 23rd minister
of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Streetsville and the sixth
of •that number to have the D.D.
degree conferred upon them: how-
ever,he is the first to receive It
while in this pastorate.
(Please turn to Page Three)
The .Wingham town council, un-
der the chairmanship of Acting-
Mayor Roy Adair, staged a banquet
at .the. armouries : here last Wed-
nesday evening, in honor of the,
Len Crawford Dbalgeisa the team
which took the WOAA intermediate
lioniebiew championship this sea-
Tory Gregg, fornierly of Wing-
ham and OITA executive member,
was the guest speaker, In his re-
marks Mr Gregg said that he was
happy to be back in Wingham for
a visit, and congratulated the coun-
cil for sponsoring the banquet,
saying that you. cannot have a
good town Witt:tut , a "sporting"
council. He noted that many of
the players had come up through
the juvenile ranke, and compli-
mented the management on enter-
ing a homebreW team, which he
felt would be nedebettea in every
community if good hockey is to
survive in the smaller centres.
Each of the players was pre-
sented with a crestlite go on his
jacket by Glen Johnston, first vice-
president of the WOAA. Reeve
Adair presented each of the boys
with an individual trophy on be-
half of the 'council,
Called on for brief remarks were
John Crewsone team Meth; Chas.
Lee, team manager; Len\Crawford,
sponsor; Hugh Carmichael, Jim
Gurney, president of the club; John
Brent, sports§ caster, John Hanna,
and Murray Stainton, team 'cap-
There were 39 entries for, the
men's tournament on Monday af-
ternoon, marking the official op-
ening of the Wingham Golf Club.
Excellent weather and the superb
condition of the course added to
the enjoyment of the occasion.
Prizes were awarded to the tap
thirteen players on the 'basis of
low net scores: Jim Bain, 59; Ly-
man Jardin, 62; Mat Boyd, 63; Lee
Vance, 64; Ross Hamilton, 65;
'Warren Callan, 66; Andy Scott 67;
Dennis Callan, 67; Don Cameron,
67; Murray Rae, 67; 0, Haselgrove,
68; W. H. French, 69; Lloyd
Townsend, 70.
After a delicious supper served
by the ladies of the club 12 men
and women took part in the eve-
ning tournament, The 'prize win-
ners were Mrs, M. Foxton and
Warren Callan first, with a net
score of 32; Betty. Webb and Ly-
man Jardin second with a net
of 33. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harris wish
to announce the engagement of
their daughter, Florence May Joyce,
to Mr. Donald Edgar, son of Mr.
William Delmage and the late Mrs.
Delmage of London. The marriage
will take place Saturday, June 20th
at 3.00 p re. in St, Paul's Anglican
Church, Wingham, F20*
Since being commissioned from
the Salvation Armp College in To-
ronto in 1921 the Colonel, has had
many years in charge of a number,
of. important Corps, including
Montreal. Citadel, London Citadel,
Earlscourt (Toronto), and Peter-
borough Temple, About 16' years
ago he was appointed to Salvation
Army executive work with com-
mand of the'Northern Ontario Di-
vision with headquarters in Or-
illia, This, was followed by other
Divisional appointments in New
Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Mid-
Ontario and Nova Scotia. In Feb-
ruary 1958 he received his appoint-
ment to the Southern Ontario Di-
vision to succeed Lieut, Colonel
Mrs, Colonel Dixon is the Divi-
sional Home League Secretary and
also the League of Mercy secretary,
She also takes a keen interest in
other, community affairs, being a
member of the Local Council of
Women and the Inter-City Church
Council of Hamilton.
Lieut. Colonel and Mrs. Dixon
will be remaining for the Monday
to conduct an inspection and pre-
side over a 'board meeting.
• The Lions Girls' and Boys' band
will hold a concert in the town
hall on Friday, May 29th -at
gib nem e under the direction of
Bandmaster George Wonoh. Silver
collection. Come out and support
your band. • F20b
The annual Open Night of the
Wingham District High School will
b,e held on the evening of May
2and, from 7.30 to 10.66. All rooms
will be open to visitors, and there
will be displays of pupils' work,
eepecially that done lin "the incluse
trial arts and agriculture depart-
ments. In the gymnasium, students
will give demonstrations of physical
education, and the girls will model
the 'blouses, dresses and suits
which they, have made for them-
selves during the year.
All parents and friehris are in-
aelevitdd, to come to sea the work
wwhich is being alone In our distriet
high school, There is, of Course,
no, admission charge, F20b
1 •1
The annual Flower Sunday and
Sunday School Anniversary of the
Wingham United Church will be
held on June 7th with identical
services at 11.00 and 7,00 o'clock.
The speaker will be Rey, Anne
Graham of London, F20b
The • Winglicien District High
School 'spring • Track and Field
Meet will be held On the school
playing field, Friday, May 29th,
beginning at nine o'clock, and Ora
tinting throughout the day, Spec-
tators Will be Welcome, F20b
Ruth's Reauty Parlor Will "be
Closed from May 26th to June 3rd,
inclOsiVe. F20b
"Anything you cannot use, we
can sell", is the slcigan for the
Wingham Hospital Rummage Sale
Which will be held in the Winghain
Armouries on Saturday afternoon
Maar 23 at two o'clock, With house-
Meaning in full seeing, housewives
are eaget to dispose Of the amt..
Initiation In closets ann. cupboards,
SO,';lust send it all along to the
runimage sale; f rril tit te. clothing,
hats, shoes, dishes; in tact any-
thing, Please have all parcels at
the tertnonries on FridaY, May 22,
so 'that they can be sorted teed
marked, If you wish flaw, eln-
'nation called, for phone "VIM J, H,
MOKay, 118, or IlV#argiierite Johns,
208, ,All proceeds of this Sale ere
used' to purithase supplies foe the
heelpital, so nlease generotie and
1p Make this rumnage sale the
iggest ever,
In Connection with this sale. tags
will be 'sold In Winghain. on Sattite
Dr. and Mt% J. A. Fleet Will be at
home to their friends, Friday, May
22nd kern 2.00 p.m, to 5,60 p.m,
arid fiqin 7.00 p,M; to, 9.00 pan, do
the occasion of their 50th Wedding
Mr. Frost said that three new
hospitals will be built in this Wes-
tern Ontario area, one at Goderich,
another at Stratford and the third
in the Georgian area, perhaps
between Owen 'Sound and Meaford,
Educational facilities and grants
from the provincial government
will continue to increase, said Mr.
Frost He said that in 1944 grants
in the Huron and Bruce section
totalled only $58,000, Now they
have risen to $500,000. Grants for
highways in 1944 were $72,000 but
these have been increased to $1,-
The speaker said.that the dream
of a hospital Insurance plan had
been dangled before 'the public for
40 years and nothing had been
done about It. However, in 1955
his administration decided to get
the thing Into action and In three
years the plan was Inaugurated,
The premier hailed 'it as one of the
greatest benefits the people of this
province have ever received,
Extends Thanks
Elston Cardiff, a personal friend
of Mr. FrtiSt, extended apprecia-
tion to the premier for his visit'
and address,
DeWitt Miller then presented Mr,
Frost with a pair of blankets loom-
ed at Benbailler, in IlurOn CbtlettY.
The prime -minister said that in all
the hundreds of political meetings
he has attended, this was 'the -first
occa'si'on On which lie had ever re-
ceived a gift, Ile was visibly mov-
ed by the preSentation,
Mr. Frost; John Hanna: and
Charles Meollaughton left the
meeting to appear on laleViSicin,
'but the large crowd otay6ct 'on to
enjoy light refreshMents prepared
by the WIfithain,
(iiittLitlf) Alt illit%TING—Mrs. lIerson Irwin, of Ilelgravo was one
of nearly 500 district, people who visited Wingliare on Tuesday even-
tO hoar Preinier Leslie Frost speak on behalf Of loin": Hanna
local F.O.," candidate, 11Ixs. IrOria Is shown above as she was greeted
by Mr, Frost, a
Of COO fame, Canada's comedian
and ventriloquist, Cy Leonard, will
take part in the program. Slim Mc-
Clory, who is travelling in Canada
and has also been in the States and
South America will perform his
juggling and fetes of magic,
Del Rio and Rosetta, originally
from Mexico, will display fancy
roping, shooting and daring knife
and hatchet throWing, They have
entertained in Europe and various
parts of the North American con-
tinent, And there will be more
magic when Roy Head, billed as
"The Magical Heads" will prove
that two heads are better than one.
Many of the acts will 'have two
completely different showings, The
program will commence nightly at
8.80, 0.30 and 10.30.
To round out entertainment for
all, Joyce Brothers Midways will be
set up for the three big days of
Wingham's best and only fair,
There will be plenty more to be
Seen for over 50 indoor • exhibits
have been contracted, with many
new and different exhibits out-
doors, The latter will be set up
this year On the toWn'S parking
lot, alone with the midway,
the Clinton RCAF Trumpet Band,
by popular dethand, has again been
secured for the official opening on
Thursday evening at 7.30. This
bad late been a big attraction on
previous engagements herd.
Last year's Trade Pair amazed
Most people and many were Sure
prised to find so many of the latest
products manufactured and avail-
able iii the iminediate 'district. The
1959 Thule Pelt promisee to be
even better with more experience
On the part of the organizers and
the eXhibitors.
VISITS WING AEI Leslio Fated; Shovvn above as he
entered the town Tfiesday evening to .speak to a packed house,
Lloyd 'leaner, Mildinay, eiteekleilt of the Hilton-Bruce AaeOeltetioti
left, and John n:dm local P.C. tandiditte accompanied the kremIcr to
the 00,Y.) 'May'23, P20b anniversary, 020*