The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-05-13, Page 4DIED MERTENS, Frederick Lloyd--.-At Toronto General Hospital, on May 3; 1959, Fredorick Lloyd Mer- tens, beloved husband of Rena Berry, 1937 Lawrence Ave., Wes- ton; dear father of John; brother of Mrs, Allan Byers (Margaret) of St, Lambert, sue4 Mrs, R, 0, Birkenhead (Elva)- and Clifferd. Mr, :Mertens. was born in Wing- ham. , wick, Who will retire as director of music far the Department of Education in August, was intro- duced by Mr, Beattie, He Said that it had (been his hope When, he entered his field 25 years ago, that. every school child in Ontario• would sing and that during that' time he itiad seen , great advances. Made toward that goal, Dr. Pep- wick hopes to carry on as an ad-, judicator at music -festivals after: he retires, "Cockles and Measela" was the name of the chorus, with descant, snng by Miss. jamieson's pleas,. They also did an Irish dance. Mrs. Webster's. class sang "We're Fly- ing to a New 'Horizon" and Mrs. Gowdy's pupils sang "Thumbelina," :As a. two-i,part chorus, Dianne Davidson, winner of the se.nnior girl's vocal solo was pre- sented with the Lois Hamilton Trophy, donated 'by the Wingharn Kinette Club, Mrs. James Currie, president, made the presentation. Mrs, Welsh's Grades 6 and 7 Sang a three-part chorus, "While Hearts Are Singing". Mrs, Walsh" also conducted a three part massed choir Of students from Mrs.'Thorn,i Grade 11, her own GrOde4 6AVI and 7, Mr,s, Mundell's Grade 7' and! IF, Mr. Beattie's Grade 8. The song wa's "Dear Land of 'Home" and aG companiment was by Mrs. Douglas, at the organ and Mrs, Alexander; at the piano,. The program concluded with massed choir of triple trim! sings ing "For All Thy Cere", Dr, Fen.!' wick then led the entire gatheringA o f pupils and spectators in the Nat tionni, Anthem. Box Holders' Names Not Given Out It is strictlY against our 'rules to divulge the name or addres of any advertises' using an Advance-Times Box Number Please do not ask us for this information. 400 SUSSEX x RED pullets, 14 weeks old for sale; also shelters,. C. L, Workman, phone 250, Brus- sels, 13b FOR RENT NEWLY DECORATED modern heated apartment, suitable for one or two people, Possession 1st June, N. Riutoul, phone 251. 13rrb HELP WANTED ,MALE LICENSED MECHANIC wanted fully experienced. Apply stating qualifications and salary expected to Advance-Times Box 37. 13b EXPERIENCED licensed mechanic for Chrysler Plymouth agency in Galt, excellent working con- ditions, Remuneration in accord with ability. Apply Roe-Hoiles Motors Limited, 335 Dundas St., Galt. Telephone 1426. 13b EMPLOYMENT WANTED LAWNS TO CUT. Call Doug Spry, phone 552M. 13* TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned for painting of Mel- ville Presbyterian Church, Brussels, until Saturday, May 23, 1959. For specifications contact Rev, Greene, Brussels. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, W. James Armstrong, 6-13b R.R. 3, Brussels, Ont, TENDERS FOR FURNACE OIL Tenders will be received by Morris School Board until May 31, for supplying furnace oil to the following schools: numbers 1, 3, 6, 7 and 11. Contract to be for one school year commencing September 1, 1959. No tender necessarily ac- cepted. R. S. Shaw, 13,20,27b Secretary. Department of Public Works • TENDERS SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender For Exterior Masonry Repairs To Federal Building, Wing- ham, Ontario.r will be received in the office of the Acting District Manager, Property and Building Management Branch, Department of Public Works, 385 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, until Monday, June 1st, , 1959 3.00 p.m. Plans and/or Specifications can be seen and obtained at the office of the Acting District Manager, Property and. Building Management Branch, at the above mentioned address, or at the office of the Caretaker at The Federal Building, Wing-ham, Ontario. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, R. D. KENNEDY ACTING DISTRICT MANAGER PROPERTY AND BUILDING MANAGEMENT BRANCH. TORONTO May 4th, 1959 13 DEADSTOCH WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary dispoaal. FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398, Gordon Young (Elmira) Limited. • arrla Dead Stock WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid in surrounding districts for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cattle. For , prompt, sanitary disposal day or night, phone collect, LEROY ACHESON, ZENITH 3490 .or GEORGE IHISLOP, Wroxeter 2115 fi 1 a GROUND 11. BEEF ii 11. 3 LBS. PORK 'SAUSAGE • 3 lbs. $1.25' LARD—we will fill your pail for 10c per Jb.. I or packaged in seal-tight containers 2 lbs. for 25c BEEF BY THE QUARTER I CUT AND WRAPPED TO YOUR LIKING: a ii, tockridge's Butcher Shop i ..,. .. — rannummaisilonnikeamonswallowninsluwostiscliawanommiiimell • avc .-Mpney1„. by . PREPAYING. Town of Wingharn 1959 Taxes Taxpayers may make payments .on account of 1959 taxes up to 80 per-Cent of 1958 taxes. Interest at the rate of Four per cent,. per annum. will be allowed on such prepayments. •' Prepaymel-its of taxes must be' made at. the. , Town -Treasurer's 'Office, Town Hall. WILLIAM RENWICK, Treasurer, Town of Wingham. U U 1 U U U CAVILLER, WINTON & CHARTERED ACCOUNTAN Bell Telephone Building VVALKERTON D. A. HUNTLEY, C.A. — Resichmt Manage Telephones: Business 633; Residence 106 WARD TS A. McTAVISII BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Wednesdr.g afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. J. W. BUSHFIELD Q.C. Barristek, Solicitor, Notary, Eto. Money to Loan Office—Meyer Block, Winghoso ti Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company *hick has faithfully served its polio* holders for over a century, Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agent* Wingham Tr, ,IN=T6 , 'Pt.... • r '17'41111.1004.11 Advatice,T1.010, Wednesday, May 19, 1959, POULTRY FOIL SAIL PAill0 Of 'CRANKS My sincere thanks to all those who remembered me while I was: a. patient in the Wingham kf-1,04p4W Special thanks to. the' Students. in Grade 10A, Wingham District High School for their generous .gifts.and. treats. It was deeply appreciated, ---Al Rettinger, 13* ASK ABOUT YOUR NEEDS WALKERTON BUILDING SUPPL ES tivarEn Phone 573 JIy25 FINANCING A CAR? Before 'you buy silk Obeli* our tow Nat Financing Service with COMPlete IhdlitanCe irzwART A,SCDTT . NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF EDWARD A. SCHU- MACHER, late• of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate 'of the late Edward A, Schumacher, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to .1. W. BUSHFIELD, Q,C., Solicitor fqr the Executrix of the said Estate, on or before the 16th day of May, A.D, 1959, and that after such ,date the ExecUtriX will proceed to distrib- ute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the claims of which, she shall then have• had 'flake. DATED at Wingham, Ontario. .this 27th day of April, AiD, 1959. J. W, BOSIIPIELD, Q.C., WINGHAM, Ontario, Solicitor for the Exectitrik 29:6:13b .-74P010 SALE WE'S, TAXI SERVICE. and used- . rlartilture. We buy and sell, hope 05, rrb DOUBLE, SINK with taps for Sale. Ilione 975J. 13b ARGE WALNUT SOFA for sale, Antique, Phone 98, rrTrr.-Tr . OLENDATA MOBILE HOME tor sale, 22' x 8', used one year. Terms, Phone 471. Wingham. GARDEN ROTARY Tiller for sale in Wingham, 24" wide, 6 h.p. Owner left town. Apply Box 38 ,,Advancealinea..atapacea, IiARGE WALNUT SOFA for sale. Antique, Phone 98. 13b A BAG Of seed potatoes for sale; also .tablo potatoes and green onions Jouwsma's Market Gar- 'den, phone 583. 13b -ANTIQUE' SETTEES for sale, also platform rocker and 3 chairs all done in needlepoint. Phone 118 13b CHILD'S STEEL crib for sale, 27x51 with spring-filled mattress Phone 70911. 1313 ADDING machine rolls always on Hand at the Advance-Times. Special prices for quantity pur- chase*. Phone 890. rr MILK FILTERS for sale—"Rapid ilia", &inch, 79c; 61/2 -inch, 85c. Alexander's Hardware. lrrb SEWING MACHINES for sale: White and Singer; New machines from a69,50. For free home trial, write, Carl Lacapra or phone 647w Listowel. 6,13,20* WATERLOO GARDEN Tractor, powered with 2-h.p. Clinton engine, equipped with wheel weights, tire chains, snow plow blade, sidle bar attachment, 26- inch cut. Can be seen at the Wingham Public School, Apply to Roy Manuel, caretaker. 13b HARDING and Barrymore rugs and carpets. Have an estimate for your room this week. Fine all wool Wilton broadloom, lovely patterned Axminsters, economy priced Viscose, samples on dis- play or Shown in. your home by appointment. N. J. WELWOOD, Phone 86, 13b THR.BE PIECE Chesterfield suite lor sale; 2 second hand refrigera- tors. Also Shetland pony and heavy draught colt, one year old. Apply to W. J. Clark, phone 141, Wing-ham. 13 RENOVATOR Automagic Shampoo Now you can renew the appear- ance of rugs, upholstery. Leaves no , ring, odor or color change., Take,half the work out of your spring cleaning. Available at Walker Home Furnishings. rrb NOW ,WE HAVE THEM!—Excel- lent used and rebuilt standard typewriters, direct from the man- ufacturer's rebuilding depot. Big savings and guaranteed perfor- mance. Advance-Times. Phone 890, rr CARPETS, RUGS—See N. J. Wel- wood for a complete range of BA-RRYMORE and HARDING broadloom. All wool Wilton hardtwists and tone on tones. Rug Sizes or wall, to wall. Have an estimate this week for your room, N, J. Welwood, phone 86. rrb MEAT FOR SALE—Good beef by the quarter. Killed on premises Tuesday morning. Inspected by Dept. of Health, Yearling heifers. Top quality. Lowest prices. Ray- nard Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r28, or Lucknow, 101r13, rrb -DON'T BREAK YOUR BACK over a hoe. See the Merry Tiller gar- . dentiller. Most rugged, efficient • Doesn't kill the worms or powder the soil. Low cost, Contact Lo- vell McGuire, Wingham, phone 03, or visit Shop for ,demonstra- tion. 29:6:13:20* NEW SELECTOR case for type- writer ribbons guarantees that you will find the proper ribbon for your machine. Just bring us one old spool from your type- writer, with the name of mach- ine. Advance-Tithes, phone 890. REAL ESTATE ONE-STOREY modern house for Sale on Patrick street. Allister Green, phone 430K, SIX ROOMED insul brick 'house in Behriore for sale. Large lot, Very reasonable, Apply to Mt, H. Casemore, 514 'York St., /lam- ikon, Ont,, JAckson 9-5200, 18:20* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 413001tTlithlaq 'bulls or sale, 2 reds, 2 roans, eight months old, Phdirie 1918, Wro*etet, 13b 1.'n'TLie PIGS for fialk Glen Casemore, Ishorle 727w2, 13* ,SOW FOR SALE with 7 young, eight weeps Old, Phone 64014, Wlrlgtrarn, 13*' 11 SMALL ettin1/411t8 of pigs for ThornaS Reid, phone 5202, 13* SALES HELP WANTED, RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Townships Ash field WaWe- nosh East and West. Trade well established, Excellent ;opportun- ity, Full time, Write at once, Rawleigh's, Dept. E-453-189, 400, Richelieu, Montreal. 13b LOST SMALL COLT ,TiD DOG, female, black,,brown and white. Anyone finding same phone 727w12, Jim Casemore. 13* PERSONAL ONE-DAY FILM SERVICE Leave your films at Vance's Drug Store at 2.40 p.m. Pick them up again after 2.45 p.m. next day. My 13,20,27JE3 WHY FEEL OLD? Feel Years Younger. Ostrex Tonic Tablets revitalize thousands past 40. Only 69c. At all druggists. 13,20-10,17,24b FOOT SUFFERERS If you have sore feet, ankles, viatica pains in legs, hips or lower buck trouble why not have your feet checked by a qualified, exper- ienced Foot Cerrectionist. See J. A. VICKERS at Queens Hotel, Wingham, each Monday afternoon Other times — 481 8th Ave., Hanover, Phone 500. ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION in comfortable Wingham home for city people who would like to spend a va- cation in rural area, or overnight travellers. Mrs. Wm. Haney Leopold St., phone 247. 13,20,27b MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR and exterior painting —for expert interior decorating and outside painting apply to Box 36 Advance-Times. 13-26* LAWN MOWERS, grass shears and scissors sharpened and re- paired. McDougall. Lawn Mow- er Service, phone Wingham 553W 29:6 :13 :20''• LAWN MOWERS sharpened, ro- tary and reel. Used mowers for sale, Jenkin's Repair Service, Minnie St. Phone 694w. 6rrb BACK HOEING, excavating and trenching. Small jobs are a specialty, but none too large. We have just purchased a new . trencher. Phone Harold Con- gram, phone 1079. A1513b IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A, Scott, Wingham, 2rrb SEWAGE DISPOSAL — Septic tanks, cesspools, etc., pumped and cleaned with modern equip- ment. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake; R.R. 2, Brus- Sels. Phone 42r6, Brussels. A15-Jy29* NEW SPRING ARCHES—Consult. W.A. Kaufman, phbne 94, Lis- towel, open every Tuesday 10 am, to 10 p.m., and in Walkerton at Percy Pletch's, May 14-28, phone 195W; at Mariwalt Tourist Home, Diagonal Rd., Highway 86, Wingham, phone 993, on Thurs- day, May 21st, afternoon and evening. rrb WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Al.e Used". Supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. Phone collect to Tees- water 126, or Clinton zenith 9-5650. For service or more in- formation, call between:- 7.30 and 9.30 a.m, week days; 6.00 and, 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings, For cows noticed in heat on Sunday morning, do not call until Monday morning. The qual- ity is h'gh and the cost low. rrb mitaisiliiiiiiicononairtotwant MASONRY REPAIR SERVICE BRICK REPAIR WORK BRICK POINTING CHIMNEY. ETC. 'FREE ESTIMATES , - FOWLER'S MASONRY REPAIR Mitchell. bit PHONE WINGHAM 4411.11 6,13,20;27* 111111111111111111111111A111111111111111111111111111111111* Music Festival Continued from page one Sion with . the chorus, , "A Star !Child", The girl's solo class, Grades 5 and 5 was the second item on 'the program and drew 19 en- tries,- The girls sang "Good. Morn, ing". Marilyn Riley, Kathie Han- na arid Jane Day were the ners, Ten groups were heard in triPle trios. The song- was "For All Thy Care", and the eentestants 'from 'Citaag-4',C6 `Pirap. -0-rade 8. Sharon Riley. Linda Templeman 'Jeannette Henderson, Dianne Dey- ell, Barbara Hall, Trudy Allen, Wayne Caslick; Philip Adams and .Charles Oorigram. Second,, Grade 6 and -7, 'Jpan, Riehl, Kathy Hanna Janice Henderson, Alma Jane El - liott, Bonnie Jardin, Brenda Mac- Lennan, Mary Jane Slosser, San- dra Cameron, Jane Ann Colvin Third, Grades 6 and 7, Bill Dau- phin, David Wenger, Donald Mer- ,n-ick, Jim Nesmith, Robert Beattie, Tommy Ellacott, Ronald Vogan, Glen Madill and 'Robert Gamble. "Hunting the Hare" was the title of the boy's vocal solo, Grades 5 and 6, This class was won by Jim Nesmith, Larry Taylor and Larry Aitcheson. There were 19 entries, Winners of the' boys' and 'girls' double duet class for Grade 5 were, first, Nancylaucharme, Larry Tay- lor, Allan Leggett, Brian Caslick; 2nd, Jane Day, Donna, McKay, Ruth Ann 'Hamilton, Valerie Hastings; 3rd,. Peggy Rae, Wendy Cronk- wright, Ann McKibbon, Rae Gur- ney. Duet, Grade 6, 1st, Bonnie Jardin, Alma Jane Elliott: 2nd, Carol Walsh, Judy Callan; 3rd, Jim Nesmith, Tom Ellacott. Each of these classes sang "To the Moon" Donald 'Rintoul, Wolfgang Trzem- zalski and Philip Adams won the boy's `solo, Grades 7 and 8. The ten contestants sang "Men of Har- lech". All the students of Wing- ham Public School showed parti- cular pride in their applause, and with justification, both afternoon and evening, for the winner of sec- ond. place. Wolfgang came to this school in January from Germany and at. that time knew only ten English words. In his few months here,.he has managed to master the language well enough to keep up with his studies and has be- come respected and well liked by his fellow students. Grades 7 'and' 8 duct, "Rain in May", had 16 entries. Both girls and boys took part in this class with Janette Henderson and Di- anne Deyell in first place, Jane Col- 'vin and Kathy .Hanna second and Dianne Deyell and Barbara Hall third. Twenty-two girls competed in the girl's solo, Grades 7 and .8, with the song "Lass of Richmond Hill". Dianne Davidson,` Mary Joan Lapp and Kathleen HOdgins headed the class. ' The afternoon performance con- cluded with 10 entries in the girl's open solo singing "April's a Lovely Lady". The -svinners were Alma Jane Elliott, Bonnie Jardin and Jacqueline Saint. Evening at High fiehaol The evening-•performance ato the high school drew a larger audience than in former years. T. S. Beat: tie, principal of the Wingham Pub- lic School, was chairman and- the spectators witnessed a fine pro- gram. Miss Williamson's class again presented "The Turkish March" as a rhythm bevel number and did a square dance. The pup- ils of Mrs. Robertson's class per- formed "The French Minuet" folk dance and Miss Phyllis Johns' class played "Andante" on rhythm band instruments and s an g "Friends and Neighbors" with ac- tions, Grade 2 students, in cat and mouse costumes, enacted a fan- tasy, "While the Cat's Asleep the Mice Will. Play". The dances, songs and accompaniment were arranged by their teacher, Mrs. Norma Alexander, and had been formed by the -class last Decem- ber on a television program. Mrs. Shera's pupils sang rounds, "'The Bluebird" and "The First Tu- lip" and did a folk dance, Miss Armitage's class did a Hungarian dance. • The program of special num- bers throughout the evening was interspersed with solo, duets and trios 'by the winners of the various classes during •the Morning and afternoon Competitions, After the winners of the boy's open Solo had repeated their number, "Merl of Harlecli", they were joined by a massed Choir of boys. They had decided they would like to sing the song' as a, choir and the results were most successful. Roy Bennett, chairman . of the School hoard, addressed the audi- ence. He paid tribute to the tea- chers, the music supervisor, Mrs. Douglas and the pupils. , Dr. Pen- .111011011.MWOMOthoMMAAMPI Upholstering OF ALL KINDS Repaired; Recovered, ReModelled PICK-UP AND DELIVERY EVERY TWO WEEKS Phohe 475 Collect, Or WM* Heinbuck Up olsterg MITCHELL. ONT.' 418,0,036 CARD OF THANKS I wish to sincerely thank those who remembered me so kindly with letters, cards and gifts and also those who visited me while I was a patient in London, Hospital, These acts of kindness were deep- ly appreciated,—Margaret MeCien- CARD OF' THANKS I wish to send my sincere thanks to my friends and neighbors who visited me while a patient in Wingham Hospital, also those who sent flowers, cards and treats, ' Special thanks to Rev. Dr. Nimmo, Dr. B, N. Corrin and Dr. Pedley, alsp Mrs. Morrey and the nursing staff,--Mrs, Jos. E. Smith, 13b CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank our friends, neighbours and acquaintances for their kindness and help, and those who sent cards and visited me while I was in the Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Corrin, and Dr. ped- ley, Mrs, Morrey and her pursing staff in the maternity. ward.—Mr. and Mrs, Rudy Heins. 13* IN MEMORIAM SPIELVOGEL--In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Frank Spielvogel, who passed away two years ago, May 15, 1957. Three little words, "Forget-me-not," They don't seem nuich, but they' mean a lot. Just a memory, fond and true, To show dear Dad we are thinking of you.—Sadly missed and ever remembered by wife Lillian, son and daughter-in-law and grand- ' sons. 13h EXECUTOR'S SALE Of Real Estate, Household Furnish- ings and Effects To close the ESTATE of the late THOMAS MOORE there will be offered for sale by public auction, SATURDAY, MAY 16th, at 1.30 o'clock at the premises in Whitechurch, Ontario. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE— Beatty washer, kitchen stove, side- board, pop-up toaster, chinaware and glassware, step-Iadder, day. bed, antique bed and dresser, oak bedroom suite, odd rockers, coffee table, leather rocker, Quebec heat- er, organ stool, 2 sewing machines, Frigidaire, electric kettle, antique clock, lawn ,mower, kitchen 'table and chairs, trunk, oak bed and dresser, studio couch, end table, antique mahogany. chair, parlour table, fernery, quantity of good floor covering, other articles too numerous to mention, • Real Property At-the same time and place there will be offered .for .sale, subject to a reserve bid, the following Real Estate: Port of the south half of Lot 11 Concession 11, K'inloss Township (Village of Whitechurch). On the property is said to be a 11,4 storey 7 room frame house with asphalt siding. - TERMS OF SALE Personal Estate—Cash Real Estate-10% on date of sale and balance in 30 -days thereafter. Full particulars and conditions of sale may be had on application to the undersigned, DATED at Wingham, this fifth day of May, A.D. 1959. L. G. BRYCE—Auctioneer. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Solicitors for the Executors 13b CEMENT GRAVEL Crushed, Excellent Quality Available at pit or delivered. WATSON ARMSTRONG DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices For Old, Sick and Disabled Cows and Horses DEAD STOCK AT HIGHEST CASH VALUE iPleatie Phone Promptly' Call Collect 133 Bruce Marlatt Brussels, Ont. 24 HOUR SERVICE, Phone 45 r 12 TEESWATER IN WINGlEIAM AREA CONTACT PERRIE HOLMES rrb CEMENT BLOCKS are the answer if you need a building that is fireproof, per- manent, economical and requires little upkeep. " All sizes manufactured in Walk- erton on mut modern equipment, AMBULANCE SERVICE CURRIE'S AMBULANCE, Wing- ham Dependable Service, Phone: Day, 51; Night, 714 or :636 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CORA WHITFIELD ALL PERSONS hav- ing claims against, the estate of the above mentioned late of the Tewn of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Practical Nurse, who died on the twenty-third day of April 1959, are required to file proof of same with the undersign- tieliefere •ti-fa clay of May, 1959, After that date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 28th day of April, 1959. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix 6113-20h NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN GIBBONS, ALL persons • having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned late of the Town of Wingham, County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on the twenty-seventh day of March, 1959, are required to file proof of same• with the undersigned on or before the twenty-third day of May, 1959. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which- he shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham, this 28th day of April, 1959. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON •VVingharn, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 6-13-20b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE, ESTATE OF THOMAS BROWN ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Village of Wroxeter, County of Huron, Gentle- man, who died on the ,8th day of April, 1959, are required to file proof of same 'with the undersign- ed on or before ithe 16th day of • May, ,1959. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the es- tate having regard only to' the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED' at Wingham this 24th day April, A.D, 1959. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors 29:6:13b NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF WILLIAM PATRICK LYNETT, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all 'creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late William Patrick Lynett are re- quired to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W. BUSHFIELD, Solicitor for the Executor of the said Estate, on or before the 16th day of May A.D. 1959, and that after such date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate hav- ing regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had no- tice, DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 27th day of April, A.D., 1959. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C., WINGHAM, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor 29:6;13b TEACUP READING TEACUP fortune telling every afternoon 1 to 3 and evening 7 to 9, Call 247, 13* rjWr.4 WANTED HOUSEKEEPER wanted for three adults, in Auburn, Write Mrs, Bert Marsh, Petersburg, Ont, 6,13b BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. Wingham, Phone 48 . J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.O. ;a'