The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-05-13, Page 2'9 MEM AR URGENT NEED T'he decisoon of the 41,0, -ham entrance to. the town, Nvill lie much to\,N.,n conticil, hw Monday night to bliproved, 10vide, additional parking spa ce 'NV4S*We,:e&nnestly believeig wise one, There is a good deal of merit, ,The neN*,,, lot vdll be upened on Jose- 'between too, ill the decision to use the pres- �Ilille Street South, the ent street lighting standards for We Reavie Garage and, Joe 1,.err's build new fluorleseent fixtims. The wor- in,g, thy consideration of nioney st aved is, According, to tile. pl- ans which of cour, one Nybich most taxpayel -s will :te,. but in ;addition to were "ussed at council flood lights the =,,Aspect, il inust be said will be histalled, so that, those who that the present standards "'Ire quite use the lot will be able to find their respectable in appearance, and they '%Va around, audalso to offer a 11lea- . y do provide for 'the placing of th�e sure of protection against theft of flower pots -which have become a cars or their contents. sort6f Winghain trade mark. These .40t _e_. q -vere a .1.4,qer bIN leviate the congestion along the presented by the writer o . a letter main street, which has reached the to, the editor in this paper -a couple .c criti a stage, but it will, be a decided of wed�,s agoand it is gratifying to improvement to the real estate in see the suggestions carri e d t.' the. soutli end of the towfi, an area -Wen 'ece, Ing tile ministration Of in which there is considerable room went on tills tople far Into tile, forbetternient. NVith the' lot cleaned SPORTSMEN ARE IN up :and well lighted, the entire south ACTION , '1 upon qQ4. Tho 0 burpll (And tilal. Gr6d. When theyreturue4 ey , 014 tht NO ROOM FOR DOUBT Last year , wh en a swiniming po oi. for NAVinghain and the surrounding rural district ivas proposed, we, were all in favor of the project., personal- ly, but Nve inast adinit to certain doubts about the feelings of the rest of the people in this community. N74NV" bolirever, that reservation call be discarded, Ill the months Avhich have inter� 'vened since, the pool -was' first sug- gested there has beeii ample oppor- ninity for the objectors to voice their opinions—and frankly they have not done so as far as we know. More important, there have beeii InanY or,",,, nizations and. individuals who have expressed in -no uncertain teruis their v,`holebearted support -of tJie pool.project. One of the most' graphic ex- Amples. of this -support -\vas the re- cent collection by the Girl Gaides of coat. hangers, pop- bottles, etc., to raise money, for the pool fund. Young people throughout the dis- trict tl,�e very, keen'to see a pool built here, -and knovyin ve _g youlkg peop le -, would be willing to bet that their paren I ts are pretty Nvell sold on the idea as N-,. ell. Attivitv, in connection with the pool fund has been at a minimuni for several mo nths, b6c�ause the var- ious fund-raising, campaigns which areca rii-ed out each spring, hav, e been in progress, and the pool fund -or- ganizers had no Nvish to interfere with- such, worthy groups as Cancer Society,Salvation Army and Ontario 'Societ� for Crippled difidren. However, it- is.likely that an or- ganized canvass will be undertaken shortly, the results of which will de- termine, ver�y effectively., the feelings of thegelteral public in regard to the pool. T -Unquestionably a pool, is an pensive item, but it does fill a, very definite need in the average Ontario conimun, itv. Its relatipriship to pub- lic safety has be6ft** =111111lized here-, but as Nve see it, ';S'afety is the.most important, aspectof the entire pool project, Thereliave been three too wany drownin gs here in the p�qst two yo -ars. Therels no hetter -vmy to 'prevent dro-w-niog ateidents than by teakIling, evel�y 'Child to swim. 13�- tween parents and the local recre- atiou tounwil niany litindreds of 461lars are presently being s�ent to provide sunilln1mg lessons for tile child.ren of this town. It i.� high thile that webad Our mvil pool so th-4t not on1v a limited liun-aber -of rhildren in 'Winghain could, get les- sons, but fhat this benefit could be tzztended to -the children of the rural roralulluirr as well. gh TheVin– -arn AdVance*Timts PlWhhed at WlfthA04 C%ftrlo, W. sftry 'W"9011 Mltbc Ubhu''T, Avatt llattftu Of ard,41041i AAtbotfX64 M $0wMA mu MAA PbA offlet Dept. 'Ratc- — btke )t*kr#A4, Wx *ot)w wro iA tkav"'tt & A.U* pet yeat, ftr** pAto, "104 *r Y*&* A�4vttudhg lutes, 6h 4PHt*tJH* Congratulations to the Wingh-arn Sportsmen's Association oil their de- cision to proceed with the erection of a building at their property ill Turnberry Toxviisbip just wes1t of the town, The building.. has remain- ed in the "talking" stage for some time and now the club members have decided to lay their own malley on the line so that construction c an be started, The building will be useful for any number of purposes, not the least important of which is the ac- tivities of the newly-fornied -Junior Sportsmen's Association. A highly ,enthusiastic group of teen-agers have j�oiiled this group, and will be tallght'a variety of subjects akin to ,conservation and lore of the out- doors. At the top of the list is hunter safety, in -\vhich instruction is given by registered members of the Dominion Rifle Association who are, incidentally, all inerabers of the adult sportsuien's Association here. I Hunting accidents from away back, have inv,ariabl�y resulted from carelessness, in one f orin or another. Unquestionably that - 'carelessness has always been of an entirely inno- cent naturew�the sort of carelessness of which on or I could be guilty, y g Ho-%vever, with this new course of trainino- for tli'e young.people who - Will be handling guns for the next few years, there is real hope for somethinz better. Education always.', bears fru�li . ... and in this case the fruit should be human lives. But the Sportsmen"s, Association has many other uses in mind for the building they propose to erect on their property, each of thein of'equal value to this community, in its. larg- er sense. There NN -As a time when. . a to,%Vn the size of Wingliam, could sub- sist: on a Inininium of organizatigns. Today we must have all the organ- izati,ons in the book. At times we inky even become annoved at the multiplicity of effort—but ea6i one, of these groups represent,, a valued facet of our varied existence. We say that the Sportsmen offer an opening for an interest in life that is 'new and very. different—�and ap- pvent�yquitt popular - TIME TO STANDARDIZE The suggestion was recenfly put forvvard at a tonventioa of mull-Icipal ailtboritiet that road and street mark-ing signs throughout Ontario be standardized so that nintorists, could more readihr understand the inforination these markers are sup- posed to -provide. That is a good ffiouglit� At the priesent time -the tolor, shape and lo - ration -of these signs vatie�� actording to the whini of the Inullicipality which trc-cts tbem. It iA difficult for the native Outariodriver to keep track of -thein, let alone the visitors front acros.-,; the border who unist wonder uhy. une have such a ooufus- ing vartiety of warkers. Nfanv'of our larger to,%�m. and 'tai". ire pow provided with thr011gbWaV1,.,q* and' hypai�,sts which. *dwittedly do Permit the avoldanct, of eertaiWtraffir lva7ards Nit io �t everr Case the"r leave ranin 0. � 4ealof confilsion at entrV for A:good and �exit. Clearer tftwe; do much -t6 aid themototist insitch tases. W%0400 4140 44.4 0 Z lyp POW 'ASE1 ONE �MOMENT, PLE St. C 04101 NOW 94 for With stropgth An in A U Ill _4 Jigalt � � h 4"M ASK$ A 9VESTAOS Aen? I -low . ily of 4, ave for'-, ___4_ stored be W140 accept Ole r.espqn, gotten that -the. Answer li�v .1r.16 ................ I., ......... –, ........ ........... Ry'1$111- Smiley 7 Driver ill, T. Plenty, recently re- May is one of"the molift Ill, 4s nlan4t WA19 I? A.QXA such itlepsIng.5, He.ra�#st find w* rk Q Q aft 'r Ak XVW mays U III futureNve4? One cannot AV44 the firt.b. chap, r to keephimsoff. Uo cot "' . _11d "a JORK, or :depend on frlert4o, for he pos� I read somewhere about a ter Of JQhtl zessetl as ViuCh Arengtli As t ey b orul3er crew back from, m at - IvItIlokkt asking W -b is hen C r A fulfilled the man's tqck -on all enemy objective. They seif wh# Is VneL. wish, Uo W01414 have to fit 0 And _e4 at the 'wing tip and talk- Involved in the PAY for lodsrtngsi. No longer copid ed. about religion "tip: there't in tl story at We lie occupy on or tbe,porc.hes, Yo Air Oall a �4-year-old, lieutenant, hea n Pee is involved in the An of 32 mIsMons, -,,you. Sure prostration, then, next dii, When. qijestlo g And 1,be ni.q.n'j Answer. get to ibelleve in God on tbe.Se e rain tA festvals fore,,jer... But next day, trip,5.11 To willeh a, ataff sergeant t It narrative, Christis .5till, u$king th I e. rqug) th If 2 4, "You can 40 more, U 1141' -, lie had eel� A _JI-0bur"11h Amid :her -To.hlkstw, "Wilt ing in five minutes on. a. rpomb long tiroe Jn* thott be P446 Whp.le?" Are ' we rull than In all the rest of your Itton Ife u44 g to avcept,t4 ri�lbllity lifetline.11 Tbiis the conversation -Wen 'ece, Ing tile ministration Of of . saylpg yes.? Xf so it -will mean went on tills tople far Into tile, friend In Act the porches h less dependeur elf An 0: on. s .40 e r night, These ni ell had been near Ueen billit, no (1ptillt, by some phllr , '1 upon qQ4. Tho 0 burpll (And tilal. Gr6d. When theyreturue4 ey , 014 tht .10throple soel ty or person, FQP4 ineans yotir and 410) peeda to give find us, as near God and as willing aad been supplied by friends or serioll's thought to this, Pit It to talk About t1lese things? We 0twuspeople. There w as evidently that we acknowledge Christ celebrated, tile victory With pr r aye 10 04A.9e for worry About Maio 041 as master and t) at obe.dience to A and praise And, thunksgiving but tbings. Theia Christ Come.s along , c . , Him uiust, be Qur first con orm for too Mally it stopped there, be made NVIlole?". #�Als 'Tt Vw- t11911 be made-, whole?" ,va's "question Presented'& V41allenge'to this Inall, pilly Oire,-foqthe IlI& of the World. If we�sgXand.yiolly mean yes. then. volved. more than just relobr4ting in. fact, all Christ's quesItlQns Are� 'whi0h. christ.:is, -1111part to its our return to, liormal life. God -hallen uestion, ge$, q aeemed' simple in Itself, 16osrillvedf tile' POW' fir to rise lip And Walk—to to r,�Vgr4 wants you to Xorose Him' a nt tQ healthy, fit body'r made strong 'by I ,41ITig, i4oie than, 4albre than just hL to"" rogre-54 steadily. car Zu be .,eful di;c1plille so that �Nre c . renewed strength. Was flifs �4'th�,�thought upper- of help not only to ourselves, but Tills Mallcoilld 110, lo4er OxP 'eV lost Jil, :all -oqr­rnJqds divinj the d4d[� and 404U 4i� Of war? We tbose who, When %ve needed their prayers, were Nvill.Ing to give, time to lie inintstered to as befb�ro, .1 No, 7.4414 'We Want64 ko be i(nad I e wbole, and vulke sacrifices for our good. longor would friends bring foil4lbut while- ', iej4iced in tile, hour I I I we, Who has done more for us than Jesus Christ it is He 'sAict asks amd the other vecessltl6s'of -life. of victor w much'Ilgve ive ad- and "Wilt thou be made %Ybole?" God go lailoer could lie, 40.p�nd -4.th�t vanced in�PTAy er.And pralse since help us all to say Ye and e n it, s -in a ........... ....... Sgt, Fred Tem.plemall, son of Mr. S Sugar. Saw and Mrs, Templeman, B dward St., has, been awarded the military Ioff medal Ry'1$111- Smiley 7 Driver ill, T. Plenty, recently re- May is one of"the molift Ill, f1r*t 1".uvaj pi",e Qkis year. All turned from overseas, Is visiting his grandmother, MrA. Fleuty, Jose - year when I would give a, great t. he* Way home,' she and her -mother phine Street. -11is mother, Mrs. deal to be able tq rehm and live shot todki-of-hatred at each other, W. J. Pleuty, of Orangeville, is a the full life, It Is one of those 6eh. 4eady td, . bi�rst into tears, I guest at the ;same home. rare transition months in Canada, w$lo 1-*lark�d on the,weather, Mr, Arthur Fothergill,' who has like October, that are exhilaratiq1j; poinf6d a t gv" fighmg spots U ., anti resided in Moose Ja%v for some and enticIng. May can turnop,the' gewwr*11yAried- V) keep things in time, has decided to move to Wing- -beat untilyou're oil the�polnt_ui the , cok wilr stage. I[ tilolight, --�d the large, ham and has purchase prostration, then, next dii, When. the owild Wq'iQ-d i�; tbiorig�h %,Itll double house near the high school You've doffed the long under%v6ar,',! festvals fore,,jer... But next day, which is at' -present occupied. by come tip With a boneehilling wind back she went plak�,d like a trooii- Airs, L.* Relinedy and Mrs, Ell - that call ctirdle your blood, er, i4ee.ming, herself and. restor- chanart, ing,the stattiq'quo iii the family, Mrs. Evans left on Monday after - It',% a. month of unfulfilled.,pii;-� noon for St. John, N.B., where she mises. Tile trout season opens. W -t-4- Then there -tirasHii.-hos fimtper� will sail for England. to meet her Your mouth waters over the prft4 formance.." Aa'yifig a Bach pre- husband. Major Evans. She was pect of ..a pa,4 . r0i ..Of . spocM lude be has sturallied aind fuxbled accompanied by her iliece, Miss trout� fried bt butter. Ru t the With for tile -Past month, -lie pulled Xr. ismith'. streanis are too higll,'ar t" I i OWP all ill ,� tattered ell& Into place Messrs. Tipling and Mills have- i'V.q too cold or too hot,- too'%,tTkj[,�� and turned in 9,nearly fla;wless per- purchased a new Ford truck to the or too calinj said )vaueri� glad, the formance,"probalitly the first and used In their flax business. Old Lady remembered to ordei last tlmebe4 , I evoi'play that piece Mr. Ralph Thompson has pur- some hamburger.. �xlout; 4,boob. . Only fe;tival par. cbased James Williamson's proper- ents know what; a life that ,, ty in the Wingbam town plot, Ill May the golf�r has his Angstl.gly-e-YGU, 0 �w 0 - 0 hour. He doesWt e);pect mizek.14s TINTNTY-FIRFE YEARS AGO first time ou'k because be, hasn,t TheP tamV, the final piece of luck. swurig a club In six mouth,. gut It, 'Was Mat-aWs way,fof - eothpensat- � Work commenced on Monday he tees up and hits. thai firstli4n, 11 iiie'. ' Th In$;" - As. e other night� in mornin- preparatory to paving About throe miles. Twentk minutes 44q4,thie evivendes at in. 6s- No. 4 ilg;-�-Y from Cunt.. eigh`t later. hes slicing, ]looking, Whiffling itiall as' temporary hired help y :miles toward Blyth, The pavement and, inissing 129 -Inch putts,'bu I t that managed, to slip'away for a: 'felill Will �,be a strip 10 feet -Wide with first strole did It, and b;"�1ooked �"Uti. Lq�htm before g, just dark. the other half of theroal gravel. for another seasort. T. tow it": wag*bopeless, but I just, Mr W- Joseph Ilenderson ,vas . get, &,4,SV, long, Ono I �D u,g I much surprised on Friday morning Tivs, the month -wilen the or (4D 'e. th . z.,Pn e luants -of M�, to find that one of his sows had who bas been go ing: t& fix up hk p�jiept and tanit3-% given birth to aLlitter of IS pigs, Place for the last f;uir,y"r% iakes In the course of the day :three of IL grip on himself. And thaVs about W�Mt'ta�lnyfavourlte hole. Sure thent died, but -the remaining 35 all he takes. He d 'Cii�i t1,14 e enough,sonlebod_v was there ahead are fine and healthy. Ashes out, of, bi_% cellstir, the'lunk, P, of"*zfi�_ m6w-d u the stream, UrJ�ert McLean has acceptecL a position %vith t�e Red Front Groc out of the back yard. or the �tornv brb6dhig �Rd hurled the worm into windaw,s off, But he does - take a� a'vtac�:11, knew was a Iblank, so I I 'sit'Am . ery. R. Walker's chopping mill Avill :firm grip oil himw-lf, and tfireat� -ens an Illanner of -dire renovations; could " light -a cigarette, And 'let the line "drift in nerve - operate -on Tuesdaya and FAdays before sliecumbing toa, fishing rod,,, P40thiftS peace. Bang! I -tied into only until further notice. a.golf bar, or ac6ld be��r a-4 'ra1nU-W trout 'He shouldn't The follo%ving Ontario Agricul- hai4,,�ftu.tbkre. I sho-tildiu-1; have tural College students Were sue- N'raY is a month that leaves 111,e. bo�n -ditire. Waybe. be was trying to' 'Irom. Ws family, too, cesSful in their examinstioi;S. Cax. man G Colitts, third year; Allison rezdLy -trustrated- rve finally lost that 3nean nilserablZ look rve, Carrie'and Robert Weir, second been toting a�uiad,slnp year. 20. Dan GlIlles of SL Thomas Life beckons, AW !66d doesn't, has accepted a position with Mr, exalethr boil over with the e0stasy of -spring-, but it does emlit a rentle Reminiscin A_ J. Walker in his furniture and undertaking establishment,. bur,p or two. Im ready to sAtrmall 'Rev. truest 11ayeg, who hag a, streani, gaze at a, %olf course grimeli around the, $ardell, -or been the Popular rector of SL least look it the ltwrl; FUTI? TEAM AGO Paul's Church for the past two yeAr-% salls for England sho rtly, Since our last Issue we have bad where be will sppnd a leave of ab - so Athat happens!! 1,m plangvd another genuine taste vt win, r sence at his home - into the annual ma -4c �,roth,r. RVl,, winter snow Mr. and Mrs. StELnley Hare spent festival- For about two m*" were for a few days in Toronto. i while, the trout are. all eangbit by st, arms e�;p&rle-nced sev- 1ora:1 44M All -Is Reta Itastle, who is Attend- *thers' "'he' golfk"r-s get' abit staft, ' Assessor Dulmage has completed ing Queens University. is borne on nie, and the lawn, and garden return to the jungle, I must Play his work and the rill W= returned to Clerk Ferguson Satur- for the holidays, dresser, seco-nA family PY4&Wfltrl$� ToWn on ToW walling wait old philosopher, and day. assessment for the 'The F117KEEN '17,ARS AGO Wald -of -all -work to the tempel, town is ;7710,000. Population of the, town is 2�351_ aas Stations are Mw open Satur. blental nuttarlans, Ift flie famBy, and 160301. Bishop Williams conferred the &Y, evenings until nine -O'clock. lite of conArmatioll an the latzest 'These 'hours Will PrevAil for the Just boeause I tloet know 4k cad- tiass in the 11Aory of St Paurs summer months. enza frdlia, a eoehroach, an all egr(l March, fifty persons in"all. Hooper, RCAF, son of Mr. Trom, mm afflgator,'l am looked upon %U& qJerdsman has returned and I Ifts. A. Y. Hooper, ;,as sue - as poor white trash around our home aftre several inonths, visit cessfully passed his exams At sL plaee at festival time Despite In lrelancL Thomas and is now stationed at, this, t am listful, thetefore toler.. Idirs. Saell -of BlitleVale left last Calgary. 8gL John, gtiin�, son of Mr. and ate& Week for $1 oUx Fal Is, South Dakota, * All it InvoIrts IsI.,geAtIAC all the I k%erd i&he intends residinZ Mrs. Piebatil Stone of MneardinL- mea&, Ithd doing aU V* dishes- Wrolieter'ratepayers bave voted and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. takint balf-d*% oft at the _oMoe' to �put the elearle lightplant under J01113 StOnetown, was *woundod in and irarking li'kes� flend t4) make. ,municipal -ODntrol. Italy, but is retovered and is in it up'. coluttrung the Miss & Boyd has Purchased Mr. (%as�, Ugge house 0. Patriek action again. U-0-NId 11onderson, son f !&� . - 6 W an4 ddl1d, when lbey get 1$odkea4 Stitlering- the agoni" af.Pr6meth* . StreeL Ztr. and Xm, Inglis in d tell James 14ender-ooh, NVingham, June. `b* e% during tht performaxw"; *,zy, 1,trjarapk Inoving. 'to Cbatha= Mr. James NMson of Culross tion, has Promoted to the -1 rank .of Fli is 1�ht Lieutenant lug to kmP the Perf6MItets IrOrn fi"Ing Ott the sito Aelcku who has been In the shingle mill a grad0stA6 or the Clinton Radar of Ulgen We WJ404 V and gen.. tr,ally -leading a 11ro thAt w4u14 business for some years, bu *n - largM bis works, And will now School. Rev. E. 0. Gallagher V&-, th hT the. ttmpor of a turtle- him4te IeVeftt 161herlinet of k kulld- guest speAkWat the Matonlo lailk,20 I night at TeesWater last woek� 1! Ing sow tell CongtafAllatioris to Ll'ut T`:m tat kkking too 613. CoUttS, daughter of Ur. and Mn. In the Inidst Of life tbleZ� is death. muirk TgAng &GO P.. A. Coutti. ,who suttesdulb- In the luldst of:00n, Veasurt Abd PUged the 13�",bckir ot Arts exam, a' so Olt, Amd In the raidst, of plwug recebtly roturtiod Inations At the Vnivers;tyof west;- W&WIfetto tl* snugle festival tjW_� froin OvorAeks, Ire A14uJ%7ihg Sister tru ohtArll. ar6und our house I lealUed smt Andle 9,, Elliott dtuglitet of Mr. Sutt,�r c,,apous tk&t 'would he S 1111119-11, tfteiV#d thr9t1A, and SWA Utsw 4- -3- =1100� %vh* has VWia cin 3urie Ist will not becoult, 4 th5wod ali ll strbk# 'of *PerA. the 1P&A coupit ot years Itt it Vk] id ubul Jube gtb- The twuv- V MnAtat!p. h1dsV1W In Pitnee- z lion. equal 1* ,t IWI! pourA JWr, &%tt, who #nfttod -with Person WAS aftnouticed Taesd,%y I )0%fttO AftAtkW* t*a tako, #)keIr the I -CIA at V46JtftV1,- it bne tf the to L witposw*, *r _%oSditts re0ft0y irettimed bome. ut. and Itft, 4Uwanst, W10 TV Xim Mtw WAS**,, *�# Or UTL And Spftt tho WifIttr I& Morida. Atm A. V, btston Is '01-40 vial, P lo Do A. Spec... rices Effective MAY 13th to MAY 19th Coupon on 79c & W Noxiema, $ba.Ve enfitlo4 you too RAINCOAT for ....... ;, $1,25 4 Pallor klat4rs, 1) serviettes, 4; Forks, mul 0 spoonii I igl)uchess" PICNIC KIT.., $F,IDLITZ, POWDERS ....... .......... Uo PALMOLIVE Rapid, -$have & Sohiric Injector RAZOR ($189 value) ....... �'41-19 J.DA. Brajid _'f4osy to t4dro jj;ternal fulyrIcAut '�.Aejr, .990" sigo JoOL AGAR ........ ; ............. $74c, 11.49 '(Crssfal Cipar" "WHITE -'R A M Wash Pointed surfaces With TRI -SODIUM PHOSPHATE 19c .GLEEM TOOTHPASTE - Free Nall Brush 63c Bqy&RQJ,q At _HFC you alwa.ys get fast, courteous service, and a wide variety of r6payment plans K to choose from, You may borrow for any purpose.,�vou CoNfLI#36 think is worthwhile, Sanae-day loans—witho.ut bankalyle, security or en- dorsers—are a speeWty at HFG. Borraw with confir dence at Hyc. BE TLY From HFC, of course! Where people understand your Money -problems 'and like to help you solve them' HOUSEHOLD FINANCE I M. R. Jenkins, Manager 35A Wost Sheol Telephone 1501 GODERICH 11'.5tir Centre Centre St. REV. W. W. LODER, Pastor Wed. -8.00 P.m.—Youth Fellowship Meeting vri.-8.00 P-11i.—Prayer'21Jeeting Sunday Service. 10-00 A-in.—Sundav 5chool Classes for all ages. 11-00 a.m.—Ii1forning Worship 7.30 PL.M,—r4 van gelis tic VISITORS WELCOME ........................................ ........ . 44 T14E SALVATION ARMY Wingbain Coro SUNDAY SERVICES 11-M a.m.�Holiness Meeting 2.30 P.111�—Stinday School 7.00 P-in.—Salvation Nleeting Tuesday, 8,00 P-ni.-­-Frayer and Preise$ervioe rriday, 8-00 P-nl-�Youth Group AD TAea-Agers Rleleame, AVel0olne for YOU at tile *ArmyO ...................... ...... (AXGLICAN) Rev. C, V. Johnson, L.Th. Rector" !\Its. Gordon Davidson �- OrgAnist Altar Guild, Thursday, Aaftly l4th—,Mrs. R.' G. ,�Nfialiuel, 3.30 Tuesday, Ma.y 19, J�vellillp- g C-uild, Pzirish R,00111, J:1 84Y) whitsunday ,8.30 9.45 9.45 aan._ z tion Class Jr, er ��30 class