The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-05-13, Page 1Teniier..Frost':WiR: Si
t Rally Here on Tues
if Opening day tournament for golf
is Monday.,May 18th. Men's tourna-
ment at 1.30; pot hack supper at
130; mixed 2-ball at. 6,15. Special
invitation to all new members.
„ The • W.I.meeting will, be held
inathe Council Chamber on Thurs-
day, May 21st,' at 2.30, Program
convener, Mrs, W. Ringrose. A
film will be shown. Roll call for
good health, Belgrave W.I. will be
guests. Hostess convener, Mrs. F.
McCormick. Flab
The regular -monthly meeting of
the Women's Institute will he held
oh Wednesday evenitig, May lath
at.8.30 p.m. A good program has
been planned with the children's
choir from SS. 'No. 3. and films
shown by Mr. West. Everybody
'welcome. Flab
C.W.L. BINGO . „
laingo held in Town Hall, Friday
MaY 15th, 1959 'at 8,30 p,m. Sponsor-
ed by• the Catholic Women9s
League. Admission $1.00; Cash
prizes. . • Fl3b,
The graduation dance Will be
held in the Wingham District High
School on Friday, May 15th frond
9,30 p.m, to 1.00 a i m. Music by
„a Keni Wilbee and his ercheatra, Ad-
* mission is $2.00 per couple, 'Every-
one welcome. Fti :13h
"Anything you cannot use, we
can. sell", iS the slogan for the
Wingham Hospital Rummage Sale
, which will be held in the Wingham'
Armotirles on Saturday afternoon,
May 23 at, two o'clock. With house-
cleaning in full swing, housewives
are eager, to diapose of the aiccu
aaulation in closets and cupboards.
Se, jtist send pit all along to the
run image stile; furniture, clothing,
hate, ahoes, dishes; hi fact any-
thing. Please Piave all pareela at
the arniouries on Friday, May 22,
so that they can be Sorted and
marked, If you wish your 'do-
nation- called foe, phone Mts. I,• H.
McKay, 118, or Marguerite Johns,
208. All proceeds of this sale are
used fo purchase supplies for the
hospital, so please be generous and
ahelp make this 'rummage sale the
p iggest ever,
connection With title sale, tags
will be gold in the surtotiadhig
towns on Saturday, May 16 and in
ViTingliarn, on Saturday, May 23 0,114ob
The annual cadet inspection of
No, 543, Wingaani District High
School Cadet Corps, will be held oil
Thursday, al 21st on the: athletic
field of the high school. The ea-
det'corps will be itispectedtbYLteut:-
Col. M. R. Olives', cornmancling,,.*
peer" of the 21st Fld.
R.C.A.(M) ant} Capt., W, A Alrietis,
Following thaailiape011infalatika
and„ the' ceremonial . match past,
demonstrations' on aigrialsa Wea-
pons, first aid and physical edaca-
tion 'will. be held. A hear feature
to (be seen thistyeaa is a. gun drill:
demonstration on the 105 mnagua
Commanding the' 145-faan corps
this year is Cadet Major Wayne
Brown, son of Mr, . and Mrs.*Wea.
ter Brown of Wingham. Other of-
ficers, 'warrant officers", and ser-
geants are: Second-in-command,
C/Capt, Doug Leekridge; Section-
lieutenants, Jack Hatehaise, Bob
Rintoul, Keith Robinson, .Donald
Murray, Keith Flanigan and Joint
Merkley; BSM, Wilfrid.' Po-coals;
TS/vrs„ Ted Wormworth, Bill. Craw-
ford; BQ.7v1S, Kenneth' Badriakk;
Band Sgt., Raymoad :Walker; 'Sig-
nal Sgt., David Scott, .Orderly
Room clerka,SteWart Wallace; ,ser-
geants, Lionel Gerrie, BearyFailler,
Howard Rowe, 'Malcolm IvtoKliaa •
Members of the public are cor-
dially invited 'to attend.
With which is amalgamated the Gurrie Vidette and VVroxeter Ne
Hqapital authetities have asked
that public' thanks be expressed to
the 'Wing-barn • Kinettas for their
' &nation of a high chair, which, is
a necessary and highly useful piece
lament.. foaathe
at the hospital.
0 - 0 ... 0
A. -postcard from Mayor 'R,, E.
McKinney, addressed from London,
England, .states that he was. leav-
ing on May a (Saturday) for Ber-
lin, Where he expected to tour both
west and east sectors. From there
he was heading for Brussels, Paris,
Prague; • Lucerne, Zurich, Venice,
Rome, -.Athens, Genoa, Monaco; etc
In fact he had arranged for four
days in Moscow to top things off.
0 - 0 - .0,
By The Pedestrian
n ry in e
. Music Festiva
Babies Baptized
On Mother's Day
At the Mother's Day service hi
Wingham, United Church on Sun-
day morning Rev: T. G. Husser
spoke from the subject "I Believe
in Children", taken from the text
-Mark 10:16, "And he took them up
in his armg, put his hands upon
them and blessed them."
Taking the life. of Jesus as a
guide, Mr. Husser aaid that if we
believe in mother and her love,
then we believe in God. If we
believe in the home, a place of joy
and peace 'and happiness, then we
make it ad abode for Jesus. And
we must believe in children be-
cause they hold the 'future of the
church and the world. It is the
duty of the"parents to develop the
personality of their children to-
ward theafuture, so that they may
ae fitted to take the Places of the
great teachers • and masters, 'Who,
even' now;' sit at the feet of the
• •Agathat :abackground Of white party chairmen in.Exeter. played the organ at LOwe's, in To-, ,he •aaapdragon the following children ronto When talkica came in The laaaipraa rapaaa , oanseeefa , • :were- christened - by -afraaffussert five Associatioa. wishes to eapaeas avant to a theatre In"Staatfolat and • . Roberta Ansley, daughter, of Mr,
and Mrs. James A. Currie; Karen
Doreen, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbert, D. Wylie; Heather Lynn,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A,
Currie; Catheriae Margaret, daugla•
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Gal-
braith; Irene Donnalee, daughter of
Mr and Mts. Johe M. Wray; Jan-
et Irene, danghter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Whytook; Bernie Wilfred,
son of Mr. and. Mrs. Wilfred
Haines; Rugs?' Brock, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lovell McGuire.
Following this service the small
flower girl, Nancy Guest, present-
ed each mother with a corsage of
carnations. -.
then returned to Knox Church in
St. Marys. Prior to comingato
Wingham Mr. Pyre was organist
at the Listowel United Church.
He' has taught music for well
over 40 years and several of his
pupils, have become organists.
When he ,came to Wingham Mr,
Pyin 'started with two pupils and
'now 'has 45, with an extensive
waiting list.
Iii November he will have been
,with CKNX radio for 20 years and
h i s morning program, "Hymn
Time", from 9 to 9.15,' has been a
favorite with people in all Walks
'.of life for the past 16 or 17 years.
' Mr, and Mrs. Pym have a Sera
Jack, of Kincardine and a daugh- rsa Hera Mitchell has return- ter, Marion (Mrs. Bob Rae), of' ed to her tibiae after spending .the London. A son, Bill, was killed winter with membera of her fam- bverseas. in 1943 when he served illy. She has- been, with her son. with. the RCAF, and is buried, in
Belgium. Harold anci:MrS. Mitchell at Ham-
ilton latterly. ..
Council's Motion Upsets
Public School Board
All those who are interested in
playing softball this season are
asked to be at the town park at
seven on Thursday evening. The
WOAA general meeting will . be
'held the previous evening to ar-
range groupings,
0 - 0 - 0 .
The Progressive Conservative sup-
Darters of John Hanna have started
the • election campaign by opening
committee rooms in the McKlbhon
block next to Hanna's store, Those
who are prepared to help the cause
are asked to meet at the rooms at
eight o'clock on Friday evening
DeWitt Miller is 'chairman for the
town of Wiegham,
0 ,- 0 - 0
In case you 'think you have to
get yourself out into the wilds to
catch a trout, you should watch
What is happenig at the two dams
right in town. There were some
interesting catches of trout at the
week-end, with one angler claim-
lag the capture of a 14 inch Brown.
• 0 - 0 - 0
Tinaweek it would appear that
too much ,thappene& in Wingharn
and district. Several pictures -which
were taken for publication coula
not be nsed,, due to lack: of,-,aufia
elent:saace in-this' issue. We regret
that we could not print all the pic-
tures of the winners at, the music
festival, and the ones which do ap-
pear were picked at .random, with
no intention of slighting the others
who performed atal Won to honors
Also forced, to the side were the
league winners of the Men's Bowl.
ing League, and several other pic-
tures, of interest. We hope to havt
them printed in our next edition
Members of the local branch of
the Canadian Legion gathered at
the ,Legion Home on Friday eve.:
eipg to mark, the 14th anniversary
of Val Day and to honour 14 of
'their members: with the presentta
tion' of 25-year pins. , • , •
aa-The • banquet- was llratetaa the
athairmaaiship of President Lloyd
Carter. Head table guests includ-
ed Reg. Cleator, Ontario Command
Superbisor, who was guest speak-
ea and John Hanna, aa,P,P., of
Wingham. Comrade Reg, Cleator
also made the presentation of the
25-year pins to the honored mem-
bers who included Percy Harris,
E. S. Copeland, Hugh Sinnamon,
Charles Coultes, George Howson,
Howard Sherbondy, James Currie,
Archie Peebles, George Williams,
Richard Lloyd, Geqrge Day, Walter
VanWyck, William. Kennedy and
A. "Scotty" Forbes,, former district
service bureau officer
In his address Comrade Cleator
thanked the' members for the in-
vitation to come to Wingham, and
said that a great deal was owed to
the older members, who had fought
in the first war, and then made ev-
ery effthitto see that the men fight-
ing in the last war received a fair
deal on their return,
He brought greetings from the
provincial president of ,the Legion,
and' said. that it was particularly
important that veterans mark such
Important days as VIll Day and Re-
membrance Day, in order that they
will be kept before the public,
which Is somewhat inclined to for-
eel the searifice of Legion mem-
bers and the fallen of 'two world
The arinual :High School Open
Night will be held this year
on the evening of Friday, May 22.
There will be further notice about
this event next Week; Flab
Dr, and Mrs, J, A, Fox will be at
home to their friends, Friday, May
22nd from 3.00 pan, to 1,00 p m
and frala. 7,00 pm. to 9.00 pan, Oa
the occasion of their 50th Wedding
anniversary, YIP
Ted Wormworth, 'soy of Mr. and
Mrs. Ross'. Wormworth, Carling
Teraace, came second in the On-
taria Postal Shobt for Air Cadet
Squadrons of Ontario.
All Ontario .Squadrons held the
shoot on • their own individual
ranges. About 18 boys of the -Gode-
rich Squadron competed at the
RCAF Clinton range and regula-
tions were 'for ,shooting .22 calibre
rifles without slings. The 'targets
were then sent' to headquarters
Where all scores were marked, and
tallied. The results Were announc-
ed last Tuesday at the regular
meeting of the Squadron and Ted's
standing was second place for the
entire province, He had a • score
of 07.
He will receive a silver medal,
and if his award conies through in
time he will, probably receive it at
the annual competition at the
'Cloderich arena next Wednesday.
4 remier Leslie M. Frost is slated
to address a public meeting in the
._ • town hall, 'Wingham, TuesdaY
evening of next week, M'ay' 19th.
Mr. Prost will be touring this
part of the province at that time
and it is likely that his appearance
at the publie 'gathering will be' fola
lowed by a televiskin broadcast
over CKNX the saftle evening. The
following: day he will lunch ..with
aiacere appreciation to the local
Lions Club• who had aexpected to
present the first night of their
minstrel show in the town hall on
TueSday evening, Hravever, when
it was found that the date conflict-
ed with -the' prerther's visit the
Lions postponed their ahoar until
Wednesday and. 'Thursday evea-
ings, May 2e, and 21,„
Since this is the only public ap-
pearance MtaProst will be able to
make in this section of Western
Ontario, it is :expected that there
willabe a large crowd on band for
the. Tuesday flight gathering, a .
Chilcireif Aaptizgd
At St. Andieves'
Twelve 'babies wehe christened
at St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church on Sunday morning by Dr.
Alexander Nimmo.
The children baptized were
Marilyn Jean, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Cori gram; Richard,
son of Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Bes-
selink, Francis St.; Linda Marlene,
daughter of. Mr,' and Mrs. Arthur
Bryce; William Robert, son of Mr.
and 'Mrs. Win. Crump of Niagara
Fang, Ont.' Rodney sliarold, son of
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Crump; Mar-
garet Ann, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Robert W, Arbuckle; Trudy
Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Hammond; Stephen John,
son of Mr, and Mrs.:Stewart For-
syth; Stephanie Jana, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scott; David
Andrew Stewart, Son of Mr, and
Mrs. Andrew•W, McKague; Doug-
las Malcom, son' of Mr, and Mrs.
Donald,C, Wallace and Paul Nickel,
son of Mr., and Mrs, Douglas W.
In Graduating Class
At 'Waterloo College
Murdock MacKinnon, profes-
sor of English at the University
of Westera Ontario was'the speak-
er at the graduation . program for
Waterloo College on Monday night,
held at the Mutual Life auditorium,
_jobb. Congram, son of Mr. and
Mrs,, W, D, Congram, Clifford
Coultes, son of Mt, and Mrs. Ei-
ther -Coultes and Peter McKague,
Son of Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Mc-
Kague were members of the grad-
•uatiag &lass.
• Most of the graduates will re-
ceive their degrees at the .11..W.:0,
etinvocatiori in London on May 30,
Mrs. Tim Gibson
Presented with Gift
Friends and neighbors of Mrs.
Andrew Lain presented her daugh-
ter, Judy, Mrs, Tim Gibson, of Lis-
towel, with a coffee table as 'a wed-
ding gift, The table matches the
step-up end tables Mrs, Gibson re-
ceiVed recently at a shower held
by her friends.
A Public Meeting will be held in
the City Hall, Stratford, on Friday
evening, May 15th, at 8.30 pan,
tinder the auspices of the
'Free Enterprise Hog PrOducers of
Ontario, The ptirpoae of the •ineeb•
frig is to inform the publie of the
hiattion of the Parra Products
Marketing Board to deal with the
contentious hog marketing Scheme.
naMber and chorus ay Oracle 1 lata
aura Mia'a" Agnes Willlaitadah'a.
room, followed by 36 entries in, the
girl's vocal solo class, Grades 1 and
2, "The Little Bird". The winners
were Marilyn Tiffin,Judy Riley ,
and Julie Adams.
In the 'boy's vocal solo, Grades 1
and 2, singing "Dapple Gray",
there were 25 entries with Greet
Heywood, Paul Guest and Steven
The Wingham Lions Minstrel'
Show, which was postponed from
last -week because of the • serious
illness of the club president arid
director of the show, Bill Copron,
will be presented in the town ball
on Wednesday and Thursday •eve-
ninge of next weea, May 20 and al,
Rather ' than being discouraged
by the delay, the Lions feel that
the Show has, been improved with
the extra tithe for rehearsals and
are confident that the public will
really enjoy
Bob Secord of Hanover and well
known .here, wrote the script for
the show and since Mr. Conron's
Illness, has assisted with its dir-
It is safe to predict that there
will be a good turnout. for , the
presentations, for the old-time min:-
steel show 'has never failed to -at-
tract those who are interested. in
a geed laugh and home-style music,
'Tickets for the shOW ate avail.-
able from all members of theLions
Club and - at many of the business
plaaeg 'in to-4a Reservations may.
‘1*..niade.:.-witIgn#: charge at
lions ding . • • ;
Please hear the dates in Wed—,
'worovrady-"Aid...•.Thb tgdaY 'or 'heat
week, May 20 and 21,.
At an executive meeting of the
Wingham and District Retarded
Children's Association scheduled.
for this evening purchase will be
made of the former office building
owned by the Wingham Sawmill
Co, Along with the building the
association will buy the lot, which
will be used for a playground' for
the youngsters.
'Operating in the basement of the
Masonic building on 'Centre St.
since last September, the school
.has been highly successful. The new
building will be altered somewhat
to suit the requirements of the
i'Irlbert winning first seG rid and
Robertson's Grade- 1 'pupils pre-
sented a rhythtn band number and
Verna Hunter was firsthi 'the
girl's vocal sole, Grades 3 and 4.
Sheila Clawson was second .and
Gayle Stokes third. This -class
sang "Music and Dancing", and
there were 3$ entries,
Ten groups were entered in the
Grades ' 3 arsd 4 'girls' and boys'
triple duet, singing "Merrily the
Cuckoo", Bruce Boyd, John Wel-
wood, Wayne Irvine, Norman Cor-
rin, Barry McLean and Douglas
Vyse, Grade f pupilaaware in" first
place, Grade 3 students; Joanne
Pickfora, Debbie Paxton, Rite.
Fitzpatrick, Joan Remington, Geo.
Miller an& Bobby McEaY, were
as en eootnhde
third4raey .4, ..pgnrri oz. Ili
went ta
Peadhy, Dean Raiser, Cheryl :Scott,
, Neil RenWicit, ' '
Selected winners. from 20' contes*
tants in the bey's vocal sole, Grad-,
es 3 and 4 were, Kenny Taylor, •
Bruce Boyd. and Barrie Contom
This class sang "Sailor Life", ,
Afternoon Entries
Miss Joan Armitage's , Grade ., 3
pupils opened the afternoba ses-
(Please Turn to Page'Fouri"
HONOURED BY COMRADES-a-Fourteen inciahers o able; Wingliam
Branch .of the Canadian Legion were honoured by theta. comrades at
a special Day biunqiiet at the Legion Home last Friday evening, ,
when they were presented with 25-Year 'pine, Receiving their long
service pins were, left to right, back row, Percy Harris., E. S2Cope-
land, Hugh Shama-ion, Charles Coultas, Reg Cleator, Ontario Command.
Supervisor', Who Mattel the'aairegetitatiOn,.• George Howson, Howard
Sherbondy, James Currie; seattada Archie Peebles, George Williams,
Richard Lloyd, George ,Day; Walter. VanWycla William Kennedy,
and A. Scotty Forbes, former flit triet service bureau officer, original-
ly of Wingham.—A-T photo..
The regular meeting of the Wing-
ham Public School 'board was held
on Monday evening of this week
Routine accounts were passed as
well as the minutes of the , April
Principal Stewart Beattie report-
ed that enrolment remained at an
average of 499 for April, made up
of 247, boys acid 252 girls. April
attendnce was 92,16 per cent.
Harold Wild reported that he
and Chairman Roy Bennett had at-
tended a convention of the Public
School Trustees' Association, Zone
6, in Kitchenet, which he said was
most informative.
Chairman Rey Bennett reported
that Miss Lois Walker of Wing-
ham has beep hired as a staff
member with duties to commence
in September, The extra teacher
is necessary as a new grade will
be started next fall,
On motion of Scott Reid and Dr,
la, M. MaeLelinati the board auth-
orized a 10 per cent increase in
the salary being paid to Mrs, Carl
Douglas, music supervisor,
The board .also decided to send
a letter to all staff members and
,the =Sic• atmervisor, thanking
them for their effbrts in connec-
tion with the -music festival which
was staged'hist Friday.
A motion at, the last meeting of
the Wingham Town Council, tele.-
tive to its aapport of a. resolution
front the City of London, ask-
ing the government to give coun-
cils more centrol over school ex-
athiditute, received considerable
disctlagien by the s'cho'ol board.
Trustee Rota Reid asked if this
Motion, by: the Winghata coattail
constituted a motion of non-con-
fidence in :,the, hoard. IL A, Full-
ler said, "If the 'council does not
have. confidence in this board, it
Would snit he fine if the council
took on the job of Operating *his
Dr, G., 119.Y Fenwiclt, directar of
iiiiiile''fba''SehbOIS's ortYritiarici; Was
the adJudicator on Friday for the
seventh annual music' festival of
the 'Wingham public school. Mrs.
Carl Douglas, music supervisor for
the local school, presided at the
piano throughout the day and at
the high schwa in the evening.
The morning session opened at
9 o'clock with a rhythm hand
MONDAY, MAY Ifith, 1959"
a Public Civic Holiday for the Town of Wingham
I hereby call upon all good citizens to observe the same.
J. Roy Adair, Acting Mayor
Harold Victor Pyin, organist and
choir leader at St. Andrew's Pree-
byterian Church, . completed 20
years' service in that 'capacity to
St, Andrew's on Sunday. During
that period, he has established. a
record, being' absent only four Sun-
days in the 20 years. Three.aof
those were Caused, by bereavement
in tl g. family and the fourth was
occasioned' when he was guest or-
genie in another church.
Mr. Pym was born and raised
near St. Marys and studied music
there: Asa young-,boy he became'
organist in the, Presbyteaia.n,
Church in his home. community,
After he was. married to Mrs. Pym
ha' went into •theatre work and
Lions -Club Sets New
Data for Minstrel Show.
TROPHY WINNER" -,Dianne Davidson took top boners in 'the grade
7 and, a vocal solo and won the Lois Hamilton trophy ler Oitt efforla..
Mary ',faithLapp Was second sea Utility Oddities Ives thint this le
the first time the trophy has been put up for e.Ottipetittott **the Witkta
Bahl i'uhlio School Mtishi restival.