The Wingham Advance-Times, 1959-04-15, Page 8Mother, E*.the family minister of health ancj ,welfare,
lmows the Value of vitamins. She also knows that they
cost money. So the has an eagle eye for the large
economy size in vitamins, and many other things, when
she shops, This way she keeps the family budget in line.
• The Minister of Health and Welfare at Ottawa has
a budget too. He uses 'it to pay for various important
services. Among these are Family Allowances and Old
Age Benefits.
Money for the Minister o.f Health and Welfare's
budget comes through the Minister of Finance, This
is true of other departments also.
It's no secret how the Minister of Finance obtains
this money. He gets it largely in taxes from millions of
Canadians like you. If he spends more than he gets
from. you, he must turn around and borrow from you
the amount he has overspent , . . or else create new
The creation of new money is one factor that leads
'to inflation -- when the dollar buys less and less. So,
as a thrifty Canadian, you are wise to ask government
only for those services you are willing to pay for
with taxes,
Personally, you try to pay as you go, to live Within
your income. It is important that government try to do
the same thing.
rort want to line well now and to realize all your
at.nbitions for the best possible future. That future is
tied up with a'sound dollar -- a dollar whose ptzrehasing
tower you can depend on,
For The Best
SPeCialiaillg iii
Phone 808 J 22
goloommismompirommicomolionoomp000mmolo, •
Jr! E F
April iii
BESSELINK-At .the Wingham '
'General. Hospital, on Wednesday,
April 8, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs, Ja-
cob Besselink, Wingharn, a son. --•-
MeKINNONL- At the Wingham it
General Hospital, on Wednesday,' r.
April 8, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. I .
water, a son: .
Coritisien, 'inhibitor additives in your car motor' .Tames Mckinncin, KR. 2, Tees- s itihri- ji
1 . cant perform. a ,vital function.' They prevent the formation of
POWELL-At the= Wiiigham Gen- -11,, acids in the process of normal combustion. ,
These acids, should they gather in the motor oil, would he
rii 9, 1959, to Wand Nit's. Russell
ri_ 'surfaces; such as cylinder walls,. piston rings, cranirshaft and
ftoss-At the Wingham. \ General
6 highly corrosive, particularly to engine bearings and polished Powell, RR. 2, Wroketer,' a son.
.., camshaft•hearing journals and valve lifter surfaces.
Hospital, on ThursdaY, April 9,
1959, to .Mr. and Mrs. David Ross, • When acid etches these highly important, surfates there is
' R.13. 1, Holyroecl,'a datighter., , • a loSs of bearing area, with the result that the load 'en the:re-
NORMAN-At the Wingham
eral Hospital, on Tuesday,
7, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs.
Norman, Wingham, a son.
3 lbs. $1.25
LARD-we will" fill your pail for 10c per lb.
or packaged in seal-tight containers 2 lbs. for 25c
Lockridge's Butcher Shop
• rsiomili111111211111111211EIVIiniv•womuminow•woweilmovia
i • •
eral Hospital; on Thursday, Ap-
Bible .S.t.orieS Told.
By Dr, A, Nimmo
The spring Thaultoffering meet-
ing, of $t. Andrew's Presbyterian
mission Band was held on Mon-
day of last week at 4.15 in the ,$1.1.4.
day .School X00111, 'Mrs. Q.Q A, COO*,
per wuleomod the mothers and
friends who were present.
$171A9w rre:,,i.twiilt.414on,01eenntlit;lit44.4rp4'4,11:1!
deritolt. After the singing of "Je-
sus Loves Me" the 'gretify sang the
birthday. song to members who
have an 'April 'birt'hday,,
,Indy Reid and gait. Cooper sang,
dllet, "Can a Little, Child Like
Me". After the roll call the, of-
fering was taken 'by Cali Gannett
and joint Rae, assisted by Lyle and pong MoWbray,
The entire .grenp_reintett the
1A1:ss on 13 .t sl'thd 1.7)114.'i'Ved
with a chorus, "Let Your Hands
So Loudly 'Clap", A piano .selec-
tion by 'Janice Hendersop was
greatly enjbyed,. '
• The guest speaker 'for the '00-
casion was Dr, Alexander Nimmo,
He enthralled the children with his
stortes from the. Bible, Mrs; M,
Pae thanked Dr, Nimipo for .his
interesting talk. •
Mary, Joan cierrin recited a verse
called "Spring", ." After ,the singing
of "If I Come tn Jesus" the bene-
diction was given by Ur. .Nimmo
and -an ,enjoyable social time fol-
You Can Depend On When kidneys fail • to remove excess acids and wastes, backache, tired, feeling, disturbed rest 'often follow. Detid's Kidney rills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. 'You foci better-sloilbet-ter, 'work better. You ran depend SO On Dodd's. Ott Dodd's:aloy drtigatoro,
Featuring the Largest Wide
Screen in Huron Cottnty
One dollar admits a carload
Fred McMurray » - Maggie ILLyes
PLUS-3 Stooge Comedy
(Otte Cartoon) GNAW PaiMatfc......_ •
clel (A p r
ofsio 3 ()
Join the Home Decorators Club Now
A complete line of PAINTS and
VARNISHES in stock
List Price Your Price YOUSAVE
Alkyd Flats .. $7.90 gal: $5.27 $2.63
Gloss White
White Enamel
Undercoat $7.30 $4.87 $2.43
Floor Enamel .. $7.95 $5.30 $2.65
White Enamel $3.05 qt. $2.03 $1.02
Velvet Plat . . $2.45 $1.63 .82
Enamel $2A5 $1.63 .82
Satisfaction or money refunded.
Igo Lea.444._w_
List Price Your Price I/OU SAVE
and colours $8.60 gal. $5.73 $2.87
White Primer .. $8.60 $5.73 $2.87
Spar Varnish $9.90 $6.60 $3.30 "
Trim Colours $9.90 $6.60 $3.30
White Primer . . $2.45 qt. $1.63 .82
One Coat
Ext. White . $2.65 $1.77 .88
Kingdom Flail
Helena Street, Lower Wingham, Ont.
All kingdom Seekers Welcoine
No Collection Taken
Can we be sure of (lott's will for us?
g ill' -n-ifittefr'041iire'llitrtin'''fitOtrk-Wat""
W. E, Drager
Representative of Watch Tower Society
2,30 p.m.
•,•••••••••••fk,:c: -
• :?
of iTAly $430
INtermAtioNAl DEslqw
Gioia Fontana, followin
fashion wise footsteps , •
following'in the VISITING
a decidedly gay and young look to SPEAKER AT W M 9,
of bet' Maher and aunts, intrednees
Ttallan couture, Slated for all
of ,good times, it is quite easy to:
make, but its appliqued detail gives,
it great individuality. The
jacket features the neW bell sleeve ,
that adds pleasant top width, the ,
edge finished off with two contrast
bands of either bias or *bon, same
for dress top, On the Skirt,, the
contrast goes Into reverse from,
Centre front to centre back. Great;
big wafer buttons are wonderful ,
finishing touches, Chew linen,
pique, 'novelty cottons,. faille, taf„,
feta, or any fabric with •body. From
this size Chart select the one size ,
best for you,
Size 13 requires 41/4 yards of so
material for dress and bolero, 'and
contrast of each color, and yard
of 42 MO. material for lining,
To order Pattern No. $430, state
141 page Ihternatienal Designel
Pattern Book 13-C, send $1.25, Ad-
dress SPADEA, c/o Norman Hart-
nell (Canada) Limited, 214, Main $t,
Toronto 13, Ontario. Please allow
2 weeks for delivery. • .
Next week look for an •Tnter-
national Designer Patinrn by NOR-
HIPS Lgtir from nape of neck to waist
"The Hope of a Warless World",
based on 410 Scriptures "They
Shall beat 'their swords Into plough-
shares and their spears into prun-
ing bolts" was the subject for
study .at the April .meeting of the
Woman's Missionary Society in
Wingham" United Church Mrs. N.
Underwood had .charge of the meet,
mg and offered prayers for the
builders of peace, The Scripture,
Micah 4:1-7 Was read by 3/fra,
Arthur Edgar .followed with coin,
inputs by Mrs. 'Underwood.
'Mrs, Ross King presented the
chapter of the study book which
tells of the Chrlstion Churches In.
the United States, stating that One-
balf of the Jews in the World jive
In that country.
finest speaker was MISS Sarah
I:4 .9-07 Irmisatorratry-frontifityraheyot
in Northern Ontario, who was
visiting In town, In that area, she
has oversight over a large district,
Ministering • to the needs of the
people, visiting the schools and
conducting the church • services.
The story, of -her work was roost'
Interesting, showing how, in the
faCe of opposition,. she carried on
by hard work, faith and prayer. To
he a missionary is to, tell the gos-
pel story and the speaker does just
that, knowing' that if she has
faith and dependence,. God will
supply her need. She illustrated
this truth with many experiences'
in her own personal life, Miss
Love was introduced by Mrs, W, 0,
Struthers, with, whom she had
attended Bible College in Toronto,
The thanks of the auxiliary
expressed 'by Mrs. Rotilston.
,Interesting reports of the Huron
Presbyterial which was held re-
cently in Goderieb were given by
1Vrs. 'Struthers and Mrs. D. S.
'The supply secretary, Mrs. N.
McLaughlin, -reported that two
parcels of used white cotton, to
he: made into bandages for ,the
leper mission in Korea, as well as
seven packages- of Christmas 'cards,
had been..sent during the -month.
She also had .on display,• quilts. and
other articles to be forwarded to
the Indian Missions.
',Mrs. Chamney gave - a short talk
on• Christian stewardship and the
financial obligation • -fOr 1959 was
accepted -The president, Ali?. • C,
Fingland closed the meeting with
Mothers' Auxiliary
Urged to Attend
District Meeting
The Scold and Cub Mothers'
Auxiliary field. its regular meeting
at the Legion Home on Wednes-
day evening of last, week. The
Mothers' promise was repeated in
opening. and. Mrs, John Strong,
secretary, read the minutes.
The treasurer, Mrs, Harvey
Fisher gave a financial report of
the recent Father and Son 'ban-
quet. Mrs. DeWitt Miller, presi--
dent, announced, that she had been
approached by the Cub Leaders_ on
the matter of new neckerchiefs for
all members of the Cub packs. A
discussion followed and the moth-
ers felt that they had invested a
considerable amount of money in
the present scarves, and really
couldn't afford to supply all Cubs
with, new neckerchiefs. It was
suggested that the leaders be in-
formed that only new members
could receive new 'ones.
-Mrs. Herbert Fuller, secretary ,of
.the Saugeen District, Boy Scout
_Association announced that the.
spring executive meeting and ban-
quet was scheduled for Wednesday,
April 22nd in the Legion Home at
Walkerton. The banquet com-
mences at 7 o'clock and all mem-
bers of the Wingham Scout and
'Cub Mothers' Auxiliary are urgent-
ly requested to attend, Those who
can go are asked to contact Mrs.
John Strong so that the ,caterers
can be notified at an early date.
The purpose of the meeting is to
line up summer activities for
Scouts and Cnbs in the Saugeen
DiStrict. Those who have gttended
these meetings in the past have
found it an excellent' opportunity
to gain knowledge in the activities
of Scouting and CAbbing, and rep-
resentation from , Wingham has
been very meagre.
The president welcomed Herbert
Fuller, who had kindly consented'
to show the ladies movies of a trip
to Florida and Jamaica which be
and Mrs. Fuller had recently taken.
The pictures included the Cypress
Gardens and Bok Tower in Florida,
the countryside around. Kingston
and pictures of the city itself from
the air, 'Cello Rios and a pirate's
cruise and picnic at the Silver Seas
hotel where they stayed.
lint. Ted Gauley thanked Mr.
Fuller and presented hint with a
small gift and a social time was
spent and lunch, served,
Mrs.'John Currie
.Kinette President
The Wingham Kinette Club met
at the Queen's Hotel on Monday
night with Mrs, Andy Scott acting
as hostess for the evening. Con-
gratulations Were extended to Mr.
and Mit. Jack Walker, on receiv-
ing the bulletin award, which was
presented at the Hanover inter-club .
meeting held last Sur-tatty. Arrange-
ments were made to attend :the
annual inter-club meeting to be held, at Clinton,
The teas Hamilton trophy will
he up for competition at,,. the
Wingham Music restival instead
of at Gilderielt restival this year'.
Mrs, Andy Scott and MrS. Cy
Robinson Were appointed as
turning officers, The following
were elected as new officers for
the corning year: Pres., Mrs. John
Carrie; vice-prea„ IVIra. Cal Burke;
qeo'y, Mrs. 'Harvey Fisher; tretia,,
Mrs, Maio Vc.A.rter: registrar, Mrs,
Bob Guptell; press reporter, Mir.
John Bateson,
Bowling WAS enjoyed for the re-
inahuler of the evening. Lunch
was enjoyed at the Queen's notei
after the bowling. The held meet,
lag Wfirbe April 27 at, the borne
Of WS, Murray atainteri.,
CWL Donates $25.00
To Pool, Fund
The April meeting of the Catholic
Women's League was held at the
home of lift's, Frank Caskanette
last Tuesday evening. Mrs, George
Skinn, president, opened the meet-
ing with the League prayers,
During the course of the business
part of the meeting it was' decided •
to donate $25.00 to the -Wingham.
Swimming Pool 'Fund. The nom-
inating committee brought 1n . the'
new slate of offieers for the-•Com-
ing year as follows:
Past ' president, - Mrs. ,George'
Shinn; president, 'Mrs, John•':Han-
na;, 1st vice '- pres., .Mrs. 'tinter
Merkley; 2nd vice pres., Miss Mary
Louise Mach; 3rd vice-president,
Mrs, Ronald Poston; treas., Mrs.
Lewis Redman; secretary, .Mrs.
Wm.. Templeman press reporter,
Mrs, B, R. Palmer. • .
• • The new president, :Mrs., John
Hanna, took the 'chair for the re-
mainder of the meeting.' A note of
thanks was • expressed to :"the
tess and a. social hour was .enjoyed
by the members. -
Training School for
Garden Club. Leaders
AbOut fourteen members. of We
men's Institutes,' ,representing
branChes in this territory, attended
a 4-H Homemaking Club-training
school in the council chamber here
last Wednesday, Both morning
and afternoon sessions were held.
The purpose of the 'course was
to train leaders for. the Garden
Club- project, for which an organ-
izational meeting will 'be held in
each centre the latter part of the
Mrs, Shirley McAllister, home
economist for Huron, outlined the
entire course. The 'Garden 'Club
members will be required to plan,
plant and care 'for a garden and
carry out some phase of home
beautification such_ as exterior
TWO Wows NI.Ovinit
Rain or Clear
First show at
Children Wider 12 ih ears 114A6
.1•11111111111111111 1
**,*0 Fight Tbe Wltrglrahri AdVaitee-Tblit4s, Weditestlar,, April 15, 1.959
foofelteEttp alt mo'ally nead TheAdVaiM1411114
6 311 21% 32%
7 32% ag1/2. 33%
9 33% 23% 34%
11 34% 24% 35%
la 30 20 37
10%. 37'4 ,- 27% 38%
..lopyright 1950 Spades,' Fashions, Inc,
15% inches
15% inches
10 inches
1014' inches
16% inches
16% Mattes
painting or the planting of shrubs.
Feur meetings will he held in
connection with the project., Each
member will 'keep accurate records
pn germination period, growth,
pOts and their control, The plots
will be inspected before Achieve-
ment Day.
A representative of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Clinton, spoke
on the importance of fertilizer and
the values of Various kinds. , •
At noon the ladies were guests
of" the Department of Agriculture
When' they had lunch at Lee's •
Mrs. Willis Lapp will be leader
of 'the local Garden Club and it is
expected that Mrs, L. Hutton will
be, her aSsistant,
lVfccALL(IM At'. the 'Wingbam maining portion of the bearing is multiplied . time after time
General Hospital; on Friday, Ap- and• breaks down. under the strain . and you know sammthhig
ril 10, 1959., to Mr. and Mrs. Wen- I .abont . the cost of 'replacing bearings - particularly those in
delliMcCalluin, KR, 4, Brussels, 4.0;0:leach.. positiona+,
a son.
KENNEDY-At the Wingliam•Gert-'
This anti-acid function of top 'grade motor oil is- due of II
ita Most inapartatit jobs. Von Simply can't trtieit' any .lubricant
. 10, .1959, to Rev, .and Mrs. Roy
Kennedy, Dungannon, a Son.
JUTZI-,-At the Winghant ,General
Hospital,' on Sunclay, April' 12,
1959 to' Mr and Mis. Geprge , .
Jutzi; Brussels, a' son:'
WHITEr-At the Witighnm Gener-
al HOspital,,en IVfonday,, April 13,
1959, to Mr. and. Mrs, Ken White,
R,R. 4, Brussels, a son,. •
•-1)0,t0e's,-Sulloc0 Servicki
Phone 38J Winghain
eral Hospital, on Friday, April - • but the hest wilicn the life of your Motor is at stake.